Thursday, April 2, 2009

Computer genius with Powerpoint weakness.

Indians studying breathtakingly fast. In Bangalore, many business students are already ready for engineers with experience in the computer industry. This drone they carelessly down presentations. Volker Gehling traveled and was amazed by the IT capital of the subcontinent.


A student living in Bangalore knows no regular weekend. Instead of celebrating, I sit on a Saturday evening at 23 clock in a small room with the Indian business elite of tomorrow and brood over our presentation.

Around me sit Idranil, Nitin, Vyoma and Debarun. You are about 25 years old and so little older than me. But they all have an engineering degree with distinction and worked in large companies. Idranil has just told me that he had a few years ago the user of my mobile phone has co.

For one semester I'm studying at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, IIMB shortly. Bangalore is situated in the south of India to 900 meters. That is the weather, despite the pleasant subtropical latitudes and the mosquitoes weak. The climate is also a reason why many international IT companies like Microsoft, SAP and IBM are established - Bangalore is considered the Silicon Valley of India.

Priority has always been the engine with the largest

The city is within the past few years far too quickly to a six-million metropolis grew. Planlos every available space has been constructed, high-rises shoot right next to huge slums out of the ground. A man lies motionless on a garbage mountain in front of the campus of the HSBC Bank, with an English lawn up all time, which makes each Schlossgarten honor. The blind vendor coconut with a machete to open a coconut - right in front of the McDonald's restaurant. This is India today.

The Blog
Map: From Bangalore India already quite

On the campus of the elite is not eating more elite suspect, there is rice with spicy vegetables and crisp vegetables with rice. That's why we go out and back into the city to continental cuisine, Indian fast food or haute cuisine to taste - from fantastic to curry spiced beef tenderloin. The cow is sacred, clear, but in Bangalore they can still eat.

Such trips are always a nerve-wracking ride in the motor-rickshaw connected. Traffic rules and fear Indians seem not to know. It is driven, where space is, and if the rickshaw-drivers with a not on a suicide command against the three-way street is, you really lucky.

Comes with the overturning klapprigen companions, and again, even fully loaded with seven exchange students. Way to look out for? Always has the right of way with the larger engine and the horn louder. Before louder smog is the air during the rush-hour for cutting thick.

One in every thousand makes it to the Business School

The campus, however, is an oasis - and a small city in itself. The green area is huge and offers sports facilities, a post office, two banks, cafes and kiosks. In the bustle of the giant metropolis is the campus a microcosm of many Indian students during the semester barely leave.

Whoever finishes here, has done it. The business schools in Bagalore, Ahmedabad and Calcutta are forging the cadre of managers of the subcontinent. Each year, apply 200,000 young people, only one thousandth comes through. The MBA program lasts two years and costs nearly ten thousand euros - a fortune in a country with an average daily wage of 2.50 euros. Few students have rich parents, most take out a loan to study at.

The Indian students have a rhythm of work, which I of the TU Munich'm not accustomed. Many sleep only four or five hours, even after rushing parties learn it directly. But it is worth it. Later, it says, graduates can choose the jobs.

The professors are all in Europe or the United States have been trained and guided in their lectures at very American elite schools. In each course will be worked in groups, which regularly functions, business cases and presentations to deliver them.

Unfortunately it is often a significant quantity. In PowerPoint presentations, each centimeter of film used, and is a time limit, it is easier faster. So it happens that my thoughts in such lectures digress - on the last weekend trip.

The Adobe developer journey awakens me from dreaming

Bangalore is the ideal starting point for short trips, all one hundred kilometers, India is different and new. I was in the beautiful temple city of Hampi and visited the huge granite rocks times of scooters, from times of elephants. In Kerala, I swam in the Indian Ocean and enjoyed a cold beer on a houseboat in the canals lined by palm trees and lakes.

The absolute leisure, however, was the crowning trek in the Himalayas. One week we migrated from a small mountain village to the next, were invited to a local wedding and spent a day with a dancing and drinking village. On the last day we went to a 5000 meters high mountain - at this altitude, every step in agony, but the view made the effort more than compensate.

My fellow Indian Nitin stupst myself with the elbow and pulls me from my dream trip. The overloaded presentation is over. I have the next group work, Nitin shows me the path. Prior to his management degree, he was done with computers, he tells me.

Whether the Adobe Reader, I know he wants to know. Sure, why then? Den he co.

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