The spirit of rebellion in France's universities had not yet been to get small. For months already put students repeatedly University Events lame, professors and assistants went to the streets against the reforms of Education Minister Xavier Darcos and higher Minister Valérie Pécresse. For 15 weeks daily gather reform opponents at the Paris City Hall plaza and walk silently in a circle.
Still, the teaching at many universities disrupted, many institutions remain blocked at some universities, the students complete at home. Now, the French government to bandages harder: Given the continuing protests militant student wants to deny the accounts.
"We are those who are responsible, that universities do not work, no diplomas," said Education Minister Xavier Darcos on RTL radio Monday. The ongoing blockades damaging especially the most vulnerable students, such as those who are self-financed their studies.
Touch with professors threaten boycott
"Take careful," warned the militant demonstrators Darcos. The change in public opinion, the students supported the blockades no more. There would be neither a "doctor in blockade" nor a "Master in petition" give.
Now threaten professors: They announced a Note boycott and a boycott of participation in school committees and wish all students the same note issue, reported the online magazine Telepolis. Thus, they want to force the controversial government decree on working hours of university teachers - adopted at the end of April - is withdrawn.
The French government has failed so far with the experiment, the protests simply auszusitzen. But the opponents of reform are also far away from their targets. In addition, students now with the consequences of the ongoing protests to fight: Tens of thousands must be due to the failure to make teaching and training hours with a shift of tests expected. Partner universities in the U.S. already cancel their exchange programs and recognize the semester abroad in France because of the lack of evidence is not in power, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
The protest movement came from faculty, but then widened to the students. It was directed against the "Law on the autonomy of universities", which shortly after President Sarkozy's election was decided in 2007. According to All 85 universities by 2012 its funding, premises and staff to manage themselves. "The University is not an undertaking, education is not a commodity," is the credo of the demonstrators. In addition, the new law requires the work of professors by the University president to evaluate. Reform opponents fear the elimination of positions.
New influent receiving the protests, since Education Minister Darcos announced the trainee year for prospective teachers want to emphasize instead more student teachers to the universities to send. They would then be referred to an entrance without educational preparation in the classroom to be dismissed.
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