Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hanseatic University must make tight.

With grand slogan advertised it for shareholders, an elite school in the Baltic Sea, she wanted to be. Now is clear: Private Hanseatic University Rostock is dissolved. A University without students were investors simply too hopeless.


"Think big" - with this motto toured the makers of private Hanseatic University (PHU) some six years before the country in search of investors. As the first university in Germany wanted the Rostocker PHU their capital from
Shareholders raise. Now is clear: The Pioneers have failed - the operation will be completed by 31 March set.

Private Hanseatic University Rostock
After only three semesters at the conclusion of Rostock Privatuni.

Talks with a foreign investor were unsuccessful, said Managing Director Knut PHU Einfeldt with. Studying at the university was not any more, the teaching was already in the winter semester 2008 is stopped. Shortly before was the main investor abgesprungen: The Education of Hamburg AG was 97 percent at the institution and provided funds so that the registered capital of five million euros. The exit of the investor education could not cope with the PHU.

From five to four to ...

"A break in teaching" called for a stop to the PHU in the autumn - but it would be quiet in the seminar rooms also received:
Only three students were enrolled. With 700 students by 2012, the founders expected the medium term. But that was more than optimistic: The first semester in the autumn of 2007 wrote that just five students at the PHU On. In the following summer semester there were only four - Investor Education trend as too little.

The fact that hardly any student to Rostock-Warnemüde wanted to come, was the one most manageable of Study: In addition to the Economic bachelor students were business-IT and study law - mass subjects, including on the sites as attaktiveren Rostock-Warnemünde offered.

On the other hand, shrank tuition of 7500 Euro per semester starting. An expensive studies in the subjects Allerwelts economic and Jura interested few. And prefer to established private universities such as Witten-Herdecke and the Hamburg Bucerius Law School. In addition, the PHU accused against the State University of Rostock incorrectly positioned to have.

Companies had no interest

But it was not just the lack of interest of students, the case brought PHU: Even companies were not in a way interested in cooperation, such as the Uni-line is presented. It belonged to the concept of the university that their trainees in the elite school for senior managers trained.

There are currently nine employees employed at the PHU, including six professors. They were already in early September about the impending end has been informed, said a spokeswoman for blogs ONLINE. Shortly before Lehrstopp in the autumn of 2008 were three law professors were appointed.

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