Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Children Bachelor enemy.

The Bologna reform makes studying parents' lives: attendance, streamlined program that constantly tests - that an infant has no understanding. The system allows students verschulte too little time to get to the little ones to worry about.


In the town of Giessen Pohlheim are the differences between old and new, visible in the smallest space. There is a flat two families. In both families the mother and father to study in both there is a small child. But does the daily life of the WG both parties sometimes extreme.

Heiko Meyer
A flat, two families, two programs of study: David and Kristin Rust Lütgenau with son Janusz, Jan and Sarah Benner Kohlhof-Kohlhof with daughter Mia Lena in Pohlheim in Giessen

Family One: Sarah-Kohlhof Benner, 25, is studying primary school teaching profession and Jan Kohlhof, 28, computer science, to state and diploma. Their one-year daughter Mia Lena have them in the day Lida Maleki housed.

Family Two: Lütgenau David, 24, studied special schools and Kristin Rust, 23, social sciences, both in the new bachelor degree program. Her seven-month-old son also serves Janusz Lida Maleki.

Leave only two semesters Pack

The huge difference: While Sarah and Jan's services Lida really only need sporadic, Kristin and David would be without them aufgeschmissen. They have the new power under Bologna.

Bologna, bachelor, that is, a tight timetable to follow, which means attendance in many modules, vacation semester often only in two pack because cross-semester seminars, ongoing trials. All things associated with the time requirements of an infant's difficult to bring them into compliance are.

So Kristin and David need to support their housemates and the childminder. But sometimes you can find anyone to them Janusz decreases. "Fortunately, most professors have no objection to a child in the lecture."

Similarly, it currently takes many of the approximately 123,000 student parents in Germany - certainly the 15 percent of them to educate their child alone. The new turbo-study with his Bachelor's and Master's degrees, it face major organizational problems. In the latest survey of the student were almost a quarter of respondents indicated that they are not once again for a child during the study that would determine.

"First child with me in mid-30 would be too late '

It says Sarah is "the study is actually
a good time for children's war. "She was with her study" time-flexible than in the job. "Moreover, they feel fresh enough for the demands of the parents' existence:" My first child in mid-30 to get me would be too late. "

UNIblogs 3 / 2009

Fairly off
Uni-Kuehne Architecture makes learning beautiful


The policy aims to graduate more children. Students are entitled to the Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) introduced Elterngeld, albeit usually only at the minimum rate of 300 euros per month. And who Bafög relates receives additional 113 Euro for the first and 85 euros for each additional child. In addition, student parents may be entitled to housing benefit. In some German states, Bavaria, for instance, can they exemption from tuition fees apply.

But the shortage is covered elsewhere in size, since it is the students like the professionals: There are not enough care for the kids. Only 5500 places nationwide offer the student in kindergarten or in cribs. In many cases, who will provide a grab wants to wait months or years.

Part-time studies? Not really planned

Janke Reuschel, 29, has one of the coveted places for their three year old daughter get Marlia. But when the lone social economics student from Hamburg during the evening or on weekends or major events due Marlia is sick, it must be a friend for help. "The Bachelor, you can so the events are not more to choose," she explains. Janke has applied for part-time studies - the curriculum of new courses to take part, but hardly the end Zeitler consideration.

Sometimes there is a lack of the universities to understand the constraints, which must obey their parents: "One of my professors said that I should be studying rather leave when I am not of the normal requirements can adapt," says the student Lehramt Barbara bounce from Giessen. At a place in the Uni-Kita waiting in vain so far, only 18 children can come there. In doing so, the University of Giessen the certificate "family-oriented institution."

Still want to get the student to the parents of adversity does not get under and somehow organize their daily lives. Like the aspiring literary scholar Anne Küchler, 27, in Hamburg. Since a single year is Anne, looked her son Simon, but alternately with her ex-boyfriend.

"I'm happy, not just at home having to be," says Küchler. Your old student lives they do not miss. "Now I live in two worlds that collide. That makes life but just beautiful." She laughs. "And fun anyway."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hunt for hidden knowledge.

In the exam time many students to mutate Fieslingen - and hide books, to include them in the library all to itself to have. Luer-Henning Flake, 21, is something like their natural enemy: jobbt He viewfinder than books at the University of Duisburg-Essen.


That students during their studies, casual work, is normal. Luer-Henning Flake, 21, is an unusual job. As books viewfinder at the University of Duisburg-Essen, he several times a week at the game after missing Literature in the University library.

Books viewfinder Flake: "It is forbidden books to hide '

"The job is fun, it's always an achievement when you book again," says Flake. Ten hours a week driving from Viersen-born student of cultural industries with his car, the course books of the library at Essen. 8.56 euros to get it, plus paid vacation.

Offender profile: Economics student

For about two months, the prospective host culture and its Bibliotheksjob feels comfortable. "The atmosphere in a library is very pleasant." This is also his predecessor as a book finder, Sven-Arvid finished. The philosophy and German literature student did this job about a year and a half behind and knew pretty much all the hiding places. "Some students hid the books in part in other shelves or deposited under the shelves, so it was not."

About 250 books were finished so in the course of a month. He was among the first to take this job at the university made. During the final, now assistant to a professor is like after studying additional training in library studies in Cologne, Germany wants to see luer Henning Flake his first job only as a temporary job.

After about two months work as a viewfinder also has books he has a profile of hiding books created. He noticed that students mainly from the library to learn to use hidden or books are not returned. And: "Often, the business students in the case."

Especially in times of trials, there is plenty of work for Flake. "Many things are borrowed, and it is only because of the presence of stock, then it is hidden." However, it was still never a culprit caught red-handed.

The library is preparing to book on hiding

Students had trouble with it for the books never viewfinder. "It is forbidden books to hide. Because the people care then, what to say, if we can find the books," said Flake. Rather Flake is seen as someone representing a further help. For the students, he is now an important partner. "The ever ask me where they can find a book." Flake comes with his job against his body size. The amateur basketball players is over 1.90 meters tall. This helps him to the higher shelves of the library to investigate.


Marc Röhlig

The Freiburg University library has open around the clock. Good for Amelie Hostel, 20 - Student policy must be urgently the matter for three Tests in the header to beat. Therefore, she to a duel: I against the library, a self-experiment in continuous learning. more ...

For the university is worth hiring Büchersuchern. Around two million copies of the university has in its inventory. Books cost a lot of money, an average of 30 euros, and many a copy of which has already been lost, submerged by the work of students as respondents and Flake again. At 250 copies, the books per month viewfinder again, large sums of money come together, which the university can save.

To promote the books curb further losses, the library management for new technologies. Thus, an electronic security system, the so-called radio transponder, the location of a book by signal log. The library staff checked with a detector the shelves, which then emit a signal. At the same time you can borrow books for faster transactions and the specimens are better protected from theft and the Hide protected.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Konfettirisierung of research and teaching.

Students rebelling against bachelor's degree in rumort professors, too. Jörn-Axel Meyer sees strong fragmentation trends: The study points to a pure fighter, and also the increasingly small-scale research, criticized the Berlin scientists in the host contribution.


Already in 1994 dubbed the Saarbrückener economists Bruno Tietz the development of the German research with the term "Konfettirisierung" - and so brought the assembled colleagues laugh. But as the laughter, this comparison with the fragments, which in joyous occasions in the air will not now. The term seems well suited to describe what we in the German university landscape experience, both in teaching and in research.

First there is the doctrine, which focuses on the new Bachelor's and Master's degrees are available. They arose in the wake of the decisions of the European Ministers of Education in Bologna in 1999 and meetings were to follow in the years thereafter concretised. The overall goal was the harmonization of European higher education. The new courses are not only internationally more comparable and compatible ", they are also more efficient, shorter, and early academic study and allow more mobility between universities.

Knowledge is not yet thinking

The implementation in Germany
caused much criticism. The expected effects on comparability, mobility and short duration of the study seem to show more recent studies, only rudimentary, or even not to have occurred. The new bachelor's or master's degree but show a markedly different than the previous teaching courses at diploma and degree. Even though learning may not be efficient, which it was learned. And at what price?


Jörn-Axel Meyer, 46, is the direction in Industrial Mechanical Engineering and University Professor. Since 2002 he heads the Institute for German small and medium-sized enterprises in Berlin.

Many of the new programs are characterized by the simple juxtaposition of - sometimes referred ambitious - courses. In Germany accredited courses were mostly composed of a sequence of events exist. Each of these courses will be from a faculty contest, otherwise they are not coordinated.

The teachers - many low or no abgefunden and much more by the hope of academic Lehrtitel motivated - know each other and not even know what is going on in other courses taught there. The student is then on leave from the mosaic of a coherent curriculum herauszulesen. Thus the impression of a regular cluster of teaching confetti left.

Costly Lehrapparate, or even permanently occupied chairs are in principle for such courses is not necessary. And this is like those seen with low Lehrkosten maximum tuition fees in the market and thus achieve commercial success or simply want to avoid budget gaps.

For knowledge is minutiae

This dismemberment and fragmentation of knowledge can be minutiae. They animate the students, knowledge acquisition as "abzuhakendes" collect points to understand. Were 20 years ago the students throughout the Department examined, it is now almost entirely of only a previously designated part of the substance queried.



Uni Bolognese: Freshman are helpless, professors scratching his head. In the days of chaos Bachelor Master revolution seeping strange new terms in the academic jargon. ONLINE clarifies on blogs - with the young bachelor's alphabet. more ...

But this stands in stark contrast to the changing demands of our society, an increasingly holistic understanding of our world requires - less of a "knowledge" but rather a "thinking" in contexts, analogies and causalities.

That there is another way, shows the alleged U.S. model, where many bachelor's degree in the teaching of thinking and ability to detect correlations are. In Germany, although the name, but not over this basic philosophy.

These are the conditions for teachers in Germany - yet - well, if Lehrstuhlinhaber sovereign may represent a subject, they can be the students from their first to the last day in the university and accompany them with a meaningful arc through their professions as a whole provide a coherent picture of the contents and ways of thinking. This strength of the German university system, however, with new courses too often lost. And it seems that the holistic-minded professors are increasingly due to the very specialized professor is removed, hence the Konfettirisierung already in the person of the researcher and teacher begins.

One indicator of this theory can be derived from changing the appeal process to read. Assessors for appeals squint - except on the somewhat mundane criterion of third party funding - now almost exclusively on the publication of refereed articles in journals of the candidates, as in "rated A-or B-Journals" (where A and B are the best ratings). Monographs and textbooks are almost no longer be considered.

Researchers are focusing increasingly on close subjects

While it is positive if the quality of the publication on the rank of the publishing medium is measured, although it leads the researchers to deal with highly specialized, but recognized individual contributions ( "Papers") scientific eminence. Books, however, as a possible embodiment of a more holistic and especially a comprehensive view, remain on the line - not least because they are rarely subject to verification by third parties are subject.



The University of biotope thrive wonderful people with their own customs, rules, rituals. Understand the campus code? Is it even for an academic career? Try's - ten questions to the campus Flegel, Hiwi with etiquette or ambitions king. more ...

A second indicator is found in the Habilitation, which many young scientists, despite the introduction of the junior professorship still aspire: While it is still a decade ago was a stigma, rather than a closed monography (broad, yet specialized in one part) with a series of individual contributions (ie, "cumulative") to habilitieren, this is almost standard today.

Extensive writings are now no longer in the evaluation of candidates for professorships tend to favor highly specialized individual contributions respected, then the researchers, and hence the later teachers of the incentive to devote more attention to a narrow area to concentrate when you attempt to do also take a more fundamental and wider arc to beat.

But it is precisely this ability to our professors, despite the specialized expertise received. Because who does not bow to the great beat, you can not convey it. Fragmentation in research is also a fragmentation of teaching expected.

Misconceived professional qualification

But this - misunderstood - a model from the U.S. seems to be appealing. There are many self-employed teachers, professors, all with titles, but on very different skill levels. In addition to full professor, the chair holders of German universities are most likely to meet, there are a greater number of Assistant and Associate Professors. There are usually no lone assistant in the system of professorate still can and want to climb (Tenure Track). They are often extremely specialized and sometimes found only with a handful of colleagues around the world who share their territory.

With this specialization, there is a tendency to focus primarily with highly specific journal articles to scientific eminence. It is noticeable that those scientists who have extensive and respected publishing monographs or textbooks, primarily full professor with an integral distance from the matter.

So it's no surprise that in the United States is a principle in the appointment criteria to recognize it: the higher the rank of qualification (from Assistant to Associate to Full Professor), the more generalist the professor. This principle we have been in Germany in the same way in the development of scientific staff assistant to the university college or university professor attends. But now we tend to Germany to the same criteria for the young as well as for the occupation of the (actually mature) Chair holder thereof - and thus the fragmentation in the organization of professors, and thus the research.

The German higher education system would do well to, if it retains its strength, not only in research, even in teaching. While we are now a shift in the American doctrine towards greater education of the mind can see, we run into Germany in pursuit of a misunderstood, specific to the fragmentation of professional qualification in teaching again afterwards. How fast, however, is certain zeitgeist philosophies and models as an aberration and out to change that makes us just before the financial world.

"Moni-rocket" before Off.

It is a leadership struggle without precedent: after a mutiny by professors and students of Hamburg Uni-President Auweter-Kurtz little chance to stay in office. There are negotiations, the separation is blogs ONLINE Information inevitable - despite gestures of humility boss.


Finally everything went pretty fast. Even last week, it looked as give-Kurtz Monika Auweter again a probation period in order for a semi-peaceful coexistence at the University of Hamburg to provide. Thus, it is on the lecture-free period in the winter semester can save. But after the turmoil of recent days is clear: The Uni-President is not in their office, can be maintained.

Monika-Auweter Kurtz: End of an unusual dispute in sight

Auweter-Kurtz, 58, graduated from the University of virtually no more backing after deans, professors, academic staff and students for months openly rebelled against them. The physicist, the university in a structural reform to keep trying, but it resulted mainly in a severe crisis, as the University of Hamburg in its history has not yet experienced. At the end of science is also Senator Herlind Gundelach (CDU) by Kurtz-Auweter away.

The most recent events: On Thursday afternoon from 16 clock brought together representatives of Higher Education and the Faculties. The University Council consists of nine members, four each by the senate of the university and determined by the Senate, the Presidency of the ninth member Albrecht Wagner, the former head of the research center DESY. It is a crucial body - to his duties include selecting and deselecting the university president.

Senator withdraws support

At the meeting on Thursday made Deans and Dean of Faculties - certainly
Not for the first time - well, that they are a collaboration with Auweter-Kurtz no longer able to imagine. Of the six deans of faculties, five were in the process, only the medical dean did not participate. As participants report was the general picture is as clear as in the weeks and months before: Solo Grän Henry, dean of mathematics and science, voted for the Uni-President - all the other participating deans against them. The University subsequently advised chairman Herlind Gundelach on the results.

The science senator had on Wednesday afternoon in a recent hour of citizenship hardly words to defend Auweter-Kurtz found, but said that their "culture of leadership and quality" in question - in a break from the "many perceived as a crisis" be. Gundelach also said: "It's not about individuals but about the welfare of the university." And: From the university now must come a sign of whether you Auweter-Kurtz wish to continue working.

This signal knew the senator at that time, however, already. Already on the previous day that had deans and dean, the heads of five major departments (excluding medicine), a crisis summit held for several hours. Temporarily were also the three vice-presidents and the Chancellor there. Tuesday-The result was a No to Auweter-Kurtz - with an overwhelming majority. It was the President himself, the University Council and Senator Gundelach on Wednesday morning. And on Wednesday afternoon in the citizenship then went alongside politicians from Greens, the SPD and the Left also Gundelach at a distance.

"We hope it goes fast"

"The characters from the university are clear," said Timo Friedrich, spokesman for the authority of science, on Friday morning. There were discussions with the President and the University Council on the further procedure and still a lot to negotiate. In an interview with blogs ONLINE Friedrichs be expressed more clearly on the future of Auweter-Kurtz: "We hope that they do not need too much cooling and that it goes quickly."

According to information from blogs, the University ONLINE Auweter-Kurtz, which is currently not located in Hamburg, where cooling over the weekend. But this is manifestly not the farewell to himself, only to the arrangements - could be cancellation, suspension or contract (in the toughest and most improbable case) dismissal. The six-year contract with Uni-President runs until 2012.

It is probable that Auweter-Kurtz now with lawyers legal and monetary issues, and probably also explains the possibilities of a return to Stuttgart, where they were before the inauguration in the North as head of the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Space Plasma and technology worked. For an opinion on the outstanding issues could ONLINE blogs can not reach - her spokesman Alexander Luckow confirmed only vague: "There are negotiations with senior members of the university and the academic authority to the leadership of the university."

Even before taking office in autumn 2006, there was criticism of Auweter-Kurtz Monika - students threw her tuition per occurrence and too close to the defense industry, which it the nickname "rocket-Moni" eintrug. You should university reforms vigorously push forward, was brought as a powerful maker - a
Break with tradition in German universities. Even after a few months ago there were arguments about their harsh treatment of university members. Professors and students criticized an authoritarian leadership style and brusque tone of Auweter-Kurtz, the discussions sometimes with "I want it but it" should have ended - what debattierfreudigen universities seldom sufficed as an argument.

Because of alleged transgression and expertise in finance official arrogance and appellate matters developed the faculties of Law, Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences in March 2008 with a 42-page lawsuit against the president. In tears should Auweter-Kurtz praised improvements have nobody whereupon the courts decided. "Has changed the behavior of the President but not," is now a law professor disappointed.

In the last two weeks, when the backing rapidly disappeared, had Auweter-Kurtz in the creep mode and humility rehearsed gestures, including publicly demonstrated remorse by press conference and with a
open letter to all members of the university. Your key messages is that the communication was "shortly to come" and they even have the university with their pace too much to accept.

"She has forgiven us ..."

Professors and scientific staff, the signatures collected against the president had responded, however, suspicious and hostile - they bought Auweter the new-Kurtz
Kuschel course simply does not. And the majority of deans saw no perspective anymore. From a student was left-Auweter Kurtz for their repentance letter mocks: "She has forgiven us," they wrote on a flyer and rejoiced sarcastically, "that we are the President, blind, deaf and numb can trust." And further, in allusion to the soft Schwäbeln the boss: You could but now "a big reconciliation Fescht organize on campus, where we burn the University of Mission."

Had become increasingly loud demands for the resignation in early May, Auweter-Kurtz increasingly lost ground - partly because of her vote for a billion dollar university building in the port instead of a renovation and expansion in the traditional district Eimsbüttel. Exactly, but there are significant educational policy of the major parties anchored Town Hall, the Auweter against Kurtz-up with Wolfgang Beuß (CDU), Dorothee Stapelfeldt (SPD), Krista Sager (Green).

A direct political defeat saw the President, as the black-green coalition government, the adoption of a new "Science Promotion Act" in mid-June from the agenda adopted. Now, once the viability of the existing law to be reviewed. In the planned amendment was - against the protest of the professors - provided the university management to large departments to be strengthened. The President should be the sole right to submit proposals for the election of deans, which previously elected by the faculty, with the university management subsequent refusal right.

Sun refuses to Auweter-Kurtz since 6 May constant, the professors and students unanimously selected humanities dean to put into office. The theologian was a decisive 'yes' to collegial leadership and a clear no to presidential leadership in position. University Intern Auweter-Kurtz is also compatible with its structure and development plan for the future of the University of stuck. They wanted to in June in the Academic Senate, the highest government body, have durchgeboxt. But since this week is only once he has the insight for all.

If Auweter-Kurtz now, the new body president and internationally. Presumably, the acting vice president take the lead, depending on how fast the place farewell. By the end of the month would be the first deputy Holger Fischer in the series, from 1 July would then Gabriele Löschper replace.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"The communication was too short."

For months already, there is considerable disquiet to Monika Auweter-Kurtz. Many professors, lecturers, students and deans are calling for the resignation of the Hamburg Uni-President. Meanwhile, it has acknowledged errors. ONLINE blogs documenting their open letter dated Tuesday, 23 June 2009.


Open Letter to the President

Dear Colleagues,

Campus toll hated than ever.

For Germany's universities and educational policy, it is a slap in the face: In terms of tuition fees each student is lacking confidence. Almost three-quarters are for the immediate abolition, almost nobody believes in improvement of teaching. This shows a new poll.


If there was a golden cucumber miserable for dealing with tuition fees, the Niederrhein University would best chance of the negative price abzuräumen. Over more than a year disguised the college to the students what to do with their money charges happened.

As the students discovered it, gave her FH almost half the student euros, six million accumulated in two years, not for better teaching, but
bunkerte for bad times. The students were outraged, but that availed nothing: The university showed them the cold shoulder. Transparency and timely use for teaching? Nothing doing.

A glaring case-by Gebührenschluderei is rather not. German universities in the six provinces that are currently a general campus toll money, shows a highly inventive when it comes to the use of the revenue goes. According to the rules of the countries is the money is always better and always learn from this. But what exactly that means - yes it can be interpreted very differently.

Three-quarters of the abolition of tolls Campus

A recent study by the University of Hohenheim shows nationwide feel inadequate fee payers on the use of several thousand euros, for which they must complete their studies up being informed. Almost three-quarters of the campus would toll rather than later to see abolished.


Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to know ...

For the third time students raved on behalf of the Marketing Department at the University of Hohenheim and surveyed from 5600 paid-peers from 49 universities. The interest of researchers: What is the tuition and satisfaction with their use? For the individual universities, the results are now clearly prepared under
www.gebuehrenkompass.de Assessment.

Now is the interview with some hundred randomly selected on each campus students are not representative. But the study provides a fairly broad mood among the students, usually twice a year for every 500 euro will be charged - and each time wondering why, actually. This mood is gloomy than ever:

Nearly three quarters of the license fee payers are responsible for the immediate abolition of fees (72 percent). This figure is still only two percentage points higher than the result from the previous year.

71.5 percent of the respondents in their study environment, no direct improvement of teaching, the majority of this group (80 percent) foresee in the future with no improvements.

In school terms, the license fee payers are almost as unhappy as the previous year: tuition fees are "sufficient to poor" rated (4.2 grade, in the previous year: 4.6).

Least bad students in Claustal-Zellerfeld, at the RWTH Aachen and Würzburg in the charges - but also their votes do not come with a 4 plus addition (3.5 and lower). Dissatisfaction are the students in Hanover (5.0), Wuppertal (4.9) and Hamburg (4.9).

Main criticism of the students - in addition to the fees themselves - is the lack of transparency. You will note the 4.3 is also very poorly rated.

Strongholds of the charges, according to opponents of Hohenheim investigation Braunschweiger Kunsthochschule and universities in Oldenburg and victories, with rejection rates of over 80 percent.

However nourishes the result, at least for victories doubts about investigation and method: There is the opposition of 52 percent last year to 80.4 per cent increase - a result that is Asta-Speaker Julian Hopmann from Siegen not quite explain. "There were no particular incidents. We are so unhappy as a year ago, and it is still very difficult for people against the tuition fees to mobilize," he said blogs ONLINE.

At the University of the study organizers in Hohenheim, the students are given the lax handling of their money in the past year particularly disillusioned. The university management under Rector Hans-Peter Liebig decided in his own glory, with the student money now gaping budget holes. Liebig was then by the students themselves as a fairly representative
Sun King parody of the money of students to the window herauswerfe.

For their behavior, the Hohenheim University in managing the receipt of the survey: While the satisfaction with the use of school can easily touch 4.5 to 4.2 have improved. But in Hohenheim almost nobody believes more in future improvements of teaching - only 15 percent in the previous year, more than twice as many.

This is true, however, the mood in all countries of fees: On average, only about every fifth student feels that the tuition will improve teaching. As is incubating, ferments, much discontent rumort, the license fee payers are very pessimistic. That, however, is at most universities where little.

Oskar Eyb
Voeth study Author: He calls for more transparency

  As at the FH Niederrhein needed it in a whole range of universities and FHS in North Rhine-Westphalia only one
tangible threat by Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), before the high school and responded
Now hurry million for its original purpose to spend the students since the introduction vorgebetet is better study conditions in the teaching, timely and transparent.

That these claims also Hohenheimer study author Markus Voeth to those at universities in the conclusion of the investigation. The road is still a long way to convince all the goodwill mission to Germany's universities. Voeth can even order at the same university where he teaches beginning.

"We want to see action soon."

Per Signature list some hamburgers professors call for the resignation of university President-Kurtz Monika Auweter - and can not placate: interview offers were "no more than a PR campaign," three professors respond to an invitation. ONLINE blogs documenting their letter dated Wednesday, 24 June 2009.


24. June 2009

Dear Madam President,

Thank you for your letter dated 16 June 2009 and is included with the appointment confirmation (...). We will respond to your invitation to an interview with the Bureau in accordance with your wishes to all university teachers and professors who have signed our call, forward.

Monika-Auweter Kurtz: "Not more than a PR campaign"

We are surprised, however, by the contents of your letter in which you are not on the central point of our letter received on the question of the meaning and intent of the conversation. The Monita are well known and in the so-called deans letter much more clearly articulated than by us. You have in your
"open letter" to the University of numerous members of the criticisms raised. Therefore, we can not see what another reciting the well-known critique of a profit verspräche. In addition, we believe, like many colleagues, after two and a half years and not realized several announcements of changing their mind from you (the faculties complaints!) Is not simply that the current demonstrations are more than a PR campaign. To make it clearer to say: We want deeds, not repetitive Bedauernsaussagen hear.

Surprised we are still on your proposal for a conversation moderated by Mr Redlich, but his conditions are quite different than those you mentioned. Mr Redlich suggests in an e-mail three per three-rounds in small circles before, exactly the opposite of what you have called us, when you talk to all the signatories asked. As much as we use the

Redlich colleagues appreciate it is unacceptable for us, but the proposal, in the final semester of several rounds of talks in small groups to organize, not least because so that the wrong impression that the current situation was a personal conflict between you and the initiators of the call and could in a small group "finely" are.

We are on your offer to call received, because we give you the opportunity wanted us by our actions to convince. Their activities over the past weeks indicate, however, rather suggests that, under the keyword "Komunikationsverbesserung" is nothing in the matter, at least in the form of a little change. That is not enough. The trust relationship is irreparably disturbed, and even if not the reputation of the University of Hamburg were already severely damaged, the former should be sufficient to mature insight from regret to leave. With your resignation, you can make it clear that you have the university at heart - and not averting your deselecting on 9 July 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Michael Friedrich

Study in 1001 Nights.

Zanzibar - that sounds like colonial grandeur, dream beaches, swimming with dolphins. Nowhere beautiful Africa can learn Kiswahili. At the University of the East African island group of German students come but only if they are good.


The entrance to the Institute of foreign language at the State University of Zanzibar is like a gate of the Cursed Sultanate. Behind the wooden door richly opens a courtyard with arcades and Holzbalustraden. On the colorful levels sit veiled female students, some holding a mobile phone connected stoffbedeckte ear.

On this staircase enjoyed in the last Sommersemester Nathalie Anthony also the sun. Now faces the 26-year-old Afrikanistikstudentin shivering the door to the Café in Hamburg "Africa House" on. Outside crackles cooler continuous rain over the cobblestones. "The weather was without question better in Zanzibar," she says and laughs. "It tastes to me after the eternal chicken with banana eating here again pretty good."

Two months Anthony has awarded a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on Unguja, the main island of Zanzibar, Kiswahili studied. More precisely: in Stone Town with its picturesque Old Town. "That was not a holiday, as was right," says the daughter of a Ghanaian.

Who are active in East Africa, should Swahili (Arabic: "coastal dwellers") dominate - it is the most widely spoken language in Kenya, Uganda and also in Tanzania, at which the autonomous Zanzibar heard those islands 40 kilometers off the coast in the Indian Ocean. 80 to 90 million people in total who speak Kiswahili, at least two words to know that most Germans: "Daktari", doctor, and "Safari" trip.

In the rainy season is for outdoor sauna Zanzibar

Anthony's photo hangs together with the DAAD Konterfeis the other students are still on the wall in the bare room furnished business of the "Institute for Languages and Swahili in Zanzibar", beside pictures of students from the USA, Britain, India or Italy. The photos will only be exchanged if the guest comes next swing, which will be coming fall semester.

The lecturer Ramadhan Abdalla Kututwa certifies the young people from Germany "great diligence." It is the exercise of this virtue for an average of 30 degree heat and a humidity of 110 percent is not perceived self-evident. In the rainy season, in March, Zanzibar is transformed into a kind of outdoor sauna. Neither the Library nor the spartanly Vorlesungssäle are furnished with air conditioning. That is blowing in the walls Stone Townsville by a constant breeze which is always open wooden shutters.

UNIblogs 3 / 2009

Fairly off
Uni-Kuehne Architecture makes learning beautiful


A small roofed kiosk in the courtyard next to the bike rack provides shelter when the rain fall in torrents from the sky - and strengthening the Bude is the cafeteria. "Then you can experience something different," says Jennifer Domnick, 27, also Hamburg, also Afrikanistikstudentin, now in the 7th Semester. In Nairobi, Kenya, she had previously completed an internship at the German press agency. Now she sits with Anthony in the café and the two remember the white beaches of Zanzibar. "But I'm not because of the beaches there," asserts Domnick. "I especially wanted me to prove that I can grab it, more so in a foreign culture to live."

Unguja and Pemba - the second largest island of the Zanzibar archipelago - are on the main trade route between India and the South African chapter thus acquired the former Sultanate of early significance: It served as a transit point for ivory and spices from the Tanzanian hinterland - and for slaves . There followed a checkered colonial history, trading companies in Germany also had offices early in the Sultanate. In the so-called Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty was 1890, as part of a reorganization of the colonial territories in East Africa, the North Sea island of Great Britain to Germany. Today the autonomous Zanzibar seeks a partnership with the Schleswig-Holstein Helgoland to.

"With scholarship to get well on the rounds"

Some 70 German students compete for the 16 DAAD places in the State University of Unguja. Before the chosen direction Zanzibar break, they must be at least two semesters behind and brought a good Final Exam wrote. And they should be cogent reasons why it absolutely must be Zanzibar. After all, they could also Kiswahili six German universities to learn: Bayreuth, Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Cologne, Hamburg, Mainz and Munich.

For the German guests in Zanzibar begins the daily workload at 8 clock and goes only until 12 noon clock - a part time student, even with intensive care: in the groups sitting only six to eight students. After the internal fee structure of the language faculty, each time with the language currently seven U.S. dollars and equal to cash-Tribune earlier this month.

The DAAD supports the Zanzibar young Germans with a partial scholarship from around 1100 Euros, 500 for the school and 600 for the host family. "So good to get on the rounds," says Jennifer Domnick. "Although the flight part of them pay."

Who at the end of the East African language, allowed to "increasing job opportunities by NGOs or from the economy" hope says Hamburg Kiswahili Lektor Ridder Samsom, together with his wife Sauda Barwani this is a partnership between the Africa-Asia Institute in the Hanseatic city and the State University of Zanzibar, to forge.

Nathalie Anthony can not really complain about labor shortages, and their language skills you already have a job with the Afrika-Verein Hamburger negotiations in Tanzania is going to a job with a German pediatrician applies.

Today, approximately one million people in Zanzibar, 98 percent are Muslims. This has implications for foreign students: The strict Islamic Etiquette forcing women to dress more zugeknöpft if it between the crumbling facades of the Stone Town streets stroll.

Wildes student night life? Nothing

Close to the western foreigners, the conflicts of an Islamic society. "My host mother had a child, she was the second wife of a businessman, every second weekend in Dar es Salaam by ferry arrived to raise money to leave," recalls Jennifer Domnick. "In our Western European sense, that was not particularly happy marriage."

One night debauchery student life can be from such backgrounds tend not to expect. After all, Blue hour to hear the melancholic and rhythmic Taarab music, which the Hamburg mosquito Quinckhardt also at the local Dhow Countries Music Academy is promoted by the terraces of the major hotels in Zanzibar. And the evening can be wonderfully with octopus skewers on the grill for very little money to spend on the bank market, including Sunset. A water pipe with apple tobacco in a restaurant is close to the traditional hotels Africa House offered as a dessert after a home-made ugali maize meal.

"The nightlife is rather modest," says Jennifer Domnick too. My wildest experience: For private parties, she met fellow in hot pants and no bra, which she hardly recognized as such in the Institute always strictly veiled appeared.

In the afternoon and on weekends, the exchange students on a discovery tour. Old radiate pride and sadness, the original living quarters of Princess Salme the Sultan's palace, which once, from a Hamburg businessman geschwängert, Zanzibar and leave in cold Hamburg had to flee. A happy pastime: snorkeling and swimming with dolphins in the crystal clear waters of the south coast.

And finally, the Kiswahili students - especially meritorious - to the cultural exchange involved. A particular success landed Domnick and Anthony with urdeutschen culinary skills: They served their first baffled and then enthusiastic host parental self-made "poor knights".

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alone among students.

A dream for any student: At Sookmyung University in Seoul to learn 15,000 women - and only ten men. BWLer Christian Baudisch from Bamberg is for two semesters here. Sometimes groups of female students admire him as an attraction at the zoo.


With quick steps hurried Christian Baudisch on the campus of Sookmyung Women's University. He is late to break the door to the auditorium, and is lucky: it is muttered and getuschelt, the professor is not here yet. Nevertheless, it is immediately stopped, all eyes are on him, because the business student is the only male student in a course.

As always.

Malte E. Kollenberg
BWL-Student Baudisch: Always on the image of the eighth

For two semesters studying the 25-year-old at the Sookmyung in July he will return to Germany. 15,000 women are enrolled - and ten students. At one university only with women, which could Baudisch before departure to Korea not imagine. In Germany there are no Women's University in Seoul alone five.

For over 100 years to write at the Korean university. It was founded to give women a chance in a male-dominated society. Today it is seen as forging elite women of South Korea.

The professor advises: "Keep your image clean

But as a man who at the sky on Earth thinks mistaken tremendous. "We are quite a few students with 23 or 24 years with their parents. No later than midnight, they must be home again," says Baudisch. WG-parties and a student life is like in Munster, Berlin and Bamberg? Nothing doing.

Your own apartment for the partner is taboo. Often, not even longtime friends take home. Togetherness is only in so-called Love motels instead of a room costs around 10 euros per hour, from 25 to 40 euro, the student for the whole night out.

Even at the university give the Korean very cautious, despite breathtakingly short skirts, Hotpants and high heels. In the corridors and the cafeteria will be sniggered, geguckt and getuschelt. And sometimes it happens that in front of the door has a group of students on waiting Baudisch - as an attraction at the zoo.

Photo: Kollenberg
Video: Malte E. Kollenberg

"Everything that the exchange students are concerned, makes the round very quickly," he says. Anonymity does not exist. Even the teachers have to keep an eye on the students. "A professor has warned us at the beginning: Keep your image clean!" For Baudisch is clear: "We men are very quickly down here, if we are too often the partner switch."

Reputation counts very much in Korea, especially for students at a women's university. The campus is extensive and almost similar to park created. Between the green tower nine blocks, the name emblazoned across the university, in stone or on one of the many flat screens.

"They have no natural relation to men"

The fact that even students at Sookmyung University be admitted, is due to a confusion. Sun wants to at least a legend among the exchange students: Next year is here, have a Finn. Since the administration for his first name was female, was the International by a student and let the Finns too.

The university, however, denies the version: You've just realized how important the exchange with the other sex is explained Soo Young Song, co-ordinator in the Office of Sookmyung.

Economics student Grit Haedicke surprised the obligation of the foreign students little. After two semesters at the Sookmyung shows the 22-year-old shocked by the jammed her fellow: "They have no natural relationship to men. If you are in life, only against women prevail had limited simply to the experience." Here Torschlusspanik break even, if the students with the university were nearly finished and still had no friend.

In the ideal case, had a Korean with 27 years under the hood. To take its would have been the parents meeting with the other sex arrange. Or the girls were on blind dates that explains Haedicke. The students then go into nightclubs, so-called booking clubs. For women, the occurrence of free men can book tables. The waiters bring the women on their own or at the request of the dance floor with the guys at the table.

The good thing is that Korean hardly adventurous are - 'it is still all believe in true love. "

Monday, June 22, 2009

Search scientists, offering data treasure.

The results of the student-Pisa caused a sensation: men know more than women, fewer students than expected. What's, what does that mean? The blog calls for further research - and scientists presents all available data anonymous.


For six weeks the Republic wonders: How many countries are members of UNO? Why is sinking is not actually an ice floe in the water? And what is still equal to the Federal Minister of Education?


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

Three of 180 questions, with those of the blogs in cooperation with the education of studiVZ German examined. Far more than 1.5 million times the test was on the pages of blogs ONLINE invited to more than 600,000 people answered the questionnaire - or
tried it at least.

"Student-Pisa" is the biggest test of general knowledge that it ever has in Germany. The results caused some surprise:
Men knew more than women, fewer students than expected, however brilliant doctoral students - and retirees as well.

But how does this, and what does it mean? Initial observations, the editorial blogs together with scientists already found. Now she wants to enable further research. The editorial team has decided that the data interested scientists, free of charge.

"The Data Treasury, has only partially lifted"

From the findings, an anthology is, in a renowned scientific publishing will be published. Scientists are therefore looking of the disciplines of psychology, pedagogy, social sciences, communication sciences and related subjects. Details will be
explained in the invitation.

"The student-Pisa is like a treasure data, which has only partially lifted," says psychology professor Sabine Trepte of the Hamburg Media School. It has the blogs in the design of the tests and discuss all issues in a scientific pre-checked.

Since the publication of articles in blogs and in online blogs have already quite a few scientists in the editorial reported. Some congratulated, others criticized, many wanted to know more - they all can now own investigations.

It goes without saying, as yet remains strict privacy: No participant must fear that his personal data into the wrong hands. The data are only fully anonymised form, of a link with some of the e-mail address of the participant is excluded.

To call for scientists


Here you will find all the questions and answers from the five knowledge areas:

Politics - From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"
History - Benedictine, Napoleon and the ancient Romans
Economy - oil multinationals, derivatives and Bio-Siegel
Culture - the crime scene, wetlands and Palazzo Prozzo
Science - Birds, Ultrasound, Chemistry
Get a coffee, leave your brain vorglühen, take your knowledge Discontinued ... und ab dafür!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Amazing visions 40 years ago.

If education policy so slowly on the spot? 1967 questioned the blogs young Ralf Dahrendorf to higher education. His answers are surprising: For example, he called for a short study with the title "Bachelor" - the Lord, who died this week, everything has always been known.


It is a turbulent time, when the young Lord, the two journalists to interview receives. Fall 1967: Che Guevara is shot, the student revolt, the Federal Republic to the quake, the Berlin Senate is after the death of Benno Ohnesorg resigned in the U.S. is incubating the racial conflict.

Dahrendorf (right; 1968 with Rudi Dutschke): Education as civil right

In an apartment Konstanzer keep two blogs editors a high-gifted compared. Ralf Dahrendorf, still many years away from the Lord, is only 38 years old, but there is no doubt: This is one of the faster and further than others may think. He wears a long two PhD and a professor, his book "Education is civil rights" has caused a sensation, and jointly with others, he has just finished a proposal submitted for a higher education. The blogs journalists ask Dahrendorf, the "Professor", so to his educational ideas.

Anyone who reads the interview today, is surprised and shocked at the same time. Almost 42 years have passed, but Dahrendorf in many passages sound like a politician of education today - a modern education policy today, mind you. Dahrendorf suggests, in the autumn of 1967, inter alia: a short study duration of six semesters, with the final "Bachelor".

No heart for education trotter

Other receivables still sound today. Dahrendorf 1967 speaks of the fact that some professors could teach more quietly than others. He warns against the pitfalls of federalism. It ensures that school and university studies in Germany so long. And he finds no way that a short-term studies to the right one, even a semester to idle: "While we want the students do not expect 40 hours per week lectures, but give them a certain latitude," says Dahrendorf, "but the short study will mean that the curriculum since they are employed. "

There are amazing visions of the later Lords. We can rejoice that such a visionary, and so wordy argument. And you would just like to know what to Dahrendorf
Education strike "of the students this week had said - among other things, they demonstrated against overloaded
Short courses for the degree "Bachelor" lead.

Anyone who reads the interview today, but also frightened. Because it is also so timely, because many problems in all the decades have not been resolved. There seem to arguments, which in June 2009 can be presented as October 1967.

Are we not got?

Autumn 2008: In a Cologne hotel keep two blogs editors a very opposite - Ralf Dahrendorf, now 79th In the polite small talk before the interview, the journalists want to know why he actually lived in Cologne. They expect the declaration of a sentimental old man, which is a changing life in a beloved city or treusorgenden people consulted.

The hope never dies

Dahrendorf Answer: In Berlin, he had a professorship, a house in the Black Forest, and the House of Lords known days in London - because Cologne is just very convenient, all cities are easily accessible by train.

Stefan Enders
Dahrendorf (2008): Wake, inquisitive, eloquent

Then he asked the journalists to his educational ideas. Dahrendorf is awake, is inquisitive, and he is
eloquent as ever. On education will herumgefummelt too much, he says, the "Education Summit" to the chancellor was just a PR show.

It is the question that must come: Lord Dahrendorf, more than 40 years ago, you have something called, which is now back in the discussion has been brought - "you still have hope that something is happening?"

The answer is a little of this wisdom of the great Lords. "Yes," says Ralf Dahrendorf, "because it would be too cheap to give up hope."

Via time machine to the year 1967: blogs blogs ONLINE documented the conversation with the German-British sociologist, on the last Wednesday in
Age of 80 died.

Police acknowledges rectorate in Heidelberg.

Lasted two and a half hours of action, then the police had the Rectorate building of the University of Heidelberg cleared. Nearly three days had approximately 100 students as part of the education ausgeharrt strike peacefully. Elsewhere, the protests continued.


Heidelberg - Based blockades had the occupants still tried to hinder the evacuation. Again and again they cried "no violence". And indeed: The eviction was peaceful. It was a part of the protesters out of the building bear, but they made no violent resistance. According to a police spokesman of the action was "totally peaceful".

Police officers and protesters in Heidelberg: "We were ready for dialogue"

The students had the rectorate on Wednesday in connection with the nationwide education strike occupied. They demanded more say in particular at Germany's oldest university. On Saturday, the police then cleared the building. The reason was an advertisement for the University of trespassing on Friday.

Within around two and a half hours, the officials took about 100 squatters from the Rectorate. Were then found their identity. The students spoke of around 150 people.

Heidelberger students were disappointed with the eviction. "We were ready for dialogue," said the 23-year-old Sebastian Large. "What we have been offered, but not enough." The students want to, inter alia, that a participation in the basic regulations of the university is anchored. The Heidelberg College fulfills only the minimum requirements, so their criticism. Instead of concrete concessions them an ultimatum had been set.

"I want my great personal disappointment at this development can not hide," said University Rector Bernhard Eitel after the eviction. "There is always a failure, when police in the university must act." According to the rector had no alternative. For further discussions with the occupants and that there was no basis. The Rector announced, but an initiative of the Rector, which together with the students ways to search for.

Interestingly, the question of who the use of some 160 police officers in the raid pay. You may need to pay the squatter. That was them in any event immediately before the eviction was threatened.

In the largest protests in years of education
had this week tens of thousands of people nationwide for a better school and university system is protesting. They called for a free education and a fairer education system. Students turned against the "Turbo-Abitur" in twelve years, and against a view from their outdated staff. The Minister of Culture of the countries said repairs at the bachelor and master degree programs to.

On Saturday there were protests, inter alia, the following actions:

In Dusseldorf demonstrating students and students from North-Rhine Westphalia. According to the organizers came around 1600. They demanded free education for all, more teachers, a freer studies, and the abolition of the head notes, Turbo and central levels.

In Leipzig protesters took advantage of a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the artists' studios of Baumwellspinnerei for their own purposes. A man with a megaphone signed up to speak, a young woman climbed onto the stage at the same time and handed over documents to the Chancellor the protests of students and pupils. At the end of her speech, Merkel said: "Germany knows that it only has a future if we invest our education."

In Marburg students hold protest against poor study conditions continue to be a Uni-occupied buildings. The some 30 squatters wanted the Institute for Political Science concessions only after the university management grant, said the student-writer Anna chairman on Saturday. In some respects, it is already in negotiations, where movement.

"In all the three parties, I am terribly much."

42 years ago was Ralf Dahrendorf sociology professor at the University of Konstanz. His higher education reform plans caused great sensation. blogs ONLINE Dahrendorf, documents a brief, in the autumn of 1967 in the blogs appeared.


Ralf Dahrendorf

is professor of sociology at the University of Constance and, together with five other professors and industrialists a "Plan for Higher Education of Baden-Wuerttemberg elaborated far beyond this state has found echoes.

Getty Images
Ralf Dahrendorf (1974, as Director of the University of London LSE)

From the right-oriented Hamburger "world" as "truly transformative University Plan" from the liberal Munich "Süddeutsche Zeitung" as a product of an "avant-garde educational" praised, this university is the first comprehensive practical recipe, the German education to prevent disaster.

Instead of expanding the university - more jobs for teachers, more money for research, more buildings and university start-ups - supports Dahrendorf in his plan is now primarily a policy of reconstruction "of the reform.

Core of the Baden-Württemberg "recommendations for reform of the structure and organization of universities, teacher training colleges, art colleges, engineering schools and higher professional schools" is one the idea that these different institutions to a "differentiated Gesamthochschule" to unite the other hand, the strong promotion of a " Short course ", which after only six semesters at a proper conclusion that should lead.

The separation into a short and a long study would also be true for the professors profound consequences. The traditional German unit of university teaching and research would be a system of soft, in which professors with a chair and lecturers will be - depending on whether they are primarily research or primarily in teaching.

Dahrendorf, 38, son of the Socialist-peak consumption Association functionary Gustav Dahrendorf, erschrieb already offered a 23-year-old in his hometown of Hamburg Dr. phil. He studied in England, and then acquired the English with 25 doctoral degrees. At 29 he became a professor of sociology at the Hamburg Academy for Community Economics, "then he was a visiting professor in New York and from 1960 to 1966 professor at the University of Tübingen.

With his book "Society and Democracy in Germany" (1965) he delivered a "textbook on German self-image, inability of Germany and of German hope" ( "Time"). Dahrendorf, married to an Englishwoman, is also abroad with the most respected sociologists of the present. He lives by his own sentiment "a part of my life in the Anglo-American Sociology" and was already "about a dozen" calls to sociology departments in England and the USA. As vice chairman of the founding committee for the University of Constance, he makes important obstetrician services for Kurt Georg Kiesinger favorite child, and not only that it will occasionally with members of a (nonexistent) Kiesinger-"brain trusts" are counted.

Dahrendorf, who also account the SPD was added and Tübingen once (unsuccessfully) on a FDP City Council candidate list was: "I'm not down and think about my voting in any new election. I have seen in our three principle parties fairly. that in all three of my lot is scary, does not bother me because I am a political being. "

From: THE blogs, No. 42/1967

Friday, June 19, 2009

The invitation to tender.

Call for Book Chapters: The editorial blogs researchers want data from student-Pisa available and an anthology published - there are detailed information about the project.


Working title:

A check for 33 billion euros.

Creative Education protests: in Berlin, as in other large cities, students and pupils played today bank robbery and demanded more money for education. In the capital, they stormed several branches. blogs-ONLINE-author Torben Waleczek was a branch there.


Suddenly, everything goes very fixed. In the 300 meters sprint, once around the corner, in red on the street - and straight into the bank. The police do not come so soon afterwards. About 40 demonstrators storming into the Commerzbank branch in Berlin Europe Center - Bank raid.

Inside the store, a confetti rain, loud cries echo through the lobby. Again and again: "Money for education rather than for banks." Some demonstrators wear black hooded sweater and sunglasses, most of them dressed every day. The suit makers at the counters look aghast. "I am afraid not," says a bank employee. "But it is pretty loud."

"Solves your checks!"

The young people storming into the first floor, looking for the branch manager. The aim on the large cardboard check to write, they have brought. Registered sum, which the students wish for education: 33 billion euros.

It is education week in Germany to strike - and after a
leisurely prelude and
Mass demonstrations on Wednesday were on Thursday nationwide symbolic raids bank announced.

The students dislike the fact that the State guarantees for billions of shaky banks, while schools and universities in their view, become lost. Feigned attacks started about, inter alia, in Munich, Hamburg, Flensburg, Cologne and Erfurt.

In Berlin, gathered in the afternoon several hundred demonstrators outside the branch of Hypo Real Estate. But the building of the police is already so heavily backed that nobody comes into it.

After speeches by
Peter Grottian, a political scientist and initiator of the bank raid idea of union and student representatives from the character suddenly comes to attack: "Solves your checks," a spokesman calls through the speakers. The volume is divided into several groups in different directions apart Stieber. 50 demonstrators create it before the police in a branch of Deutsche Bank, about 15 to 40 in Postbank and Commerzbank in Tauentzienstraße.

"If you go now, the police must not admit"

Here fly brochures and forms through the stairwell, speech choirs resound with the megaphone of stairs and walls again. Police block the entrance now and wrangle with the back of demonstrators who still want it.

A friendly bank employee takes courage to negotiate with those who are in the bank have done. He smiles and says that one could still reasonably be agreed. "If you now voluntarily, then the police must not forcibly admit." The protesters want to but do not.

You have a check, let the store manager, please. On the side of the bank employees are officers with helmets and thick padded clothing. Meanwhile, the negotiators will disappear and some police officers in an adjoining room.

Applause for the friendly banker

In another office advises an employee just an old lady. Through the glass door look both confused about the demonstrators - and then continued their entertainment, as if nothing had happened.

The demonstrators are on the floor and wait. No one shatters windows, walls or the scribblings provoked the police. "We have no desire to shock," says a Berlin student, his name will not name. Attention so you get enough.

After a scant half hour then an offer, transmitted again by the friendly smiling staff: "We are happy to continue the message", the branch manager will be informed, but now is not to speak.

At least at a symbolic concession to the activists are talking about the Banker: The friendly Mr. sticking his business card on the 33-billion-dollar check. That brings him applause, some demonstrators away from him goodbye with a handshake.

Everything is gone - but the doors remain verrammelt

Actually, all so peaceful, like the whole time they were over, go home. But the entrance doors to the bank are still to be. Some munkeln, it will still give trouble with the police and judiciary.

A helmeted policeman explains what some have already feared: You will all demonstrators from the personal record, it is irrelevant in a criminal display of trespassing. That should not erstmal raus.


Pointless protests + + + Some + + + Yesterday's mistakes beginners + + +

Quotes Start: Click on the arrow

The demonstrators are becoming increasingly nervous, and some phone calls with lawyers and others looking for the toilets. Individually policemen lead the demonstrators outside. "We were all just here but in order to open an account," says one student. There's nothing even bear his name the officials on their labels A.

When all the activists out there again, it is clear that it is in the bank, perhaps better than some demonstrators were outside the door. Before a branch of Deutsche Bank near Tauentzienstraße grabbed the police after reports of blogs-TV reporters to pepper spray to fend off protesters who tried to interfere in the branch to push.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Elite is Schietere".

Around 20,000 students joined Wednesday "education strike 2009" in Berlin. Their biggest frustration: the Bachelor verschulte system, overcrowded university and classroom exercises. More money for education all wanted. And if not? "Then we demonstrate every year."


Martin sees the burnout in the lecture hall come. "Scrapping for your children - with 23 burnt out" stands on a white banner, which he shared with a friend on the square in front of the Rote Rathaus in Berlin drags.

Berlin: Tens of thousands, here and loudly - because you give them the education steals

Martin is 23 - and feels according scrapped. More than 40 hours he works per week for his studies, a bachelor's degree in biology. In addition, he has a job at the university to financially make ends meet. The timetable is tight, three years is foreseen for the study. To the depth to go was much too little, accuses Martin.

For the professional world, he is hardly prepared for stressed and dissatisfied. With his concerns, Martin is not alone. This Wednesday draw tens of thousands of students through the streets in Germany to protest.

Photo: Getty Images
Video: Reuters

To Martin down in Berlin, according to police hoot about 12,000 young people and wag with posters, the organizers even speak of over 20,000 participants. "Elite is Schietere 'stands on the banners or" Why? Why? Why? Who does not pay, will remain stupid. "

The demonstrators contend that the German education system for antisocial, under-funded and structured to be wrong. Also Evelin gets on her bachelor's degree at. Fixed prices, no choice, continuous pressure testing and attendance requirements. "It's like in school," complains the 27-year-olds. Seriously wants to be and get more freedom.

The professor knows little student names

Forward in the crowd someone yells into the microphone: "The universities and colleges are still us!" Before a loud commotion breaks the voice, the mass grölt and applauded anyway. Then drown the demands of the students through the speakers: the abolition of tuition fees, an end to the existing bachelor's and master's degrees, more self-determination in the study, more student loans and more money for universities.

Better finances wants Thomas Mellewigt at his university. He is professor of economics at the FU Berlin and stands in the middle of the protest crowd. Lectures with 400 students at his institute were not uncommon, he says. The names of most of his students know he is not.

"Sometimes I see the times students are not in the lecture hall when it is full," he says. Because employees are missing, he must more and more administrative tasks themselves. Mellewigt is annoyed by the "rhetoric" of the politician. All stressed repeatedly the importance of education, "but then nothing happens."

200 in the exercise: "Such compounds are toxic for learning"

A few meters away stands one of Mellewigts unnamed students. "The life would never know my name," says Hannes, "but how will he?" Also a student of the economy is exasperated by "exercises" with 200 students. "Such compounds are toxic for real learning," says Hannes.

Louis also moves with his friends in the demo. The eight-graders still do not think at university, he has very different concerns. "We are 32 students in the class," he says, "that is simply too much." In the classroom it was always loud, the teachers were stressed. "They have always a bad mood and not so much time to prepare for the hour," says the 14-year-olds. Constantly falls teaching, because too few teachers were there.

Even the eight-year high school makes it to create. "Since everything is just runtergerattert, and we still constantly lagging behind," he says. More money for schools, smaller classes and more teachers he would. If all this does not come, Louis already has a Plan B ready: "Then we go every year on the road."


Pointless protests + + + Some + + + Yesterday's mistakes beginners + + +

Quotes Start: Click on the arrow

More than 100,000 pupils and students on the streets.

Germany's educational undertakings where companies will instead go to school or university, many young German to demos. In Mainz they stormed into the parliament, in Berlin, the Humboldt University. Federal Education Minister Schavan complained about "yesterday" protests.


"If total power here," yells an already gray mixture unionists, as the march in the Hamburger University in motion. Beside him trillert Anne Marie Kriszun, 24, with a yellow pipe in the mouth.

"Today has learned? Independent Learning for All ', stands on its poster. "Employers always want interesting profiles of great students, but that is no longer possible," says Kriszun in the first half of foreign trade and international management studies.

Around them blow Pace-colored banners, on posters demonstrators opposed to tuition fees, the bachelor or equal to the entire educational system from. Some transported his own messages about a student has a phallus on his poster scribbled what drüber, is not for minors.

From a truck boom wummernde bass to riot and Remmi Demmi "from Deichkind. A small black block carries a banner in front of her, "Free education for all, otherwise there's riots" that is - but it remains just Remmidemmi, the mood is peaceful.

"Is it okay to want what the"

Three employees of the university are a bit off in suit and tie, are cited do not want them. "Is it okay, what the want," says one, while behind him some 50 students Unigebäude run - it could still be someone there who büffelt, instead of protesting.

Photo: Getty Images
Video: Reuters

By verschulte bachelor's degree could no longer specialize Kriszun student says, "all make the same". As could only be through internships or other commitment in addition to studying excel, "but there is no time". "Yet we must sharpen our profile," repeated a girlfriend next to her, in his voice a mixture of indignation and despair.

In about 70 German cities are on Wednesday morning, students in their tens of thousands to the streets to provide for more money and reforms in education to demonstrate. Nationwide protests had called the Alliance for Education strike 2009 ". How many participants are in ongoing protests, there is as always at demonstrations controversial: The organizers are talking of about 240,000, police estimated the number of participants on average half as high.

Intense than elsewhere in Mainz went to. Nearly 100 demonstrators penetrated into the Land of Rhineland-Palatinate state capital, painted walls, cried out slogans and then moved again. It was, according to a spokesperson for the CDU and the photo exhibition "20 years of peaceful revolution" of the Group on the popular uprising in the GDR damaged. "I assume that a criminal complaint is made," said a spokesman of the parliament.

Photo: DPA
Video: TV blogs

On the fringes of the demonstration in Dortmund, with approximately 5000 participants penetrated approximately 200 young people into the town hall and chanted slogans. Some tore a tapestry from the wall, painted graffiti and threw mats, carpets in the courtyard and four flags were then respond, informed the police.

"I am more than four modules"

In Hamburg, gathered some 10,000 young demonstrators in Berlin attracted some 15,000 of the Red Town Hall from largely peacefully through the capital. At the corner Torstraße and unrolled Brunnenstraße two demonstrators from a house roof of a large banner on which they "riot and Remmidemmi" called red flags and pans. The demonstrators receipted with jubilation and moved on. On transparents stood to read: "I am more than four modules" or "rich parents for All."

Some students stormed, as already
the student strike in November 2008 in the Berlin Humboldt University (HU) and then triggered the fire alarm. They threw Klopapierrollen through the corridors and pans banners. Hannes Braun, 25, wants to study in October of the agricultural science and begin to demonstrate, especially for better conditions in his bachelor's degree. "In six semesters of the substance is unlikely to create," he says. "One should study the time to eight or ten semester expand."

The pupil Antonia, 18, from Berlin-Köpenick hopes that the government less money to spend on economic pacts - and more for education. What the success of the protests, it is Antonia optimistic: "Only someone who does something, it can also make a difference - although perhaps somewhat drags." In the early afternoon of the march ended in front of the headquarters of the Bertelsmann Foundation, in the vicinity of the HU is.

Lowest common denominator: diffuse light exposures

Also in Bonn, gathered 3,000 participants for the large demonstration on Kaiserplatz. There had to be close associates of the CDU-Asta RCDS in the run-up to the students not to demonstrate and participate in the educational strike. In Wiesbaden, and Munster were also several thousand pupils and students with banners on the street in Heidelberg Occupied students on Wednesday afternoon, the vice-chancellorship.

The Alliance for Education strike 2009 "accumulate 230 mostly leftist groups of students and student and also by trade unions and political parties. What unites the protesters can be dimly seen: More money for education is one of many very general claims. Agree to the protesters as in the rejection of tuition fees and all other types of fees in the education sector.

The students criticized the shortened high school time by the Turbo-Abitur aka multi G8 and the school system. Otherwise, they are more teachers and smaller classes and more democracy in schools. The students criticized especially the implementation of the Bologna reforms, with those in Germany, the diploma and degree courses of Bachelor and Master of Master be converted. In addition, quite a lot left verschwurbelter academically receivables catch - in exchange for "economic constraints in the education and elite education, for" free alternative educational approaches, and more participation.

Schavan: "The protests are yesterday"

Federal research minister Annette Schavan (CDU), also formally responsible for Education, criticized the demonstrations of students and pupils in a radio interview. The protests were "yesterday," she said in reference to the criticism of the introduction of Bachelor and Master degree programs. The Bologna process was "no alternative" and offers many opportunities. Besides Schavan also criticized other politicians, and university representatives actions.

The SDS, Students Federation of the Left, on the other hand, spoke of "massive protest education since the founding of the FRG" - which is an exaggeration to be relevant. The chairman Juso Franziska Drohsel Research Minister Schavan described as "flat wrong". "Yesterday is the introduction of tuition fees and educational elitism of the Union". Still it was for "general population much harder, to make school than children of parents," said Drohsel blogs ONLINE.


Pointless protests + + + Some + + + Yesterday's mistakes beginners + + +

Quotes Start: Click on the arrow

In many places has also been demonstrated from local reasons. So Hamburger demonstrators spoke out against the university president-Kurtz Monika Auweter from. On Pappschildern they called for motorists in the university district to oppose the
highly controversial president with a Hupkonzert to protest. The "horns against Moni" was a great success, especially the backing of society "against the leadership style of the president and the planned move of the university in the new Harbor City area, said the organizers. In Berlin also ran teacher at the demo and demonstrated for more pay in the current collective bargaining in the public service.

"Yesterdays? That's nonsense"

Wednesday is the culmination of the strike and protest week. On Thursday will be in action under the title "Bank attack" in front of bank branches and billions of aid to stumble into the precarious financial institutions and for more money in education can be demonstrated. Friday schedule some activists, the meeting of Education Ministers in Berlin to disturb.

At the very end of the Hamburg demonstration train goes Joachim Frisch, teacher at a college of social education. He is here with his class, "we make it a project, they should report back from the demonstration." So he can run. That Education Minister Schavan protests "Yesterday" is called, encourages him to - but this is nonsense. "The students think highly differentiated, they have a right to be heard." To a comment of a minister was simply inappropriate. "The universities will be reorganized according to criteria provided by consulting firms and not come to the idea of education to follow," he says.

Meanwhile, six men sit in suit and tie on a street corner to the table, it's lunch time, silently watching them from some distance passing the demonstrators. You work for a business, their company name and do not want to mention. "That's a good thing if young people will protest," says one. "And if the training is better, but that just comes to us good," says another.

"Stones throw is simply not our style."

Since the book "Revolt of the boys" is Germany's flagship Gründig Wolfgang-Mittzwanziger. Pragmatism, commitment and ideology instead of irony: This is what he makes of his generation and that he sometimes desperately itself visit to a crisis child.


In front of the house of Wolfgang Green Dinger slides over a pensioner with a hat and stick. "Hello," says Green Dinger. The pensioner says nothing. "Like the wegschlagen crutch," says Green Dinger and laughs. He says it is not evil, he is also not bad. He is the Wolfie.

The Wolfie, who has just written a book, entitled "Revolt of the boys. As the war we can avoid the generations."

The book he dedicated to his mother. Green Dinger says: "I'm so conciliatory." The young rebels like cheesecake bakes.

If we in Germany after politically engaged young people studied, then one finds a few. Wolfgang green things you can find the 25-year pension experts. He lives in a panel at the Berlin Alexanderplatz, exterior tiles, inside top curtains, the TV tower is around the corner. In the kitchen stick a postcard: "A dirty house is a sign of a brilliant party."

Political Career? Nope, prefer not

He has an Obama doll, the "Yes, we can" says, if it on the head skin. In his room hangs a poster of Willy Brandt. "That's our Obama," says Green Dinger. Sometimes people ask him, in his WG rumhängen whether the man on the poster was his father.


The new blogs 25/2009:
We crisis children
How young German see their future?

Tim Fulda for blogs (4); laif (1)

Preliminary reports
English text

Dinger Green is considered the "law of youth." He has the generational equity price get the "Young Career" counts on him "the young elite of Germany." With five he saw the fall of the Berlin Wall on television, beat themselves with a hammer on the wall of the neighbors. With 16 entry in the SPD, with 17 first press conference at the Youth Summit on Climate Change in Bonn.

If the Green Dinger enters parliament in Berlin, cheep at the security check the rivets of his jeans. Otherwise it stands for a career as a politician, nothing in your way. The parties lechzen depending young blood, says Green Dinger. Only he does not want. Too much stress, he says, and then applies it even as overpaid, lazy and incompetent.

He does prefer to lobbying, as he speaks at least not purely. He calls the right to vote from zero years to 100 percent renewable energy, fighting for fair conditions internship. He complains of "premium seats" for older workers, it will not be fair if the elderly get more pay for equal work and more holidays and often still are practically irredeemable.

Why should we go worse?

The boys, he says, but would need security, but also wanted to start a family. Of course, one should respect for the lives somehow worthy performance. He thinks, for example, to a vacation day for the older gentlemen, as a birthday gift.



How ticking the generation of 20 - to 35 - year-olds? Are you on the same wavelength? Find out in the crisis of children's test blogs ONLINE. More ...

Why he chose the pension interest and not for Palestine? "Because I probably have no more wars," says Green Dinger. The pensions of the elderly and private funding for their own retirement savings, he cites "a massive violation of intergenerational justice."

Intergenerational justice means to him that the generations after retroactive at least as good as going to the previous generation. And this is just exactly when the boy is no longer the case. Challenging, he is not. "Nope," he says, "why should they? That would be my parents but want to."

You can green Dinger, lone son of a vegetable seller in Bavaria, not complain that he was spoiled. When he was 2002 to the World Summit on Sustainable Development to Johannesburg to fly, he had only his identity with no passport. He knew it would not be better: It was his first flight, at home, could never afford to leave. Almost would have it no longer worked with South Africa, but as a green Dinger officials showed the invitation to all delegates, signed by Kofi Annan, he had suddenly quite a quick pass

Lobbying for an indifferent generation

Meanwhile, Green has determined Dinger 1000 conferences attended, including conferences. " Meanwhile, he even invites you to stone Meier exclusive events. Dinger Green is now something like the voice of youth. He studied social science, lectures at schools, writing articles, even if it is hardly any money to do so. He says: "It's makes for the Embassy and for the ego." Even Angela Merkel, he has an open letter written. "An economic perspective permeates the life of a whole generation," is there.

But Green does Dinger lobbying for a generation, in which he himself sometimes desperate. For example, at the time when Unistreik in Regensburg, when she organized a protest camp against the imposition of tuition fees. The university leadership was "cooperative," they even had the keys to the toilets where. A "sophisticated kebab shop" even donated baked focaccia bread. "The Kurds were behind us," says Green Dinger. Only the other students.

Some felt that they do nothing, then nearing completion. The next would prefer to learn exams. The third asked: Why should we even bestreiken? Wolfgang has a camp in his books to read.

"Throw stones is not our style"

At 16, he founded the organization YOIS, it was considered to be "inter-generational equity and sustainability." They wanted, says Green Dinger, something like a youth party, only without a party. But people came and went, had no desire to find rooms for the members' travel requests, or to edit. The case fell asleep. We could have used people, Green believes things that are paid to say: "Make it the Revolution, we clarify the stuff with the court."

Only that the revolution will not succeed. "Stones throw" Dinger says Green, "is simply not our style." They have in his WG eco-electricity and energy-saving lamps, they buy toilet paper at the discounters, but organic chocolate and organic coffee. The coffee is fair "for the feeling." Last year, Green says things, whether its balance sheet while climate has been disastrous, flights to China, Peru, USA. But it flies in Germany not from principle.

Dinger Green says he does not judge his positions to the right or left. He says: "I can with all of them." He goes to the Evangelical Church Day, although he is Catholic. Just because one is on the podium to say what can and even be taken seriously. He first demonstrated before the Atomic Forum and goes back to the Atomic Forum. Just to see how the others tick.

According to this youth tend not to

He finds the people of Attac and is sympathetic with those of what McKinsey drink. In November, he was in the demo in Gorleben, the first time he has a speech about the "Atomic Lies" held at the invitation of a professor. The atmosphere has really liked him. Was just a shame that for the speakers gave no fee.

In December they are together - Wolfgang, a few right-Young Socialists, a few green, including a vegan - the UN summit in Poland driven. You have the events in the aerospace and energy companies that have listened, wanted to "take impressions." Afterwards, there was always a buffet, which has made a good impression. At the end they decided the next time, in Copenhagen, we must be radical, spectacular actions, something very dramatic, perhaps delegates with water spray.

Green Dinger says: "We are far too serious and adapted. Everyone expected it from the youth that they are loud." Want to eat but they still continue in the industry. Perhaps green things not even in Copenhagen this because he is already studying in America, in California. There are many businesses in renewable energy, which interested him. And also you can surf as well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

With the overall situation dissatisfied.

The loudly announced formation strike is gaining momentum: In casting students blocked a crossing in Berlin, students occupied the FU-presidency, in Munich defenders camp prior to LMU in the meadow. So far, the number of participants is still low.


Dieter Lenzen had before shown much sympathy - it has used the President of the Free University of Berlin little. The FU-protesterprobten students occupied midday Tuesday after a general assembly of around 1300 students, the Bureau of the University. From the administration building in the suburb of Dahlem since banners dangle with the word "Busy" and "Free Education".

For the planned demonstration on Wednesday on the occasion of the "Education Strikes 2009" Lenzen the students had previously released on strike and insists it should be for the protesters because of the participation of "no disadvantages." He had sympathy for the displeasure of the students.

That was enough for students not: "Part of the problem is Lenzen policy itself," said a student at the Bureau occupation. "The important thing in the demand for more money is that this is actually in better teaching and more student flows, and not in excellence and research projects, of which the students have nothing," said Karin Schneider, a student at the FU. Central was also the demand for more critical science: "What we have here comes to this ideal is often not even close," said Schneider.

With as many against ... against everything, sort of

The Alliance for Education strike 2009 "accumulate 230 mostly leftist groups of students and student and also by trade unions and political parties. The topics are broad - so broad that they are a bit arbitrary.

What unites the protesters can be dimly seen: More money for education, as are all quickly d'accord. Similarly, the rejection of tuition fees and all other types of fees in education - free education for all ".

The students criticized the shortened high school time by the Turbo-Abitur aka multi G8 and the school system. Otherwise, they are more teachers and smaller classes, and, somehow, for more democracy in schools. And against "repression". And against the "influence of the economy."

The call list of students on the website education strike 2009 is similarly diffuse, but extensive and with more exclamation garnished: The newly introduced Bachelor conclusion as the rule is gone, the standard period of study as well. Also on the moon wish the organizers all the eligibility restrictions - and tuition fees, ceterum censeo, anyway. Otherwise they are, somehow, against "economic constraints in the education and elite education, for" free alternative educational approaches, and more participation.

Some suffering is evident. To articulate what they specifically want to target, the organizers, however, is equally apparent difficulty. An ever-changing mix of assets is more than an accessory in numerous press releases, in which the Bildungsprotestler but mainly because inebriate, that it's finally back actions on the streets and on campus there.

Some occupations in Unis

In addition to the occupation of the FU's Bureau in Berlin was one of the action so far spektaulärsten a small transport blockade in Giessen. They demonstrated some 700 pupils and students against the educational policy of the government of Prime Minister Roland Koch (CDU). 200 of them blocked for 20 minutes followed by a large road junction in the city. Then the demonstrators by policemen from the road taken. Overall, the demonstration proceeded peacefully, the police reported.

Already on Monday there was agreed to launch sporadic protests in connection with the long-announced formation strikes. In Heidelberg, Berlin, Hamburg and Jena students occupied a few rooms or university institutes, in Wuppertal and Bochum activists blocked access to seminars. In other German university towns, students set up "protest camp," reported the Alliance for Action on Monday evening in Berlin.

In Munich, beat 30 students from around tents outside the main building of the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU), which until the end of the week are to remain. In Dusseldorf was a small group of students for a seat in front of the blockade Staatskanzlei. On Wednesday there will be demonstrations in 70 cities with a total of "at least 150,000" people, so the organizers hoped.

The protest is supported by the Union for Education and Science. GEW Thöne boss Ulrich said that a "turning point in the educational system" was necessary because young people by gender inequality and lack of study and training courses they would be deprived of future opportunities. The Association of German philologists, however, spoke of "linksgesteuertem Actionism", the chairman Peter Meidinger said, by "one-sided ideological claims were legitimate concern among some.

LMU-Rector Huber: "Protest is perfectly legitimate"

In addition to Uni-President Lenzen from Berlin showed his Munich colleague, LMU-Rector Bernd Huber, understanding anger of students. At his university students instead of the planned 25,000 are currently 40,000 young people: "There are too few professors, the condition of the building is poor and the classrooms are overcrowded." Getting upset about it, was "perfectly legitimate," said Huber.

Margret Wintermantel, President of the German Rectors' Conference, rejected the protest as a flat rate starting. "It is difficult to understand how some students and professors present their own higher education bad talk," wrote Winter coat in a guest article for the newspaper "taz". It was "dangerous and stupid", the universities as "stupefying stations to defame." Criticism also came from the FDP, the Union parties and their youth organizations. The CSU Bundestag deputies Stefan Müller said, "leftist groups" were pupils and students "attract" and thus hold their training.

For Wednesday nationwide demonstrations planned on Thursday to be in action under the title
"Bank attack" in front of bank branches and billions of aid to stumble into the precarious financial institutions and for more money in education can be demonstrated. On Friday, some activists are planning the meeting in Berlin Kultusministerkonferenz disturbing.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Schlau despite studies.

The Bachelor difficult academic page jumps - a verschultes studies leaves little time for professional foreign lectures. In an interview with blogs ONLINE explains Sascha Spoun, president of the University of Lüneburg, how education and the Bologna reform law.


blogs ONLINE: You have great knowledge test on the blogs participated. How did you cut off the students Pisa?


The Blog

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Sascha Spoun: I have 39 points from 45 possible attained. It could have been better.

blogs ONLINE: After some 13 points above the
Average of the students.

Spoun: The are also still in the early stages of their lives.

blogs ONLINE: You put on the University of Lüneburg great emphasis on education: Bachelor's students of all disciplines must be general education seminars demonstrate how art and aesthetics "or" language and culture. " Why?

Spoun: Education has always been for universities and important characteristic of an academic study. This tradition, we place great here because of her we also expect the greatest benefit - through science education. The second reason is that the study not only serves the professional preparation, but preparation of the living whole. If I use other methods and disciplines have learned to lose, I fear things foreign.

blogs ONLINE: At the beginning of the study in Lüneburg, the "Leuphana term." This is mainly for scientific methodology that less about classical education.


Leuphana / Tamme

Sascha Spoun, 38, is since 2006 President of the University of Lüneburg Leuphana and established a single bachelor in Germany by: All Freshman demonstrate interdisciplinary modules and receive an introduction to scientific work. After they complete their studies in addition to studying generals with compulsory modules such as "art and aesthetics" or "language and culture." Even earlier, in St. Gallen Spoun the context of studies "was introduced - with a quarter of student achievement in general education seminars.

Spoun: That is correct. There are problems and are exemplary in their beings. The students must decide for themselves in the field researching and researching and forming their own theories. Since the first time, different standards applied than in high school.

blogs ONLINE: Even in the selection check less the general knowledge of the candidates as their ability to think logically and reason. Why?

Spoun: The candidate must have a short paper on a controversial topic and then moderate a discussion. At a university is about addressing problems. We want in the admission test to determine to what extent the students to think in the situation, whether they absorb facts quickly, forming a thesis and then proceed to hypothesis driven. The key is that students learn to ask the right questions - and not that they always have the answers.

blogs ONLINE: Are not these skills that are only developed in the study?

Spoun: The basis of the approval procedure is still the Abitur. The tests offer the chance to improve. Since it is not knowledge, but to the extent I am prepared to establish new to me, curious about his views of fellow students and for their own development use. These are very essential in various ways can be documented.

blogs ONLINE: In a recent survey by the German Industry and Commerce Day among employers practice was far the most common reason that they are still in the trial of young professionals with graduate separated. Is it possible your university, that students in addition to the intensive study program so students internships?

Spoun practice so far says that knowledge is not available. So we start here in the first study week, with problem-oriented work. There are problems that students must solve in co-operation. And they should learn to be a problem with the help of theories and empirical research to edit that they can draw conclusions, which then evolve. This gives the study a very high practical terms - but not in the sense of dependence on companies, but in terms of working style. In addition, our small group approach in which we deliberately go here. In the first semester and sit in the Complementary Studies seminars in all a maximum of 30 students, so that this exchange can take place.

blogs ONLINE: On-Unis masses will be a small group based program but hardly possible.

Spoun: This is basically everywhere possible, if it wants to deal with the fundamental issues of teaching and studying intensively addressed. It needs great efforts of professors and scientific staff. The central question is: Can we find a common idea that is pursued, and can mobilize the energy to get ready for this idea to use?

blogs ONLINE: You have, however, the ratio between the number of students and teachers also enhanced by the study of 10,000 to just under 7500 seats have reduced.

Spoun: That was necessary. This is quality before quantity. The students have to deal intensively with the study content and need a lot of feedback.

blogs ONLINE: That means if your program other universities as a model deprive, this would inevitably with a university reductions?

Spoun: We are not about to have fewer students. It is crucial that it must succeed, a good ratio to be achieved. This is but only if we are massively in teaching invest. The Land of Lower Saxony has become 15 percent more state aid.

blogs ONLINE: If more funds are available, then why can not the care to be enhanced by the university more personnel?

Spoun: That is what we are doing currently. We have just the first 25 new professorships advertised. Again in the same order of magnitude more alerts are followed.

blogs ONLINE: Why are you so from the classical idea of the university as a place of character-driven?

Spoun: Because for me, the freedom for personal development by addressing the nature of science at the University of mind. This idea can be found today, especially at
good Anglo-Saxon universities realized. We want a public university in Germany this humanist tradition to follow and so the students who took this opportunity otherwise might not have to allow a big push for their development to get.

blogs ONLINE: Through your selection process, the prospective students but children of a family from the educated middle class.

Spoun: no. For example, if you have a lesson, the additional points in the selection, because we say that this practical experience, which are useful. That is a very important point: Of course it's about the condition, based on education and become harder to want to be. But even people without academic lettering from the parental home, we want to study with our model of support.


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Politics - From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"
History - Benedictine, Napoleon and the ancient Romans
Economy - oil multinationals, derivatives and Bio-Siegel
Culture - the crime scene, wetlands and Palazzo Prozzo
Science - Birds, Ultrasound, Chemistry
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