Monday, June 29, 2009

Hunt for hidden knowledge.

In the exam time many students to mutate Fieslingen - and hide books, to include them in the library all to itself to have. Luer-Henning Flake, 21, is something like their natural enemy: jobbt He viewfinder than books at the University of Duisburg-Essen.


That students during their studies, casual work, is normal. Luer-Henning Flake, 21, is an unusual job. As books viewfinder at the University of Duisburg-Essen, he several times a week at the game after missing Literature in the University library.

Books viewfinder Flake: "It is forbidden books to hide '

"The job is fun, it's always an achievement when you book again," says Flake. Ten hours a week driving from Viersen-born student of cultural industries with his car, the course books of the library at Essen. 8.56 euros to get it, plus paid vacation.

Offender profile: Economics student

For about two months, the prospective host culture and its Bibliotheksjob feels comfortable. "The atmosphere in a library is very pleasant." This is also his predecessor as a book finder, Sven-Arvid finished. The philosophy and German literature student did this job about a year and a half behind and knew pretty much all the hiding places. "Some students hid the books in part in other shelves or deposited under the shelves, so it was not."

About 250 books were finished so in the course of a month. He was among the first to take this job at the university made. During the final, now assistant to a professor is like after studying additional training in library studies in Cologne, Germany wants to see luer Henning Flake his first job only as a temporary job.

After about two months work as a viewfinder also has books he has a profile of hiding books created. He noticed that students mainly from the library to learn to use hidden or books are not returned. And: "Often, the business students in the case."

Especially in times of trials, there is plenty of work for Flake. "Many things are borrowed, and it is only because of the presence of stock, then it is hidden." However, it was still never a culprit caught red-handed.

The library is preparing to book on hiding

Students had trouble with it for the books never viewfinder. "It is forbidden books to hide. Because the people care then, what to say, if we can find the books," said Flake. Rather Flake is seen as someone representing a further help. For the students, he is now an important partner. "The ever ask me where they can find a book." Flake comes with his job against his body size. The amateur basketball players is over 1.90 meters tall. This helps him to the higher shelves of the library to investigate.


Marc Röhlig

The Freiburg University library has open around the clock. Good for Amelie Hostel, 20 - Student policy must be urgently the matter for three Tests in the header to beat. Therefore, she to a duel: I against the library, a self-experiment in continuous learning. more ...

For the university is worth hiring Büchersuchern. Around two million copies of the university has in its inventory. Books cost a lot of money, an average of 30 euros, and many a copy of which has already been lost, submerged by the work of students as respondents and Flake again. At 250 copies, the books per month viewfinder again, large sums of money come together, which the university can save.

To promote the books curb further losses, the library management for new technologies. Thus, an electronic security system, the so-called radio transponder, the location of a book by signal log. The library staff checked with a detector the shelves, which then emit a signal. At the same time you can borrow books for faster transactions and the specimens are better protected from theft and the Hide protected.

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