On the idea that they might not belong here, comes in the Dresden University of nobody. In knitting sweater, jeans and boots looks Gnerlich Maren, 27, exactly how a student presents. Nevertheless, she was beginning her studies just about everything hinzuschmeißen. "I felt so terribly misplaced, I constantly had the feeling to be wrong here," she remembers. "All around me appeared to me knowing and even much safer."
That the academic world of the young woman is so alien, lies in its origins: Gnerlich is a classic child workers. Her mother is unskilled, her father miners - and that her child in Dresden, political science and sociology student, they have until now not accepted. "Caught go to school and the school to make it was still okay. But why I like doing a study in which it is not clear immediately whether I have a job will have nobody in my family understood. Accordingly, there was enormous resistance. "
It had Gnerlich until everything is done, as the parents wanted: After graduating from high school she trained as a financial official. "But I soon noticed that nothing for me." But even with the decision to study was not anything better. "The World University knew I was not home and I had nobody that I could ask. How to write essays or speeches holds knew I was not," says Maren Gnerlich. Actually, they still wanted in the first semester chuck, "but then I durchgebissen."
Everything on your own
Today she sits together with Katrin te Poel beer in the basement cafeteria of Dresdner. Both have recently been a mentor for the program "Child Labor". Founded by the Gießen-American doctoral student Katja Urbatsch, wants "Child Labor" which help the first family in their study. And at home where nobody can say how a student loans application, or the first unit prepared.
Even Katrin te Poel, 24, has been reported as a mentor. Unlike Maren them in Gnerlich was their decision for the study of the parents supported. "But technically, they could help me of course not - my mother is a housewife, my father Maurer. How would the two because I should explain how such an enrollment work?"
At the beginning it was added to deal with many things not auszukennen and in contact with the teachers not so self-assured to be as many of their fellow students, the petite blond woman. She is studying for Vocational Teacher Educators studied and gets a scholarship. And she exudes when she tells that these inhibitions are long past. It has durchgeboxt - that gives self-confidence.
The parents are worried
Katrin te Poel is pleased that many details have to be fought. "Before the study, I have always worried me, as I have the financing. I do not know that I have the right to student loans had." Her parents are proud of their daughter, even if they are with their lives in Dresden, little can begin. "They're still very worried whether I will find a job. And of course at home, I tell little of what I do here content. This is just a different world," says the student.
Zakaria also Korte, 21, has a new world for themselves conquered. For three semesters he studied at Berlin's Humboldt University Law and describes himself as a "typical second-generation man," with a German mother and an Egyptian father. For half a year, he by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Near the SPD-Ebert-Foundation is one of the great German Begebtenförderungswerken. For a year it provides, as well as the liberal Naumann Foundation and the CSU close Seidel Foundation, a scholarship at trial, for which students can apply already. Also, the union close Böckler Foundation promotes in an "Action Education" since 2007 young people from families who are studying their children can not afford. And the Vodafone Foundation gives money to young migrants at private universities, so as to disadvantaged groups of society to support it.
"I will be viewed as the other star"
Korte has never expected sometime money gifted by a conveyor to get: "I always thought that something must be a genius or totally politically engaged." His Abi-cutting of 1.8 feels he is not as staggering, "the crème de la crème, I am not so yes." Until now he has inhibitions in the university or the seminars of the Foundation to say exactly where he comes from: "My mother is a housewife with six children, my father, taxi drivers, we live in Wedding. If I tell, I will be viewed as the another star. Many people from public education budgets have someone like me had never met. "
Korte laughs when he recounts. But his face makes it clear that in the past was not only funny, always anzurennen against stereotypes. It hurts when your own home by others is perceived as a place that you prefer to avoid.
FIRST AID FOR STUDENTENArbeiterkind.deDie Internet platform provides information on job prospects for graduates and opportunities to finance the study. There are tips on applying for internships and scholarships. In addition, local mentors and advice to the side. www.arbeiterkind.deStipendium on trial since many foundations offer scholarships to a short period of time for which students can apply already. Assuming the education, good performances and social commitment. The application process is shorter than for regular fellowships. Info: Ebert Stftung; Hanns Seidel Foundation, Friedrich Naumann Foundation scholarships for disadvantaged StudentenMit of the "Action Education" is the Böckler Foundation to financially disadvantaged students. Requirements are a full-right student loans, performance readiness and commitment. Information: "Action Education" The Fellows Program of the Vodafone Foundation funded the study at a private university and pays a monthly stipend of up to!
585 euros. This requires a migration background. Info: Vodafone Foundation
The most important thing is for scholarship on him is enough money to get to jobs without studying them. But he also benefited them in another way: "I'm much more confident and no longer automatically think that all the other twice as good as I do. I trust myself now, at the seminars to say something."
How Gnerlich and te Poel in Dresden wants Korte others who come from similar circumstances as he, help to find their way. In his Berlin neighborhood, he has initiated a project in which students on their ability to be informed.
"We want to show them that it also can create when you come from the Wedding," says Korte. "Many do not know that it is not so difficult is to get a scholarship - who believe that they will not succeed in life can be. And then I can say: Yes. And I know how it's done."
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