Friday, June 5, 2009

University students may no longer Euros bunkers.

At the edge of the high tuition fees have nothing to do. NRW Minister of Science Pinkwart has censured four universities because they saving money by students, rather it stuck to the doctrine. The clear message: The millions must go - otherwise it is distributed by the Ministry.


"Spare the time, then you will have in an emergency": This saying, some universities with distance studentenstärksten in North Rhine-Westphalia and heed million Euros of students reserves. But now, the use - or rather non-use - of tuition through four colleges for further trouble.

Hochschule Niederrhein
Niederrhein University: Out with the money - subito

On Friday NRW Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), four colleges aufgefrodert, its programming is fundamentally compliances. And fast. Pinkwart insists that the tuition fees as soon as possible - new German: "timely" - to improve education is spent.

"A saving of this money is not acceptable to us," said the minister. He sat Fachhochschulen Aachen, Lower Rhine, Cologne and Südwestfalen a new deadline until mid-June.

Previously, Pinkwart first character set. He recalled that four universities and nine colleges by the end of 2008 less than two-thirds of their revenue from tuition fees were spent. A certain overhang called Pinkwart although "normal, we will eventually no new fever in December." But this surplus should be the "laggards" nimble and significantly reduced.

"Tuition fees are not included in the savings asset"

This responded urged colleges Bielefeld, Bochum, Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen and East Westphalia-Lippe: You were obviously their surplus money in time off or verplanten it at least for concrete projects. The colleges should last until mid-month show, says the latest letter from the ministry. Of the four universities, it no longer. The four colleges that were previously not sufficiently nachbesserten, the Ministry was now even clearer.

A month ago Pinkwart had clearly said that tuition fees were "not in the savings asset." We will build an asset with the money the students are not accepted. Who will pay fees, should also benefit from enhancements to Pinkwart.

In 2008, the universities and colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to the Ministry a total of 266 million euros received from tuition fees, 34 million of them, however, until May 2009 neither issued nor verplant.

Turbulence in the Lower Rhine

Especially angry were students from the Hochschule Niederrhein. On six million came from tuition fees student representatives as they nachrechneten. And Rector Hermann Ostendorf admitted on demand from online blogs, money
deliberately planned and back, so in the coming years 15 professors and 15 other agencies employees to want to pay. It would thus "protect the base," tuition fees were just "not only for a certain amount of luxury as".

When they applied for reducing the toll campus was heavily criticized in the Senate, felt that the student representatives veräppelt completely. And now they receive from the Ministry unequivocal backing. As the Lower School will also be three other colleges do not continue to sit on the money, but to move them.

The message is clear: Give universities the money not enough, "then we in their place for a timely use," said a ministry spokesman.

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