Thursday, June 25, 2009

Campus toll hated than ever.

For Germany's universities and educational policy, it is a slap in the face: In terms of tuition fees each student is lacking confidence. Almost three-quarters are for the immediate abolition, almost nobody believes in improvement of teaching. This shows a new poll.


If there was a golden cucumber miserable for dealing with tuition fees, the Niederrhein University would best chance of the negative price abzuräumen. Over more than a year disguised the college to the students what to do with their money charges happened.

As the students discovered it, gave her FH almost half the student euros, six million accumulated in two years, not for better teaching, but
bunkerte for bad times. The students were outraged, but that availed nothing: The university showed them the cold shoulder. Transparency and timely use for teaching? Nothing doing.

A glaring case-by Gebührenschluderei is rather not. German universities in the six provinces that are currently a general campus toll money, shows a highly inventive when it comes to the use of the revenue goes. According to the rules of the countries is the money is always better and always learn from this. But what exactly that means - yes it can be interpreted very differently.

Three-quarters of the abolition of tolls Campus

A recent study by the University of Hohenheim shows nationwide feel inadequate fee payers on the use of several thousand euros, for which they must complete their studies up being informed. Almost three-quarters of the campus would toll rather than later to see abolished.


Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to know ...

For the third time students raved on behalf of the Marketing Department at the University of Hohenheim and surveyed from 5600 paid-peers from 49 universities. The interest of researchers: What is the tuition and satisfaction with their use? For the individual universities, the results are now clearly prepared under Assessment.

Now is the interview with some hundred randomly selected on each campus students are not representative. But the study provides a fairly broad mood among the students, usually twice a year for every 500 euro will be charged - and each time wondering why, actually. This mood is gloomy than ever:

Nearly three quarters of the license fee payers are responsible for the immediate abolition of fees (72 percent). This figure is still only two percentage points higher than the result from the previous year.

71.5 percent of the respondents in their study environment, no direct improvement of teaching, the majority of this group (80 percent) foresee in the future with no improvements.

In school terms, the license fee payers are almost as unhappy as the previous year: tuition fees are "sufficient to poor" rated (4.2 grade, in the previous year: 4.6).

Least bad students in Claustal-Zellerfeld, at the RWTH Aachen and Würzburg in the charges - but also their votes do not come with a 4 plus addition (3.5 and lower). Dissatisfaction are the students in Hanover (5.0), Wuppertal (4.9) and Hamburg (4.9).

Main criticism of the students - in addition to the fees themselves - is the lack of transparency. You will note the 4.3 is also very poorly rated.

Strongholds of the charges, according to opponents of Hohenheim investigation Braunschweiger Kunsthochschule and universities in Oldenburg and victories, with rejection rates of over 80 percent.

However nourishes the result, at least for victories doubts about investigation and method: There is the opposition of 52 percent last year to 80.4 per cent increase - a result that is Asta-Speaker Julian Hopmann from Siegen not quite explain. "There were no particular incidents. We are so unhappy as a year ago, and it is still very difficult for people against the tuition fees to mobilize," he said blogs ONLINE.

At the University of the study organizers in Hohenheim, the students are given the lax handling of their money in the past year particularly disillusioned. The university management under Rector Hans-Peter Liebig decided in his own glory, with the student money now gaping budget holes. Liebig was then by the students themselves as a fairly representative
Sun King parody of the money of students to the window herauswerfe.

For their behavior, the Hohenheim University in managing the receipt of the survey: While the satisfaction with the use of school can easily touch 4.5 to 4.2 have improved. But in Hohenheim almost nobody believes more in future improvements of teaching - only 15 percent in the previous year, more than twice as many.

This is true, however, the mood in all countries of fees: On average, only about every fifth student feels that the tuition will improve teaching. As is incubating, ferments, much discontent rumort, the license fee payers are very pessimistic. That, however, is at most universities where little.

Oskar Eyb
Voeth study Author: He calls for more transparency

  As at the FH Niederrhein needed it in a whole range of universities and FHS in North Rhine-Westphalia only one
tangible threat by Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), before the high school and responded
Now hurry million for its original purpose to spend the students since the introduction vorgebetet is better study conditions in the teaching, timely and transparent.

That these claims also Hohenheimer study author Markus Voeth to those at universities in the conclusion of the investigation. The road is still a long way to convince all the goodwill mission to Germany's universities. Voeth can even order at the same university where he teaches beginning.

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