The biggest surprise was for Frank Gisder, 24, a student of planning in the eighth semester at the Technical University of Dortmund, the simple directions to his new foreign university. With the streetcar went there to the airport in Dortmund. Check in at-frills airlines Ryanair to Polish Gdansk, formerly Danzig, cost 27 Euro including taxes. One and a half hours later floated the crimson-purple Airbus over the sparsely populated landscape of the North American Pomerania to the landing on the historic trading town on the Vistula River estuary. "One suspects do not know how close it is," says Gisder.
Against a ticket from 4.20 zloty, slightly more than one euro, brings the bus line B, the exchange students from the airport directly to the "Politechnika Gdanska, the Technical School on the northwest outskirts. Five minutes walk, and Frank Gisder enters the lecture hall on the second floor of the red brick main building of the traditional university.
The universities are Gdansk with the opening of the East in the academic globalization arrived. And the Polish study is a model for the modernization of a university landscape, a mobile student body wants to meet - the attractive city, there is a bonus on top.
"Europe's longest Campus"
"Later in the profession do I have but also on changing places of work to adjust an interesting job to get," says the 24-year-old Josephine Dahle castle from Stralsund, which is currently in Gdansk Baltic Management Studies completed a specialized program for economists in the booming Baltic Sea region.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign students contents "We have a growing demand from Germany," says Aniela Tejchman, director of the Bureau for International Relations at the Gdansk University of Technology. Especially on the European exchange program Erasmus German students come increasingly from the respective partner universities to a mostly one-study trip to northern Poland.
Little wonder the crowd, offering the "Politechnika" but, as well as the "Uniwersytet Gdanski" a surprisingly wide range of courses on offer - on "Europe's longest campus," as the administration of the university advertises. About 90 kilometers extends it. In the north, opposite the naval base Gdynia, attracts the research station for biologists with monitoring seals on the Hel peninsula in the southern city of Gdansk with excavations of the recently founded Archeology Institute, between the noble seaside resort of Sopot. The rapid transit system in the Baltic metropolitan region opens up the route and its ramifications.
"Poland was first a shock '
The city offers its 50,000 students in addition to the traditional subjects - Business Management, International Management, mathematics, chemistry, physics, architecture, social sciences - including disciplines such as shipbuilding technology, environmental technology, journalism or oceanography with the private research vessel "Ozeanograf 2".
"In mari via tua", by the sea went your way, is on the business card of the economist Renata Orlowska, the few dozen students from the European study exchange programs Socrates and Erasmus cared. Stood in Soviet times, nor the critics of political economy on the curriculum, is now taught modern market economy. "We have to jump from Marx to well-managed marketing," says Orlowska.
The German students in Poland can rely on a tight set program. "Nee, yesterday I could no longer contribute to the party," said economics student, Josephine. "We have been on Thursday at 7.30 clock in his seminar." Throughout Europe, probably a unique timetable. Even the academic quarter cents, which makes it easier late, in time to sit in the auditorium, is unknown in Poland. Who twice the attendance list at the professor does not fill, risked exclusion from the seminar to be.
On the campus is a UFO landed
The Rostockerin Nadine Pallein, 24, their eight semesters Business at the University of Gdansk who has been able to work on not complain. Will they not - they would like as quickly as possible through their studies to later in a law firm accountant anzuheuern. "Poland was first a shock," says the student - it was originally based on a study in Ireland advertised.
"But now I find it very fine," says Pallein. Even with a housing Kommilitonin to twelve square meters in a student dormitory they are not disturbed, especially in the Fußnähe wonderfully modern university library is situated, with Internet connections and a large inventory. The bright buildings reminiscent of a UFO just landed, with triebwerkartigen Lesekapseln on the facade.
On the amount of time to find Philip Wieczorek, 27, a student of electrical engineering in the ninth semester, was also the technical equipment at the Polytechnic, which has been a hundred years ago in the shipbuilding city of Gdansk was founded. Since Wieczorek grandparents in the former German Opole lived, he even mastered the local language.
The Erasmus community makes party
Who does not possess such a privilege, not too short: Almost all major study documents are in English to get. Your papers, students can also in the international language of research deliver.
On Tuesday evening, the German Erasmus students regularly in the city of Gdansk in the basement Local Irish Pub. " Philip has his Jimi Hendrix T-shirt tightened, Josephine happily on the dance floor. In summer it is in Sopot, a seaside resort with the main party of Monte Cassino, with numerous clubs and discos as the "Tropicana" or the "Sfinks", after such a durchtanzten night at the wide sandy beach of the Baltic Sea continue to celebrate.
Added to the more traditional recreational program, the Erasmus coordinators of the various faculties offer trips to Mazury, for example, even sailing are possible. The discipline does not seem to suffer. The doctoral student and Erasmus coordinator for architecture, Justyna Borucka, 32, praises the work of the German students. They are purely kneel in the themes, the practical visual object before the door opened their own: the reconstruction of the city of Gdansk after the Second World War.
"Much more individualized care"
A newer issue, but combined with post-lived reality of planning Frank Gisder student during his practice course. It was, to develop ideas for the design of a large football stadium for Euro 2012 in Warsaw. When he was searching for photos of the proposed building site did moved immediately to the Security Service.
Frank finds the total support by the Polish Teachers' very much an individual "as in Dortmund. Sometimes professors cared rents 9 to 20 students.
AT A GLANCE: UNIS IN DANZIGStudienangebotFakultäten (among others): biology, geography and oceanography, economics, chemistry, literature and history, mathematics, physics and computer science, social sciences, law and administration, Schiffbau.Studium in Figure students Total: 50.000Anteil foreign students: Around one percent of tuition for students from EU countries is the study free of charge. Courses in foreign languages are gebührenpflichtig.Lebensunterhaltskosten: Around 350 euros per month Städt eder Baltic Campus "includes the cities of Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia, a total of about 800,000 Einwohner.AdressenUniwersytet Gdanskiul. Bazynskiego 1a80-952 GdanskPolen +48 58 523 24 42http: / / www.univ.gda.plPolitechnika Gdanskaul. G. Narutowicza 11/1280-952 GdanskPolen +48 58 347 20 42http: / /
The everyday life in Poland is for the German students quite affordable. It cost around 80 euros a place in a student dormitory, the cost of living is significantly lower than in Germany. The economics student Merforth Mathias, 21, from Dresden gets to the Erasmus scholarship of 260 euros a foreign student loans of 430 euros. It can live. "I am sad when I must away again," he says.
And in the small canteen on the ground floor of their dormitory in Gdansk may Josephine student from Coke to original homemade Polish dishes or pizza pan favorable supply, if in the two-bedroom apartment once the plates stacked in the sink. She had, as an alternative, the Indonesian island of Bali on the wish list of their study places. "Is it even exotic here," said Josephine and tried the Polish vegetable soup.
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