Monday, February 9, 2009

Only a little pope.

"Be-ne-det-to" chanted the Catholic youth at the inauguration of the German pope. But since the infighting to Piusbruderschaft growing doubts among theology students at Benedict XVI. Open protest but nobody dares - for fear of reprisals by the church system.


"We were stunned and shocked," says Raphael smoke. The 23-year-old Catholic student from Tübingen, the fellows of the Cusanuswerk. The devout students met the pope's decision in late January, four bishops of the rather conservative Piusbruderschaft back into the Catholic Church want to record, including a Holocaust denier, deep into Mark. The Cusaner had on Tuesday in a public statement calling the Second Vatican Council should "not be put into perspective." With the council, the Catholic Church in the sixties anti-Semitic passages from the liturgy and eradicated the Modern opened, the brothers, Pius rejected from the council so far.

After the Vatican after a long hesitation, the Holocaust denier Richard Williamson on Thursday to withdraw his statements calling for the reigns Cusanern but "great relief," said Rauch blogs ONLINE. Smoke is safe, that the Curia in Rome only by those who are not expected storm of protest aufgerüttelt was: "Without the public resistance would have this statement from the Vatican is not given."

Rome and the base: two pairs of shoes

In Catholic folklore states that long: No matter what makes Rome - we remain Catholic. A rift between the Vatican and the personal experience of young people for generations. The Second Vatican Council was a major step towards greater closeness between Rome and the base. "For a youth association, it is the A and O, that we can shape our church," says Lena Blömacher. The 25-year-old studied pedagogy in Cologne. In her spare time she volunteers in the leadership of the Catholic parish boys (KJG). "In the association's work are our highest values of democracy and participation," says Blömacher. Also one can forgive them. "Reconciliation is important, and even the Pope as head should seek reconciliation. But the people who have made mistakes must also repent."

Alexander steal, KJG-youth leader from Leverkusen, looks similar. "Basically, I find this very well if you breach the hand." But steal is also skeptical. "I do not believe that the Piusbruderschaft now reversed, and of their conservative on a liberal umschwenkt line." Josefine Echterhoff, also head of Catholic youth from Cologne, doubts whether the Pious Brotherhood of serious repentance is in a position: "It is about honesty. If we honestly repent, then it is clear that one back into the community can be integrated. " Until now recognizes the 20-year-old student, but this remorse for Piusbrüdern not. Your Association colleagues is equally difficult to judge. You can only speculate what goes on behind the thick walls of the Vatican in the last few days happened. Lena Blömacher says: "I feel like someone who is directed, without the evidence to have seen. And I do not like."

Anonymous for fear of the power of the Church

Many young Catholics are afraid not only the Orient, but also fear that they are so even before the judges bring. Among the theology students beat the waves of the discussion currently high, but hardly anyone wants to be mentioned by name.

The Catholic Church has power, and here you can feel it clearly. None of the prospective teacher wants to risk Religion, after studying the teaching of religious instruction not to receive. "Retrogressive" Hans * Elke called the behavior of the pope: "I think he is the consequences of his actions could do." Your Kommilitonin * Sabine Miller is equally outraged. "Personally, I find the denial of the Vatican II just as bad as the denial of the Shoah," she says. From the church, it will still not turn away. "I will Unjoin definitely not. Politically church was the appearance of the Pope is not happy, but that is life at the base but does not really change."

Anne Pohlmann *, a student from Dortmund, the situation is trying to differentiate. "Through the rehabilitation of Pius brothers, it seems as if the Church of ultra-right, and as if the denial of the Holocaust with the consent of the pope will be tolerated. That makes it difficult of course, on his faith to stand."

But what would have faith without hope? "Significantly, I think that the public, whether in politics or the church, clearly positioned." Even the young Catholic these days is important that there is a difference between the high lords in Rome and the religious base. "I hope that the masses can distinguish between the views of the Vatican and the Christian community lived actively working." After Pope euphoria
as yet in 2005 no longer sounds.

Everything just a communication range?

"We need another permit us to understand," says Nathanael Liminiski. The 23-year-old is currently difficult, because
he represents as a spokesman for the generation of Benedict, "a youth network that the" We are Pope "jubilation around the World Youth Day 2005 has emerged.

Liminski sees the fiasco to the repealed excommunication of the Holocaust deniers Williamson primarily as a communication Range: "The bishops and the Vatican have to be media-political advice. We must look at the realities of this world with. This includes the laws of media company." His suggestion: "If the withdrawal of excommunication published, then in parallel to a communiqué, which explains what is actually excommunication."

In addition, Liminski support by the German Bishops missing. "The term 'generation Benedict', we expect executives more than just the expression of their emotional state."

Liminski hopes that the church from the disaster strengthened goes out, and "own ranks now closer together." But on what basis this interaction is to be back, says he does not. Clearly for the representatives of the "Generation Benedict": "Only Rome as anti-identity is not enough." In these dark times for the Curia in Rome, it seems as if Liminski like something from the exuberance of the World Youth Day, when he says sadly: "The damage is great. The proceeds of the World Youth Day are being broken."


November 2008: The Tell-Interview

In an interview with a Swedish television Richard Williamson denies the gassing of Jews during the Third Reich: "I think there were no gas chambers, yes."

19. January 2009: The blogs reported

The blog reported that before the broadcast on the television interview Williamson.

21. January: Williamson may return home

Broadcast will be two days later, on 21 January. On the same day, Benedict writes in his decision to lift the excommunication.

22. January: Italy's Press will be closely

On Thursday reported the Italian daily "Il Giornale" on the decree.

23. January: The prosecutor identified

On Friday, reports the Catholic news agency KNA, the Regensburger Prosecutor was investigating Pius Bishop Williamson because of hatred. The message is still on the same day taken up by Vatican Radio, as a message sent to their own Web page.

24. January: "Restoration of Unity"?

On Saturday, the pope officially announced, four bishops of the Piusbruderschaft back into the Catholic Church want to record. Lombardi, Vatican spokesman welcomed the "important step towards a complete restoration of the unity of the Catholic Church.

26. January: "inconceivable act of provocation"

The debate runs hot. The Vice-President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, Benedict described the decision as a "virtually incomprehensible act of provocation". The German Bishops' Conference distanced itself from Williamson. The Vice-President of the Central Committee of German Catholics, Heinz-Wilhelm Brockmann, defended the move as an attempt of the Pope, "more unity in the church built."

28. January: Benedict XVI. condemns Holocaust denial

Pope Benedict XVI. condemns the denial of the Holocaust. He assured the Jews of his "complete solidarity is not debatable."

29. January: "Holocaust deniers deny the Christian faith"

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said, who deny the Holocaust, "which denies the Christian faith itself." "And that is even more serious when it comes from the mouth of a priest or a bishop comes."

29. January: Cardinal asserts ignorance

Curia Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos assured in the preparation of the Decree, nothing of the controversial TV interview by Williamson knew it. Hoyos had negotiations with the Levebrianern before the lifting of excommunication led. The Central Council of Jews in Germany, cut off the dialogue with the Catholic Church from the time being.

30. January: Williamson apologized - for "inconvenience"

The Pope appoints the ultra-conservative priest Gerhard Wagner for the Bishop of Linz. Bishop Richard Williamson, the pope apologized for the inconvenience and problems ".

31. January: Israeli minister threatens the Vatican

The Israeli Minister for Religious Affairs, Cohen Jizchak threatens the blogs with the severance of diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican.

1. February: Theologian leaves the Catholic Church

The renowned Belgian theology and ethics professor Jean-Pierre Wils gives his resignation from the Catholic Church known.

2. February: Piusbrüder require more power in the Vatican

The Piusbrüder require more power in the Vatican. Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais says the Italian newspaper "La Stampa": He and his supporters do not want to with the resumption in the Church of Rome satisfied. "We will not modify our position, but Rome proselytized."

3. February: The chancellor, criticized the Pope

Angela Merkel calls on the Pope to clarify on. Benedict XVI. needed in the debate about the Piusbruderschaft clear that there is no denial of the Holocaust must give. This was from their point of view "has not been done properly."

4. February: The Vatican responded

The Catholic Church calls to Williamson, his theories to revoke - otherwise it could not erzkonservative Briton again be used as a bishop.

* Names changed

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