Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How smart are you.

How parliert you Bescheidwissern, even if one has no clue? Anne Weiss and Stefan Bonner betrayed in the guide "Doof it yourself, as you elegantly simulate knowledge, without any other notice - and seemingly sudden opera, philosophy, and understand world events.


Imagine a loose conversation with your teacher, your boss or father of your new flame front. You want to impress, but suddenly she is in space: a nasty question of knowledge, like a flu virus on the immune system of your non-existing general knowledge starts.


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economics, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

"My wife and I have tickets for a concert by Claude Debussy get a gift. Have you ever busy with his work?" Your first thought is: "Bussi? What for heaven's sake I want to say?" The second: "How do I get the point out, without me as Kulturprolet forever in his memory einzubrennen?"

The first step of the crisis is self-knowledge - accept your non-knowledge as a natural physical state. Say simply: "I've never been with Claude Bussi Ding employed, it has simply not shown. But I would like to know why you are so fascinated by him."

If your weakness zugibst and the other ask for clarification, can you perhaps suddenly all the assets in their hands - namely, if the supposed know-even as a fake, turns and begins to wrestle with words. In many situations, this process is not a good idea but in job interviews, to standing before television cameras in exams - just where you want to flay like impression.

Here you will learn, therefore, to cope with situations in which knowledge is required, which you do not have any clue. Because there are a few tricks, which you cleverly conceal failure of memory and knowledge artfully pretends it - a guide by Anne Weiss and Stefan Bonner. The authors of the bestseller
"Generation Doof" have just as "Doof it yourself" nachgelegt.

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