It began in spring 2003 in the diploma examination, Anne * remembers exactly. At the time she sat bolt upright in the chair, hands folded in lap. On questions of the professor replied it like a machine, mouth to mouth. Sometime in the examination was over.
The student left the office of the auditor, the campus of the University of Essen. They climbed into the S-Bahn to Duisburg, where she lives. As the train anfuhr, attacked it: The panic shot high over how a fast-growing fungus from the soil. At the next stop, she had to get air after schnappend.
Since then, it always comes back, the feeling that their study to hell and you make progress in life slows down, as they dragged an invisible burden with them: Examination fear.
Always these voices: "You can not, you can do nothing ..."
They consisted mostly even the tests, although it was already worn when they entered the examination room. But then she had to complete their studies for months or even grind can to interrupt. The voices in your head were too loud: "You can not, you can do nothing, you may not be enough." Today is the 17th Anne Semester. She is studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen, but which specialized that they may not be betrayed. They also want their real names not mention or age, they are ashamed of themselves.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign students contents According to the statistics test anxiety is a marginal phenomenon. The psychological counseling at the University of Duisburg-Essen searched it last 154 of 30,000 enrolled students, in Hamburg, there were 175 of Desperate 38,000, at the Free University of Berlin there are 136 to 34,000 Immatrikulierten.
But experts estimate that the real figure much higher. "The real need is at least three times as high," says Hans-Werner Whitman, 58, director of psychological counseling at the FU Berlin. The parties concerned are trying their fault as much as possible to hide the weakness does not recognize - not before fellow students and also not professional helpers.
Abrigata as Jens, a 27-year old biology student at the Ruhr University in Bochum. "What if I then go and find me mad? Then I got a real problem." Jens feels so during tests each time anew "as in free fall tower."
Bange question - I belong out here at all?
Test anxiety, the student already in school. Jens remembers how he Abi on his math exam stared. "My hands were wet, I rode thought carousel, and I was so busy, my physical exertion to get under control that I think the tasks again and again read through and have understood nothing."
Since the school is the fear rather worse. Jens has developed from a working class family from elementary school through an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and the secondary school until high school hochgearbeitet. Then he is proud, but sometimes he doubts "whether the university is not perhaps a place, to which I do not belong." Jens tried to fear as much as possible to get under control, he goes jogging before exams now and speaks with a good friend.
But such self-help strategies less and less because of stress in the study grows. In stepped bachelor and master system have far more students than previously completed trials, the results being incorporated into the exam mark.
As for the relaxed routine, it is for candidates with genuine fear of a single test running the gauntlet. "Many are by far more rigorous curricula under pressure," says psychologist Sigi Austria by Studentenwerk Berlin. Their psychological counseling center has experienced increased demand soared: Addiction in previous years, always on average 1000 students help with the consultants, there was in 2006 already 1300, in 2007, even 1,400 new registrations. Already first and second semester would advise because of "sleep disorders and anxiety."
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