Thursday, May 28, 2009

Failed lawsuit against tuition fees.

They demanded the complete abolition of the tolls campus - but students, the Greens and the SPD with its action on the Bavarian Constitutional Court failed. The right of individuals to higher education will not be violated, the charges were allowed, so the judges.


University students in Bavaria have a report that continues up to 500 euros per semester to pay tuition fees. The action of students, Greens and the SPD, the abolition of fees wanted to achieve, failed, as the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", relying on a ruling of the Bavarian Constitutional reported.

Demonstration in mid-May in Munich: charging opponent with plea failed

From the perspective of constitutional judges is that the tuition fees is not a "disguised tax" or an "undue special levy," it is said, according to the newspaper in a written verdict. The right of individuals to higher education will not hurt, therefore, stressed the judges.

The equality is guaranteed, since the collection of contributions due to soft loans and exemptions was socially. 24 percent of students were exempted from contributions. The court and the Bavarian Ministry of Science on Thursday evening was not reachable for an opinion.

At the end of April were already students of the University of Paderborn with its action against general tuition failed. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has ruled that the fees did not infringe the constitutionally guaranteed principle of free work and study election violated.

The tuition expectations in the opinion of the judges is not contrary to the Constitution nor international law against the major UN social pact. That was the accusation of Paderborn students. The fees were not only socially unjust, they argued, but not with the Constitution and the UN Social Pact.

In mid-February was a further complaint against the campus toll in Baden-Wuerttemberg failed: The Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (VGH) determining that the local universities may continue to raise tuition fees. The fees were constitutionally and socially, judged the top administrative judges in the country.

In particular, the charges with the Basic Law guarantees professional and educational programming freedom because every state loans study Willigen higher education initiatives. The right to higher education for everyone is not entitled to a free study. Had sued a student of the Pedagogical University in Freiburg, as well as three students from the University of Karlsruhe

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