Saturday, March 14, 2009

Uni Hanover collects nine Ph.D. again.

A law professor in Hanover got a lot of money that he judges and lawyers led to doctoral studies. Nine customers of a windy promotion counseling was fatal: the University of Hanover has given them their titles withdrawn. Further processes to pave.


The choice of supervisor will be carefully considered, and that with the title at the end of work, is never guaranteed. For external doctoral promotion is often particularly difficult. For that reason, "doctoral adviser" in the sphere of their services to universities and are controversial for many years. Such an institute zwischenzuschalten and pay may, however, may be bitter revenge.

University of Hanover: Nine lawyers lose their Ph.D.

Nine lawyers, including a judge, several government officials and lawyers, were on their way to a doctoral program at the University of Hanover money to a consultant paid - and are therefore their doctorate again. The University of Hanover had the title from 1998 to 2005 awarded. Now they recognize the academic degrees, such as the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" (HAZ) have been reported.

Reason for recall: The lawyers did their work in due
"Corruptibility in particularly severe case," law professor sentenced Thomas A. stored. He was the candidate in turn, by an agency, the Institute for Science Advice in Bergisch Gladbach, have been taught. The Law Faculty of the Leibniz University considers the matter of promotions to be illegal.

In these nine cases, and 59 more had lawyers on the A. coveted title and help to let this princely pay. About 150,000 euros in total, he collects for his doctoral work to care for adopted - what about the ordinary duties of a university professor heard.

"The lawyers know what they are doing"

The Landgericht Hildesheim condemned the professor due to bribery in 68 cases to three years imprisonment, however the promotion was only the nine candidates, which now will lose their title successfully, and the review formally correct to the end run.


Manuel René Theisen is professor of business administration in Munich and published in 1986 Advisor "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten". When trade title he furious and said in blogs ONLINE interview Plaintext: "Promotional Consultants are Tröpfe vain for something." more ...

Volker Epping, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Hanover, said the "HAZ" We assume that the candidates, all lawyers knew what they are doing. "All nine had the illegality of their promotion must recognize - after all they had to to 25,000 euros paid to participate in the Ph.D. to go for any other fees must be paid. "The lawyers must have been aware that it is not right, for the promotion and care money to pay," said a University spokeswoman.

Thomas A. was the first time in 2004
in trouble, as the students of the University Examination Office asked him not to be tested. They feared they would otherwise be under center, they had their notes which it is. The university was aback and informed the public prosecutor, after lengthy investigations A. submitted in September 2007 from a confession. The process revealed: He had not only money for promotion procedures, but also for sexual favors in several cases, better grades.

The windy doctoral advisors are now broke

The case against A. finally brought a shady company in Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne to stumble. The Institute for Promotion Advice had over two decades solvent doctoral candidate at the Hannoverian lawyers and to other professors taught. The Landgericht Hildesheim Thomas A. According received for the care of a doctoral about 2000 euros, for a successful promotion further 2000 euros.

The promotion intermediaries Martin is due to D.
commercial bribery since mid-last year in detention in The Landgericht Hildesheim sentenced him in July to three and a half years in prison. Deprived of the business model, the Institute since the beginning of the year and broke his

Dean Epping assumes that the nine lawyers against the abolition of their promotions and hence the loss of their Ph.D. will complain. Continued his university in these proceedings and the lawyers lose their final title, Epping expects them with "existenzbeeinträchtigenden consequences," he said of the HAZ. Stakeholders have a month to oppose the withdrawal of title to sue. The first action is the Administrative Hanover received.

In addition, currently a university's internal disciplinary proceedings against Epping predecessors in the dean's office. The university had, after information disclosure, "in front of about ten years in fringe" with the consultant to do to have had. The prosecution has the criminal investigation against the former dean, however, is now set.

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