Friday, December 19, 2008

"I am now much more reasonable."

As an amateur musician, it has the nights around the ears beaten, today they go to bed early. Her daughter has the life of Carmen Gücker, 25, completely changed. That the wild days is over, regretted the Munich medical student did not.
  "Before I had a fairly irregular life. I did in Berlin in a WG Saxophonistin usual and was in a band. We have often late or were rehearsed at concerts. Most mornings, I only come home - my flatmate was on the way the university and I on the way to bed.
All this has changed since my friend and I have a half years ago have decided to get a child. Eight months ago our daughter Lena came to the world we now live threes in Munich. My friend had a job offer. I'm here with him withdrawn, so our family grow up together.
Why I'm in the middle of the course wanted to get a child? I had the feeling that everything seen to have experienced what I wanted. I thought to myself: 'Everything I still want to experience, is also with child. " Moreover, the timing gave me good fit: I have ten semesters medicine behind me and I'm apparently free. After the baby break, I must just make my Practical year, then I am ready.
Dear pregnant during their studies
In the profession, it would be difficult, to take a break and children. As a doctor you have a lot of overtime and feels the employer and colleagues committed. In the study'm just committed myself. As a student I have less and can afford my classes and homework-free categories.

The pregnancy has even brought benefits to me: When I intern in the gynecology was the women have me on the station seriously as my fellow students. For the patients, I was not only a medical student, but above all an expectant mother. That is why they have trusted me.
A month before Lena's birth, I interrupted my studies. At the moment I enjoy it to be at home and spend time with my daughter to spend. But I have also afraid to miss the connection.
Hardly kindergarten places in Munich
Once we have found a childcare, I will return to the university. Unfortunately, there are not many in Munich crèche places, and one day we can not afford. Perhaps I must therefore be longer than planned to wait until I can continue studying.
By Lena has totally changed my life. I have become much more reasonable: I go to sleep earlier and nutritional me healthier. Moreover, I do not drink more alcohol - that was a pretty big step. Sometimes I feel quite strange if I at concerts or parties'm the only one who does not drink. Then I notice: I am not more.
Nevertheless, I feel still young and enterprising. I guess Lena often and was with her in the summer at the Fête de la Musique. Previously, I have to concerts only to the music of thought - now I think first and foremost to my daughter. "
At blogsView ONLINE tell this weeks Four students why they have decided during their studies to get a child - and how it everyday between crib and auditorium cope.
Monday: Study with a child, now or never

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