blogs ONLINE: You have great knowledge test on the blogs participated. How did you cut off the students Pisa?
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How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...
Sascha Spoun: I have 39 points from 45 possible attained. It could have been better.
blogs ONLINE: After some 13 points above the
Average of the students.
Spoun: The are also still in the early stages of their lives.
blogs ONLINE: You put on the University of Lüneburg great emphasis on education: Bachelor's students of all disciplines must be general education seminars demonstrate how art and aesthetics "or" language and culture. " Why?
Spoun: Education has always been for universities and important characteristic of an academic study. This tradition, we place great here because of her we also expect the greatest benefit - through science education. The second reason is that the study not only serves the professional preparation, but preparation of the living whole. If I use other methods and disciplines have learned to lose, I fear things foreign.
blogs ONLINE: At the beginning of the study in Lüneburg, the "Leuphana term." This is mainly for scientific methodology that less about classical education.
Leuphana / Tamme
Sascha Spoun, 38, is since 2006 President of the University of Lüneburg Leuphana and established a single bachelor in Germany by: All Freshman demonstrate interdisciplinary modules and receive an introduction to scientific work. After they complete their studies in addition to studying generals with compulsory modules such as "art and aesthetics" or "language and culture." Even earlier, in St. Gallen Spoun the context of studies "was introduced - with a quarter of student achievement in general education seminars.
Spoun: That is correct. There are problems and are exemplary in their beings. The students must decide for themselves in the field researching and researching and forming their own theories. Since the first time, different standards applied than in high school.
blogs ONLINE: Even in the selection check less the general knowledge of the candidates as their ability to think logically and reason. Why?
Spoun: The candidate must have a short paper on a controversial topic and then moderate a discussion. At a university is about addressing problems. We want in the admission test to determine to what extent the students to think in the situation, whether they absorb facts quickly, forming a thesis and then proceed to hypothesis driven. The key is that students learn to ask the right questions - and not that they always have the answers.
blogs ONLINE: Are not these skills that are only developed in the study?
Spoun: The basis of the approval procedure is still the Abitur. The tests offer the chance to improve. Since it is not knowledge, but to the extent I am prepared to establish new to me, curious about his views of fellow students and for their own development use. These are very essential in various ways can be documented.
blogs ONLINE: In a recent survey by the German Industry and Commerce Day among employers practice was far the most common reason that they are still in the trial of young professionals with graduate separated. Is it possible your university, that students in addition to the intensive study program so students internships?
Spoun practice so far says that knowledge is not available. So we start here in the first study week, with problem-oriented work. There are problems that students must solve in co-operation. And they should learn to be a problem with the help of theories and empirical research to edit that they can draw conclusions, which then evolve. This gives the study a very high practical terms - but not in the sense of dependence on companies, but in terms of working style. In addition, our small group approach in which we deliberately go here. In the first semester and sit in the Complementary Studies seminars in all a maximum of 30 students, so that this exchange can take place.
blogs ONLINE: On-Unis masses will be a small group based program but hardly possible.
Spoun: This is basically everywhere possible, if it wants to deal with the fundamental issues of teaching and studying intensively addressed. It needs great efforts of professors and scientific staff. The central question is: Can we find a common idea that is pursued, and can mobilize the energy to get ready for this idea to use?
blogs ONLINE: You have, however, the ratio between the number of students and teachers also enhanced by the study of 10,000 to just under 7500 seats have reduced.
Spoun: That was necessary. This is quality before quantity. The students have to deal intensively with the study content and need a lot of feedback.
blogs ONLINE: That means if your program other universities as a model deprive, this would inevitably with a university reductions?
Spoun: We are not about to have fewer students. It is crucial that it must succeed, a good ratio to be achieved. This is but only if we are massively in teaching invest. The Land of Lower Saxony has become 15 percent more state aid.
blogs ONLINE: If more funds are available, then why can not the care to be enhanced by the university more personnel?
Spoun: That is what we are doing currently. We have just the first 25 new professorships advertised. Again in the same order of magnitude more alerts are followed.
blogs ONLINE: Why are you so from the classical idea of the university as a place of character-driven?
Spoun: Because for me, the freedom for personal development by addressing the nature of science at the University of mind. This idea can be found today, especially at
good Anglo-Saxon universities realized. We want a public university in Germany this humanist tradition to follow and so the students who took this opportunity otherwise might not have to allow a big push for their development to get.
blogs ONLINE: Through your selection process, the prospective students but children of a family from the educated middle class.
Spoun: no. For example, if you have a lesson, the additional points in the selection, because we say that this practical experience, which are useful. That is a very important point: Of course it's about the condition, based on education and become harder to want to be. But even people without academic lettering from the parental home, we want to study with our model of support.
Here you will find all the questions and answers from the five knowledge areas:
Politics - From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"
History - Benedictine, Napoleon and the ancient Romans
Economy - oil multinationals, derivatives and Bio-Siegel
Culture - the crime scene, wetlands and Palazzo Prozzo
Science - Birds, Ultrasound, Chemistry
Get a coffee, leave your brain vorglühen, take your knowledge Discontinued ... und ab dafür!
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