Andreas Schleicher, the OECD is responsible for the well-known students test and numerous other projects of educational research. That
"Student-Pisa", the last few weeks on the pages of blogs online to see, not one, this knowledge test is an action of blogs editors in cooperation with studiVZ. In an interview Schleicher explained the plans of the OECD.
blogs ONLINE: After the students will soon show students what they know. Why do you want students to also test Pisa ask?
Andreas Schleicher in the OECD directs the Department of indications and analysis "
Andreas Schleicher: We want to highlight the performance of universities. What are their strengths, where their weaknesses? Such studies are currently only in research but not for teaching.
blogs ONLINE: Even a single university has a difficulty, the quality of their teaching to be measured. You want to make it equal to the world. Can this go?
Schleicher: We will see our work here is limited at present just on the feasibility. While school systems are still in their national traditions are arrested, the universities in the global competition. We wish them a better picture of where their competitive advantages lie.
blogs ONLINE: How do you want to a specialist such as Germanic world compare?
Schleicher: We will start with other disciplines: economics and engineering sciences. These subjects are methodologically easier to grasp, because there is already a global dimension.
blogs ONLINE: And then later, Germanic follow?
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Schleicher: You have to look exactly how far you come here. We test also transversale generic skills, such as the ability to solve problems, think analytically and communicate effectively. There are established tools and vast experience in some Member States. But it is: As important as these skills are general - that universities should not be reduced.
blogs ONLINE: Why are students, professors do not even tested?
Schleicher: The quality of teaching must be reflected in the students. It is so, what the students arrive. In this respect, their skills, the best measure, so our study is also "Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes" (AHELO).
blogs ONLINE: How do you want to distinguish between what students already know and what they have currently under study learn?
Schleicher: Methodological can be perfectly resolved. Ideal would be a long-term study with which to evaluate what students at the beginning and end of their studies to know. This is certainly an important point, to avoid simply the prestigious institutions are rewarded, which their students can choose.
blogs ONLINE: Even in a country differ in the student bodies of individual universities greatly between countries, there are only relatively large differences. Is there really a comparison?
Schleicher: There is already a value in itself, this heterogeneity even manner. And our main goal is no comparison, the OECD does not want to say at the end: This is the best university in the world. We want rather a profile of each university to show their strengths and weaknesses so that they are their position in the market may be looking for.
blogs ONLINE: Even if you then draw a differentiated picture - at the end but all want just a simple ranking show. The OECD itself speaks of a "militant obsession" with the whole world looks to such charts.
Schleicher: The left, I see. If you have a strong multi-dimensional image tinkers, then anyone can be his conclusions and the areas considered, which are most important to him. What you may not allow, is a result as the Shanghai ranking: a compendium of criteria that once durchgemixt and then pressed into a ranking, which according to scientific standards, does not make sense. The problem is not ranked in itself, but the criteria which are based.
Click on the picture to view the results as tables to see
blogs ONLINE: During the German university rectors are still undecided, the Austrian university leaders have said what they think of all this: You consider your plans "with deep skepticism and widespread rejection."
Schleicher: Ah, skepticism is healthy.
blogs ONLINE: And rejection?
Schleicher: I do not deny but that it is a difficult task. We stood at the top of the Pisa study before a very similar development. But that has changed, when the feasibility was demonstrated.
The interview was conducted by Markus Verbeet
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