Ahsan Karim, 26, is a Ãœberflieger: With only 23 years, he had his computer science degree in his pocket, then he worked for several software companies salaried. Meanwhile he werkelt to freelance characters and numbers, and hopes for a breakthrough as a self-made millionaire. "I do a killer application for the attention of users and investors will make," protzt Karim.
Shehab Uddin / Agentur Focus
Ahsan contract worker: "It is a great pleasure for me to help"
But before the new Bill Gates is, denies the scientist from Dhaka in Bangladesh, meanwhile its income from another source, it will do homework for computer science students from Britain, France or Germany. His clients find him through the website
GetACoder.com, a kind of collection advertisements for programming jobs.
The business pays off for both sides, but is illegal
For a few dollars supplying contract workers from low wage countries, people like Ahsan, the required program code, the students enter the data at their institutions under their own name - that is illegal, but virtually undetectable. A rewarding business for both sides. The students make it easy, and Ahsan says: "It gives me great pleasure to help."
The Robert Clark wants him letting. The computer science lecturer at the English Birmingham City University is looking at portals like or GetACoder.com
RentACoder.com after students who have their homework to outsource low-cost programmers. Clarke and his colleague Thomas Lancaster are the first researchers that tricks the computer science students systematically matrixes.
UNIblogs 1 / 2009
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Using an automated query to collect the relevant ads. More than 5000 study tasks, they have been discovered, including scans of complete worksheets. If he means leveling with the original functions on the websites of the institutes has been found, Clarke informed the concerned colleague. According to his instructions were already three students exmatrikuliert.
In his search was Robert Clark to Want It Now by German users. A "RentACoder" member from Dusseldorf around made the following ad a "Send a simple school program in Java, C + +" or "Light housework: Create a sorting algorithm. A total of eight was the North Rhine-Westphalia by programmers from around the world help. To which university he forwarded this Fund, says Clarke is not - he wants to colleagues not cause embarrassment. But in comparison to English-speaking cheaters were the Germans in the minority - they have the tasks only translate into English before they awarded to South Asia.
The cheaters evade protective
At the German computer science departments keep the job relocations because even for a marginal phenomenon: "We are calling for larger tasks, not only functional programs", explains Guido Wirtz, professor of practical computer science at the University of Bamberg, "but also a documented software development process. This reduces the actual programming is usually a 20 - to 50-percent share of the burden. "
It is very likely that external work would be noticed, says Bonner, the computer science professor Rolf Klein, "because the maintainers of the programs the students can be explained."
But even on such protective measures are the smart vendor set. Some coders provide a complete package for stressed young scientists: "Let me once again of the work call for me on the questions of your lecturers can prepare," offers a programmer from India, after the Uniblogs a programming Essay on the portal "GetACoder" had. Seven programmer offered with the lowest calculated only $ 50. That was the price for a rather tricky task: "Most domestic cost under $ 50," says Robert Clark.
Faulenbach scientists, hardworking helpers
Willing helpers are found not only in the distance. Work Faulenbach computer science students looking for support on German websites. Members of discussion groups on the student network StudiVZ will receive messages like these: "I am a student at the HS Karlsruhe and has an info-course. There programmed smaller programs. But I have no plan." The sender offers 35 euros.
On safe for the client is still the oral request from the fellow. "I was recently asked by a student, if I pay his household against it, since it itself creates no more time," says Andreas Herz. The computer science student from Augsburg should be used for any other computer science students a software project in the Java programming language to implement, were offered 150 euros. "I would estimate that the project is the size of a small seminar work would have been," says the 26-year-olds. "For someone who is in the field competently enough, it is all in a few hours," estimates heart.
He refused the job: "It is unfair to other students, though some are buying their services." However, he warns, too, too damn cheaters sweeping, "Sometimes I can understand students who simply no longer can do all the work. Often they casual aside in order to finance their studies, and so there are certain times to simply work with bottlenecks in Study, "says Herz.
Indeed, the Ahsan Karim also in Bangladesh. So, the industrious young scientists continue contract codes for lazy students to write - without any qualms. But soon, soon, he is sure he will be anyway the lowlands of Billigprogrammiererei have left behind: "I want to congratulate the proud owner of my successful start-ups to be."
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