Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"The students do not have much of it".

Monstrous six million euros from the campus toll bunkert the Niederrhein University. And do not think that the money be returned to the students: There will be high on the edge store - a remarkable example of brazen dealing with tuition fees.


Too much money to have is a rather rare, a beautiful, a luxury problem. Too much money can you spend or give away. It could also saving so that security for poorer times wins. In any case, it should be one's own money, not the money of other people.

Hochschule Niederrhein
Niederrhein University: "Now we have it in black and white"

Just the throw but students of the Niederrhein University in Krefeld and Moenchengladbach before their college. Since the winter semester 2006/2007, the approximately 10,000 students, like their fellow sufferers almost everywhere in North Rhine-Westphalia, 500 euros per semester to pay tuition fees.

Since a lot of money comes along. And it should, so the fees have friends like National Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) always insisted on the improvement of teaching are spent, for nothing else. This is also in North Rhine-Westphalia study contribute Law: The revenues had been "earmarked for the improvement of teaching and study conditions" to be used.

At first glance, it looks at the Niederrhein University, the second largest University in the country as if that would Rector Hermann East Village to meet this requirement. Language and psychosocial counseling were created tutorials for the students and staff time purchased, the library has received more money, and you managed equipment for lecture halls and laboratories at.

The students: "Let's buy a football club"

Student representatives have meticulously calculated after: all this has cost the first year of fee collection and 2,068,789 euros in the year to 3,865,355 euros again. The problem: In the year 2008, the University just over three million euros in income from fees, which they had spent in 2007. A year later, the turn of the year 2008/2009, this amount had already doubled and was at six million euros swollen.

Given such large sums of money the students make sense now the question: If the university tuition fees, which they do not need?

The UAS now sitting on a nice pile of money, "criticized the Asta in the" 42 "- along with a meticulous listing of the revenue from tuition fees and expenditure, broken down by funding for the Social Fund, the definitions and general expenses. "Now we have it in black and white," says Asta member Robert Kramer, 30

Gestolpert the students were on a list of revenue and expenditure, the university presented in autumn 2008 - up a chaotic, "said Robert Kramer," we were all just a big question mark over his head. " Thus did the student representatives out ackerten by Zahlenwust and attracted a lot of money to the university either intentionally withheld or simply could not spend. Therefore, the Asta some sarcastic suggestions parat: "Why not take a football club to buy?" Or five million chocolate bars. Or a small island in the Mediterranean Sea ...

The Rector: "It is the State, which saves a bit"

From the perspective of the East Village Rector, however, everything is in the green: "We reckon there and back, our revenue from tuition fees are six million euros a year," he said blogs ONLINE. The fact that three million euros per year are left, is already more well known and well intended. The money would be "medium term until 2015 to invest in personnel, specifically in 15 professors and staff as many bodies," says Ostendorf.

Hochschule Niederrhein
Rector East Village: "Charges will also form the basis"

Actually, the creation and payment of professors task of the country, says the Krefelder Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - as far as he is with the student representatives agreed. But what should he do? "We have given further thought, because the country will in future not so provide, as we need it."

Tuition fees were just "not only for a certain amount of luxury here, but also secure the base," says Ostendorf. The fact that the students who are already $ 1000 a year to pay for their studies, this "medium" planning nothing useful, also rector of the way: "The students do not have much of it, we as a university can not - it is the State of some saves. "

The Lower School also shows considerable else penchant for thrift - according to the students at the same time it pads with four million unspent state funds. Power with the campus toll-Euros together satte ten million, all accumulated for worse times. But if the FH the money sometime later for professorships or construction issues, many of today's students have already graduated. So you pay for future generations of students.

The Senate: Hurray, finally, we are millionaires

Before the Senate meeting on Monday expressed the Asta-million because of provisions a clear demand: Because the FH only half of the money issue, we also want to pay only half, ie 250 instead of 500 euros per semester. With their application bites the students in the 23-member Senate, however, on granite. Halving the toll Campus - criticized, with 14 abstentions, four yes and four abstentions. And the reduction of 100 euros, as a professor requested - criticized, with the narrow majority of twelve votes against.


Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to know ...

Two and a half hours discussing the Senate on the campuses tolls, and everything stays as it is: The Rector, the more money bunkers. And costly plans for the future forge. "This is very bitter," says Robert Kramer. He speaks very quietly, but his anger is clearly apparent, and he shares with other student representatives.

"For students, 1000 euros a year crass financial burden," says the student of electrical engineering, "this money just to park for years, it is sheer mockery." In his view, the rectorate humiliates the students and selects "the most convenient way." "They should do their homework and the millions of us make sense or to return, because we need it urgently," he exhorts.

What the purpose is yet, and when students are veräppelt feel, is on the Lower Rhine as in many other German universities a dispute theme: "Improving the Teaching", which may be considered by the Rectorate mean so much - including the investment in
Heating of classrooms or the renovation of
Toilets. Or they
Simply dumping the money in the budget hole.

The Minister: Lectureships Euros from students? Famos!

Professors to pay only part of their working time devoted to teaching, is so far unique to the tasks of the country. Also this should be in NRW students now pay. And a driving force for science minister Pinkwart.

As in the autumn of 2008, the University of Cologne announced, 50 students and professor with money to finance Pinkwart quite enthused. Also Bielefeld and Bonn had before, to create such bodies, the Minister announced in late November: "I welcome this trend and would like to specifically encourage the universities to get more involved."

Baden-Württemberg allowed this sin is somewhat earlier, for the first time last summer. There will soon
300 professors, students paid.

It is now clear where the journey leads. Only major improvements were promised, then the tuition fees in several German states introduced. And now, nearing the end of the period of shame: By and by taking students through the funding of the normal program at the universities and polytechnics. Meanwhile, can the state is the primary draw back and the money saved. Improvement of teaching? Not in the long run.

This creeping process harms not only the students but also the politics, angry Robert Kramer. Actors such as Pinkwart were guilty but that "more and more people to 'up there' curse ', because they feel veralbert". Kramer is not apathy, he wants to continue fighting. But he can understand the fellow who retire frustrated.

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