Daniel Mack does not know the woman, but she knows it. The Mittfünfzigerin has his photo in the local newspaper. At a bus stop in Bad Orb speaks to the 22-year-olds to: "Dude, how can you as a foreigner to insult our indigenous religion?" Mack replied politely and disappears. He does not want a confrontation.
Daniel Mack
Daniel Mack: Does the Catholic Church insane
For the Greens are encounters like these are now everyday. Since his youth associations by accusing the CDU and SPD, the Christian faith to discredit, he experienced in his home town running the gauntlet.
The online service Twitter Mack had the initiative "Pro ethics" is supported - by the words "no advertising hours more for a totally crazy Catholic Church." He participated in the discussion so that the of the churches with great verve and church-run money Berliner popular "Pro religion", which deals with religious instruction as Wahlpflichtfach went - so far to visit students in the capital of the ethics and religion can also voluntarily choose.
"In the supermarket people look at me hateful to"
So will it remain so. Because the referendum last Sunday reached the initiative does not have the necessary quorum, the majority of the votes cast - and was
failed twice. For their very aggressive campaign in which they are sometimes on the fringes of probity argued, had two major Christian churches insert a lot of criticism.
Photo: TV blogs
Video: TV blogs
"Berlin is gaga," was about a journalist Henryk M. Broder - the dispute but does not understand, and the city was probably good, otherwise no one would worry about such Petit lunch. "I call God and asked him what he wants rather, religion or ethics classes. And he has said he would prefer a warm dinner," says Broder blogs in TV Video.
Mack experienced since he opposed the Catholic Church has twittered, violent Anwürfe. "With such a reaction, I did not expect," said the Darmstädter student blogs ONLINE, "look me in the supermarket, people hateful to me as they wanted to spit in the face." In dozens of e-mails he abused his cellphone, he had meanwhile issued because he no longer anonymous calls had to endure.
What annoys him most: "People see my skin color and think: Okay, that's a foreigner and a Muslim, what is the one our church to criticize?" Mack is in the Hessian Bad Soden Salmünster-born, grew up in Bad Orb and went to school. He is a member of the Catholic Church and was even Messdiener - recently, he has but a request for withdrawal made. His father comes from Sri Lanka, have met him but he never says Mack.
"Indigenous population" discredited?
Young Socialists and Young Union (JU) before he throws the mood with their press release to have fueled. In fact, it states that it was appalled by the church's criticism of district deputies, "Mack, who see themselves as guardians of tolerance and multiculturalism sees so ruthlessly discredited a large part of the local population."
The two political youth organizations are calling on Mack to Twitter contribution to remove and to publicly apologize. If this does not happen, should the Greens him "a certain aging period" decreed "to the basic rules of the political and especially of the human to learn how to deal with each other."
The National Chief of the Hessian Greens Tarek Al-Wazir, the as "absurd" back: "Daniel Mack has pointed a position that you can get." However, it was a personal position and not the Greens. National CEO Kai Klose cites the reference to the "native population" frightening, "This is the lowest drawer - JU Young Socialists, and should be superior to what was a thought behind stands."
Strife among young politicians
While Mack is not his political rival, right-wing ideology to it. "But they have served to hurt me," says the 22-year-olds.
Julia Heil, district chairman of the JU in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, is back this accusation: "This was by no means our intention. When Daniel is attacked so now, I'm really sorry." It joined the Juso District Chairman Dorian winter. His colleague, JU-Heil says further, they doubt that the attacks are connected with the pro-religion controversy are: "Daniel Mack told a long time that he worried about his skin color in Bad Orb pursued feels."
Mack calls it absurd and asked the JU-rival, why people in Germany feel would be prosecuted for. "I have my opinion about the Christian faith expressed" says Green. It brings him so before, when he should just be denied - because of his skin color.
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