Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alone among students.

A dream for any student: At Sookmyung University in Seoul to learn 15,000 women - and only ten men. BWLer Christian Baudisch from Bamberg is for two semesters here. Sometimes groups of female students admire him as an attraction at the zoo.


With quick steps hurried Christian Baudisch on the campus of Sookmyung Women's University. He is late to break the door to the auditorium, and is lucky: it is muttered and getuschelt, the professor is not here yet. Nevertheless, it is immediately stopped, all eyes are on him, because the business student is the only male student in a course.

As always.

Malte E. Kollenberg
BWL-Student Baudisch: Always on the image of the eighth

For two semesters studying the 25-year-old at the Sookmyung in July he will return to Germany. 15,000 women are enrolled - and ten students. At one university only with women, which could Baudisch before departure to Korea not imagine. In Germany there are no Women's University in Seoul alone five.

For over 100 years to write at the Korean university. It was founded to give women a chance in a male-dominated society. Today it is seen as forging elite women of South Korea.

The professor advises: "Keep your image clean

But as a man who at the sky on Earth thinks mistaken tremendous. "We are quite a few students with 23 or 24 years with their parents. No later than midnight, they must be home again," says Baudisch. WG-parties and a student life is like in Munster, Berlin and Bamberg? Nothing doing.

Your own apartment for the partner is taboo. Often, not even longtime friends take home. Togetherness is only in so-called Love motels instead of a room costs around 10 euros per hour, from 25 to 40 euro, the student for the whole night out.

Even at the university give the Korean very cautious, despite breathtakingly short skirts, Hotpants and high heels. In the corridors and the cafeteria will be sniggered, geguckt and getuschelt. And sometimes it happens that in front of the door has a group of students on waiting Baudisch - as an attraction at the zoo.

Photo: Kollenberg
Video: Malte E. Kollenberg

"Everything that the exchange students are concerned, makes the round very quickly," he says. Anonymity does not exist. Even the teachers have to keep an eye on the students. "A professor has warned us at the beginning: Keep your image clean!" For Baudisch is clear: "We men are very quickly down here, if we are too often the partner switch."

Reputation counts very much in Korea, especially for students at a women's university. The campus is extensive and almost similar to park created. Between the green tower nine blocks, the name emblazoned across the university, in stone or on one of the many flat screens.

"They have no natural relation to men"

The fact that even students at Sookmyung University be admitted, is due to a confusion. Sun wants to at least a legend among the exchange students: Next year is here, have a Finn. Since the administration for his first name was female, was the International by a student and let the Finns too.

The university, however, denies the version: You've just realized how important the exchange with the other sex is explained Soo Young Song, co-ordinator in the Office of Sookmyung.

Economics student Grit Haedicke surprised the obligation of the foreign students little. After two semesters at the Sookmyung shows the 22-year-old shocked by the jammed her fellow: "They have no natural relationship to men. If you are in life, only against women prevail had limited simply to the experience." Here Torschlusspanik break even, if the students with the university were nearly finished and still had no friend.

In the ideal case, had a Korean with 27 years under the hood. To take its would have been the parents meeting with the other sex arrange. Or the girls were on blind dates that explains Haedicke. The students then go into nightclubs, so-called booking clubs. For women, the occurrence of free men can book tables. The waiters bring the women on their own or at the request of the dance floor with the guys at the table.

The good thing is that Korean hardly adventurous are - 'it is still all believe in true love. "

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