A high school average of 1.9 is actually a respectable result, especially in Bavaria. Eva Seitz, 22, was two years ago, perfectly satisfied with the note. After making the Proserpine as tens of thousands of other entrants in Germany thought, which is subject they choose. Her brother, who has been studied in 2004 in Aachen, convinced them he nachzutun: Medicine should be.
But Eva Seitz received no university - ones her high school was not good enough. "That's why I only care times a three-month internship done," she says. Nothing helped, in the summer semester was her access to the back of the hall section fails, four to five years, said that they should wait. Seitz was frustrated: "It is true everywhere reported shortages of doctors, and still get only the best students a place."
Eva Seitz remained stubborn. It was then part of a growing population, the numerus clausus refugees. Admission to more than half of all courses in Germany is now limited, the dream specialist for many entrants out of reach.
"Many children's doctor studying here"
But they are resourceful when it comes, but still properly unterzukommen. If not here, then just elsewhere. Lately, in Eastern Europe.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign StudentenInhaltEva Seitz opted for Szeged, in tourism brochures as "Sun City Hungary 'praises. There you can, as in Pecs and at the Semmelweis University in Budapest, human medicine in German language study. That the charges of 11,200 euros per academic year are not necessarily socially, there Seitz on: "Many doctors and children from more affluent people studying here." A purchased studies? No, she says, the learning were as high as in Germany.
"We realize that the country's willingness to change in recent years has increased," says Alexandra Michel College of Contact, an advisory agency for study abroad.
Many medical services in Eastern Europe
On the Internet there is forums with tips on the best ways through the green border. Universities in Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Romania clients to recruit from abroad. Thus, in addition to the courses at German universities, a number of Eastern European medicine specialist at the English on offer: in Slovakia, for example, the Comenius University in Martin and the Pavol Jozef Safar University in Kosice, the Czech Republic in Prague's Charles University, in Romania the Medical and Pharmaceutical University Gr. T. Popa in Iasi (IAI) and in Latvia, the Riga Stradins University.
With the number of unsuccessful entrants from Germany is expected to show the figures from the Central Office for awarding university places (ZVS): For the early study year 2008/09, more than 35,000 students applied for medicine alone. But the ZVS was less than 8000 places convey.
So, for now from abroad. Christoph Wortmann, 27, studied medicine for a semester in Budapest, then in Bochum continue. Not a lost year: "The students have the Semmelweis University after the first four semesters more knowledge than students at German universities," said Wortmann. Those who like it in the distance wants to start, there must be recognition for services rendered.
"My Abi was even too bad for Hungary"
"This was routine, but has only lasted one week," says Stephan Ernst, 25, from St. Augustin, near Bonn, now, after a good Physikum in Szeged, at a university in Germany hopes. After graduating with an average of 2.9 and a year of civilian Ernst saw three years ago, its future is less optimistic: "My Abi was even for Hungary too bad," he confesses.
In such cases, the Hungarian education system but rather as flexible: The prospective students with bad grades or low technical background in a must - but productive - preparatory year baccalaureate substance of the natural sciences durchackern. The points they accumulate in this course, then evaluate at the high school.
"Of the 26 people who the course of my vintage have made are all finally came," says Ernst. He has refined what's own work is concerned: "When Abi, I was very lazy, when not studying more. The much money that my parents have to pay, there is already an incentive."
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