It is a long-awaited ruling principle: The universities in Baden-Württemberg may continue to raise tuition fees. This has the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (VGH) on Monday in Mannheim ruled. The 2007 introduced tuition fees of 500 euros per semester were constitutionally and socially, judged the top administrative judge of the country in Mannheim.
VGH-Richter Wolfgang Rieger delivers the message: Tuition fees are illegal
In particular, the fees with the profession Basic Law guarantees freedom of education and law, because each state loans Willigen study higher education initiatives. The right to higher education for everyone is not entitled to a free study.
Had sued a student of the Pedagogical University in Freiburg, as well as three students from the University of Karlsruhe
in the summer of 2007 - without success. The present appeal against the rulings of administrative tribunals in Freiburg and Karlsruhe, the top administrative judge in Mannheim. The second senate of the VGH did, however, the revision of their decision before the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.
The plaintiffs announced that this legal step to go and the action at the highest German administrative court to decide. "The struggle continues", said a spokesman for the National Conference Asten (LAC), a grouping left Baden-Württemberg Student representatives in Freiburg. The LAC supports the plea of the students and reiterated its readiness to dismiss the application if necessary, until the Federal Constitutional Court to bring.
Baden-Württemberg Science Minister Peter Frankenberg (CDU) welcomed the decision of the VGH. The verdict is helping, "the study conditions in the country's universities continue to improve," said the minister. The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the fees under
Frankenberg Director for the summer semester 2007. The Minister referred to student loans and exemptions, so that even students from low-income families to study possible.
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Just want the applicants did not believe it. They had already been in the first case argued that the tuition children from low-income families, prevent a student record. For this reason violated the charges against the constitution, the plaintiffs convinced.
Whether Studiengebühren deter potential students, is hotly debated: A Study of the Higher Education Information System (HIS), the Federal Ministry of Education
until mid-October under lock held, this sets the context but close. This means that 18,000 graduates of the 2006 to
by the fees of a course can hold. Another result of the study: children who do not graduate from families, often have their education because of the impending charges unused, as children whose parents have already attended a university.
The IU Bruchsal missing students. A fee reduction will help.
Meanwhile, with the "International University in Germany (IU) in Baden, a private university in Bruchsal their tuition reduced. From the upcoming summer semester cost study is not 8300 but several 10,000 euros per year. Currently the university has about 180 students, by the falling prices have nothing to be: The discount applies only to new students. Operators of the Privatuni Education is the Hamburg AG, which is nationwide in small and smallest Privatunis engaged
inter alia, a micro-university in Rostock.
The IU's justification for the fee reduction by 16 percent with the financial crisis: "We need more students," said a spokesman for the university. There is however a danger that too much interested Semesterbeiträge off. The IU wanted a "signal" set. The private university in Baden-Württemberg Kraichgau was about ten years ago as an English-speaking elite forge was founded. The focus is on economics and information technology.
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