Thursday, February 5, 2009

Should students for university buildings pay?.

The Uni-President in the Saarland has an idea: He wants a new floor mounted on a building - and the money of students for the expensive Lernoase spend. The Asta is furious, because tuition fees for home loans were not just thought.


It will be built - actually a nice signal in dark times. The hundred-meter-long building of the Philosophical Faculty at the University of the Saarland will grow by one floor. In this piece, it is Uni-President Volker Linneweber that arise then individually bookable workspaces for group work of students at secluded atmosphere.

Universität des Saarlandes
President Linneweber: "The system has to learn"

The Flachdachbau is large, the increase accordingly expensive. But it should not be publicly funded, but from money paid by the state as a campus collects tolls. Each with 110,000 euros from tuition fees in first four semesters, a credit for the new floor will be financed - an annoyance for the current Asta, in the decision provides for a dam break. The student representatives argue that the building had no improvement in the teaching, and their basic task was the provision of the country.

It is a Dauerzank: What are tuition fees because - for
nicer toilets? Perhaps for
Heating oil? Students should also apply to
Salaries of professors sheet? Last week vented this fundamental disagreement between university management and the recently-Saar Asta acting in the joint Commission for the award of tuition fees. The Asta alone is to blame for the current excitement, said the President. The students representing fire back: the participation, the president "against the wall."

New Guidelines cleverly threaded

What happened was: Until summer 2008, the construction guidelines of the University of revenue from fees from categorically. Even then summed University President Volker Linneweber but the plan, a nice garret than to the philosophers Lernoase building continued. Linneweber said in June that he planned to build new working spaces for over 15 years, with tuition fees to fund.


Click on the countries to learn more about the situation in order to learn ...

An outcry was made initially. With the help of the Young Socialists led Asta, the Linneweber "constructively" called the president changed the "Guidelines for use of tuition fees." And he added a little phrase: Since there is "to improve the study conditions" as an option allowed the creation of student work and group rooms "- a phrase such as made for the roof extension.
"The system has to learn," said Linneweber then to his plan.

The situation is similar in the current case at the University of Hohenheim. At the Baden-Württemberg university wanted the line for the recent tuition heating output. Always, it says here, as there are students and university management together in wonderfully. Always harmony reigned, where the student may go Euro and where not - until the president went on the offensive with new plans and sowed discord.

New facilities always welcome - "but not from tuition fees"

As an "excellent" explains Wael Hamdan, Asta-chair at the University of Saarbruecken, the existing relationship with the president. "With him you can talk about everything," Hamdan was convinced. But this decision was Linneweber "harsh and undiplomatic." While welcoming the Asta new spaces for students - but not from tuition. " In contrast, there was unanimous decisions of the Conference and Asta Fachschaften all.

The otherwise affable president boasted to date their own governance in matters of campus toll: "In the Commission over which I have been using exclusively decisions, where the majority of student representatives agreed to" - but that is gone. Now says Linneweber harsh that Asta was "dominated fundamentalist" and should be "to return to substantive constructive".

On a total of 1.65 million euros of Asta the costs of the new floor. The financial concept see a loan over 15 years, will be 110,000 euros a year from tuition fees will be repaid - and the students also pay interest.

The objection here is to handle Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz, wipes away the President: It was "simply wrong" that Asta does not speak for the majority of students. The building serves "undoubtedly the frequently expressed wishes of the students." According to Linneweber may "not tuition for new buildings, renovation and Bauunterhaltung be used, but for student work and group rooms" - in line with the new guidelines, as adapted in the semester break the 2008th

"Students at compel their luck"

The President shall hartleibig, it is a substantive problem for the future: Can the Saarland with tuition fees to be built or not? The Asta says no, the President recently, yes. The country refers to the Higher Education Act. There is but only that the income the universities "as a third-party funds earmarked to improve the quality of education available" - which does not resolve the case.

"This is construction," says Linneweber. But for him there are two types, such as at a university can be built - "the duty and the Kür". Seminar rooms for the exclusive preparation for the students were just Kür. For compulsory rehabilitation he counts on a chemistry laboratory and other ailing buildings. Therefore, there is about the state economic program of the federal government 35 million euros.

Linneweber annoyed that the student representatives are no longer at his side. He had the feeling that he needed the students to force their luck, "he says. And that it is of rooms, as they now are to be created, in his student days can only have dreamed.

The relevant science ministry so far no clear answer whether the increase is planned law. For construction, a use of fees is generally not possible, there were "exceptions". If the new floor of such an exception? That would be examined, said a ministry spokesman blogs ONLINE. As will be Uni-President Linneweber "still need to explain."

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