Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More money to study.
 There are more, but there are still few: Scholars - those selected students who are not dependent on student loans are still on jobs, because they raise money from one of the eleven gifted works. While in 2008, as many students as never before in Germany receive a stipend, but the circle of beneficiaries are still very small.
Just 20,765 students were supported, as the federal government announced. With nearly two million students corresponds to a share of 1.1 percent - about one Hundertste get a scholarship. Still, the fellows are around 7000 more than three years ago.
A large part of the scholarship money comes from the federal budget. The federal government estimates the expenditure in 2008 to 113 million euros - for 2009 and announced more than 20 million more, totaling 132 million euros.
Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) said that the federal government had "good intermediate" services. At the same time, they appealed to the economy, "especially in times of crisis," more in education to invest. "We very much hope that this signal is understood as the other is not satisfied with the efforts to intensify."
Among the best-known scholarship donors include the Scholarship Foundation of the German people, but also religious organizations or party near foundations. The grant works to pay the students up to 585 euros per month. Who makes the doctor may even get to 1050 Euro. The exact amount of the scholarship is like the student loans based on the income of the parents. In contrast to student loans, the money later, but not be repaid.
Obendrauf there is a book allowance of 80 euro - regardless of how much their parents earn. They often come and seminars to promote mentoring and advice.
Conveyors build admission procedures to radically
To learn more students access to scholarships to enable build the foundations for their admission procedures. In the German National Academic Foundation students can even apply from 2009 - so far they had to be proposed.
The SPD close Ebert Foundation has offered a year scholarship to sample, for which already graduates can apply. Similar programs are available from the liberal-Naumann Foundation and the CSU close Seidel Foundation.
Despite the offer applies to most students, however, remains: You need to complete their studies in the traditional way to finance - through jobs, money from the parents or student loans.
FIRST AID FOR STUDENTENArbeiterkind.deDie Internetplattform informed about career prospects and opportunities for academics, study finance. There are tips on how to apply for internships and scholarships. In addition, on-site mentors and advice page. www.arbeiterkind.deStipendium probationer Many foundations have been offering scholarships to a short period of time for which are already graduates can apply. Assuming the university, good benefits and social commitment. The application process is shorter than with regular grants. Info: Ebert-Foundation, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Friedrich Naumann Foundation scholarships for disadvantaged StudentenMit of "Action Education" is the Böckler Foundation to financially disadvantaged students. Conditions are a full Bafög claim, performance and commitment. Information: "Action Education"
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A woman reformed the German university.
 In the jagged Kommandoton Merith Niehuss not speak, she has a quiet, almost gentle voice. She has not served - their experience with weapons is limited to a hunting license, which she bought years ago. This is not the only unusual in the president of the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich: The 54-year-old is the only university president in Bavaria.
DPADie President: Merith Niehuss stands at the head of the Armed Forces University
And with Niehuss is calculated by a mental scholar at the head of a technically-oriented university, which sometimes even outside of the reputation of a military academy attached. That the professor on women and family habilitation, is another aspect that within the Bundeswehr would be quite unusual.
"You need a broad cross"
Now it would be trite to assume that Niehuss with the arms of a woman known as the university with 4,000 students leads. "You need a broad cross," she says. Niehuss has in the past three years of their six-year term umgekrempelt lot. The Bundeswehr Unibetrieb knows it has been years - from 1999 to 2003, she was already vice-president since 1994 and previously as a professor at the Institute of Modern History operate.
Niehuss had not only the difficult transition to bachelor and master guide. She has contributed to the university in Neubiberg near Munich, also sociopolitically is well positioned. Sun can be found in Munich, not only experts in space technology and satellite navigation systems, but also international law, which deals with the problems of modern piracy on the coast of Somalia employ or the backgrounds of female suicide bombers in international terrorism ausforschen.
These themes width even with the new reality of the graduates a lot to do. For each of the 4,000 students who are as time soldiers have committed themselves to the study could be in Afghanistan or other war zones, where the Bundeswehr is stationed, can be used. After the three-or four-year degree graduates finish their training officer for the rest of the service in the Force.
Niehuss has set new priorities for the students to prepare for increased foreign assignments. On a visit to the troops in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan met with the President in May this year several of its former students and doctoral candidates again.
Abroad oppress students
"The people are very concerned," she says. "This is not a normal practice used, this is a war, which is held very unequally." The effect on the climate at the University of Munich and, treat the students. "The threat is there, I notice the same here at the students."
ON TO ONLINE blogs academics in the Army: Service slide in the pampas (09.02.2005) study in the Bundeswehr, "Our machine builders do not build tanks" (16.11.2004) career with the Army: Last Exit barracks (10.06.2005) Study in the Army: "The take a very beautiful in the pliers' (25.11.2002) studying at the Armed Forces (2): camaraderie is now called Team Spirit (27.11.2002) Bundeswehr University: Campus of the comrades (13.05.2004) The aim of the Uni is especially the graduates after the end of their assignment the way into the civilian life to pave. 80 percent of Army officers are time soldiers, they are distinguished after 12 to 13 years from the Bundeswehr.
For example, many graduates of the university until the beginning of 30, when the uniform store. The study in the Bundeswehr is shorter than at other universities, the students live on campus, and they will be paid time soldiers, do not have job. Niehuss also advertises with the ratio of 18 students to a scientist at the country's universities is at 60:1.
The proportion of women in the Armed Forces University, however, is quite modest and is only about ten percent. The number of female professors is manageable. "Of the 165 professors can the women in a good two hands to count," says Niehuss.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Pleite the Privatuni Witten apparently been averted.
 At least short term it seems that the bankruptcy of the private University of Witten / Herdecke averted. The solvency of the university will be selected from among their potential "strategic partner" of the year also secured, it was from the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Science.
The partners come from the economy: There are Heidelberger health SRH Holding Group and the Darmstadt Software AG Foundation. They provide the necessary means to the millions of holes for the university to ending years initially to plug. By early 2009, an independent auditing company, the finances of the University reviewed, to provide the basis for a future state to be promoting. The University informed the Ministry of Science and a night crisis meeting on Tuesday with. "It goes further in Witten," said a negotiating participants.
At the negotiations behind closed doors had alongside science minister Andreas Pinkwart and university representatives, representatives of several sponsors participated. Spokesman of Ministry of Higher Education and wanted the early morning no comment and referred to a press statement on Tuesday morning should be published.
The private university is acutely threatened by the bankruptcy, unless a new sponsor, a financial hole of at least 4.5 million euros for the years ending closes. If the talks failed, needed before Christmas to be made bankrupt, had higher Ralf Hermersdorfer spokesman said on Monday.
The country had last week, unexpectedly announced that it is for 2008 not yet paid to promote higher education from 4.5 million stops. In addition, the university three million euros for 2007 to pay back. The science ministry had the means deletion on the grounds that the university no proper management could prove more. The dispute strictly from the university.
At the university students around 1200, inter alia, medicine and business.
Foundations save Privatuni Witten / Herdecke.
 Hamburg - After a history of Germany's oldest and largest private university heftig kriselte, there is just before Christmas, some good news: The University of Witten / Herdecke entrinnt nearly insolvent. Their ability to pay will be from among the "potential strategic partners" of the year also secured, it was from the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Science - a new perspective for the university.
The potential partners come from the economy: There are Heidelberger health and education SRH Holding Group and the Darmstädter Software AG Foundation. They provide the necessary means to the millions of holes for the university to ending years initially to plug. By early 2009, independent auditors, the "necessary transparency on the financial situation of the university to produce", as it formulated the Science Ministry. "It goes further in Witten," said a negotiating participants after the meeting in Duesseldorf Ministry.
It said representatives of the university, the student council and service on the evening of 20 clock until midnight with the SRH holding company, Software AG Foundation, also Wittener mayor and the association for the development of community hospitals Herdecke. In the first step should be averted immediate bankruptcy. If the talks failed, needed before Christmas to be made bankrupt, had university spokesman said Ralf Hermersdorfer - so today Diestag.
Bureau away, Uni kopflos
The country recently had its annual grant of 4.5 million euros for 2008 and also stopped three million euros for the year 2007 recovered. It had already trudelnde University in a severe financial difficulties brought. Well, she won at least time. "We have a guarantee of three million euros, which at year-end to expire until the end of March 2009," said Walter Hiller, the Software AG Foundation on Tuesday in Darmstadt. That creates air, in order to search for sponsors.
The science ministry had the means deletion on the grounds that the university no proper management could prove more. The Uni-President had Birger Priddat vigorously disputed, but was nevertheless resigned from his position, as on Monday Nohroudi Maxim, the former vice president and managing director. Both said they wanted the university in new starts. Nohroudi also stressed he could be the "strategic options", the majority shareholders prefer not support - without further explanation.
What he meant was clear on Tuesday: the negotiations with new partners, so are not new - they already know from the previous year, as we also negotiated and separated again without result. Instead, the university's commitment to the consulting firm Droege, but the collaboration ended some months ago in the dispute.
The country is what the country is what
That brought the University of violent turmoil, the former president Priddat turned again to SRH and Software AG. As the Ministry of Science and then the interested parties were invited to a table to find a sustainable solution to seek, all pushed for a complete financial overview. A "real Kassensturz called the Nile Birschmann, spokesman for the SRH holding. The aim an external, independent auditing firm it, and as expeditiously as possible, because time is pressing.
The auditors will be "under pressure" start, it was of days rather than weeks or months, said a spokesman of the Ministry of Science. A finance and development planning for the university, there is only on the basis of transparency and reliability. If all conditions are right, could the university for the years 2009 and 2010, each country provided funding of 4.5 million - and also a one-time allocation of a further 4.5 million euros, signaled Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) on Tuesday.
That, however, the hole would simply offset from 2008. For the 4.5 million for 2008, the university had not received it because the "legal position clear," said the ministry spokesman. Also, the recovery of three million for 2007 is still in space. The university must now use the situation for the course, including a professional management. This hastens the university apparently: Still on Tuesday should be a scientific and first appointed Commercial Director, said university spokesman Ralf Hermersdorfer.
In a statement, stressed the meeting all participants in the negotiations, there is a "strategic partnership". It is clear that above all the SRH holding much more than the role of a patron claimed the only money for a good cause and there are otherwise heraushält. "Only the liquidity to plug loopholes, and everything goes on as before, that would be patching up and comes to us not in question," said SRH spokesman Birschmann blogs ONLINE.
The SRH is a health and education group. The Foundation operates in Thuringia and Baden-Wuerttemberg seven clinics, and 30 educational institutions, including six private colleges with a total of approximately 5000 students. The largest of them in Heidelberg has about 2000 students, almost twice as many as the University of Witten / Herdecke with approximately 1200 students.
SRH brings with clear ideas
Health and education - that seems to fit to the university in Ruhrpott, whose heart is the Faculty of Medicine. However, the SRH with ideas that are not necessarily compatible with the university and its special culture. So far form their self-willed members of the students to the professors a community, even with a strong culture debate outweighs the togetherness. In the SRH negotiations geraunt had students from a cultural break, the sell-off Wittener ideals, even of a "hostile takeover". The SRH has had among other things, to a significant increase in the number of students crowded - what Witten / Herdecke certainly not to make a Massenuni, but until now the heavenly care of the students would change.
ON TO ONLINE country medium blogs deleted: Witten Uni-President Resigns (18.12.2008) subsidies gone: Privatuni Witten / Herdecke threatens the Pleite (17.12.2008) Privatuni Witten / Herdecke: Farewell to the "white knight" (21.08.2008) Uni Witten and their sponsors: "The tablecloth is cut" (21.08.2008) University of Witten / Herdecke: Success through stall smell? (05.05.2008) Privatuni Witten / Herdecke: Students should fill financial hole (29.02.2008) Witten / Herdecke: lifebuoy for Privatuni (21.06.2007) Rostocker Privatuni: Shipwreck on the Baltic coast (21.08.2008) Witten / Herdecke: New turbulence at the Privatuni (08.02.2007) Wittener Another feature is the model for the study contributions. Students had used it himself as a "generational contract" reversed "in which they either immediately or only after the entry into professional life can pay. After initially moderate fees mid-nineties, the university management to Priddat earlier this year with the cooperation of t!
he students ended society. Now the university sets the fees, and she moved significantly - according to specialists, students pay 25,000 to 60,000 euros for their studies.
In the future, the contributions are expected to rise again. The students had already signaled in December that they are more willing to pay in order to save the university. And even with the "generational contract" can hardly expect new students. Nils Birschmann said clearly that from the perspective of the SRH of the students initially developed model does not work "because the university to secure and predictable revenue was instructed. Overall, they need "an entirely new business model," said Birschmann - and thus in the next few weeks go.
Professors and doctors made in Costa Rica.
 Henner Ertel, director of the Stuttgart "GRP Institute for Rational Psychology," was recently by a professor of psychology because of the suspicion of abuse of academic degrees. He is accused of academic degrees "Prof." and "Dr." to lead to injustice. Ertel says, a professor at the University of Neuroscience in London to be, but this is only a mailbox company. Well then why he changed on the website of the University of Neuroscience "his title of" Dr. " in "Dr. unem. Even his wife, the artist Ulrike Ertel, carries the title "Prof. hc (UNEM)".
The abbreviation "unem" apparently stands for Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica (UNEM). On request Ertel wanted to but no details. The UNEM awarding the title "Professor unem" and "Dr. unem. On its homepage can be found neither accurate information about courses or to university administration still images from the campus, as there will be no names of faculty members mentioned. On the Internet, there are several addresses.
Is it one of the infamous Central and South American title mills? Susanne Schwaegerl by the government's Central Office for Foreign Education in Bonn, said: "The information available here shows that the 'UNEM' no premises. In this context, it is difficult to understand under what conditions there are courses presence."
Where is it only the university?
A blogs ONLINE employees visited the UNEM on the home page address in San Jose - and found only a white gitterverriegeltes house with abgekratzter house, which for several months on sale. It was up about half a year ago the office of the "Fundación Empresarial de Costa Rica". The owner confirmed that UNEM President William Zamora, the "Fundación Empresarial" represented. From a university was not aware of it.
The same building also appears, fleetingly, in a good six-promotional video, which the user "unem2009 in November on YouTube has uploaded. It shows the house as soon as a university emblem, otherwise scenes with the students and lecturers in lecture halls, long corridors, in front of computers - they could at the UNEM incurred, if they really exist. Or at any other university anywhere on the continent.
Zamora said in November to request that UNEM are still in the building, you will begin in San Jose and then in April in a new building in the region of Montes de Oca move that is being built. An address he also called on multiple requests and do not respond via e-mail highly indignant: in Germany would be a lot of false information disseminated - even if all Germans only "destructive article. Then Zamora threatened repeatedly tangled in endless sentences holprigem and English with a lawyer.
Who but the UNEM by e-mail contact, is also due to unusual requests quickly and efficiently help, such as these: "I urgently need a doctor and a professor. Money is no problem. Can you help me in any way help?" William Zamora replied: "We can offer you an honorary doctorate and an honorary professorship offer, if you agree, we need a donation from you. Remember, this are two instruments, so it must be a significant donation."
Allegedly a recognized university
According to the Central Office for Foreign Education, for the recognition of foreign qualifications is responsible, even circulate sums for the purchase of a UNEM title: "The amounts seem to vary. Unconfirmed information that relates to the amount of 1000 euros on a PhD to professor. "
The site claims to be the UNEM 1992 as a graduate school and have started since 1997 for an independent university. It prides itself in order, from the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and recognized in the "List of Universities of the World" by UNESCO to be listed. There is UNEM actually listed, as well as in the information Anabin the Central Office for Foreign Education, the German authorities is crucial.
This is substantially the formal status of UNEM in Costa Rica, where the private University CONESUP in 1997 as a college has been accredited. According to the central office, the CONESUP until 2004 three business courses at the UNEM accredited, then no more. From CONESUP was not a position.
On the question of whether the trade UNEM title run, told the Central Office for Foreign Education with: "The 'UNEM' presence offers courses in distance learning also. Distance learning courses are 'CONESUP' not accredited. Therefore, financial statements, by correspondence course have been acquired in Germany is not eligible. The financial statements submitted to the 'UNEM' were almost exclusively in the context of a presence of accredited distance-learning course or gangs' acquired '. "
Criminal proceedings for abuse of title
On the Internet there are a number of people who deal with UNEM titles adorn. So "Dr. hc (unem)" A. Volker, whose investment firm A. & Partners in addition to the "outsourcing of payroll-intensive businesses, for example, after Lithuania, Poland, Andorra" and " 'Inkasso' brokered the somewhat' different kind ' ! " offers. A. was against charges of abuse collected title because he honorary doctorate "Dr. hc unem" wrongly held to have. That is why the district court sentenced Goslar A., of the title in 2006 because of abuse was prosecuted in November to a fine of 100 daily rates at 80 euros. The case, both he himself and the public prosecutor's office, which has a higher daily rate calls appealed.
ON TO ONLINE blogs against psychology experts: Professor dubious, unbelievable studies (10.09.2008) Swiss mills title: Prof. Dr. arrogance (16.07.2008) title scrap of phantom-Unis: Magna cum laude at Catapult Price (25.06.2007) Doctor maker Process : Ph.D. adviser must go to prison (14.07.2008) Fake Title: Iran's interior minister falls on the wrong doctorate (04.11.2008) Title Catapult: cat gets MBA (08.12.2004) Commercial Title: Diploma of the "Stanford University" (17.10.2005) According to the Central Office for Foreign Education in Germany is running against another person is a criminal misuse of title in connection with a UNEM title. In Germany, a doctor or honorary doctorate degree from a university outside the EU was awarded only in the original form lent much clearer indication of the lending institution to be.
In a widely unknown in Germany as the university UNEM only the words "unem" to lead is probably not sufficient. "I would advise against any such title to lead," said the officer a science ministry. It also required that the degree is always due to an actual completed studies have been awarded - purchased titles can not be held.
The Costa Rican Private Higher Education has not even doctoral courses of UNEM accredited. "The 'UNEM' is therefore not entitled, doctor or honorary doctorate to lend," said Susanne Schwaegerl by the central office. "The so far presented honorary doctorates and honorary professor of the title 'UNEM' were in the framework of international distance learning and could have purchased for this reason alone in Germany is not recommended for driving," said Schwaegerl further.
UNEM-makers are also entitled to the police
UNEM titles are also the chairman of the "Central Germany" Prof. hc (unemcr) "Heino Janssen and Prof. hc (unem) Holger Liege MD (AM) Ph.D. (AM)," according to its own data "Hypnotherapeut "and" Ayurveda counselor. " He says that the Costa Rican authorities had him "on request officially confirmed that the UNEM nationally recognized and fully legitimate" and that, cash payments to UNEM he had not done.
Among the titles makers remains "Dr. hc (unem) Udo M., of a major bank as staff officer in the laundering of money laundering prevention team operates, with main areas of fraud prevention. In the career network Xing gave M. position as "managing Fraud Management" and also claimed "a lecturer at a private university in Costa Rica and Beijing" to be. After blogs ONLINE M. asked his title, he changed his position and wiped his teaching in Beijing.
UNEM institution of a title is "Prof. Dr. hc (unem)" Joachim Trettin, director of the "Orgoninstituts" and, according to "the first Professor of Orgonomie ever." And just "Prof. hc Dr. hc (unemcr)" Manfred Timmer Meister, a "scientific validation Agency" has operated, is also described as a game site and according to his work as Gradierungshelfer Unfortunately for health reasons "had to adjust. Both responded to questions.
YOUR OPINION IS GEFRAGTDiskutieren about this item
Even when the police found a UNEM Title Sponsor: Self-defense instructor of the Thuringian police, "Dr. hc (unemcr)" Steven K. The Police Master, on the Thuringian University of Public Administration student, decides as a member of the faculty on Prüfungsordnungen with. In 2006, K. of Thuringia Interior Secretary as "successful athletes in police uniforms" award.
K. claimed the title in the specialist sports science "properly awarded" get to have the title was "neither bought nor illegally lent" have been. The UNEM leads on their homepage no specialist sports science or sports. At the invitation of a seminar for staff of the police, judiciary, customs and the Army, he was as "Dr. Steven K." announced. Patron of the event in October was the interior minister of Rhineland-Palatinate. The head of the police department at the university administration Thüringer, Erich Weinelt was known that one of his proteges such titles: "That is not so, I told him," said Weinelt.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Altkanzler Schmidt onkelt spree against the study.
 "If you look for a job but an education or have decided you should have your way with seriousness and with diligence proceedings, instead of endlessly herumzustudieren. The average duration of study at German universities is scandalous, it is much too long. And that's not on Cost of students, but at the expense of others, in many cases at the expense of their parents. One of the reasons for such a long period of study is the inability of German professors, their universities economically sensible to organize. "
Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt in an interview with 15 entrants in a "time" Supplement - the Hamburg weekly newspaper's editorial board had a 48-page extra dedicated because he on 23 December of his 90th Celebrates birthday.
"Of course, the professional front, but there is surely vacations. What do you really there? Trips you kindly in the world around! And not to Las Palmas or the Mediterranean or where it otherwise beautiful beaches there. Travel to countries in which one scout and learn something! "
At the end of the conversation eineinhalbstündigen says the former Chancellor, the Titulierung "Schmidt-snout" had never annoyed him:
"I have always regarded this as a recognition of my rhetorical skills understood."
Student complaints remain allowed.
 Students who study in Berlin does not get on the other hand, may continue to sue, although other universities have places for the desired expertise are free - the Constitutional Court ruled the Berlin highest judicial proceedings and pointed to the pleas of a young student from Berlin to the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Berlin-Brandenburg back.
DDPStudienplätze: Some so popular as rar
The young woman had for the winter semester 2007/2008 at the Free University (FU) Berlin and was promoted to the Bachelorstudiengang story was rejected. Justification of the University: The 90 available places were already awarded to better candidates.
The Berliner wanted to know and attacked a popular instrument of failed applicants, the capacity plea. The action assumes that the university before the semester begins fewer places identified as possible - and this must then be examined individually.
Jena, Schefferville and Darmstadt are also beautiful
Always manages to prospective students to deal with this expensive procedure and with the help of specialized lawyers, a study in the first Wunschuni to ride. But the universities to learn and knocking their capacity now so good that fewer and fewer loopholes can be found.
Before the Administrative Court wanted the candidate at the FU by first issuing a provisional interim approval beyond the capacity of FU reach. That allowed the court but not - with a curious reasoning: The Studieninteressentin no disadvantage arises because the 240 km distant University of Greifswald the tray history without restriction offer. Loosely worded it meant the judges: Pack your things and yet easy to study elsewhere.
In the next instance of the candidate stopped the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg. In justification, the judges of the Supreme Administrative Court in Berlin and Brandenburg remedy depends not only at the University of Greifswald in fact, there are enough places - even in Bamberg, Jena, Kassel, Schefferville, Darmstadt and nine other cities throughout the country could be on Bachelor history study, said the judge.
Alternative locations had plenty of judges ready. They reviewed but not whether the Free University of Berlin does not yet offer more places, than in its rejection letter claimed.
Rights of the applicant violated
The judges at the Constitutional Court disagreed with the OVG colleagues and referred the proceedings back in September. They justified their high court ruling with the free choice of residence, the employment and training center under Article 12 of the Basic Law. The decision of the OVG violates this fundamental right of the applicant, judged Berlin's top judges (document number Constitutional 81/08).
Freshman at German universities from 1998 to 2008
Year Number of beginner-trend rate *
1998 271.999 29.2
1999 290.983 31.7
2000 314.539 33.6
2001 344.659 36.6
2002 358.792 38.3
2003 377.395 38.3
2004 358.704 37.1
2005 355.961 36.9
2006 344.822 35.9
2007 358.673 35.9
2008 385.500 39.3
* Share of the age cohort Source: Education in Germany 2008
The free choice of the training course should not be restricted, if the number of places on Wunschort under judicial examination is not sufficient. Moreover, the supreme judge saw another fundamental right of the young woman injured and fellow judge granted her a second rebuff by the non-audit capacity was in its "effective interim relief" has been restricted, which everyone is entitled in accordance with the Basic Law.
The Free University of Berlin in the first procedure had warned that in case of approval of the applicant has been rejected by interim study candidates "in droves" the same way could go. This fear from the University of the administrative courts do not have the right to associate in their history to curtail legal and the capacity not to consider this if they were much more committed to the Berlin judged constitutional judges.
From Marx to marketing.
 The biggest surprise was for Frank Gisder, 24, a student of planning in the eighth semester at the Technical University of Dortmund, the simple directions to his new foreign university. With the streetcar went there to the airport in Dortmund. Check in at-frills airlines Ryanair to Polish Gdansk, formerly Danzig, cost 27 Euro including taxes. One and a half hours later floated the crimson-purple Airbus over the sparsely populated landscape of the North American Pomerania to the landing on the historic trading town on the Vistula River estuary. "One suspects do not know how close it is," says Gisder.
Against a ticket from 4.20 zloty, slightly more than one euro, brings the bus line B, the exchange students from the airport directly to the "Politechnika Gdanska, the Technical School on the northwest outskirts. Five minutes walk, and Frank Gisder enters the lecture hall on the second floor of the red brick main building of the traditional university.
The universities are Gdansk with the opening of the East in the academic globalization arrived. And the Polish study is a model for the modernization of a university landscape, a mobile student body wants to meet - the attractive city, there is a bonus on top.
"Europe's longest Campus"
"Later in the profession do I have but also on changing places of work to adjust an interesting job to get," says the 24-year-old Josephine Dahle castle from Stralsund, which is currently in Gdansk Baltic Management Studies completed a specialized program for economists in the booming Baltic Sea region.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign students contents "We have a growing demand from Germany," says Aniela Tejchman, director of the Bureau for International Relations at the Gdansk University of Technology. Especially on the European exchange program Erasmus German students come increasingly from the respective partner universities to a mostly one-study trip to northern Poland.
Little wonder the crowd, offering the "Politechnika" but, as well as the "Uniwersytet Gdanski" a surprisingly wide range of courses on offer - on "Europe's longest campus," as the administration of the university advertises. About 90 kilometers extends it. In the north, opposite the naval base Gdynia, attracts the research station for biologists with monitoring seals on the Hel peninsula in the southern city of Gdansk with excavations of the recently founded Archeology Institute, between the noble seaside resort of Sopot. The rapid transit system in the Baltic metropolitan region opens up the route and its ramifications.
"Poland was first a shock '
The city offers its 50,000 students in addition to the traditional subjects - Business Management, International Management, mathematics, chemistry, physics, architecture, social sciences - including disciplines such as shipbuilding technology, environmental technology, journalism or oceanography with the private research vessel "Ozeanograf 2".
"In mari via tua", by the sea went your way, is on the business card of the economist Renata Orlowska, the few dozen students from the European study exchange programs Socrates and Erasmus cared. Stood in Soviet times, nor the critics of political economy on the curriculum, is now taught modern market economy. "We have to jump from Marx to well-managed marketing," says Orlowska.
The German students in Poland can rely on a tight set program. "Nee, yesterday I could no longer contribute to the party," said economics student, Josephine. "We have been on Thursday at 7.30 clock in his seminar." Throughout Europe, probably a unique timetable. Even the academic quarter cents, which makes it easier late, in time to sit in the auditorium, is unknown in Poland. Who twice the attendance list at the professor does not fill, risked exclusion from the seminar to be.
On the campus is a UFO landed
The Rostockerin Nadine Pallein, 24, their eight semesters Business at the University of Gdansk who has been able to work on not complain. Will they not - they would like as quickly as possible through their studies to later in a law firm accountant anzuheuern. "Poland was first a shock," says the student - it was originally based on a study in Ireland advertised.
"But now I find it very fine," says Pallein. Even with a housing Kommilitonin to twelve square meters in a student dormitory they are not disturbed, especially in the Fußnähe wonderfully modern university library is situated, with Internet connections and a large inventory. The bright buildings reminiscent of a UFO just landed, with triebwerkartigen Lesekapseln on the facade.
On the amount of time to find Philip Wieczorek, 27, a student of electrical engineering in the ninth semester, was also the technical equipment at the Polytechnic, which has been a hundred years ago in the shipbuilding city of Gdansk was founded. Since Wieczorek grandparents in the former German Opole lived, he even mastered the local language.
The Erasmus community makes party
Who does not possess such a privilege, not too short: Almost all major study documents are in English to get. Your papers, students can also in the international language of research deliver.
On Tuesday evening, the German Erasmus students regularly in the city of Gdansk in the basement Local Irish Pub. " Philip has his Jimi Hendrix T-shirt tightened, Josephine happily on the dance floor. In summer it is in Sopot, a seaside resort with the main party of Monte Cassino, with numerous clubs and discos as the "Tropicana" or the "Sfinks", after such a durchtanzten night at the wide sandy beach of the Baltic Sea continue to celebrate.
Added to the more traditional recreational program, the Erasmus coordinators of the various faculties offer trips to Mazury, for example, even sailing are possible. The discipline does not seem to suffer. The doctoral student and Erasmus coordinator for architecture, Justyna Borucka, 32, praises the work of the German students. They are purely kneel in the themes, the practical visual object before the door opened their own: the reconstruction of the city of Gdansk after the Second World War.
"Much more individualized care"
A newer issue, but combined with post-lived reality of planning Frank Gisder student during his practice course. It was, to develop ideas for the design of a large football stadium for Euro 2012 in Warsaw. When he was searching for photos of the proposed building site did moved immediately to the Security Service.
Frank finds the total support by the Polish Teachers' very much an individual "as in Dortmund. Sometimes professors cared rents 9 to 20 students.
AT A GLANCE: UNIS IN DANZIGStudienangebotFakultäten (among others): biology, geography and oceanography, economics, chemistry, literature and history, mathematics, physics and computer science, social sciences, law and administration, Schiffbau.Studium in Figure students Total: 50.000Anteil foreign students: Around one percent of tuition for students from EU countries is the study free of charge. Courses in foreign languages are gebührenpflichtig.Lebensunterhaltskosten: Around 350 euros per month Städt eder Baltic Campus "includes the cities of Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia, a total of about 800,000 Einwohner.AdressenUniwersytet Gdanskiul. Bazynskiego 1a80-952 GdanskPolen +48 58 523 24 42http: / / www.univ.gda.plPolitechnika Gdanskaul. G. Narutowicza 11/1280-952 GdanskPolen +48 58 347 20 42http: / / www.pg.gda.pl
The everyday life in Poland is for the German students quite affordable. It cost around 80 euros a place in a student dormitory, the cost of living is significantly lower than in Germany. The economics student Merforth Mathias, 21, from Dresden gets to the Erasmus scholarship of 260 euros a foreign student loans of 430 euros. It can live. "I am sad when I must away again," he says.
And in the small canteen on the ground floor of their dormitory in Gdansk may Josephine student from Coke to original homemade Polish dishes or pizza pan favorable supply, if in the two-bedroom apartment once the plates stacked in the sink. She had, as an alternative, the Indonesian island of Bali on the wish list of their study places. "Is it even exotic here," said Josephine and tried the Polish vegetable soup.
In Sydney are now all opposed.
 The youth clubs of the parties occasionally brushing against the grain with their mother organizations, particularly the SPD knows the dauerrenitenten of the Young Socialists only too well. The Young Union and the Liberal boys (July) are rarely rebellious. On the weekend but refused, the youth representatives on the Hessian FDP - surprisingly brought an amendment to tuition at the FDP party by country.
After lengthy debate, delegates voted in Niedernhausen im Taunus with 56.4 percent for the plan of Julis, tuition fees for an initial study in the next legislature ruled out.
A council majority from the SPD, Greens and the Left had the tuition fees in Sydney in June this year abolished. Sydney were in general tuition fees of 500 euros per semester have been charged. But only for two semesters. In no province were the protests so vehemently opposed, in no country was the legal basis so wobbly. After fierce tug of war in parliament, the campus toll then against the will of the executive government of Roland Koch (CDU) will be overturned.
Tuition fees are not politically opportune
Meanwhile, everything is different. The CDU party congress in the country in Hofheim, the FDP in Niedernhausen - both parties at the weekend moved significantly away from the campus toll. The CDU had learned from their mistakes and in the education and the environment nachjustiert, said Koch. "We also have corrections made to us are difficult," such as tuition fees. The European Union on this issue will not return, promised to cook.
In the FDP program stood for election in January was actually, the universities should, like in North Rhine-Westphalia, to decide whether and in what amount of fees they take the students. In North Rhine-Westphalia had this arrangement meant that now almost universally collects will be 500 euros.
"Voters do not always come with the same theme"
But this line FDP wanted the Hessian July shortly before the state does not endorse - officially because they had matured a recognition that tuition fees of young people studying deterrent. Previously, the top candidate country and FDP chairman Joerg-Uwe Hahn on the party's education policy as a defining theme of the state identified - an insight that after the election analysis and the fast loss of power by Prime Minister Roland Koch (CDU) is also in charge conservative friends in Sydney has prevailed.
Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to learn ...
Less than verblümt now the FDP said earlier in the summer of Prime Minister Koch, that he is not currently tuition at least for a majority holding policy approach: "It is annoying to people if they repeatedly with the same topic comes."
A real change of cooking? Or could the campus toll in the event of an election victory to return? The wording in the CDU manifesto is clear: "We respect the decision of the Hesse Landtag and hold to the abolition of tuition fees established. The resulting elimination of the funds will be in full from the national budget."
CDU and FDP currently have good prospects after the election in January to govern together. In a survey of the research elections in early December reached a conservative-liberal camp, a majority of 53 percent - and this power option is not to the voices of disgruntled students fail.
At the moment, all against the debt collection
Rejoicing reached the young liberals from a corner, usually from the opponents railed and zetert. Behnam Yazdani, Juso-Chairman in Sydney, is pleased with the decision of the Liberal Party and even see the chances for a social-liberal coalition grow. That will probably remain a pious wish, because in addition to the rejection of tuition wrote the Liberals a clear statement in favor coalition of the CDU in the program.
At the red-red-green opposition to tuition fees in Hesse has not changed anyway. The end of the campus toll in summer is one of the few political decisions which affect the shaky alliance of Hesse SPD leader Andrea Ypsilanti be got - but only with the gratitude of the Hessian students, the election in January not to win his. Especially if, for the moment all are against it, which otherwise are for tuition.
Uni-flight over the green border.
 A high school average of 1.9 is actually a respectable result, especially in Bavaria. Eva Seitz, 22, was two years ago, perfectly satisfied with the note. After making the Proserpine as tens of thousands of other entrants in Germany thought, which is subject they choose. Her brother, who has been studied in 2004 in Aachen, convinced them he nachzutun: Medicine should be.
But Eva Seitz received no university - ones her high school was not good enough. "That's why I only care times a three-month internship done," she says. Nothing helped, in the summer semester was her access to the back of the hall section fails, four to five years, said that they should wait. Seitz was frustrated: "It is true everywhere reported shortages of doctors, and still get only the best students a place."
Eva Seitz remained stubborn. It was then part of a growing population, the numerus clausus refugees. Admission to more than half of all courses in Germany is now limited, the dream specialist for many entrants out of reach.
"Many children's doctor studying here"
But they are resourceful when it comes, but still properly unterzukommen. If not here, then just elsewhere. Lately, in Eastern Europe.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign StudentenInhaltEva Seitz opted for Szeged, in tourism brochures as "Sun City Hungary 'praises. There you can, as in Pecs and at the Semmelweis University in Budapest, human medicine in German language study. That the charges of 11,200 euros per academic year are not necessarily socially, there Seitz on: "Many doctors and children from more affluent people studying here." A purchased studies? No, she says, the learning were as high as in Germany.
"We realize that the country's willingness to change in recent years has increased," says Alexandra Michel College of Contact, an advisory agency for study abroad.
Many medical services in Eastern Europe
On the Internet there is forums with tips on the best ways through the green border. Universities in Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Romania clients to recruit from abroad. Thus, in addition to the courses at German universities, a number of Eastern European medicine specialist at the English on offer: in Slovakia, for example, the Comenius University in Martin and the Pavol Jozef Safar University in Kosice, the Czech Republic in Prague's Charles University, in Romania the Medical and Pharmaceutical University Gr. T. Popa in Iasi (IAI) and in Latvia, the Riga Stradins University.
With the number of unsuccessful entrants from Germany is expected to show the figures from the Central Office for awarding university places (ZVS): For the early study year 2008/09, more than 35,000 students applied for medicine alone. But the ZVS was less than 8000 places convey.
So, for now from abroad. Christoph Wortmann, 27, studied medicine for a semester in Budapest, then in Bochum continue. Not a lost year: "The students have the Semmelweis University after the first four semesters more knowledge than students at German universities," said Wortmann. Those who like it in the distance wants to start, there must be recognition for services rendered.
"My Abi was even too bad for Hungary"
"This was routine, but has only lasted one week," says Stephan Ernst, 25, from St. Augustin, near Bonn, now, after a good Physikum in Szeged, at a university in Germany hopes. After graduating with an average of 2.9 and a year of civilian Ernst saw three years ago, its future is less optimistic: "My Abi was even for Hungary too bad," he confesses.
In such cases, the Hungarian education system but rather as flexible: The prospective students with bad grades or low technical background in a must - but productive - preparatory year baccalaureate substance of the natural sciences durchackern. The points they accumulate in this course, then evaluate at the high school.
"Of the 26 people who the course of my vintage have made are all finally came," says Ernst. He has refined what's own work is concerned: "When Abi, I was very lazy, when not studying more. The much money that my parents have to pay, there is already an incentive."
Celebrity Witten / Herdecke threatens to go bust.
 Hamburg - 31.1 million included the budget of the private University of Witten / Herdecke in fiscal year 2006/2007, which contributed the land of North Rhine-Westphalia at 14 percent. Now, however, the science ministry indicated a complete surprise, the university could grant of 4.5 million euros for the year 2008 will not be paid. And that's not enough - for the year 2007 calls on the country even three million euros.
The case is sensitive and at first glance hard to understand: The private university fulfilled the legal requirements for the granting of land donations not, "told NRW science minister Andreas Pinkwart on Wednesday morning. You do not have a "proper management" and no evidence "reliable, able to provide audited financial development - neither in 2009 nor for the next two years". For three-million recovery is the opinion of the Ministry of Science: "The university had to admit that its revenue in 2007 by this amount were higher than they are against the country at the time of the grant award had argued."
The removal of subsidies is a severe blow to Germany's oldest and largest private university - so difficult that they may go bust in the controls. Because the university has been chipped and worked intensively for new donors. But equally failed twice in the last two years of negotiations: firstly with the private hospital operator and Universities of Heidelberg Rehabilitation Foundation (SAO), then a few months ago with the consulting firm Droege International.
Separation of donors with a roar
Twelve million euros over seven years, wanted to provide Droege, ended the engagement in Witten but after continuing disputes with the university. In particular a current, sound financial and business plan, the company had pursued and then saw no basis for a more trusting relationship. Conversely, the Uni-President Maxim Nohroudi accused the company, "a take-over, a classic takeover" plan.
The college had it not succeeded in any case, from negotiations with these partners, "a lasting strategic partnership to develop," said Pinkwart. At blogsView ONLINE demand by a spokesman of the Ministry clearer: In the year 2008 the university had "asked 18-times," resilient, audited financial plans, said Ralf-Michael Weimar. The university was not fulfilled. "The university has stated that it expects liquidity and is not sure whether they permanently the operation can be maintained."
Even the three million euro funding in 2007, the Ministry must reclaim. Only afterwards was known that the university has more resources have, as they indicated in the budget for 2007 had indicated. "The management is no longer functioning properly," said Weimar. "We must be responsible with taxpayers' money and therefore should avoid no more money to the university transfer." Since the mid-nineties the country have repeatedly deficits in balance of the university.
Land grants since 1995
Weimar said that the country withdraw donations only "heavy heart". The University of Witten / Herdecke Although a private institution, voted in favor of North Rhine-Westphalia but of great importance. "The government has always known to the university and they strongly supported," said Minister Pinkwart. For 2008, the university empty-handed. Land funds of 4.5 million euros were in the 2009 budget is scheduled, said Germany Pinkwart the radio. That should be the university but a "future perspective" demonstrate a business plan to submit audited.
She was recognized in 1982 by the country, has approximately 1200 students and offers the only private university in Germany also a human medical studies that also the subjects dentistry, nursing, business and the "Fundamental Studies." Initially it is aimed solely funded privately, since 1995 the country will receive grants and tuition rises. Depending on the cost of specialized study in Witten / Herdecke 18,000 to 40,000 euros, the university management to the new President Birger Priddat had vigorously raised the tuition fees. That, however, offers no way out of financial distress.
For violent turbulent had also ensured the Science: The expert panel refused the medical area, heart of the university, accreditation and initially called for a restructuring. That works medicine faculty.
University cites their future "fragile"
Whether the university after the withdrawal of main sponsor the removal of subsidies can survive, is unclear. At the request of blogs ONLINE means a university spokesman, the future of the university as "fragile". On financial, he said: "We consider the situation and negotiate with sponsors to cover the financial differences." With the NRW Ministry of Science did in the last few months "lively correspondence" where. The decision could "to shut up, insolvency," said Konrad Schily, founder and long-time president of the university in the program "Campus & Careers" of Germany radio.
The university defends itself against the "absolutely surprising" decision - and wants the approach of the ministry also legally examine. The university had a "plausibility by the auditors plan for 2009 to 2011, which is" a balanced budget can be expected, "it says in an opinion by Wednesday evening. The stand does not preclude that "risks are contained therein." Furthermore, the "liquidity for the first months of 2009 by a guarantee ensured."
In addition, the university the "allegation of a lack of proper management" back. Until last week, it had a political commitment to the country counted on the 4.5 million euros but also more funds from 900,000 euros for 2008, voted. "The turnaround was now the UWH can not explain it," says. Now is the continued existence into question, while the government also threatens 600 jobs and the training of over 1200 students.
Allegations against prosecutor
To finance the university contributed in recent years an unusual source: revenue from fines. Witten / Herdecke is located a few kilometers away from Bochum, where the prosecutor in many major cases of tax evasion identified. Often are high punitive fines or payments due and usually go to nonprofit organizations. Formally decide the courts do but almost always at the prosecutors' proposals.
Of which also benefited the private university - in whatever amount, wanted at the request of blogs ONLINE neither the ministry nor the university to answer. Apparently it amounts to millions. They could be in the item "Other income" flowed to the 20 percent of the total budget of the university in fiscal year 2006/2007 respectively.
There are allegations in this regard against the Bochum prosecutor Margrit Lichtinghagen, 54th She was in control of the search for sinners, the money to Liechtenstein managed, played a central role and also against the former postal chief Klaus Zumwinkel determined. Lichtinghagen is currently Germany's most prominent Strafverfolgerin rich tax dodgers. But she soon changed her job and is in a district court judge - after disputes in the Bochum public prosecutor's mainly their proposals on monetary award.
Zerwürfnisse in the Authority
Generously they need to have some nonprofit organizations in the vicinity of their place of residence in Lebanon, including the University of Witten / Herdecke. Spicy out: The "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" that has recently studied there also a daughter Lichtinghagens (what the university neither confirms nor denies). According to "SZ" she fell in the first round of the competition and was recorded in the second.
The University of Witten, however, already be years before the start of the study Lichtinghagens daughter of proposals for the distribution of fine revenues have benefited. The WDR reported on Wednesday, the prosecutor did after presentation of science ministers Pinkwart "own initiative" in June this year the discussion with the Ministry of eligible institutions sought. Lichtinghagen have the private university raised, coupled with a warning that her daughter studying there and the use of fines with the Bochum led authorities wanted to vote.
That money is flowing to organizations, judges and prosecutors know and appreciate, is yet more unusual. But perhaps not a model for the future. Comes close to family, is currently a leading prosecutor vulnerable. Lichtinghagen defends itself against allegations of felt and Kungelei, in the apparently divided Bochum prosecutor sprout. Officially, she leaves the authority now "at his own request."
Witten Uni-President Resigns.
 As on Wednesday the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Science unexpectedly announced that the country grants to the University of Witten / Herdecke be stopped, it was suspiciously quiet in the university management. Only after several hours was an opinion of the University before. And it was President Birger P. Priddat no word was mentioned in any row, was also not to speak by telephone.
The reason is clear on Thursday afternoon: This is a man-on-board maneuvers. Priddat place "with immediate effect," his offices as president and CEO available, it says in a press release. The doubts of the Science Department at the "regularity of the current management" were intended for Priddat "incomprehensible". Nevertheless, he decided to resign to "damage averted by the university and the conditions for a fresh start in relations with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to create."
The university is a quarter-century after its founding in front of a pile of shards. The country wants the donation of 4.5 million euros for the year 2008 does not pay off and also calls for three million for the previous year - a considerable sum given the annual budget of around 30 million euros.
"Calling all day with potential sponsors"
Even more lacking at the University of potent donors, the hole of about three to four million per year would need new sources of money are stopped. In addition, the universities seem to have benefited from years of fines, which she dishes on a proposal by the prosecutor in Bochum had considered. The exact amount is unknown. After Felt and Kungelei-allegations against a prosecutor should probably be over.
Now the university is fighting for their bare survival. "We are calling all day with potential sponsors," said on Thursday morning, university spokesman Ralf Hermersdorfer. "If we take the money until the year end, it is made." The decision of the country could "From the mean insolvency", had also Konrad Schily, founder and long-time president of the university, said on Wednesday.
Schily, the country recognized in 1982 by the university until 1999. Since then alternated the presidents in quick succession: On Schily, today FDP Bundestag deputy, followed by Walter Zimmerli, in April 2005, Hair Glatt Wolfgang and only in August 2007 then the Priddat economist who previously dean of the Economics Faculty had been.
Two seriously interested verprellt
On Thursday, the students formed to protest against the possible demise. Around 1200, a total of at Witten / Herdecke enrolled, studying medicine, dentistry, nursing or business as well as in the "Fundamental Studies." 200 students demonstrated in front of the Düsseldorf parliament. In an interview with a delegation of students said Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), that in the event of a closure to other NRW universities could change. The decision of the country, however, as he defended mandatory now, the university on the train.
Pinkwart had justified the withdrawal of the country so that the management is no longer working properly and no convincing business plan submitted. Moreover, the university has more money than they are in the budget for 2007 had indicated - that's why the recovery. Pinkwart urged them to demonstrate a future perspective.
The formulations are unusually sharp. Pinkwart also argued, the university had not succeeded in negotiations with several potential partners "a lasting strategic partnership to develop". It is in the last two years only to the private hospital operator and Universities of Heidelberg Rehabilitation Foundation (SAO), then a few months ago to Droege International. The consulting firm wanted over seven years a total of twelve million euros available. But then verkrachten to university and donors.
Offer student fees to increase
The university announced on Wednesday evening, the actions of the Ministry also legally be examined. You voted for 2009 to 2011 presented a plan of a balanced budget can expect, and which could now turn was "not explain it. The state government also threatens 600 jobs and the training of over 1200 students.
It also pointed out the works - with the university in the region were also "2000 workers indirectly linked". The students wrote in a statement that the university as a "city of personal and social development" continue to fully support. They were ready to take up to 60 percent higher tuition fees to pay. Meanwhile, there is also a supporter page on the Internet.
Only a few months ago, the university management to Priddat vigorously raised the tuition fees. In the first years of university, there were none, the country also paid no grants. That changed in 1995 - from then there was the private university, in the rankings regularly front seats occupied, with close practical implications un unusual concepts scores, no longer quite so private. Recently, the country's budget 4.5 million euros per year, nearly one seventh of the total budget official.
"No money, we had always been," is one of self-bon mot, which for years at the university courses. Now she is severely under tight spot and the country would swiftly with a solid concept to convince more funds to be transferred. Even then they need on top of new private lenders to head off bankruptcy. The education union has even a "nationalization" of the private university demanded, should therefore but hardly enforced.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Blackout. Panic. Help!.
 It began in spring 2003 in the diploma examination, Anne * remembers exactly. At the time she sat bolt upright in the chair, hands folded in lap. On questions of the professor replied it like a machine, mouth to mouth. Sometime in the examination was over.
The student left the office of the auditor, the campus of the University of Essen. They climbed into the S-Bahn to Duisburg, where she lives. As the train anfuhr, attacked it: The panic shot high over how a fast-growing fungus from the soil. At the next stop, she had to get air after schnappend.
Since then, it always comes back, the feeling that their study to hell and you make progress in life slows down, as they dragged an invisible burden with them: Examination fear.
Always these voices: "You can not, you can do nothing ..."
They consisted mostly even the tests, although it was already worn when they entered the examination room. But then she had to complete their studies for months or even grind can to interrupt. The voices in your head were too loud: "You can not, you can do nothing, you may not be enough." Today is the 17th Anne Semester. She is studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen, but which specialized that they may not be betrayed. They also want their real names not mention or age, they are ashamed of themselves.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign students contents According to the statistics test anxiety is a marginal phenomenon. The psychological counseling at the University of Duisburg-Essen searched it last 154 of 30,000 enrolled students, in Hamburg, there were 175 of Desperate 38,000, at the Free University of Berlin there are 136 to 34,000 Immatrikulierten.
But experts estimate that the real figure much higher. "The real need is at least three times as high," says Hans-Werner Whitman, 58, director of psychological counseling at the FU Berlin. The parties concerned are trying their fault as much as possible to hide the weakness does not recognize - not before fellow students and also not professional helpers.
Abrigata as Jens, a 27-year old biology student at the Ruhr University in Bochum. "What if I then go and find me mad? Then I got a real problem." Jens feels so during tests each time anew "as in free fall tower."
Bange question - I belong out here at all?
Test anxiety, the student already in school. Jens remembers how he Abi on his math exam stared. "My hands were wet, I rode thought carousel, and I was so busy, my physical exertion to get under control that I think the tasks again and again read through and have understood nothing."
Since the school is the fear rather worse. Jens has developed from a working class family from elementary school through an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and the secondary school until high school hochgearbeitet. Then he is proud, but sometimes he doubts "whether the university is not perhaps a place, to which I do not belong." Jens tried to fear as much as possible to get under control, he goes jogging before exams now and speaks with a good friend.
But such self-help strategies less and less because of stress in the study grows. In stepped bachelor and master system have far more students than previously completed trials, the results being incorporated into the exam mark.
As for the relaxed routine, it is for candidates with genuine fear of a single test running the gauntlet. "Many are by far more rigorous curricula under pressure," says psychologist Sigi Austria by Studentenwerk Berlin. Their psychological counseling center has experienced increased demand soared: Addiction in previous years, always on average 1000 students help with the consultants, there was in 2006 already 1300, in 2007, even 1,400 new registrations. Already first and second semester would advise because of "sleep disorders and anxiety."
The PKK, policemen and tanks.
 Thursday, 12 June
Statistics exam, the last test in this semester, then it is my first year at Istanbul Bilgi Ãœniversitesi over. Outside the summer sun flickers on the Bosphorus, but in the lecture hall prevail winter temperatures.
Perhaps the air-Wahn anything with the Turkish history to do so. Perhaps Ataturk quickly sweated. Each case is also in the metro December. I go every morning in a refrigerator through the city. I bring to the exam with the sweater.
Wednesday, 25 June
They disagree only on the amount: 3:1, bets Ibrahim, the sesame squiggle seller. "Oh what," says Murat Bey, the carrier, "we knock them away! 5:0 for Turkey." The other men nod in the teahouse. A defeat against the Germans? "Excluded," they shout. "This will not come."
The confidence of the Turks before the European Championship semifinal against Germany is big. I watch the game in a pub on Taksim Square. "Avrupa, Avrupa, Duy sesimizi i? Bu ste Türklerin ayak sesleri," sing the Turkish fans. "Europe, Europe, listen to us, these are the steps Turkey!"
With every minute, the shouts louder. After 90 minutes is 2:2, are all long hoarse, and all expect extension, then meets Philipp Lahm yet victory for the Germans. For a moment it is quiet. Horror. Then the party continues.
Tuesday, 1 July
Spring Break. I meet Sebastian who studied physics in Frankfurt. Sebastian and I were best friends: We lived in the same town, we went to the same school, we loved the same girl. We wasted our time on the football field and thought it would go forever.
After graduating from high school we left Passau, Sebastian moved to Frankfurt, Hamburg and I later moved to Istanbul. We have vowed eternal friendship - but lost from sight. There would be plenty to discuss, but when we meet, but we are only the old stories: Do you remember ...
Sunday, 27 July
I'm visiting my parents in Passau, but Istanbul is suddenly very close. The "daily themes" show pictures of dead and injured in Istanbul. 17 people die in a bomb attack in the district Güngör, 150 are wounded.
The Turkish authorities suspect Kurdish PKK terrorist organization behind the attack. Only two weeks ago have PKK rebels in eastern Anatolia three Bavarian mountain climbers abducted. Tomorrow I fly back to Istanbul. I have a feeling mulmiges.
Monday, 28 July
Back in Istanbul. After a month in Germany, I am glad to be here again. I am in Turkey is not at home, even after a year. But the dark rumbling of the ferries on the Bosphorus, the hoarse cries of the muezzin and the murmur of the people on the streets are pleasantly familiar to me now.
Wednesday, 30 July
Tüyloglu Dursun, political lecturer at my university, freely admits the desk and sighs. "You have reason preserved, what a lucky," he says.
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign StudentenInhaltDie Turkey is the most serious crisis since the military coup in the eighties escaped - barely. The Constitutional Court in Ankara has a prohibition against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed - to the surprise of many: "We have a spell expected. We have to set chaos," says Tüyloglu.
The Turkish General Prosecutor's Office had accused the ruling ACP, to Islamise the country. The possible consequences of a ban would have been severe, economic crisis, demolition of EU accession talks, civil war. The greater is the facilitation. "Democracy has triumphed," said Yavuz Baydar, a columnist for the daily newspaper "Zaman". "Now the country can again be governed."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Buy me, I get rich!.
 Florian Lucke is the "student pilot." So they call him at Swiss club Studienaktie.org. Because the 30-year-old aspiring business manager tests whether the idea of St. Gallen association also operates in Germany: its future potential to sell. Lucke careers of tomorrow should be studying finance today, at least in part, he shares his later - estimated - content sold to private investors.
Germans Studienaktie.org helps in the process of finding donors. Four are already there, 8500 euro, they have been lent to him - in the hope that the investment in the students of the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen is worth it.
The whole thing goes like this: The parties signed a loan agreement. It stipulates the date on which the repayments become due. If Lucke career developed according to plan, the investors receive once a percentage share of annual salary, which at the time he deserves. Contractually is also determined that investors at least their initial investment should get back. The brilliant career Lucke, the higher the profit.
"Many investors are idealists"
"Therefore, the donor effort him with good contacts Council and to support," says Lars Stein, 29, of Studienaktie.org two years ago founded. "The benefits of our system goes far beyond mere financing beyond," said the business administration graduate student. He sits in a cafe in Winterthur, in jeans and light blue checkered shirt. A briefcase with documents lies next to him. He comes directly from a customer meeting at Lake Constance, stone works alongside his doctoral thesis at the University of St. Gallen as a freelance business consultant.
Itself as a value attached to verticken, it is a reinterpretation of the concept of human capital. And the investors want to be a human bemächtigen how else a company in order to maximize their profits? That there are only about profit going to resist the study equities people decided. "It is important in the case but the Social Entrepreneurship," says Florian Lucke.
Should read: Investors should not primarily interested in their profit, but because needy students to support it. "Many investors are idealists who are mainly about the education ideas," he says.
Lucke, as Lars dressed in stone like the classic combo jeans with chic shirt, plus a short haircut, especially in South Africa builds a kind of financial institution to assist small businesses in order to work on his bachelor to write. In side, he has meanwhile begun to stone when Studienaktie.org on hand to go. "It does not question the fact that only career subjects such as business or engineering support," he says.
One's own life as a business
Currently three study finance equity members complete their studies or their training on the system Steinsche: Lucke, a Swiss sociology student who researches in the Congo, and a Swiss citizen, of an education in kinesiology, so an alternative medical therapy does. 45 students are standing for the concept. "Many, however, increase during the application process again," says Stein. "Either because they opt for another form of financing decisions, or because of them end too complicated."
UNIblogs 5/2008TITELBleibt yet! Better handling of foreign StudentenInhaltDie candidate must have a short bilateral online application form. The study then decide Equity Board, whether the aspirant and his project for the club fit and whether the training concept is conclusive. In a second round, the candidate must send his CV - and a life plan.
Beginning with twenty one's own life as a business? "This is the hardest part," there stone. Because the students should specify in detail how they imagine their careers. One question reads: "Imagine you're sitting in a rocking chair and look at a fulfilling life. What have you achieved?" Then the students must prepare a dossier for the investors write. Find this like it, arranges study shares meeting. 15 donors, the club currently on board.
"Investment in terms of risk diversification"
The procedure was an "affront", was already a candidate for the rocking chair part and promptly rose again. "Awesome" Lucke Florian, however, finds the whole concept. His studies at the private Zeppelin University is 4000 euro per semester so expensive that a KfW loan for the financing alone is not enough. "With the help of investors, can I use a portion of the fees cover," says Lucke, which now is in the fourth semester.
Miser-DIPLOMDDPEntdecke the Swabians in you! Zahncremetube slice, for ten cents on the railroad tracks jump and tip only at Christmas? When saving makes you what nobody before? Show what you can and survive in savings of blogs online quiz. more ... Previously, he was in Berlin for Cabinetmakers train and two years in this profession worked. Now support him two academic teachers and an asset manager managing the investment "in the sense of risk diversification of its investment clients has chosen" as Lucke puts it. Investor is the fourth study equities founder Stone, also of his training on the issue of private equity has financed - as seen, he is the great-student pilot.
Stone is already in the process to settle his debts. To 15 investors he must pay a total of 30,000 francs. "Without the money would be studying in Switzerland at the high cost of living does not have been possible," he says.
Most interested in the study equities idea come from Germany. Therefore needs stone Florian Lucke as testers. "Before our financing option on a broad basis in Germany can offer, we must look at how and whether we really implement our system," says Stein. 2009, they want a German offshoot of Studienaktie.org found.
Shares may not be any
The problem has been the German banking supervision Bafin with its very strict rules, shares, loan write contracts, which may not be any. It's fast illegally. The same applies to Switzerland, but Stone has found a way to solve the problem: He founded Studienaktie.org as a nonprofit organization. "So we are informed of the license exempt," he says. "We are still in Germany experience. But it looks as if we could model the Swiss also implement," says Stein. "As long as when Florian Lucke not too many investors involved."
Studienaktie.org he called "an organic project" and says: "We are constantly trying to provide us further." So far the club has twelve active members and 30 supporting members.
Stein is a totally new idea of self-promotion does not already collected 18 years ago the father of professional tennis Thomas Haas in a similar way money for the athletes training his children. 15 investors paid in the nineties around 750,000 for Mark Thomas and his sister. By the end of 2004, as they return 15 percent of all revenues promised.
But when Thomas Haas then ascended the best in the world - with corresponding earnings - remained the payments to the money from donors. Only when the funding community complained, paid professional tennis due to half a million marks.
400 euros for five square meters.
 "The morning-after pill must be as early as possible to take ..." Such brochures I was last in the ninth grade do. Seven years later, it is again. Together with nearly 1,000 Erasmus students I sit at the University of Madrid and get pills for the second time information - in my Erasmus package. A little horrified, which image the Spaniards from their students have, I leave the info event and my first visit faculty.
"Where is because the whole smoke?" Asks Navy from Strasbourg, as we enter the building. It does not last long, and we know: Spaniard have prejudices against little Erasmus students - they know their own students. In the Faculty of Humanities is not only wildly philosophy, the Spanish students smoke, smoke pot and drink also like to institute the hallway.
At the humanities believes no more
"Yes, yes, the Faculty of Humanities. The long, we have abandoned," says Beatriz few days later, our Spanish teacher. They will help us in the coming months alongside Subjunctive and indirect speech some Spanish mitgeben wisdom, which is soon clearly.
The only course of the Lithuanian concludes our teacher immediately into the heart. "I was never in Lithuania, but somehow I was in love with the country," says Beatriz in the class. The Germans regarded them with suspicion on the other hand. You can not understand why you are not the same place to study wishing to where you even born.
While the Italian Erasmus students already understand all the stories and mitlachen, Karina from Hungary looks a little perplexed. Only when they imagine, will they really awake: "I'm Karina and need urgent assistance in the search room," she explains in liquid Spanish. A mitleidiges "Oooh" fills the room - and from all sides, they offer their help.
Two hours Directions to the university, but still a window
The search is room in Madrid, the allerschwierigste. Some Erasmus students say after two months searching, that become pregnant despite pill in Madrid easier.
Many German students wanted to be sure and have already from home rented a room. An error, how about when Franziska out. Although she lives in Madrid, but not in the city, but in the Communidad, the Madrid metropolitan area - an area four times the size of the Saarland. The road to the university takes nearly two hours. Franziskas Ausgehfreudigkeit has meanwhile clearly waned.
At least it has a window and the Internet, two things that for many Erasmus students in and around the Spanish capital are luxury. Karina and Co are willing to pay 450 euros, while only a small ray of light in its four square meter room and the landlady reaches them not bids, before midnight at his home.
Search darned room
With my landlady and flatmate, I have great luck: Alicia, 36, is genuine Spaniard and helps me with my integration tests. While I am all the other Erasmus students in the first week about envy that I am having a "real" Spaniard live, I sometimes wished that they more often with me Schwyzer would speak German. Alicias parents because they have brought up bilingually.
At that time, she lived in Switzerland. And there it was Alicia unfortunately so well liked that they end of the month back wants. During my first weeks in Madrid experience, is Alicia busy packing boxes and children's toys by daughter Lola at eBay auction.
I did nothing else, as soon after my arrival at room search to go. Here, it is customary that the room-seekers always show up. So I formulated the most error-free, nice texts and waited for calls.
Balcony with BBQ: The winter may come
Already ten minutes later it went off. I desperately kramte after my subway map and tried to find a station, which sounds so similar as to what I just heard on the phone.
Once I know where I could live, is the second crucial question: with whom? In the first two days I was still choosy and refused me, with people over 60 or other Erasmus students to pull together. Then my priorities changed, and I finally said to Victoria.
Victoria is a cook at my university. It is not yet 60, but not far away. Also on the French Erasmus students across see me as well to compensate for a Spanish student will live there.
The decisive advantage, however, is the central location and access to the balcony. Gave me the five-square-meter room, which costs 400 euros. Even though I am a cold winter semester in Madrid are expected, I will be the balcony as often as possible to use, I firmly before me. And it was to him proud in my mails to the homeland to mention.
Or I use the grill, which stands on the balcony - for example, my newly received brochures with advice for the morning-after pill in flames can be seen.
Harvard burns eight billion dollars.
 If Galpin Drew Faust, president of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has bad news, she writes a letter. So it was a month ago, when it because of the financial crisis "unprecedented losses" of the U.S. elite university announced.
And it is now: "Severe turbulence in world financial markets have agreed on all major asset classes extent to which the assets invested," wrote Faust and her deputy Edward Forst in a letter to the heads of the Department of the university - and presented the Letter with the sober headline "Financial Update" directly into the net.
REUTERSHarvard boss thumb: If the cards on the table
Given the appalling figures, which Faust and Forestry indicate probably only helps transparency and the rush forward: Eight billion dollars, the elite university on the stock exchanges in the world burned, so a little more than a fifth of the university's assets at the end June 2008 still amounted to 36.9 billion U.S. dollars.
Responsible for these massive losses in just 16 weeks, the Fondmanager the Harvard Management Company (HMC), the Harvard-owned investment company. They invest the assets of the university in the world, mostly strategically wise and with exorbitant profits.
One fifth of the assets is gone
But the current global economic crisis is even for professional investors of the most prestigious university in the world a couple of big numbers: In fiscal year 2009, which since 1 July is running, the HMC is probably the biggest losses since 1974 retract. At that time, the assets shrunk by 12.2 percent - and since then up to three minimal intrusions almost grown steadily, according to the Harvard president.
The investment strategy of HMC is mainly the fact that they usually performs far better than other Fondgesellschaften or indexes. In the last decade meant that on average assets increased 13.8 percent annually. This good performance, the manager of HMC silver, sometimes even finger-thick gold over: bonuses of up to 35 million U.S. dollars approved in peak years, the per capita manager - and brought so generous against Harvard alumni on the moon such salaries for obscene hold.
Even in the current crisis, the manager of HMC, with its record loss a little better than the stock market average, albeit by only two percentage points: The index of the 500 largest listed companies in the United States lost in the last four months, 24 percent.
Harvard expects further losses
The losses are dramatic, Harvard is building projects in size and speed "back and a" look "on attitudes and staff throw so fist in her letter. Other universities in the United States is not better: With the loss of 20 to 30 percent, the Harvard loss "in the framework", cited the stock market bloomberg.com an intelligence analysts, rating agencies Moody's.
Beutelt the crisis also Unis state, which to a lesser extent than German universities funded by the State and also from the exchange business benefit - in good times. At universities in the states of Georgia, California and New York already had employees go to the libraries will be saved, renovation work has been suspended. The prestigious University of Virginia have as Harvard fifth of their assets lost, so far 4.2 billion U.S. dollars, reported bloomberg.com.
And it is not yet over, it could get worse. The fear from the previous month, Harvard and other universities in the crisis could take up to 30 percent of their assets lose, confirmed the Harvard bosses indirectly. "Even those sobering numbers (the minus eight billion dollars) is probably not the entire size of the losses cover," wrote Harvard President Faust. All other plans calculated with a "scenario under which our assets under 30 percent from the previous year."
Harvard loses huge assets.
 Tom Rifley, 27, was a little too long at a dinner with fellow students remained. In order to come to his dormitory, said the graduate student to the chauffeur. The safely brought him back - free of charge, naturally. "Normally I do not," says Rifley. "But on this evening, I found it quite useful." Harvard's own taxi service makes it possible.
The elite university has much of what others do not. A separate Harvard police patrolling around the campus, students can expect psychologists speculate about learning - thanks to a foundation's assets, its volume of the gross national product of smaller states is similar: 37 billion U.S. dollars.
At least it was a few months ago so much value.
For now, the university in the Boston suburb of Cambridge, what universities are all familiar with - financial problems. However, in another gigantic dimension.
Of the approximately 37 billion U.S. dollars eight billion are already gone. And that's just the last officially notified standard has just Edward C. Forst, Harvard vice president for finance, acknowledged that not even all losses are known. The latest quarter is not yet included - and this is expected to be abysmal. At the weekly meeting of financial leaders is "probably 16 billion U.S. dollars' loss of speech, said an institute director, for fear of his job to remain anonymous. Rating agencies estimate that Harvard third of its capital will lose, so 13 billion U.S. dollars.
The Harvard managers are trying now hurry, funds with bad loans loszuschlagen. "This is obviously not Notverkäufe," says Dan Primack stock market expert. "A Notverkauf it would be if you Holst, what you can get. Harvard is not a hopeless case."
"Hey, it's Harvard!"
Harvard and hopeless case? Such semantic combination not previously existed.
This leads to the campus to a mixture of nonchalance and played subdued neuenglischer panic. "I want my master and then get out here," says marketing student Marina Sanchez, 24 It just makes her degree in management and finance. "The cuts will affect my schedule for 2009. Everything is close, there are fewer offers."
Their younger fellow students, as arrogant verschrieenen Freshmen want to know nothing of crisis - after all they pay 47,000 U.S. dollars a year tuition fees. "Yes, we've talked about that the university has lost money," says Sarah, 17, who is currently applying to university. "But, hey, it's Harvard! Other universities do not have as much capital as Harvard has lost."
Malcolm Glenn, editor of the student newspaper The Harvard Crimson, "fluctuates between intelligence and desire harvardgemäßer coolness. "The college is a separate world. There are people who are disproportionately much money. The economic crisis is far away from them," he says. For him as for all the losses coming by "external forces which are stronger than us."
On the "Crimson" special site for financial disaster, there is a telltale sentence: The minus assets of the Foundation showed that "the reality of the crisis has come home." Faculty and Institute managers now get the week to see. "We meet regularly, and managers from the headquarters to see each time from a pale," said the financial manager of an institute. "They have a huge hole, and they simply do not know what to do."
Full noise silence
None of responsibility, called his name. This is new to this university proud.
The savings proposals of a similar revolution. Salaries will be frozen. Formative faculties such as the Medical School, the Faculty of Arts and Science ", or the John F. Kennedy Institute of Government to try teaching, with a 15-percent-minus deal - for now. Because no one knows exactly how much really needs to be sacrificed.
Everywhere are setting stops announced. The relocation of a large part of the university on the other side of the Charles River is as good as deleted.
The university spokesman beschweigen fundamental questions about forces. "We will not discuss investment strategies or even individual investment decisions," said spokesman Joshua Poupore.
Harvard President Drew Faust, however, knows that it is too much secrecy can not afford. Now she writes with wonderful regularity e-mails to the members of the university: "Tough decisions are now no longer be avoided", could now no longer any graduate student fellowships expect.
That is more than the heads of other major U.S. universities do. Nearly all hold a very clear and does not say precisely how hard the financial crisis it has caught the consequences will have - for example, the tuition fees. Most universities have expressed only vague: calendar and financial year had not gone, so there is no solid overview. Financial experts are as concrete. They expect that the assets of U.S. universities by 20 to 30 percent tumble. Many had benefited from the exchange business now and get problems such as Harvard.
At Yale, there is too much: "Obviously, Harvard is experiencing just what most foundations straight through, and we at Yale are not immune" - as it pushed the longtime University President Richard Levin made.
Not only the traditional Efeuliga, as the elite universities called, now threatens the defoliation. State universities have Spar start programs. And do not yet evident is how strong the economic crisis, the willingness of alumni donations will dampen, their former universities traditionally pampered with gifts of money.
Asset affiliated with University
The current crisis reveals a structural problem just senior U.S. universities. If one after the economic indicators go, for example, is less a Harvard University with financial professionals rather than asset management with affiliated university. The heart is the Harvard Management Company (HMC), practically an investment bank. It was the beginning of the nineties established to the money race against the eternal rival Yale not to lose.
Initially in the HMC employs ten employees, now there are well-200th The switch between university leaders and investment banks back and forth - and here lies the problem.
The stock market boom brought a fairytale Harvard Foundation increase its assets by 5.8 billion U.S. dollars in the late eighties to 19.2 billion in 2000 - and just at least 37 billion U.S. dollars. So the university is not only rich but also sensitive and exchange of products, which only took quick profits, but now are discredited. Because the financial jugglers put on private-equity funds and derivatives.
When the HMC began their work, the university still largely conservative investments. In 1995, however, warned the magazine "Forbes, Harvard put" knee-deep in derivatives. "
Derivatives are financial products that, on the finance ministers of the world just to sit court order to prohibit or its trading tightly controlled. Derivatives and highly speculative funds are for the fast collapse of the world financial system responsible. For Harvard, on the other hand, they were the most productive capital, with a return on investment of up to 23 percent fabulous.
Displeasure over the moon salaries of fund managers
Now they are loss-making, morally and financially.
There were at the university have always critical questions about the investments. Professors annoyed that they 250,000 U.S. dollars earned in the year - while the HMC-Boss young traders bonuses of up to 35 million U.S. dollars paid.
Ex-Minister of Labor Robert Reich railed, the gigantic foundation assets was "absurd". The economics professor Jeffrey Sachs said: "It is so good, so much money, but just for what purpose?"
Still, the intelligentsia of the University of the debate is not public. Once the losses are announced but will Harvard true capital to speak. And the criticism of the staff starts already.
"For me there was always a contradiction between an investment bank and a place of higher education," said Robert Holt recently from the Chemistry Department. The medical professor Paul Farmer discussed at a conference at John F. Kennedy School of the University of the future: "It is not a question of a new Lehman Brothers Bank building - follow her dream of a fair education!"
The internationally recognized anti-tuberculosis Activist Farmer directed this sentence about the bankrupt investment bank formally at a critical business students. Intentioned but he has someone else: Harvard President Drew Faust - she sat with him on the podium.