Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bachelor's students in despair at the power pressure.

Permanent exams, tests, examinations - the new university bachelor and master degrees should be studying more efficient and drive the students properly. But the pressure is much despair, psychologists warn: Who should create everything?


It gnashes at German universities, and the crunch will be louder. It is the teeth grinding overburdened students. They keep the pressure no longer, the study by the new Bachelor and Master degrees in many courses has increased significantly.

Graduates in Bremen: Happily, the bachelor managed to have

Almost across the universities have converted their courses, Diploma and Master's dying out. Significantly tighter and tighter examinations were introduced Bachelor and Master. The goal of the major renovation in 1999 in Bologna it was decided: The study is more practical, more efficient and faster, the trip to the student will be species extinction. The reform should also provide a single European Higher Education Area and thus the international mobility - in fact until 2010, small delays possible.

But it is not running around
on the educational site. Students' old 'courses fear under the wheels to come. Some departments lift themselves against the conversion. Even the German University Association, believes the reform for "largely failed". And now it turns out that the increase in efficiency above all the psychological problems of the new Bachelor's students increases.

"It is unfortunate that every little bit abgeprüft be," says Volker Koscielny, the psychological consultant to the Central Student of the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster. The high number of tests of academic psychologist described as "extremely exaggerated". Instead, he spoke up for "more voluntary attendance at the seminars in the" from.

Many students suffer from depression, says psychologist

Especially for those students it was important to take the time freely to which their studies through an ancillary fund it. "Working students have more problems now than in the old programs." One side was confirmed by the high temporal burden Bachelor difficult. According to the experts could lead to "social selection takes place." Since in the new study from the first semester of each note was important, the students were already beginning to study under great pressure.

Many bachelor's students were suffering from depression or out "days of fear" is not learning. While doctors and lawyers rather than "acute distress states" would have sued, would benefit from the Bachelor significantly more humanities scholars for guidance. "Every fifth seekers need assistance in addition to consulting a professional psychotherapy," said Koscielny.

Already two years ago, university psychologists warned against the consequences of higher education. "The study clearly prescribed course stoking fears behind and connected to the other to lose," said then, Hans-Werner Rückert, head of the central body and Student Psychological Counseling at the Free University of Berlin.

The success was enormous pressure, particularly when only 30 percent of the best bachelor graduates a master's degree are likely to connect - so if the first
Completion of impasse is. Bummelei or wrong in choosing the study could no longer afford the future.

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