From the mid-nineties until 2004, the staff of the International Office an extensive account system and hindurchgeschleust million, of which 120,000 Euros embezzled. The money, the university staff's investigation, according to the Associated Part for events such as group tours for students, but also for private purchases.
The court saw the Trierer evidence and sentenced the accused to a prison sentence of two years and four months without parole. Eight months of which are due over a long duration than enforced. The defense will appeal.
Wolfgang Lenders
Court records: meters of paper on the University of Trier Chaos
Rainer M. (name changed) is a creative person. One who is not working on the looks of the evening sometimes even longer stays or Sunday work, if need be. None of it through regulations constrict.
M. was successful, sunbathing, the University of Trier in his success. 2004, the Foreign Office Trierer project for the "excellent care of foreign students at German universities" from. M. had a care center for foreign students. Front, there was coffee, cocoa and tea, held back M. and student tutors from Sprechstunden.
The university knew little - or wanted to know little
M. The award was in Berlin in conjunction with the university vice-presidents opposite. But not considered how its employees use the money for the care center had. It had long been M. in a network of illegal transactions involved. That same year, he flew on, the university announced it summarily, for years identified the Prosecutor.
With a red head sat M. on Friday in the courtroom. He was visibly embarrassed, what comes to light. "I've accepted that I have taken private money, and I am ashamed of this," he had at an earlier court hearing said. When the prosecutor is now two years and nine months imprisonment demanded M. held hands before the court and looked down. He did the work of great joy, he said in a break. But he was simply not of the Chaos Lord has become longer.
He pushed money between accounts and forth, even the money for the care center came in part from accounts intended for other purposes in mind. There were, inter alia, rents and security deposits for dormitory rooms. About 220 rooms were rented and M. they are switched to foreign students. They paid for more than fellow students, their rooms directly from the student had hired. According to a statement, the M. in 2004, the Association of the counseling center, presented, he made the dorm rooms with an annual turnover of almost 470,000 euros and a profit of 19,500 euros - if the room even during the holidays to Course participants were rented.
Over the years ran millions of euros on the accounts of M., in the form of rents, security deposits, grants from the German Academic Exchange Service and student contributions to seminars - past the budget of the University of Trier, past the country's higher education fund. Some of the accounts had established M., others mid-nineties by his boss when Auslandsamt over. The first was in the eighties opened. A letter from the year 1988 indicate that the M. 's attorney presented the court said an employee of the university's budget department this procedure well. It was customary at that time as been said M. 's former boss as a witness in the process. "It has therefore led black cash?" Asked the lawyer. "If you like, yes," replied the witness.
Money diverted for Willy Brandt Biography and Porn
An accounting for the accounts had not M.. But until 2004 he discovered, examined the university administration does not even touch the account from which they knew. Then needed a university employee for one year to the accounts overview chaos sources.
Commercial infidelity in 138 cases and misappropriation of around 120,000 euros, was lastly, the indictment the prosecutor Trier. Payments of about 14,000 euros M. admitted first. Uncontroversial privately, for example, was the purchase of food, a Willy-Brandt-porn biography and folders. The had it in divesting from M. 's office found, said a university employee in court.
For the most part but it went to university for expenses related purposes. M. Sun organized group of foreign students, such as Prague and Vienna, for which there was no official promotion, travel for seniors and students at the University of Trier, such as Scotland or in the Lombardy - and thus losses.
The process revealed a shambles Chaos: M. reported from Prague money for a trip. Several thousand euros have been in a desk drawer to be placed, but were gone. Whether he is in the police complaint had asked the judge. "No," said M. sheepishly. The students still went to Prague, M. took the missing money from his accounts. They were mostly negative.
Prosecutor: "For the money I have three years to work"
M. was looking for a way out of the dismal situation. "I was clear from 2000 that everything is sitting on me. Hence the efforts of the care center," he said in the process. The Association should be appointed by him to convey the dorm rooms take on. But first, M. needed money to build the care center, among other things, he vouched for a private credit institution of the Association over 25,000 euros. But the bill did not go to the Association in the late 2004 bankruptcy. The center had to close the 25,000 euros M. must pay off.
Today, the University of Trier care center know nothing - a private affair of M., as a university employee in the process. Just as some groups of foreign students and senior students. Lack of control of the university acknowledged that sees but especially M. and his direct supervisor's responsibility and is against both claims raised. The amount was "substantial," said University Chancellor Klaus Hembach and quantified the damage at about 160,000 euros.
Rainer M. was sentenced to prison, finally without parole, slightly below the demand of the prosecutor of two years and nine months in prison "in order to earn 120,000 euros, I have three years work," says the plea. "Since seh" I do not understand why the accused not to be sitting in three years. " M. 's lawyer had a maximum penalty of two years on probation is required.
In the ruling the court followed largely the arguments of the prosecutor. Despite the chaos, it could not be anything to push the university: "It is not the atrocities committed in the fund - you can not push on overload," said the judge. Stark weight had fallen, that M. does not have attempted to repair the damage: "You have a character set times, so it just does not work."
The prison sentence will not accept M.. He will appeal against the sentence, his lawyer said immediately after the process.
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