Dhaka, Monday morning, shortly before eight clock. Like the chicken sit on the pole twelve young men and women on bamboo sofas in the common room of the local Christian school and sing gospel songs. Shortly thereafter we read Jill, a blonde American woman, from the Bible before. The irritated gaze of the young South Koreans to suggest: He thinks the same as me. Bengali Bible instead? Are we on the wrong course?
Susan Supti Halder, director of "HEEDE Language School in Dhaka, smiles. "We are a Christian school in ownership," she explains. "Every morning, we want to thank God and us together on the day tune." The students nod reverently. Nearly 90 percent of Bangladeschis were Muslims, says Susan. With a stake of just half a percent of time that the Christians in the absolute minority. All the more important it is to be open to profess their own faith. "Who here does not religion, is suspected, no standards and values," says Susan.
Since one week I am in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Behind me are two years in an international business consultancy. A life out of the suitcase, traveling in airplanes and hotels. Before me lie two months of field research in Bangladesh. Since May, I am by my employer to a Doctorate in Economic Geography optional. In the footsteps of Nobel Peace Prizewinner Muhammad Yunus ( "You have other values than profit maximization enforce") can I make myself in Bangladesh in search of entrepreneurial approaches to poverty alleviation.
What moves large international corporations, along with Nobel laureate Yunus in the production of yoghurt or drinking water for the poor to invest and rely on dividends to renounce? What is behind the slogan "Social Business" - and what effect it has on the lives of the poor?
Tongue acrobatics lessons in Bengali
But before I deal with these issues and in the lives of the poor plunge, I will in Dhaka, the national language to learn.
A counselor from rising: Kerstin Humberg flew from Hamburg two years as a consultant to the World. Now, the 31 - year-old graduate geographer in Bangladesh entrepreneurial ideas to explore poverty reduction. They reported in Uniblogs of her life in the land of Bengal.
Something is chaotic, our Bengali lessons. This is less of Jean as a teacher to us students. Samir from Jordan, in the textile production once owned, you can only with hands and feet in English. The South Koreans, who on the first day with excellent skills Bengali impressed, remarked only on the third day, that he for the second time in the beginner course sits.
My American headquarters neighbor Liz and I, we feel more in our childhood back. As with the speech we bend our tongues. Unfortunately, the Bengali about twice as many sounds as our mother tongues. We breathe and schnalzen to bet - and reap just shake of the head of Jean. Rather than "map korben. Amra Bengali bujhte pari na" we have not been properly published: Excuse me. We do not understand Bengali.
After the lesson takes me to school director Susan to page: Next Monday I will be the Bible session and take over vorbeten. Oh my God!
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