Thursday, February 26, 2009

Doctor Death Metal.

Brute sounds, guttural grunting, billowing Haarmähnen: Sarah Chaker interested in for tough guys - purely academic, wrote her doctoral thesis about Black and Death Metal. Headbanger Most are polite, she says, but everyone chooses Tenth right.


Again jostled does nothing. With a strong push Sarah Chaker encountered the man back to his "playground," she says laughing. "Moshpit" is the slang of the initiated in the combat zone arises at every death-metal concert when the band their first playing guitar riffs.

On a 5-meter wide and 20 meters long jump area about 50 dunkelgewandete figures against and over each other. If one goes to the ground, he immediately pulled up, then the testosterone-show continues in the "K17" in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Nadine Ivory
Researcher Chaker, singers misanthrope (left), members of the band Neithan 'desire for stability and long ties "

Hate Eternal is the Vorband, Misery Index is thereafter turn, both from the USA. The audience consists mainly of men who set the pace with the head nod, or their long hair to be circling. The few women hold on to the edge.

For Sarah Chaker, all these research content Details: The band name, the many men that a few women, and of course the music. You must ensure that when the drum set and when the singer with his guttural grunting. The 30-year-old music historian doctorate at the University of Oldenburg. Her dissertation topic: "Black and Death Metal. The sound, the market, the scene". It is the first expert in Germany, the gloomy music style in a doctoral dissertation empirically investigated.

After each Amoklauf is the PhD student asked an expert

The results will be available soon, but now their expertise is needed: more then that, if consumers of metal music wreak terrible things. To hear the school running amok in Erfurt and Emsdetten, but also in the American and Finnish Littleton Kauhajoki preferred metal.

The genre has been a reputation for violence to make or at least the willingness to fuel violence. In the U.S. parents send their children hearing heavy metal even in special withdrawal clinics because they fear that this preference is the first step in a career as a mass murderer.

UNIblogs 1 / 2009

Play me the song of death
A music scholar doctorate on Death Metal


Sarah Chaker sees it differently. The Knack of the perpetrators were already there, you like the music was only one indicator. "Who a thriller or a horror film looks, but also brings not to his neighbors," she says. Violent Death or Black Metal followers have mostly been preceded by a reality of loss, for example through social defects or by excessive computer games. "In such cases, the music then just the drop that overflows the barrel to bring."

You might even be the best counter-evidence serve ten years since Metal fans, and yet happy, no trace of Satanism, not even a black leather depends gap in her wardrobe. Black uses it like Kajal. But also other women who want to emphasize her eyes. Chakeres are dark brown, she has inherited from the Algerian father, her mother is German. Born in Gera, she fled with her parents a few years before the turn of the GDR on Algeria to Kissing at Augsburg. Now she lives in Berlin.

The Metal researcher played recorder, piano and oboe

Your apartment in Berlin-Friedrichshain adorn no dragon heads and skeletons with hood and sickle, but a bust of Johann Sebastian Bach on the piano and books about Gustav Mahler and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Initially, they are especially interested in classical music, she played flute, oboe and piano and won the competition "Youth makes music" in their region. You do not read "Bravo", in clubs until she went when she was 18 years old.

In the Augsburg "Rockfabrik" she had her awakening experience than Marilyn Manson "The Beautiful People" booms from the speakers. "That was half an enlightenment for me," recalls Chaker. She is thrilled by the varied development of the Heavy Metal. "The text is not so important," she says. Much more brute counting the overall sound.

In their study the city of Oldenburg was Chaker quickly to a size of the local metal scene. Together with her friend Inga Mohr Beck organizes them in a cellar "Neck Fracture" parties - the name is an allusion to the risks of long hours Headbangers. 250 fans come to the monthly party, two women, good metal music hang up so quickly speaks a little rum.

As a music professor Chakeres hears them, he proposes to her, her thesis in musicology on Black and Death Metal to write. Chaker creates a smooth one, receives an Award and receives the prestigious Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes a scholarship for a doctorate.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rough path from the award-chaos.

Who wants to study, must be a complex obstacle course of applications and selection rounds cope. Now it seems as if the universities, politics and government by finally reached a compromise that eliminates the chaos - but only in 2010.


In short, it looked as if a short-term solution before, after last year's chaos reigned. Minister of Culture, university rectors and the central location for the allocation of university places (ZVS) had long-standing dispute over the study authorized in numerus clausus subjects and settled on a new understanding. The Chairman announced the ZVS control group Nevermann to Knut, who is also Minister of State for Science is in Saxony.

Full Hörsaal: Despite perceived candidate glut seats remain vacant

According to him, the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) is now calling that many universities already in the autumn in a nationwide transition processes involved, the ZVS offers.

It could be the end of the
Admission chaos already this year. Even in the summer of 2008, the universities everywhere groans under a record flood of applications, studierwillige graduates had sent dozens of applications and is a precaution to several universities and enrolled advertised. So stayed despite a supposed flood of applicants at the end places unused. The universities had to refill several times - the University of Munster had about her after consultation procedure five times running.

The aim of the transitional process of ZVS not happen. It provides that students at their maximum of twelve students to apply. The ZVS over the selection of candidates according to the criteria of the universities - or forward the application to the universities, depending on the desire of the university. If the initial request of an applicant meets retires it automatically from the procedure. At the second stage, the other candidates are still free space in which to study and offer input based on its list stands at its highest.

Take the advertisement for the Unis ZVS unloved?

The problem is: The HRK is no way that the offensive on this process forward. Anything else would be quite surprising. For decades schmähten higher education leaders and politicians, the ZVS alternatively as "the last Cuba", "Kinderlandverschicker" or "Chancentod". The universities wanted the students are not supplied by a central receive, but according to their own ideas to choose.

Education politicians Nevermann but was confident that the alleged appeal will be successful. "I have the impression that the universities to bury the hatchet," he said blogs ONLINE. Now they need only switch to the new procedure. Mandatory Although nothing, "but the procedure is reasonable." Even large universities should realize that the only way the problem of vacant places to be resolved is: "We are now rowing in one direction."

When you ZVS is also pleasantly surprised by what Secretary of State of Saxony since announced. "I wonder where the change comes," said spokesman Bernhard ZVS Scheer. But it all makes sense when the university rectors called on participants in the process of transition: "Definitely bring something."

A little advertising and a couple of calls could be the good use of transitional processes. In licensing chaos in 2008 made only a handful of universities including the University of Munich and the University of Mainz. How many universities this year will be there, be uncertain, says spokesperson ZVS Scheer.

The universities want to prefer it without creating ZVS

On 20 February ended the reporting period for the procedure. Until then, therefore, had just Unis eleven times seven different courses registered, which came nine colleges. That is not much more than 11,000 courses, and of which approximately every second admission is due to a numerus clausus applies. The February date had not been binding, ZVS spokesman says Scheer. If universities are now known, they could still be recorded.

With the HRK, however you want to call from a know nothing. "The universities should and want the procedure to improve this year, an explicit call is not needed," said a spokeswoman blogs ONLINE. The universities have already adopted their own procedures. Sun promises as the University of Hamburg, they will their admission decisions at the same time send, together with the universities in Heidelberg, Munich (LMU), Duisburg-Essen, Kiel, Mainz and Wuppertal, Bonn and Paderborn, and the Free University and the Charité-University Medicine in Berlin . For open-minded study of these universities should be a candidate exchange on the internet.

Swapping University Places


Who just a place far away from the university gets the first choice, do not despair - the study can be replaced. The same specialist, same semester, comparable Notes: Open for business. The exchange on blogs ONLINE provides a suitable partner, without endless paperwork. More ...

The basis for this was a decision of HRK January, "is the state of things," says the spokeswoman. It had the rectors agreed to in the coming winter semester application and approval procedures to carry out, "even without a nationwide service procedures for the candidates are less expensive and a quick study of the lead cast." In plain English: Actually, we would gladly do without the ZVS.

The transition process of the ZVS will only consider colleges. For more HRK calls for information from blogs to online. The result of such an examination is uncertain - and thus threatens another licensing chaos at the beginning of the next winter semester.

It was not until the following year, the problem finally solved, as the winter semester 2010/2011: A computer system is data synchronization by double enrollments stop - and thus the blockade of study places in shortage subjects. The Secretary announced Nevermann, after a meeting of the ZVS control group from the representatives of HRK, ZVS and Kultusministerkonferenz participated. All sides would have insured that they were an "interested student-friendly regulations," said Nevermann.

A computer program will solve the problem

For the arrangement is that the ZVS is now one of Baden-Wuerttemberg nationwide already successfully set up Internet exchange student over and in collaboration with the existing operator bundesweit offers. When this exchange student after the admission decisions of the universities are still free places together.

Together with computer experts from the Fraunhofer Institute are now also the technical requirements for the final application system has been formulated. Roof should be as before the student even via the Internet at several universities or desire for multiple subjects can apply. The university decides on its approval and offers him a place at. Does it at him, he is on the ZVS-data synchronization for other Studienorte locked. In the new system is also the candidate's rank position on waiting lists via the Internet can view.


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Never man said, according to the understanding of the Bundesbeschaffungsamt the Interior Ministry swiftly the invitation. The former double authorizations to perform for many years that after HRK estimates up to 20 percent of students going to be in the coveted NC subjects remain unfilled.

Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) has for the 3rd March, a larger group of university rectors were invited to a way out of the existing authorization to find chaos. The SPD parliamentary group calls for a federal law on higher education, which ensures that all schools participate in the reconciliation. The countries, however, put more on voluntary compliance.

Hanseatic University must make tight.

With grand slogan advertised it for shareholders, an elite school in the Baltic Sea, she wanted to be. Now is clear: Private Hanseatic University Rostock is dissolved. A University without students were investors simply too hopeless.


"Think big" - with this motto toured the makers of private Hanseatic University (PHU) some six years before the country in search of investors. As the first university in Germany wanted the Rostocker PHU their capital from
Shareholders raise. Now is clear: The Pioneers have failed - the operation will be completed by 31 March set.

Private Hanseatic University Rostock
After only three semesters at the conclusion of Rostock Privatuni.

Talks with a foreign investor were unsuccessful, said Managing Director Knut PHU Einfeldt with. Studying at the university was not any more, the teaching was already in the winter semester 2008 is stopped. Shortly before was the main investor abgesprungen: The Education of Hamburg AG was 97 percent at the institution and provided funds so that the registered capital of five million euros. The exit of the investor education could not cope with the PHU.

From five to four to ...

"A break in teaching" called for a stop to the PHU in the autumn - but it would be quiet in the seminar rooms also received:
Only three students were enrolled. With 700 students by 2012, the founders expected the medium term. But that was more than optimistic: The first semester in the autumn of 2007 wrote that just five students at the PHU On. In the following summer semester there were only four - Investor Education trend as too little.

The fact that hardly any student to Rostock-Warnemüde wanted to come, was the one most manageable of Study: In addition to the Economic bachelor students were business-IT and study law - mass subjects, including on the sites as attaktiveren Rostock-Warnemünde offered.

On the other hand, shrank tuition of 7500 Euro per semester starting. An expensive studies in the subjects Allerwelts economic and Jura interested few. And prefer to established private universities such as Witten-Herdecke and the Hamburg Bucerius Law School. In addition, the PHU accused against the State University of Rostock incorrectly positioned to have.

Companies had no interest

But it was not just the lack of interest of students, the case brought PHU: Even companies were not in a way interested in cooperation, such as the Uni-line is presented. It belonged to the concept of the university that their trainees in the elite school for senior managers trained.

There are currently nine employees employed at the PHU, including six professors. They were already in early September about the impending end has been informed, said a spokeswoman for blogs ONLINE. Shortly before Lehrstopp in the autumn of 2008 were three law professors were appointed.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The spring of the 12,300 possibilities.

High School Graduates have the choice - the range of the study is "crazy," warned spokesman Ulrich GEW Thöne. The only way out: Who wants to study meaningful, must be early in the individual universities inform.


Many school-leavers is likely to remain clueless, if he is currently looking for the right subject for the coming autumn around. In study subjects appear leaders names like "Life Science" or "Applied Computer Science", under which it is not something everyone can imagine. The reason for this is to be the new Bachelor and Master degrees in the course of their degree programs are becoming increasingly specialized.

Before the study start, the question: What do I merely specialist?

And because the universities are also strengthened their own priorities in their fields, use the search for candidates for the right specialist is always opaque.

Prospective students must hingucker exactly the form in which one subject at a university is offered. "The universities are now stronger than previously forced to set their own priorities," said Prof. Margret Wintermantel, President of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), the Education Fair in Hanover Didacta. "In the past, was the principle that regardless of whether one or keel in Passau studied in approximately the same learn. This is true no longer."

Applicants should be in place to make a picture of how the conditions are at a university, advises the winter coat. "They ask you also the best students of the university." Because at the universities in Germany was a "growing speed of differentiation" can be observed.

Coined earlier, above all, the division into colleges and universities, the university landscape, whether in the light of the eligibility rules in the research is now an even more differentiation in demand. A full classical lettering it will therefore be less likely to give predicts winter coat.

Furthermore, due to the change of bachelor and master the range of study subjects has grown. Instead, there is now law, for example, subjects such as "Business Law" or "Comparative and European Law." "Because you have to wonder exactly what a fit," said Wintermantel.

Is the Bachelor's still room for a semester abroad?

The fact that more and more subjects such new-fangled name, was for school but often confusing, said Bernd Rebischke by the Federal Agency for work at the fair. "Then of course, one wonders: What's in it as well?"

Swapping University Places


Who just a place far away from the university gets the first choice, do not despair - the study can be replaced. The same specialist, same semester, comparable Notes: Open for business. The exchange on blogs ONLINE provides a suitable partner, without endless paperwork. More ...

Applicants should also see how the transition to the bachelor of the university in question was implemented, says Thöne Ulrich, Chairman of the Union for Education and Science (GEW). Because many students often complain that the curricula in the new courses were too full. Who about a semester abroad would like to appeal, should be clarified in advance whether in a bachelor degree can still bring.

The differentiation also increases the total number of courses on offer. "This is now an almost insane range," said Rebischke. "And the large selection makes it easier for school leavers not to get an overview." According HRK there were at German universities in the winter semester 2008/2009 around 12,300 degrees - almost 11 percent more than four years earlier. Moreover, the offer of the new Bachelor's and Master's courses only since the summer semester of 2008 grew by 21 percent. Overall, three quarters of the study now offers one of the two degrees.

The increasing specialization makes loud Rebischke many problems before - because the choice between two similar-sounding subjects can characterize the whole career: "A lawyer with the state are completely different career paths open as for example, a business lawyer with a bachelor."

It threatens a licensing chaos as last year

Generally, although specialized courses are not necessarily discouraged, says Rebischke. "If this is the right one for me, should I also make. But I am then in the labor market later and more likely to justify."

Another hurdle for student applicants, the conditions for admission to different colleges. These are often very different, because more and more universities are not only the final scores, but also make their own aptitude test. This led last year to a
Chaos at the time of admission to the universities - and how it looks
will be reflected in this year again.

"The aptitude tests can be very different look. This is actually not only from institution to institution, but in part also from faculty to faculty at the same university to another." Not even the application deadline for the winter semester was more uniform. Candidates need him to ask each institution individually, so they do not end up too late.

Even a university exchange students today need to plan early. "The courses are now part of so highly specialized that it hardly even in the Germanic from Freiburg to Heidelberg can change."

So from the outset with the idea to play at several universities to study, is best done in advance examine the performance of the first station of the study are recognized elsewhere. Here, too, remains, according to a study Rebischke candidates in turn have no other choice than to each individual universities asking.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Copyists fly without a certificate from the university.

Inglorious end of a university career: A student Münsteraners business had with other authors gewildert and his thesis zusammenkopiert - no source information. The University of Munster put the Copy-Paste-sinner without a conclusion before the door. His plea failed.


He had written off and is now without a conclusion there. A student at the University of Munster had for his thesis from his text passages zusammenkopiert. With an anti-plagiarism software, the University of the business students after passing the exam gave him the grade of "Poor". On the other hand, had the student before the Administrative Court Münster sued, the judge dismissed the action. (Az: 10 K 1212/07).

Click, click - and exmatrikuliert

The comparison of the thesis at the chair business in 2006 was routinely done. The program found on the Internet significant passages from other authors who had written off the student without quotes as flagged accordingly.

An on-line adjustment with-proof software is more and more universities in Germany against abkupfernde students
standard applied, often with simple seminar papers.

The copyist of the University of Munster fell through with his thesis. And rightly so, were the judges. The student had been "borrowed plumes adorned with and against the principle of scientific honesty infringed."

The North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Education Act in 2005 already had a strict punishment catalog created to assist in house-work or exams to prevent plagiarism, and copying from the Internet to punish: Who erwischt is to be fitted with up to 50,000 euro fine reckon. This threatens the fine copyist not shared with the university. The student will, however exmatrikuliert.

From 1 March is in Baden-Wuerttemberg, a similar passage in the Higher Education Act reformed the country. Already at the first threat of plagiarism then Rauswurf at universities in the Southwest, says the Internet site of the Germany radio.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shivering in the shelter.

Markus went to study in Israel - and landed in the war. In Sderot hit near rocket that went to the University of Israelis and Palestinians each other going - and Rona wanted after the first kiss has nothing more from him. Part two of the diary from Jerusalem.


Monday, 3 November

"If you kiss a Jew, then do you think of the Holocaust?", A friend asked me before I went to Israel. Since yesterday night, I know: no. Let us call them Rona. We dance, and then the night is so cold and the road so far - so we go together. As I wander back home, the muezzin calls to prayer early: "Allah is great", he sings, and "prayer is better than sleep."


Impressive photos of a fascinating city

About the minarets of Jerusalem in the east, the sun. Many hours later I sit at the breakfast table, a text message from Rona: "I think I was too drunk yesterday." Maybe she had to think of the Holocaust, when we kissed?

Tuesday, 4 November

My birthday. Friends come evening. Every Israeli can easily remember my birthday: On 4 November 1995, Prime Minister Rabin assassinated Jizchak. With him died the hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, many say.

The United States today to choose their president. My WG has been weeks in Obama fever. Shuki and Esther are in the U.S. grew, but now the Israelis. Today they are 100 percent American. Many Jews in America and Israel are more for McCain, stood in the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz". They are afraid that Obama is not as unconditionally on the side of Israel will be like McCain. Esther and Shuki see things differently. Three o clock the morning goes to Pennsylvania Obama, I do break down, must go to bed. Esther says: "It's okay. You're not Americans." When I am standing up, she lies on the couch and sleeps, the two laptops are still running. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

UNIblogs 1 / 2009

Play me the song of death
A music scholar doctorate on Death Metal


Friday 28 November

Ron and Lenny, I have met in a bar, look at football. Ron had a brown football jersey, with a circular club coat of arms at the top of the left breast, that of the FC St. Pauli. Today, Lenny with me to the St. Pauli of Jerusalem, his club Hapoel Katamon. We are in the "Teddy Stadium", which also plays Beitar Jerusalem - "the rights," says Lenny. They are racists, stupid, and one of them had killed Rabin. "Actually, we hate them almost more than we love our club."

Hapoel Katamon only plays in the fourth league, but in the stands, the fans properly mood: black-red-white flags everywhere, with student-Che Guevara shirts, Palestinian scarves, jerseys from European and South American clubs, hippies, students, many women - Arab and Jewish teenagers together. All cry: "Jalla Hapoel," Next!

In the pub after the game we will discuss over the Middle East conflict, which almost inevitably comes. Lenny says: "I believe we need a strong army to defend our country. But I do not think they in the West Bank are, in order to protect settlers. And I believe that we the Gaza Strip, three years could not have been allowed to leave. "

Every day in the newspaper that again five or ten missiles are set in Sderot, Netivot and other Israeli towns around Gaza - the Israeli army responded with retaliatory strikes.

This afternoon Lenny still has a friend in the hospital in the service as a soldier by a Kassam rocket hit. "Maybe he will only have one leg," says Lenny. If I hear him talk, easily procure me the feeling that he was a peace is not really believe.

He pulls in two weeks after Amsterdam: "It is high time, now live elsewhere."

Friday, 5 December

Two months Jerusalem: The city tears every day on my nerves, I shall enter into force before the knee, kissing me to sleep, schnauzt my face, pushed me from behind, is funny, one hours talking about the ancestors who were murdered in Auschwitz . Until I no longer can, and put me in the taxi, to Tel Aviv, to the beach, shoes off and feet into the sea. When the evening I sit on my bed, I wish sometimes a second head for the night, so I can sleep at least - and the humming stops sometime.

Wednesday, 24 December

In the case of "guilt, O ye faithful" opens the guy behind me noisily a bottle of mineral water. True but I'm annoyed when he was reading the Bible while on his mobile phone herumtippt: "Hello, Nitzan, sitting right at the Germans in the church. Now reads the nun," or so. Christmas Eve in the German Church of the Redeemer in the Old Town, which means service under observation. The church is completely groundbreaking. At a German here, two Israeli tourists, the "Church hoppers". They go from one church to another in order to get, just what Christians are doing Christmas Eve. In the middle of the sermon, they push on and to the exit. At midnight begins elsewhere the next service. Finally, when a tour in Tel Aviv lot of money paid for the night.

After the "O thou joyful" meet all Germans under thirty in front of the main portal. We wander through the night after Betlehem. We are about 50 volunteers, students, Zivis. We stomp the south, as Joseph and Mary once, if you believe the Bible. It's cold, dark, and it's raining. Vorneweg marches Pastor Michael Wohlrab. Bethlehem is located in the West Bank, so we have an Israeli checkpoint, through the gray-meter high wall, the "Peace Wall".

It is three o 'clock at night, as we in the Church arrive. We look at the cave in which Jesus was born to be, where it pushes the envoys of the pope in Bethlehem with four other Catholic priests, it is a tiny cave. They sing, then they close their eyes and pray. We go into a side aisle of the church, and Pastor Wohlrab true again "O thou joyful" to.

When I'm back home, I read that today, around 60 rockets from Gaza into Israel are set.

Night vigil at the Pennbrüdern.

Controversy simple, tough, sandwiches lubricate: night after night, manages Florian Boerner, 26, the misery. The history student jobbt in an emergency shelter for the homeless - not out of charity, but for the money.


"Kanak, learn German," lallt through the stuffy room. "Mouth", comes as an answer. Then Fists fly and blood drips on the floor. The police and ambulances must move. On such a thing is Börner Florian, 26, always be taken where he is at his student.

Three hours earlier, against 23:00 clock, moves by Florian grieselnden snow on dirty asphalt. He is on his way to his workplace, which is about 150 meters away from Berlin's central station, the emergency shelter for the homeless of the city of Mission. Today, Florian the night - as a pastor, dishwasher and law enforcement at the same time.

The history student Florian Börner looks homeless. He does not volunteer, not for charity and not because he is such a nice guy is. Florian earned his money thus, seven euros an hour, so he financed his studies. He spoke soberly about his job. "I try to play for peace and order to uphold," he says. Perhaps you may not be Dreaming Weltverbesserer when night after night to take the misery.

"We are looking for drugs, alcohol and weapons"

The homeless are guests here, they get something to eat and must stay. For a year working Florian here by a job he learned through a friend. Around 60 guests sit, lie, sleep in the main room when he comes into it.

A bell schallt. Outside there is Marcel, 20, a red bag in the air holds: "Hey, würd 'include the likes." Florian makes him raise his arms, groping him. "We are looking for drugs, alcohol and weapons," says Florian. "I've ever ne gun found." Marcel Then he knocks on the shoulder and smiles, everything okay.


In Germany there are about 300,000 people without homes, including 22 percent of young people. About 2000 of them either in a home or friends. Two-thirds of all homeless people are dependent on alcohol or drugs. Annual run to the 9000 young people away from home: 70 percent boys, 30 percent girls.

A professional maintains Florian buddy relationship with the guests. And a sound when he speaks about the violent side of his job is talking about guns and syringes, and fights over corpses. It is a Plauderton in which other people-party talks. When his colleagues once found a dead, says Florian, the hearse was only after an hour and a half come. "Then the cleaning lady had just drumrum wipe," he says. Two things says this sound: The job is tough. And I can handle it.

In Schlaufhaus there are six rooms in sixty beds, a little more privacy than the main room in full. Through a closed door sounds loud snoring. Florian pushes the latch, and an odor emanates out as intensely as the noise. He moves quickly to the door.

A cry for help from the sleeping house

A 19-year-old student cares that night in his sleep at home everything done. You entlaust guests will find warm words, if someone just wants to talk. "It's nice because people can help, but it is annoying, because we sometimes insulted or even threatened," she says.

Sometimes, when guests ausrasten and to throw chairs, she was glad that someone like Florian there. "A man with you, is quite safe." Then she says something serious: "Some guests have ahead of us women just less respect, unfortunately."

Florian Marcel concerned nor an empty bed in the sleeping house, soup served in the main house, washes dishes. In between, he rushes to the door and searched guests - two hours Hochbetrieb. Then his cellphone rings, for help from the sleeping house. "There is a small problem," says Florian.

A gray-haired man hums to himself, and sometimes very angry. Florian learns of the Night Watch: "The exodus has been an hour, want to go, he did not, now is rest." Florian asks the man to stand up, first in German, then Russian. Suddenly, the man loudly, Florian das passt gar nicht. "You know exactly what rules apply," he says, only in German, then Russian. The man screams.

Strike Hard belongs to his job

Five minutes it goes back and forth, and finally threatened with Florian House ban. There is silence, the host takes his things and follows Florian into the main house. Does he sometimes hard by? Florian shakes his head: "Everybody has a reason to aufzuregen, but nobody can sleep."

At two clock in the night a dispute escalates. "Kanak", cites a German host another from Poland, again and again. Florian comes too late. The Provoked proposes. From the head of the German blood drips onto the floor, forming patches as large as two-euro pieces.

Ten minutes does it take to two policemen and an ambulance team are there. In between the Kältebus brings new guests, the homeless, he because of the cold from the street collects. Then the phone rings, the police Luckenwalde calling. With them is a man who probably fell asleep on the train, he gives the address as a residential address for the city mission. Florian is the night manager of the emergency, the organizer of the assistance.

The harshest punishment: House ban

The two disputes cocks have now more concerned than the bleeding head and a possible criminal charges. "Are there any prohibition house?" Ask Florian. The says: "You must go now, you know the rules - no violence." The bats fly out.

The host nods, takes his property. Florian wipes the blood. "One must often weigh up here is one accuser, judge and executioner, if someone does not respect the rules," he says. But because he is the man for a really nice guy holds, he convinced his boss later that it is for the guest house just two weeks instead of four, there ban.

Slowly return a quiet, but not for Florian. With a colleague, he shaped potato dumplings for the next day. Then cut, lubricate and prove they represented 100 sandwiches for breakfast, when he was only a few guests must insist. Marcel he pulls the blanket away and threatened with banning house until the rise. Then he pushes the last guests to leave. "Most are pretty nice, only one or two percent of nerves," he says.

Florian is looking forward to the next night use: "It is not always so tumultuous." Sometimes he writes his homework here, three to five clock, when all sleep.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Children? Let's go!.

+ Child + Study Abroad? But yes, said Julia, Mandy, Birgit and Karl Alexander and Judith. The young parents were living with their academic small families in the U.S. and the Czech Republic, Honduras and Australia - and reveal what is in the stranger went well and what went wrong.


Julia is studying history and Latin in Heidelberg. She spent with her daughter Maya semester abroad in Virginia in the United States.

Maya learned in the U.S., the ABC. My kindergarten was more of a preschool

Sometimes Maya says something like: "Oh no, the ball is flown in the Fence," she says while the fence a few meters further. Since we were in America, they used the English words, if you're not the German mind. I read at Sweet Briar College, studied - and worked as an assistant teacher. Otherwise I would have hoped that even can not afford.


The Magazine
Afterwards, you are always smarter
Issue 02/2009

Heft bestellen

Four hours per week and I had to teach once a week a German Stammtisch organize. That we could live and eat for free, the tuition fees fell in the wake of the exchange program with my home university in Heidelberg away. The seminars in the U.S. were below the level that I used was from Germany. But the many homework with a fixed deadline was still stressful. But the professors were great and have helped where they could.

If something I could not do, they were understanding. Overall, the organization also no more difficult than at home. Maya was four and attended the Campus School, the American equivalent of kindergarten.

It has a little time, until they had become accustomed. Initially, she misses her Heidelberger kindergarten, simply because they played much more. In America is also the nursery school. One learns in the figures, the ABC and the days of the week.

Once a week was a music teacher in the school campus over to read notes and harmonies to teach. Such a nursery place is more expensive than in Germany, around $ 350 I had to pay with foreign-funded student loans. Maya was bothered that it is no longer allowed to make independently. She was always so shocked that their continuous help someone wanted to, although they were all alone. With the language, she had no problems, they needed less than three months in order to speak English fluently. Meanwhile, it can be better than me.

Here in Germany it is now also available in an English kindergarten. We lived on campus in a small house with two other exchange students together. My fellow loved to play with Maya, and even times the child correctly rauszulassen. But sometimes it was boring, because up to the nearest town was ten miles, and if someone with a car drove into the city, I could not just "here" scream, I had still Maya. If I would do again, then I would perhaps afford a babysitter more often to the limited freedom somewhat offset.

"Five Bengal are the chaos".

So much dirt and noise - Kerstin Humbergs classmates in the course of his host country Bangladesh completely annoyed. Kerstin PhD student is the life in Dhaka and relaxed listening to the director of the school: Just a bit more optimism practice.


For over a week I sit every morning in a
international Bengali course. Like his weekend was, the director of the school from which Susan Englishman Richard know. "I was with my wife visiting a hospital for the poor," says Richard. "To be honest, it was so far the only positive thing I've seen here." Wordless Susan shakes her head. "Why do you see your environment is not positive?" Natural disasters, poverty, corruption - certainly in Bangladesh was not all good, but just all bad.

Dhaka: The Bangladeshi capital, Kerstin studied Humberg the national language - and new approaches to poverty reduction

Susan is right. Positive view, Bangladesh is like a colorful cocktail. With over 1000 people per square kilometer, the former Ostpakistan of the most densely populated area in the world. Alone in the Dhaka metropolitan crowd good twelve million inhabitants. Everywhere Scheppers colorfully decorated rickshaws blowing and colorful dresses.

Anything less than a leg or two wheels, pushes itself during the day through the streets of the city. A rock concert of bicycle bells and horns. Wherever you look, the next cycle-rickshaw is not ten steps away. For less than 100 Taka, cent amounts to get almost anywhere. The rickshaw rides are also available for Bangladeschis so cheap that hardly any who go on foot.

The Briton Richard is completely annoyed. "Sometimes I get tired of it easily. The chaos, the noise," says the theologian, studied over a cup Massalatee. According to Dhaka, he had for his wife, who works here. He found a job so that he has five months of his time spent learning Bengali. The fact that this language is still among the top ten most widely spoken languages in the world, comforted him.

The garbage is everywhere

Nowhere to be alone, but also have advantages, however, the American says Jill. Almost always friendly smile, give one the many Bangladeschis the feeling of security. I was already in the main cities of Ghana and Peru and the Philippines - indeed, I have so far not a developing country felt as safe as in Bangladesh.



A counselor sets of: Kerstin Humberg flew from Hamburg two years as a consultant to the World. Now pause the 31 - year-old graduate geographer for two months in Bangladesh and wants ideas to explore entrepreneurial poverty reduction. They reported in Uniblogs of her life in the land of Bengal.

The garbage that so many people do, however, is a real problem. Even in Banani, one of the better neighborhoods, allow large square holes in the sidewalk to gaze into the sewers. In a soup breiartigen toilet waste water to swim because besides food and plastic waste.

The Bangladeschis have identified the problem and steer against. Since 2002, plastic bags in Bangladesh largely prohibited. In stores there are only paper or Jutetüten to simple street stalls carrying networks. Even against the increasing pollution in Dhaka, the government has become active since 2003 in Dhaka only green, with pressure gas operated auto-rickshaws allowed.

Free W-LAN instead of crank phones

Bangladesh is for positive surprises. Who would have thought that the conclusion of a cell phone contract here less than five minutes? Even more surprising is the spread of the Internet. W-LAN in public cafes in Dhaka are also no longer a rarity.

Tibor, a student colleague from Cologne, is fascinated: "Ten years ago I was in rural Bangladesh still several hours on the phone to the next. At the time the phones were still gekurbelt lines and switches in small umgesteckt." This sufficed him a call to a local telephone operator, to within half a day from their own homes via the Internet to make phone calls home can be.

And if it look somewhere hooks, the next Bangladeschi equal to the site. The general interest in foreign visitors, their origin and activities is boundless. Indian joke joy summarizes the discussion and the political interests of Bangladeschis well together: "How could the character of a Bengal best describe? Bengal is either a poet or philosopher. meeting has two Bengal, they form a literary circle. Three Bengalis is a political move magazine, a publisher, editor and reader. Four Bengalis is a political demonstration. And five of Bengal are the chaos. "

Monday, February 16, 2009

Former prosecutor takes leaders to target.

Prosecutors at Witten / Herdecke: Because of Germany's oldest Privatuni chaotic because of their leadership in the crisis slipped, now identified the prosecutor against the former bosses. Fraud, is the accusation. The future financing by the country remains secured.


Will the former leaders of Germany's oldest Privatuni trouble with the law? In the financial dispute between the private University of Witten / Herdecke and the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, the prosecutor in Bochum now launched an investigation. Notably, it is against the former President of the Uni Birger P. Priddat be directed to report the Dortmunder "Ruhr Nachrichten". Priddat is currently a professor of economics at the university.

It should be examined whether the university in negotiations with the state of false statements about its financial strength have done, said senior prosecutor Bernd Bienioßek on Monday, confirming a report of the "Ruhr Nachrichten".

Criminal law is the allegation of fraud in the room. The outcome of the investigations against the former heads of the university had not fully disclosed, said Bienioßek.

In December, Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), that the private university for the year 2008 to 4.5 million state grant must refrain - and thus the university into a
existential crisis. A further three million euros for the year 2007 calls for the country. From Pinkwart Ministry said at the time, you deprive the university of this money "heavy heart", but the management work "is not more properly," said a spokesman at the time to Pinkwart blogs ONLINE.


University of Witten / Herdecke

In the wake of the crisis came as President Birger Priddat Privatuni of Witten / Herdecke back. Against the university management said the NRW Ministry of Science and harsh accusations. On blogs ONLINE Priddat talks about the money, the new beginning and countered: "The country has significant share in the crisis." more ...

Shortly after the outbreak of the crisis in December, President Birger P. Priddat
from his post zuruckgetreten - but rejected
In an interview with blogs ONLINE sole blame for the crisis itself. A few days after Priddat threw his
Maxim Vice Nohuroudi the towel.

Pinkwart Minister had also announced in January, the dossier of dirty business in Witten / Herdecke to the public prosecutor to hand over. That is according to "Ruhr Nachrichten" end of the month happened. "After reviewing the files are further questions to clarify. We can do so only by examining more closely the investigation," said senior prosecutor Bienioßek the newspaper.

Also in January, the new government and private funders, including the SRH Holding, the Düsseldorf Entrepreneurs Family Droege, Darmstadt, Software AG and a
donate joyful initiative Witten former students, in a
night marathon session a financing concept for the front of the stage of university's inception.

If the concept in the agreed conditions are met, the country wants the donations made by each of 4.5 million euros for 2009 and 2010 afford. The withheld funds from the previous year, 4.5 billion euros, the country of the university in two installments, each of 2.25 million euros in this and next year after the transfer.

These commitments should also investigate the prosecutor does not change states from Pinkwart Ministry. One speaker wanted the investigation does not comment on the agreement reached in January would be pursued.

Campus toll in Baden-Württemberg is lawful.

Tuition in the Southwest are socially responsible, say the top administrative judge in Baden-Württemberg. Science Minister Frankenberg pleased this ruling. Meanwhile a decrease Privatuni their charges around 1700 euros per year. She fears: The high toll scare from campus.


It is a long-awaited ruling principle: The universities in Baden-Württemberg may continue to raise tuition fees. This has the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (VGH) on Monday in Mannheim ruled. The 2007 introduced tuition fees of 500 euros per semester were constitutionally and socially, judged the top administrative judge of the country in Mannheim.

VGH-Richter Wolfgang Rieger delivers the message: Tuition fees are illegal

In particular, the fees with the profession Basic Law guarantees freedom of education and law, because each state loans Willigen study higher education initiatives. The right to higher education for everyone is not entitled to a free study.

Had sued a student of the Pedagogical University in Freiburg, as well as three students from the University of Karlsruhe
in the summer of 2007 - without success. The present appeal against the rulings of administrative tribunals in Freiburg and Karlsruhe, the top administrative judge in Mannheim. The second senate of the VGH did, however, the revision of their decision before the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.

The plaintiffs announced that this legal step to go and the action at the highest German administrative court to decide. "The struggle continues", said a spokesman for the National Conference Asten (LAC), a grouping left Baden-Württemberg Student representatives in Freiburg. The LAC supports the plea of the students and reiterated its readiness to dismiss the application if necessary, until the Federal Constitutional Court to bring.

Baden-Württemberg Science Minister Peter Frankenberg (CDU) welcomed the decision of the VGH. The verdict is helping, "the study conditions in the country's universities continue to improve," said the minister. The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the fees under
Frankenberg Director for the summer semester 2007. The Minister referred to student loans and exemptions, so that even students from low-income families to study possible.


Click on the countries to learn more about the situation in order to learn ...

Just want the applicants did not believe it. They had already been in the first case argued that the tuition children from low-income families, prevent a student record. For this reason violated the charges against the constitution, the plaintiffs convinced.

Whether Studiengebühren deter potential students, is hotly debated: A Study of the Higher Education Information System (HIS), the Federal Ministry of Education
until mid-October under lock held, this sets the context but close. This means that 18,000 graduates of the 2006 to
by the fees of a course can hold. Another result of the study: children who do not graduate from families, often have their education because of the impending charges unused, as children whose parents have already attended a university.

The IU Bruchsal missing students. A fee reduction will help.

Meanwhile, with the "International University in Germany (IU) in Baden, a private university in Bruchsal their tuition reduced. From the upcoming summer semester cost study is not 8300 but several 10,000 euros per year. Currently the university has about 180 students, by the falling prices have nothing to be: The discount applies only to new students. Operators of the Privatuni Education is the Hamburg AG, which is nationwide in small and smallest Privatunis engaged
inter alia, a micro-university in Rostock.

The IU's justification for the fee reduction by 16 percent with the financial crisis: "We need more students," said a spokesman for the university. There is however a danger that too much interested Semesterbeiträge off. The IU wanted a "signal" set. The private university in Baden-Württemberg Kraichgau was about ten years ago as an English-speaking elite forge was founded. The focus is on economics and information technology.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bachelor's students in despair at the power pressure.

Permanent exams, tests, examinations - the new university bachelor and master degrees should be studying more efficient and drive the students properly. But the pressure is much despair, psychologists warn: Who should create everything?


It gnashes at German universities, and the crunch will be louder. It is the teeth grinding overburdened students. They keep the pressure no longer, the study by the new Bachelor and Master degrees in many courses has increased significantly.

Graduates in Bremen: Happily, the bachelor managed to have

Almost across the universities have converted their courses, Diploma and Master's dying out. Significantly tighter and tighter examinations were introduced Bachelor and Master. The goal of the major renovation in 1999 in Bologna it was decided: The study is more practical, more efficient and faster, the trip to the student will be species extinction. The reform should also provide a single European Higher Education Area and thus the international mobility - in fact until 2010, small delays possible.

But it is not running around
on the educational site. Students' old 'courses fear under the wheels to come. Some departments lift themselves against the conversion. Even the German University Association, believes the reform for "largely failed". And now it turns out that the increase in efficiency above all the psychological problems of the new Bachelor's students increases.

"It is unfortunate that every little bit abgeprüft be," says Volker Koscielny, the psychological consultant to the Central Student of the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster. The high number of tests of academic psychologist described as "extremely exaggerated". Instead, he spoke up for "more voluntary attendance at the seminars in the" from.

Many students suffer from depression, says psychologist

Especially for those students it was important to take the time freely to which their studies through an ancillary fund it. "Working students have more problems now than in the old programs." One side was confirmed by the high temporal burden Bachelor difficult. According to the experts could lead to "social selection takes place." Since in the new study from the first semester of each note was important, the students were already beginning to study under great pressure.

Many bachelor's students were suffering from depression or out "days of fear" is not learning. While doctors and lawyers rather than "acute distress states" would have sued, would benefit from the Bachelor significantly more humanities scholars for guidance. "Every fifth seekers need assistance in addition to consulting a professional psychotherapy," said Koscielny.

Already two years ago, university psychologists warned against the consequences of higher education. "The study clearly prescribed course stoking fears behind and connected to the other to lose," said then, Hans-Werner Rückert, head of the central body and Student Psychological Counseling at the Free University of Berlin.

The success was enormous pressure, particularly when only 30 percent of the best bachelor graduates a master's degree are likely to connect - so if the first
Completion of impasse is. Bummelei or wrong in choosing the study could no longer afford the future.

Universities need teachers, not just concrete.

With the economic package II is the billions in the Bundestag Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz. Well then - but also dangerous, is Hamburg's Ex-Senator Jörg Dräger. Because who ensures that in the smart classrooms are also lecturers? What the policy is distributed today, tomorrow they will save on staff.


The global economic and financial crisis is forcing politicians to act. The economic package today II as a short-term crisis prevention but also poses risks, especially in Germany for much-needed investments in education and science. Because of the mismatch of over two million students and too few teaching staff at other universities to change the economic package II nothing.

Uni-site landscape: The renovation backlog at the universities is now resolved, the staff will take the revenge, fear Jörg Dräger

It would remain alone in the current financial injection for construction, the students of tomorrow in chic, but still much richer than sitting in classrooms already and too few professors and lecturers to be poorly informed. So we can make the future of Germany in no way secure.


Bertelsmann Stiftung

Jörg Dräger, 41, received his PhD in physics at Cornell University in New York and was from 2001 to 2008 party-less hamburgers Senator, first for science and research, also in the meantime, Health Department. Since July he has been a board member of the Bertelsmann Foundation for Education and director of the nonprofit Center for Higher Education Development (CHE).

Of course it is good and right that the economic package II, a clear focus on schools and universities continues. Many German university building, built in the sixties and seventies, are in a state erbarmungswürdigen - it
moves partly through leaky windows and drips from the auditorium ceiling, always be rooms or whole sections of the building locked. The long-overdue renovation of classrooms and lecture halls, or the construction of new laboratories can be the unexpected windfall of good eight billion euros of public investment the federal and state governments now quickly be realized. It uses mainly the cyclical construction industry in particular, from the public financing of public debt due to higher positive employment effects, and a short-term rate of return will generate.

But the medium has the current focus on such measures investitive also a great danger.

The building materials for education is people, not steel and glass

Because these investments must be financed and their interest burden will be borne. From my time as a science in Hamburg Senator, I know that such short-term increases in the medium term investing resources in a reduction of consumption expenditure in public budgets result: increase the budget deficit and the interest burden as a result of buoyant investment activity in the public sector, the State must then save where he spends the most money: the staff. This applies even more so now when debt brake in the state budgets will be built. For universities, this may mean that the countries of the economic programs even if the dual school age in the years to come flocking to the universities, the money for much needed chairs out.

Already the universities meet the crush of candidates through more and more restrictions on admission, a number of potential graduates and much needed in a waiting loop force or wholly from student to hold. With the dual school cohorts are soon again significantly more school-leavers at the gates of the universities. According to current forecasts are a half million additional students by 2020. The global crisis will further strengthen this crowd: If apprenticeships become scarce, more studies, as well as prolonged slump in the labor market to study because the absence of job opportunities still prefer two to three years with a Masters or a PhD with a then newly rehabilitated , higher roof is weiterstudiert.

If the expected rush to the universities, the use of new or rehabilitated facilities little, if not well-qualified teachers and teaching aids is available. There is no question that ramshackle building also money in the hand must be taken - that was already so long before the economic crisis and the economy packet contains a rain-building of the schools and universities did. Thus the long-term return, namely highly skilled professionals, not absent, but may invest in education not only in concrete, but must be primarily in the heads will be invested. If the debt brake 2020 attacks, the effect of today's construction has long passed - well-trained people and innovative research, however, could be contributing to the prosperity of our country.


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For this reason, a reasonable balance between investment and consumption expenditure of the public sector in education required. The economic package II, this balance can no longer be produced. The next opportunity is in this spring, during negotiations on the new Higher Education Pact to use with the Federation and the Länder High students want to meet. The Pact for Higher Education must not be lower than the economic stimulation package to suffer. It should not read: Even back money for education? Have we, in February but only spent plenty. New or renovated buildings may help the construction industry, an educational investment, they are not alone - because the building materials for the education are the people that they teach, and not only steel, glass and bricks.


Click on the headings to learn more ...


Core is a public investment program in
Volume of around 17.3 billion euros. The money is flowing into the
Renovation of schools and universities, but also in the
Rehabilitation of roads and other public buildings.
The federal government pays ten billion euros for municipal investments
and four billion euros for direct investment. The countries
will contribute 3.3 billion euros. This investment quickly
access, the procurement of contracts eased.


From 1 January 2009 applies retroactively: the input rate
decreases from 15 to 14 percent. The tax-free basic allowance
closed at 170 euros to 7834 euros. "As an introduction to a
Reduce progression of the cold, the remaining tariff benchmarks
(...) By 400 euros to the right, "goes on.
In addition, from 2010 the basic allowance of 8004 euros
rise, the Tarifeckwerke back then after another 330 euros
Total relief of the citizens of this state after the
Calculations of the coalition in 2009 and 2.9 billion euros in
following year to 6.05 billion euros.


The contribution to the statutory health insurance drops
at 1 July 2009 from 15.5 to 14.9 percent - equal to
Workers and employers. They will be together until
At the end of 2010 to nine billion euros relieved. In the same amount
increasing the federal tax subsidy to health insurance.


For each child is a unique bonus of 100 euros
paid. Furthermore, Hartz IV recipients per child from July
6 to 13 years, around 35 euros more per month.

Automotive Industry

To support the auto industry, the coalition
premium on an environmental agreement. Anyone who buys a new car and
ensure at least nine years old car scrapped, the
at least one year to the current owner was admitted,
receive 2500 euros. The premium applies to approvals by the end of 2009.
But the federal government estimated cost of 1.5 billion euros. The
PWC Consulting is expected about 300,000
also sold cars. The vehicle tax will be at 1 July 2009
Displacement of emissions to be converted. For the
Development of environmentally friendly engines for increased
Promoting planned.

Export, medium and broadband technology

Generally, the export sector for the expansion of the
Opportunities for export financing bundesgedeckten examined.
The Central Innovation program SME (ZIM) is by 450
Million annually increased. The promotion is
nationwide to companies with up to one thousand employees extended.
The expansion of broadband wiring for the Internet is
accelerated. By the end of 2010, all has not yet supplied
Areas over powerful broadband connections.

Rescue umbrella for companies

To secure loans to large enterprises, the
Guarantee under the Federal Ministry for Economic
Domestic loans from the current 25 to 100 billion euros
increased. A direct government involvement in business is not
foreseen. The conditions of the special program at the
State development bank KfW to be more flexible.

Short and Employment

In order to avoid redundancies, to be more attractive short -
will. The Federal Employment Agency (BA) reimburse the
Employers of the half on short-attributable
Social contributions. For periods of training can, on request
the full social security contributions will be refunded. At the BA will
solely by calculations according to the federal government expenditure in 2009
and 2010 amounting to 2.1 billion euros. Will be financed
this from the billion-dollar reserves of the Authority.
The contribution to unemployment insurance, which until mid -
2010 for 2.8 percent, is at least until the end of 2010 to
this level stabilized. This will involve
"Countervailing duty of the federal" set. This
means that the federal government in each case with a loan
step, if the BA the money runs out and the
Contribution rate would actually increase. The coalition has
2010 loan of one billion euros scheduled.

Debt limit and Tilgungsfond

To limit the public debt and Union SPD
the creation of an effective debt brake in the Basic Law
agreed. Total Staatlich be only new debts
up to 0.5 percent of gross domestic product permitted. That
were currently around 12.5 billion euros. The debt for
Investment aims to fund an eradication abgezahlt be.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Backpack and trolley rickshaw instead and fliers.

For her doctoral thesis in economic geography can Beraterjob Kerstin Humberg their lives, and for two months in bitterly poor Bangladesh. In Uniblogs she says in a new series of Bengali tongue acrobatics and social operations of major international corporations.


Dhaka, Monday morning, shortly before eight clock. Like the chicken sit on the pole twelve young men and women on bamboo sofas in the common room of the local Christian school and sing gospel songs. Shortly thereafter we read Jill, a blonde American woman, from the Bible before. The irritated gaze of the young South Koreans to suggest: He thinks the same as me. Bengali Bible instead? Are we on the wrong course?

Susan Supti Halder, director of "HEEDE Language School in Dhaka, smiles. "We are a Christian school in ownership," she explains. "Every morning, we want to thank God and us together on the day tune." The students nod reverently. Nearly 90 percent of Bangladeschis were Muslims, says Susan. With a stake of just half a percent of time that the Christians in the absolute minority. All the more important it is to be open to profess their own faith. "Who here does not religion, is suspected, no standards and values," says Susan.

Since one week I am in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Behind me are two years in an international business consultancy. A life out of the suitcase, traveling in airplanes and hotels. Before me lie two months of field research in Bangladesh. Since May, I am by my employer to a Doctorate in Economic Geography optional. In the footsteps of Nobel Peace Prizewinner Muhammad Yunus ( "You have other values than profit maximization enforce") can I make myself in Bangladesh in search of entrepreneurial approaches to poverty alleviation.

What moves large international corporations, along with Nobel laureate Yunus in the production of yoghurt or drinking water for the poor to invest and rely on dividends to renounce? What is behind the slogan "Social Business" - and what effect it has on the lives of the poor?

Tongue acrobatics lessons in Bengali

But before I deal with these issues and in the lives of the poor plunge, I will in Dhaka, the national language to learn.



A counselor from rising: Kerstin Humberg flew from Hamburg two years as a consultant to the World. Now, the 31 - year-old graduate geographer in Bangladesh entrepreneurial ideas to explore poverty reduction. They reported in Uniblogs of her life in the land of Bengal.

Something is chaotic, our Bengali lessons. This is less of Jean as a teacher to us students. Samir from Jordan, in the textile production once owned, you can only with hands and feet in English. The South Koreans, who on the first day with excellent skills Bengali impressed, remarked only on the third day, that he for the second time in the beginner course sits.

My American headquarters neighbor Liz and I, we feel more in our childhood back. As with the speech we bend our tongues. Unfortunately, the Bengali about twice as many sounds as our mother tongues. We breathe and schnalzen to bet - and reap just shake of the head of Jean. Rather than "map korben. Amra Bengali bujhte pari na" we have not been properly published: Excuse me. We do not understand Bengali.

After the lesson takes me to school director Susan to page: Next Monday I will be the Bible session and take over vorbeten. Oh my God!

With small-small against the great chaos.

For university graduates was the search in the past year, a torturous waiting game - now threatens another fiasco: Because the Federal Education Minister Schavan late and half-turns, steer universities and candidates on a re-suspended game.


For the graduates, which will soon apply for a place to be, it seems like a glimmer of hope: Several universities in Germany unify their dates during the authorization procedure for the winter semester 2009/2010. Students, according to an application for a place in the second week of August of the eleven participating universities to know whether they are adopted or not.

Annette Schavan: The Federal Education Minister wants a re-authorization of chaos at the universities to prevent

But in essence it is just a nicely packaged idea. De facto, the universities this year, probably a procurement process to continue in the summer 2008 academic members and also the universities themselves plunged into sheer chaos.

Oblivious promises the University of Hamburg, they will their admission decisions between 7 and 14 August sent, together with the universities in Heidelberg, Munich (LMU), Duisburg-Essen, Kiel, Mainz and Wuppertal, Bonn and Paderborn, and the Free University and the Charité-University Medicine in Berlin. This should be on the multiple applications from graduates to respond. For open-minded student of this university should be a candidate exchange on the internet.

Last summer was the
German university graduates for a nerve-wracking waiting game. Since the universities since the
Dismantling of the Central Unit for places (ZVS) their students tend to choose, many graduates went to play it safe, and seeking to twelve or more universities, often for several subjects. Paradoxically, remained so in spite of a supposed flood of applicants at the end places unused. The universities had to refill several times - the University of Munster had about her after consultation procedure five times running.

Kempen: News authorization "under all the pig"

"Among all the pig" is this procedure complains the president of the Association of Higher Education Bernhard Kempen - and attacked so that a procedure in which the current thrust of the University of Hamburg as good as nothing changes. That in each state vary the admission arrangements and there was no federal law was a "tragedy of federalism," Kempen said in an interview with Hessischer Rundfunk.

Such a federal law as it Kempen calls, but it does not give, is the Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU). A few months before the new graduates have to decide where and how they choose to study in the fall of applying for admission Schavan recognized subjects but still annoying shortcomings.

Therefore, the Minister invited the competent Minister and representatives of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the ZVS start to week for a crisis summit. Between HRK and ZVS was in January
The dispute escalated over who is the distribution of approximately 300,000 initial semesters best able to organize a central office or at any university for that reason alone.

The only tangible result of the round at the Ministry was the call for universities to rely on a single date for sending the student to some commitments. Then appear the first major universities now use the definition to be sent in mid-August.

The ZVS, the long experience with the distribution and clearing of the flood of students has gathered, the fundamental problems are not resolved. The result of the crisis round Schavan and Minister for the initiative from Hamburg had a "minimal" agreement. Because no comparison of candidates with the approval of the universities took place, was the "problem of multiple applications and not withdrawn," said spokesman Bernhard ZVS Scheer blogs ONLINE.

Nationwide system earlier than 2010

Even without a statutory framework sets Schavan on a nationwide uniform solution for the registration problem. When there is a system type is uncertain. Schavan had for the construction of the system, the Fraunhofer Institute suggested that a computer program for the approval to develop and leveling it at the ZVS in Dortmund should install.

That it for the upcoming winter semester 2009/2010 can not work, was equally clear. By early March, wants to be first minister Schavan now with university representatives from all provinces to some criteria, the new computer system must meet. These points will be in a Pflichtenheft notes.

The current transition process, the ZVS in Dortmund offers admission was chaos in 2008 only a handful of universities, including the LMU Munich and the University of Mainz, have been used. How many universities participate in this year is uncertain, says spokesperson ZVS Scheer. Sign universities could favor until the 20th February.

And the graduates? They will if they are in May and June their Diplomas in hand to check for university places scout - and probably ten to 20 times apply across the Republic, and hope to get a place. Or two. Or more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The blindfolded, for four days.

Permanent interrogations, the same questions, blindfold and handcuffs: After his release describes the German-Egyptian student Philip Rizk, 27, the four terrible days of his life.


The food was good, says Philip Rizk, das least morning and evening, there was bread with cheese or jam, noon rice with chicken or chopped, plus an orange a day. If they were satisfied with him, they took him from the handcuffs, the interrogations.

But they were mostly satisfied not.

Rizk, the German-Egyptian student who knew four days, not sure where he was, and he only knew why they kept him prisoner. Security authorities had him last Friday
arrested after a demonstration, much evidence suggests that there is the domestic secret service agents were.

He is now free again and this Thursday to celebrate his 27th Birthday with his family. What he tells of blogs ONLINE captivity, shows how quickly one in a country like Egypt is the enemy of the state. Enough already, a blog, and to sign hochzuhalten on which is the wrong thing.

Rizk published on his blog
"tabulagaza", which is locked now, reports on the suffering and lives of people in the Gaza Strip. During a protest march at the end of last week he wore a sign: "We have had enough. Open the Rafah Crossing." It's open criticism of Egypt's Middle East policy, a country which borders with the Gaza Strip will open only if Israel agrees.

"We get everything out of you," she threatened him

On the way back to Cairo police stop him and his friends, bring Rizk security forces in a minivan with no license plates away. For what then happens, there are no witnesses, Rizk just talking about it.

Prior to the arrest: Rizk protesting for the people in the Gaza Strip

So that everything actually took place, as he describes the views that speak of organizations such as Amnesty International. This is also the reports of numerous unofficial sources that do not want to be named out of fear for their families or their jobs. And evidence suggests that even Rizk no religious or political zealots, but a quiet talking, prudent man

Rizk that the following happens: The security forces combine his eyes and put him in handcuffs. You take away his cash, 53 pounds, his cigarettes, his keys and his mobile phone. He does not know where he is detained. But there are always the same two men who asked him in Arabic. They call themselves Melek and Nour. He sees them not only to recognize the voices. "At the very beginning of a knocked me on the head and said: We get everything out, because what's inside," says Rizk.


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First they ask him not according to his blog, says Rizk, not after the demonstration, not according to the documentary, which he on the Gaza Strip turned. "They all wanted to know about my life," says Rizk. You ask about his studies in Germany, the United States and in Cairo. Who knows? With whom has he spoken? Only later is also about his political work. Last time the interrogations hours, times a few minutes. The blindfold him they did not, the handcuffs rare. But if he does not so respond, how they imagine it, then put it back and grab it and do not allow that he is hinsetzt. "I think they wanted to punish me," says Rizk. What, he did not know that they say he may not.

They tortured him, but they barely even let him sleep

The human rights organization Amnesty International is on the third day of captivity a statement issued, an alarm word in the title: Torture. "Prisoners of the security services are particularly vulnerable to torture, especially when they are connected to an unknown place to be kept" as stated in the text.

Torture is not Rizk. "They have done nothing to me physically," he says. But they always repeat it to interrogations, awaken him when he sleeps. Rizk lose the sense of time. "I knew the difference between day and night no more." Once they take him to his apartment, they search in his presence, one of the few moments without a blindfold. "It was the only time that I saw a clock," says Philip, "it was four o 'clock at night." They take his computer with two hard drives, his iPod, his research documents relating to his film.

At the same time through five men in civilian and two security forces in combat suits, armed with machine guns, even the house of Rizk family. An attorney who also worked for Amnesty International, prevents the father also is taken. Rizk older sister Jeannette is it the next day for post Facebook and the international press reported. She and her family have a
global campaign organized supporters.

There are at this time neither an accusation nor a formal accusation against Philip. The family has only detours learned that he was actually arrested. Someone from the American University in Cairo, at the Philip studied security circles has made an unofficial confirmation.

"We know everything about you"

Approximately on the third day, it knows Philip Rizk is no longer they keep him a telephone handset connected to the ear. A new voice asked how his name in Latin letters to write. Again and again he says: "We know everything about you." Now they accuse him alternately to spy for Israel, or as an arms dealer for Hamas to work.

On the fourth day they make it before the election, says Rizk: Either go in an hour, free, or for the rest of his life behind bars sit. He just need to admit documents for foreign governments to have written. That they already knew. But he should say it. "I can tell them nothing other than the truth", which he replied, Rizk says, "I write only for the university, for a few newspapers and on my blog."

Shortly afterwards they blindfold him that give him cigarettes, keys, money and phone. He acknowledged. Once they connect, and his eyes
drive him home. "I did not know why they sent me so suddenly released," he says.

Much suggests that the international attention and the silent pressure of the German Embassy have contributed to it. The family had been arrested shortly after the German Ambassador to the colleagues, which is "seeking clarification" and sought consular access, as a spokeswoman of the Foreign Office in Berlin says. Philip Rizk has two passports, the Egyptian and German.

Anyone who criticizes the government of Egypt and it is doing so publicly like Rizk, risking that tough action will be against him. From bloggers reported arrested several times already, the organization "Reporters without borders", which is also a "Press Freedom Index" was published. On this state rankings Egypt ranks far behind: in 173rd place 146

The organization now calls by the Egyptian government, including the Blogger Dia al-Din Gad release on the same day as Rizk was arrested. He criticized since January 2009 in his blog
"A voice of anger," Egypt's Middle East policy. For security circles is the arrest, according Agenturberichtet been confirmed.

Philip Rizk will continue to engage the people in the Gaza Strip, in which he even two years. "My captivity should not suffer from the distraction of the people there," he says. However, the Egyptian authorities blocked his blog, as well as his e-mail mailboxes. But he did not want to leave. "Only a few days rest, I hope, together with my family." But first he plans for a Thursday afternoon press conference.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Wait, it was not for the police ?".|| Your patient should not be there: Mainzer medical students treat people who are illegally living in their city, voluntary and free. Actually, there is a reporting of the status of persons, but the would-be doctors do not want to hear the name - they want to help.   "No police, no, no police." Anna Kremer talks to the phone's earpiece. "There are no problems." Her voice is quiet, the view is concentrated. "Wait, it was not for the police?" That was the question that they almost always be the first hear. The 25-year-old calmed the caller. He is yet to come, names do not play a role, not really. Office hours at the club Medinetz in Mainz. Outside it is dark, 18 clock, a winter Monday. You take care of medical students like Anna Kremer to the care of people without papers. Mahmadou Diol * is several times at the entrance of the Caritas center in Mainz Neustadt passed, in which the Medinetz Sprechstunde offers. I! t is cold, his nose, he has inserted into the collar, the hood over his head and deep into the forehead pulled. He watched the gray courtyard of the house exactly. Before he enters the yard, the Senegalese want to find out who from the center comes out, who goes into it. Whether it maybe the police are expected behind the illuminated glass of milk. Above the entrance is a green shield, in seven languages, it attracts inwards. The offer: health care, anonymous and free. Diol lives with a brother in Mainz. When his asylum application was rejected, it is submerged. Now he has pain, but no residence permit and thus no health insurance. If he had money, he could pay himself a doctor. He is not sure what he should do. "I can not so easily to the doctor." He sought a solution and then the matter inside. But go in, which he dares not, not yet. Those who are not revealed, will get no benefits In Germany alone, between one half and one million people without a residence pe! rmit. But who has no papers, may not become ill. Because Germa! ny is th

Egypt makes Gaza German blogger free.

Four days were Egyptian security forces, the German-Egyptian student Philip Rizk at an unknown location caught. Now the 26-year-old again - by his sister planned protests are still taking place.


He was dragged off and hidden, his apartment was searched and his family threatened. Now the nightmare being over. The German-Egyptian student and blogger Philip Rizk is free again. It informed his sister Jeannette ONLINE blogs on early Wednesday morning. Also in the Facebook group in which they are regularly on the development of the case, writes, reads: "Philip is out. It is safe and with his family."

Jeannette Rizk
Blogger Rizk: On the night released

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry in Berlin confirmed blogs ONLINE, Rizk that the previous night had been released. Several micro-bloggers had previously reported on Twitter, including the user who first reported the arrest had Rizk.

According to the Foreign Office had the German embassy in Cairo after the arrest turned Rizk and "tried to clarify." You will Rizk and his family continue to consular assistance when it is desired.

Thus ends for the family of Philip Rizk a time of fear. Rizk, 26, both the German and the Egyptian Passport holders, was on the night of last Friday to Saturday
Egyptian security forces arrested when he returned a demonstration. His family was not where he was locked up why.

Then, in the night from Sunday to Monday, security forces searched the house of Rizk family. "Five men in civilian standing in front of the door," says Jeannette Rizk, sister, "two in Kampfänzügen and machine guns." They were in search of evidence against Philip had presumed them. The security forces found nothing incriminating, but then wanted to bring the father to ask him. Rallied Only a lawyer who also worked for Amnesty International, was able to prevent.

"I suspect, however, that all this was just a Ablenkungsmaneuver," says Rizk blogs Jaennette ONLINE, at the same time, her apartment and her brother have been screened. Philips laptop if they had taken away his iPod, their video camera and two hard drives of Jeannette, then their complete computer backup, and a documentary, as the thesis on the lives of women in Cairo had rotated.

Those who criticized the Egyptian government, lives dangerously

Philip Rizk operates
the blog "tabulagaza". It publishes reports on Palestinian refugees and the Gaza Strip. The topic has long been employed him: he has himself in the Gaza Strip and lived the life of a documentary filmed there. He also supported journalists who cover the spot itself is a picture of the situation wanted, and helped, medicines to Gaza to bring. At the demonstration last Friday, it asked that the Egyptian government the Rafah border crossing to the Gaza Strip will open - open criticism of Egypt's Middle East policy.

Officially, there was no indictment and no charges against Rizk. But several reports have confirmed that Egyptian security official circles that Rizk because of his political engagement was held. The AFP news agency refers to Egyptian authorities, the New York Times quotes one from the General Innenministeriumium who does not want to be named: "It all happened under the Egyptian law. Please contact the Office of the Attorney General."

The crackdown by the security forces is not unusual. Those who are politically active in Egypt, and expresses criticism, lives dangerously. Since 1981, there is the state of emergency. This allows the government of President Husni Mubarak and the security apparatus, a suspect at any time and without any specific allegation arrest. Human rights organizations estimate the number of political prisoners to about 10,000.

For security circles in Cairo was reported on Tuesday, except Rizk was in the past few days, another blogger has been arrested on the Internet solidarity with the Palestinians and called the Egyptian Middle East policy was criticized. He hot Dia al-Din Gad and is already on Friday at his home in the province Gharbija, northwest of Cairo, had been arrested.

According to the Rizk family had domestic intelligence SSI Philip arrested. For prisoners of this authority is the danger to be tortured, according to Amnesty International is particularly high when it is isolated and unknown places to hide. Whether the student Rizk was tortured, is not known. The family wants to express in the afternoon.

Quick family organized a worldwide campaign

Since the arrest, the Rizk quickly become communication professionals. The family brought an impressive Internet campaign roles and mobilized world support. His 29-year-old sister was
Spokesperson for the family, sent photos of their abducted brother and organized demonstrations. The Facebook group "Support and Prayer for the safe release of Philip Rizk" in a few days grew to 6500 members. About Twitter spread from the arrest to release any news around the world, Flickr User
Slideshows tinkered with images of solidarity rallies. In blogs and social networks calls for courses on-line petitions.

The excitement in the international network is not surprising, when the biography of Philip Rizk knows. He is a kind of globalized activist: born in Cyprus, raised in Cairo, where he visited the German school. His father, who runs a small publishing house, came from Egypt, his mother from Germany.

In order to study philosophy, Philip went for a semester in Freiburg, and then with a scholarship in the USA, Wheaton. Now he works on his master's work at the American University in Cairo, he is also dealing with the Gaza conflict. He speaks fluent English, Arabic and German.

For Thursday 27 Birthday of her brother, plans Jeannette Rizk solidarity rallies in several major cities, including Cairo and Berlin. Philip himself there after his release that all the protests take place as planned, it says in Facebook. The demonstrations, however, should be re: Because he no longer sits behind bars, should be held to establish its exemption to draw attention to the Gaza Strip go.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Family launches worldwide campaign of protest.

Egyptian security forces keep him at an undisclosed location. Play Related organize the German-Egyptian blogger Philip Rizk students and an Internet campaign and protest - and get support from around the world.


"We have no other option than to make noise," says Jaennette Rizk, 29, currently on its way to the next demonstration. For four days she lives in a state of emergency. Her brother was arrested, searched their apartment, threatened her father. Jaennette Rizk has since become the Spokesperson of their family, has given dozens of interviews, an internet campaign losgetreten.

Her brother, is the German-Egyptian student, blogger and journalist Philip Rizk, 26, in the last night of Friday to Saturday
was arrested, according to the family of Egyptian domestic intelligence service. Since then, neither the family nor Philips friends heard of him.

Philip Rizk operates
the blog "tabulagaza". It publishes reports on Palestinian refugees and the Gaza Strip. The topic has long been employed him: he has himself in the Gaza Strip, lived and a film about the people there turned. He supports journalists who are on the ground even a picture of the position sought, and he has helped to create drugs there.

On the night of last Friday to Saturday was Philip Rizk on the way back from a protest march along with about 15 friends. The police stopped the group and gave them several hours. Finally, officials asked specifically for him, grabbed him and drove in a minivan with no license plates away. His friends tried to follow the car, but police blocked their path. So tell it consistent eyewitness and his sister.

Who makes crash in Egypt, lives dangerously

Now, Jeannette Rizk to lobbyists for the freedom of her brother, and thus become itself to political activist. Because who does crash in Egypt, the politically involved - and makes enemies.

Rizk family lived just two nights after the arrest of Philip. Jeannette and her parents had just put to sleep because it rang at the door. "Five men in civilian standing in front of the door," says Jeannette, "two in Kampfänzügen and machine guns." They searched the house, "in search of evidence against Philip, the presumed sister.

At this time there was neither an indictment nor an official accusation against Philip. The family had just about detours learned that he was actually arrested. Someone from the American University in Cairo, at the Philip studied, had made an unofficial security circles confirmation.

Unusually, the approach of the authorities in Egypt have not. Already since 1981 the state of emergency prevails. This allows the government of President Husni Mubarak and the security apparatus, a suspect at any time and without any specific allegation arrest. According to official figures sit so 1800 prisoners in prisons and camps, without them the process was made. Human rights organizations estimate the number much higher, at around 10,000.

Nocturnal house searches and Ablenkungsmaneuver

In the house of the family Rizk found the security forces, not a burden, but then wanted to bring the father to ask him. Rallied Only a lawyer who also worked for Amnesty International, was able to prevent.

"I suspect, however, that all this was just a Ablenkungsmaneuver," says Rizk blogs Jaennette ONLINE, at the same time, her apartment and her brother have been screened. Philips laptop if they had taken away his iPod, their video camera and two hard drives of Jeannette, then their complete computer backup, and a documentary, as the thesis on the lives of women in Cairo had rotated.

Jeannette Rizk
Philip Rizk: blogger, student, activist globalized

Several reports of Egyptian authorities have now confirmed that Rizk detention. The New York Times quoted a spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior, a general who does not want to be named: "It all happened under the Egyptian law. Please contact the Office of the Attorney General."

The Foreign Office in Berlin has already confirmed last Saturday that the case was known and the German Embassy to try to clarify. A spokeswoman said blogs ONLINE on Tuesday, the embassy was in contact with the family and the Egyptian authorities. We strive to consular access to Philip Rizk.

An Internet campaign to mobilize international support

In the meantime, the Internet is an impressive campaign supporters started. The Facebook group "Support and Prayer for the safe release of Philip Rizk has more than 4500 members. In "Flickr", there are
Slideshows of solidarity demonstrations in Cairo, in Twitter write numerous micro-bloggers on any development and call for an online petition to support it. In England and the USA swashes the digital outrage just about right to life: In London, New York and San Francisco protesters want to meet with protest marches.

Twitter is also one of the first to have reported the arrest. An Arab Socialist group wrote that Rizk had been kidnapped, the editor in chief of an American Evangelicals newspaper reported the arrest Friday night at 3:47 clock.

The excitement in the network across all countries and cultural boundaries is not surprising, when the biography of Philip Rizk knows. It could give activists a globalized, highly educated, with friends and supporters, readers and listeners around the world.

The global activist

He was born in Cyprus, raised in Cairo, where he visited the German school. His father, who runs a small publishing house, came from Egypt, his mother from Germany. Philip holds dual citizenship.

In order to study philosophy, he went for a semester in Freiburg, and then with a scholarship in the USA, Wheaton. Now he works on his master's work at the American University in Cairo, he is also dealing with the Gaza conflict. He speaks fluent English, Arabic and German. Friends who long to know him describe him as calm and considered. "But in a political discussion he could not offer the forehead, argumentative, he is the most superior," says one, who already knows from the kindergarten, but because of his own family in Egypt does not want to be called. Philip was deeply devout Christian - also a drive for his commitment.

As for his master's work returned to Cairo, he joined a group of young activists, half Egyptian, half foreigners. You call for "solidarity with the Palestinian people" and organized the protest march last Friday in one place, about an hour away from Cairo. Philip Rizk wore a debt on which he calls in Arabic script: "We have had enough. Opens the Rafah borders." Rafah crossing is the Gaza Strip, which Egypt does not open, if Israel does not agree.

But who the Egyptian government policy criticized, lives dangerously. For security circles in Cairo was reported on Tuesday, except Rizk was in the past few days, another blogger has been arrested on the Internet solidarity with the Palestinians and called the Egyptian Middle East policy was criticized. Dia al-Din Gad was on Friday at his home in the province Gharbija, northwest of Cairo, had been arrested, it was said.

Jeannette Rizk, the sister, the spokeswoman for the family, will continue to demonstrate the web site update, give interviews, herumtelefonieren and after her brother wastage. Recent unofficial sources indicate that the security forces kept him in an institution in a northern Cairo suburb noted. Jeannette Rizk will try to make him clothes and food to bring a plate and Ritter Sport. "The mag he was so happy," she says. On Thursday, Philip birthday, he is 27th

German PhD student pleads not guilty.

"Shame on you!" Chinese students were outraged when the German student Martin J. his shoe on their Premier Wen Jiabao accused. Now the shoe thrower in Cambridge before the court. The candidate of the elite university said he had not disrupted public order.


It should be a political statement, it now brought the young man to court. In a speech to the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao at the University of Cambridge grabbed the German Martin J. Turnschuh his left and threw him in the direction of the prime minister on the stage. Wen He failed by about one meter, eyewitness reports, the throw was a respectable performance, because the distance is great and the angle was quite acute.

When Voranhörung before the court stressed the 27-year-old Ph.D. student of pathology on Tuesday that he was "not guilty". The indictment accuses him public nuisance, insults and call for violence before. In the case of a conviction threatens the young man up to six months imprisonment and a fine of around 5700 euros. Until the process on 10 March of the young man remains free, but let me until the end of the procedure does not speak with the press.

Photo: AP
Video: TV blogs

So loud, he had in early February in the lecture hall during the speech of Chinese Premier Wen said: "How can the university for this dictator prostitute? How can you listen to the lies that he tells? Stand up and protested," the candidate had before throwing his shoe called.

A video on youtube shows how in the darkened auditorium of the shoe landed on the stage. Some of the accent after Chinese students jumped her verbal head of government to the side, and cried out to the pitcher, he should be ashamed. Under "Shame on you" Call was Martin J. unresistingly by the police arrest them.

From China, it was initially, Wen Jiabao condemn the attack as "despicable conduct". Meanwhile, the student, however, officially at the Chinese Embassy for the Litter apologized.

In a letter to the Chinese Embassy in London, the blogs ONLINE exists, he wrote: "I ask you, my apology to the Chinese people and to the Prime Minister that I found his speech at the University of Cambridge was interrupted, accept. I is clear that I do not need the respect and kindness showed to a guest of the University are entitled. Let me assure you that it was not my intention, the Chinese people to insult. "

The letter was on behalf of the university doctoral sent to the embassy. That leads some observers to suspect, the young man had the line at the urging of his faculty written. Upon receipt of the letter on Monday, China's Premier Wen had officially
to bear with the student asked.

"Training is the best help for young people," Wen was on the Chinese Embassy in London made. It was hoped that the university the young man continued to study leave.

Inspiration for the shoe throwing the student was probably a similar attack on the former U.S. President George W. Bush in Baghdad last year. The Fersehjournalist who threw the shoe, sits in custody since December. Another Trtittbrettfahrer recently attacked the Israeli ambassador in Stockholm with a thrown shoe.