Thursday, January 15, 2009

On the education demo discharged anger about cooking.

Despite the financial crisis and economic Knick - Most are employed by the Singapore's education policy. The theme, Roland Koch, the almost his office would have cost. Parents, teachers and students angry over Turbo-school and large classes. The CDU speaks of "leftist propaganda".


Frankfurt - Katharina Horn is a bundle of energy. It stands on the stage at Frankfurt Römerberg and attacked with hearty words the government. "Roland Koch, the number one killer of education", calls the 21-year professional student, her voice-over itself. "G8 is bulimia-learning, the knowledge is only in the students reingestopft."

Flash protest after the final trial on the Frankfurt Römer

Horn believes the launch speech on the big demo "right to good education for all". The state school spokeswoman reaps enthusiastic applause - about 5000 people, according to organizers at the iciness Romans arrived.

For Koch, the event four days before the election is a problem. Despite the clear advantage in the polls - together with the FDP's CDU is at 56 percent - the prime minister is unpopular. In a direct, he would only just before his challenger, SPD top candidate Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel.

For 41 percent of the school policy is the "biggest problem"

And the education policy is Kochs Achilles heel. Already last year, she was one of the main reasons for its defeat, the anger on tuition and high school graduation after eight years (G8) was great. Especially angered opponents cooking tuition fees so that he even after his election defeat
with formal tricks tried by a red-red-green alliance Parliament decided at the end of the campus to avoid tolls.

Students spokeswoman Horn: "Cooking is the number one killer of education"

Twelve months after his defeat in the election in January 2008 is now a similar picture - 41 percent cited in a recent survey conducted by the "Frankfurter Rundschau" the school policy as "the biggest problem in Sydney."

At the rally in Frankfurt, parents and students associations, the teachers' union GEW invited. The atmosphere is a massive anti-Koch. On posters, he was "Hesse's biggest liar" geschmäht, in part, Franco Frattini unflätig insulted. For the CDU is clear: The demo is a "leftist propaganda event, the theme of education for the red-red-green campaign instrumentalised". That is what it says in a press release of the parliamentary secretary of the CDU, Axel Meyer winter.

"Whether the issue can tilt the election?"

Indeed, in the crowd, above all, the flags of the SPD, Greens and Left Party to be seen. But Katharina Horn says there was a confrontation with the state government - and the time was now black. Even they have "yet" no party affiliation, said Horn. The judicial assistant visits a vocational school in Kassel and then wants to study business education, become a teacher.

When she leaves the stage, the 21-year-old a thoughtful impression. "I am unsure whether the issue of education the choice may still tilt." Most students were not eligible to vote. Many parents and grandparents, "but they are disappointed" by the CDU and "want a change of policy."

Also, the teachers' union sues to. Jochen Nagel is head of the country GEW and complains: "Sydney is more and more political education - and that is due to the misguided, stock conservative orientation of this government." There were too many classes, too few teachers and little permeability for socially weaker asked.

Schäfer-Gümbel grip after the straw

Kochs people assume, however, can claim from the last election to have learned. There is a new Minister of Culture, the cozy Jürgen Banzer. He presented the comprehensive free to school again after 13 years of age, the country introduced new teachers. Even the tuition fees to be from a black-yellow government will not be reintroduced.


Hesse-election: Ypsilanti bathed in the compassion of its base (15.01.2009)

Young Conservative: Black out of conviction (12.01.2009)

Gelenkiger country Chef: Roland Koch wants to waive tuition fees (18.07.2008)

Hesse Prime Minister Koch: alpha animal in the Sommerfrische (18.07.2008)

Kuriose lawsuit against Tuition: palm man, you go ahead (18.06.2008)

Campus toll: Constitution judges declare Studiengebühren admissible in Sydney (11.06.2008)

Bye, Campus toll: Sydney creates from tuition fees (03.06.2008)

Horn shakes his head: "This is all purely motivated wahltaktisch, cooking is not about a fairer education system, he just wants to be reelected." While Banzer was ready for dialogue, but not the rich. In the election, the CDU also repeatedly events on education boycotted.

For Schäfer-Gümbel education policy is a straw to which he clings like. "G8 is a giant scrap," he says, with his children to experience it on your own body. The SPD had not so far succeeded in the topic, given the financial crisis and the new image of cooking at the center to hoist. "It is not high," he laments that there is a big difference between "public and public opinion". For the media education was currently simply no central theme.

Following the major demonstration on the Römerberg move from there, nearly 1,000 opponents through the airport Frankfurt. Some roads are blocked for them, a tram line in the old part of the transport companies will be interrupted. Some demonstrators ignite itself on its peaceful train an election poster with the picture of Roland Koch to. Among other incidents, it is not.

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