Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The scholars of St. John's.

Universal education from dies, students learn what your own progress to help. But not everywhere: The American St. John's College offers timeless knowledge from philosophy to physics. Who wants to do this flight, has four years of an extreme Lesepensum.


If Christopher Nelson will explain what education does not mean for him, he tells the story of his son. The hit on the search for a dean at a college, the umgarnte him: "My job is to take you the best product to make in the market can be sold," he said. "You're raw, I'm the producer. Together we have a product you make that we can sell."

"One should think he sold cars - but it was about education," says Nelson. Education as a commodity, students as a material, which is responsible for a horrific Christopher Nelson. He is soon 18 years since President of the St. John's College in Annapolis in the U.S. state of Maryland. He is the master of a campus on which education is lived as to hardly any other place. "Great Books" is the bachelor's program, read only the classics - and in all disciplines.

From Homer to Hegel and Heisenberg

It is a program intended to remind the old scholars of Leonardo da Vinci, to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: You had a universal education, were experts in mathematics and medicine, as in the free arts and philosophy - what is today little more is possible. Science specializes in all disciplines increasingly, fragmented RTD knowledge dominated the study, the subjects of diversity is growing steadily. A look at the
Higher Education Compass of the rectors shows: Solo at German universities, there are about 8900 undergraduate and 4700 further study offers, fissured into many hundreds of individual subjects of adventure education to future energy sources.


The Blog

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In contrast, at St. John's College for decades, and the same program. It is as timeless as the classics themselves, the students come for four years in the small town about 40 miles east of Washington - four years for the reading of the epochal works in politics and society, philosophy and theology, history, literature, mathematics and science .

"An adventure called Felicitas Steinhoff studying in St. John's. She has about two years before the program as one of the few international students completed. "St. John's will rather than underdog among elite universities viewed," she says, "no wonder: There is only one program."

The seminars start at the roots of Western thought: Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Homer. The course then follows the chronology of history, from ancient Greece is next to the Roman Empire, then to the Middle Ages, with authors such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. In the third year, works and theories of the 17th and 18 Century in the heart, before the fourth and last year waiting for the biggest challenges - Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger.

Extensive knowledge of education instead of rubble

The seminars are accompanied by courses in the first two years the students kettledrums Ancient Greek, two years after French. In mathematics and science complete the development of research to, from Copernicus to Heisenberg, from Euclid to Einstein. Between 25 and 30 hours per week the students spend in class, her Lesepensum is immense.

Marx's Capital, it had in six days have to read, says Steinhoff. "And that went alone Hegel ten pages, two hours to complete, let alone three sides of relativity theory."

Excursions into foreign professional courses - in Germany, is rare and a matter of personal initiative, a voluntary evening program. The conversion to Bachelor and Master makes the view over the garden fence of their own discipline even harder, education loses its value. With its "Fundamental Studies" for students of all subjects is the private University of Witten / Herdecke a big exception - the majority of German universities is a "studium generale" in the humanistic sense only as a marginal program for guest.

For St. John's on the other hand is the view over the rim of the basic principle. Not only is the bandwidth, the end of the study differs from other universities: There are no lectures in the seminars, the students, all have the same read and discuss on this basis. All courses and seminars are required, who is not a course, the whole year again. Written exams are not available. The students will write essays and oral test, "but rather discuss instead of querying means," said Felicitas Steinhoff.

"At parties will still be discussed on Philosophy"

The instructors are open each session with a single question, after which participants from professors whose word has no other weight than that of the students. It is not inconceivable that someone with no preparation in the discussion part Steinhoff says: "You know after ten minutes in every room, you will then be verbally kicked maneuvers."

"TRAIN to immortality"


The celebrated Antrittsvorlesung 1789 at the University of Jena - Friedrich Schiller as a history professor, the humanists against the "bread scholar" defended

"Our students shape their own education by taking the profound questions of the greatest thinkers," says President Nelson. That was the idea of founding: 1937 came Stringfellow Barr and Scott Buchanan after Annapolis, which was then already a nearly 250-year-old college geschröpft of the Great Depression, before the closure was.

"It made them worry that education is increasingly taught in fragments, and was geared produce workers instead of educated women and men who have their place as responsible citizens in a democracy can take," said Nelson. That had not changed to this day: studying, in order to find a job. "But we do not live to work - we work to ensure a good life."

It sounds like a romantic vision, after a nearly utopian idyll of free education, reviving the ancient idea of education, based on virtue and not on expertise is. Although the study financially with an annual fee of just $ 40,000 less than free, graduate Steinhoff supports the impression of a Bildungsoase: "At parties, is still debated about philosophy."

"Our kind of education is valuable in the workplace"

Nelson also assured that we take care of itself, the approval of financial reasons, not failure. 60 percent of students finance their studies with scholarships from the university, not by power but by need basis.


Video: JKR

Monet, Picasso and Klimt?

But, quite free from the purpose and benefits of education is also in St. John's not. "I believe that now, especially in the economic situation, our kind of education very valuable in the workplace," says Nelson. Discuss, translate, write, experiment, analytical thinking - the study of each in St. John's. "Everyone who finishes here can very quickly learn new material, and that is in demand."

Felicitas Steinhoff now studying in Morocco International Relations and Diplomacy with a focus on Northern Africa and the Middle East. "Above all, we are one: versatile and quite eloquently," she says confidently.

Completion or the beginning?.

For all situations, the Uni-jargon a suitable term parat. "Clear Form" is about who has all the notes together - as a student of history Röhlig Marc, 22 Waiting for him only the dissertation. And once the Semesterabschlussschlemmen with friends.


My friends and I take us to the Semesterabschlussschlemmen. This is to keep even the cliché of the starving student to break through - and the conquests, crashes and findings of the decaying term review it. Most will not change much.
Steel: it is a clever head, but has after a three beers are no longer under control. Simon: meckert happy, SPD is a member of FC Bayern fan meckert and therefore happy. Hauke: Drummer, football god, woman swarm.

Tobias Hauke
Mayor Marc: "Clear makes a false sense of slack"

We sit so each semester on the last day together. Behind us we have just our tests, now before us our homework and the lecture-free period. We are always looking for a restaurant with just these three attributes: cheap, greasy, lots of them.

This time we were in a shop, the burger as big as a sofa cushion offers. And for me it was the last Abschlussschlemmen: While my friends studying at teacher training, I am now, after five semesters Bachelorstudium already seeming free. Before me is still an essay, an oral exam, and then two months
BA thesis.

After "seemingly free" is the life

Free means totally bogus paradox: The more it slips in his Unilaufbahn collects, the more apparent free will. The student then visits the compulsory courses, a bear, writes the tests and receives as a reward a small piece of paper. That keeps it with all the other paper's like a stamp collection (okay, in the
Bachelor's age collects the slips in an online album). And with a complete collection is then apparently released.

Free Form, which is something like bird-free, foolproof free free free. This small adjective buries several semesters academic aspirations among themselves, wraps past exams and homework in void haze, presentations and field trips can disappear. "Why has this now as fast for you?", Wondering Hauke burger between two mouthfuls. I answer with a shrug. And wonder, too.

Clear creates a false sense of freedom. Clear Form: After seemingly life comes free, free to ticket waiting for the final, seemingly free is the first rung on the career ladder. And free does a seemingly weak feeling in the stomach.

The parents always keep studying for the best time in life, you must be really pleased. School, it was mandatory - but Uni, this is optional. And it's not even just about the university, it's about the whole trappings. Time, I wanted the fabric reinfuttern, more and more to learn. If others just bored and mundfaul sat in the seminar, I did not understand. Then I was the other and have the second hand on the wall is observed, until finally the session is over.

The university is like Rorschachbild, always new

The first time in his life entirely on its own be: Since you can lie to yourself lots, but also find rewarding new to discover. The university is like a Rorschachbild: for each new observation. Some think that the university is there to make a final. I think it is about getting a start to plunge. To the morning to half past seven in the paper cup of coffee into the auditorium to scuff. In order to well after midnight to Freiburg to Bächle sucks. Around times from the Library window, sometimes the lawn from the sun is going to see. The university, we need to look into the life to be felt.

Back to Semesterabschlussschlemmen: Hauke - drums, football, women - has long been his plate empty eaten. Steel - head and loss of control - sips a cola. Outside, the evening sun tints the air blassrot. But you stay for the Master in Freiburg, is not it? What machst'n ever after your work? One will now go skiing, the next for a check to learn. Well, until the deadline, it is still a few months. Two want to Oasis concert in Munich.

With our forks, we scrape the last of Bulettenreste plate. Such a burger-fries-moment can sometimes be more than any university certificate.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Standstill in Higher Education Pact initiative and excellence.

On Germany's dual baccalaureate colleges roll-born, but the country misunderstandings further paralyze the education policy. Federation and the Länder on Monday were again unable to agree who is how much money from the billion package for teaching and research should receive.


The Science Minister of the Federation and the countries in three crucial questions again postponed. Neither the "Higher Education Pact 2020" still in the initiative or the Excellence Initiative for Research and Innovation came Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) and their country counterparts on Monday to a result.

Schavan Minister: No breakthrough in the distribution of billions

Schavan said after the meeting of the Joint Scientific Meeting of the Federation and the Länder (GWK) in Berlin, it was regrettable that no consensus had been achieved. The GWK-Chairman and Berlin Senator education Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) said he hoped to reach an agreement by June.

Overall, there were 16 billion in additional investment. Of the federal government should take eleven billion, five billion the country. On 22 April, according to customs, a special meeting of the scientific conference on the same topic. At this meeting, in addition to Minister Schavan but only six of the 16 ministers from the Länder to participate.

At the Higher Education Pact 2020 stands next only to the framework: 275.000 places it more in the years 2012 to 2015 indicate, because of the expected flood of first semester due to a double baccalaureate vintages. These figures are
been over five months. A study will be with 26,000 euro, so the cost is 7.1 billion euros. The federal government had promised, with 3.5 billion euros, nearly half to fund. Next are the ministers from federal and state, even after today's meeting yet.

"No consensus" - as always

There was "no consensus regarding the allocation of resources to individual countries," said North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Science Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) in an interview with the "German Radio". Last week was an attempt at unification of the state secretaries of education failed, as the "Handelsblatt" reported. The GWK wanted to meet with Prime Minister of the Federal Chancellor on 4 June, a solution can be found, so Pinkwart.

As so often in the maze of federal education policy is the biggest sticking point again, which state how much money. There are two major camps: On one hand, countries with a large influx of students from other states, such as Berlin, Hamburg and Rhineland-Palatinate. On the other hand there are countries whose graduates to study in many other regions, including Bavaria. For the idea of financial compensation argue particularly the representatives of the SPD, especially the Rhineland-Palatinate's Minister of Education Doris Ahnen and Berlin Senator Jürgen Zöllner, the first for many years minister in Rhineland-Palatinate was.

"Money follows students" is not entirely new idea, which so far by the resistance of the shattered Union countries. In 2006
wedges, the science minister in the details of the design of this "second fiscal Countries", as critics from the southern Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg, the principle contemptuous name.

SPD and the industry for transfer payments

Countries to reward the students clear about their own workforce needs training, but also takes place outside the SPD applause. So advocates of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) why there should be the country pay for a study from which the student originally comes.

In terms of excellence initiative showed the GWK meeting also hardly Countable. In the first edition of the competition in 2006 and last year awarded federal and state Eliteuni nine titles and 1.9 billion euros for research - an idea that is still on the red-green government is falling. These funds will now be reduced by 30 percent, then it would go so well for 2.5 billion euros. The total amount for Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research until 2018 to be around 16 billion euros, said Minister Schavan. But even when the research pacts is nothing decided yet, there is only "benchmarks" and "unanswered questions".

Margret Wintermantel, President of the German Rectors' Conference, called the outcome of the ministerial meeting "unacceptable". With reference to the economic program of the federal government said the winter coat, it was "paradoxical" if the monetary policy for the Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz do, but then the argument is too little savings funds for future programs would afford. The budget of a second Exzellenzinitiative need by nearly one billion euros to be increased.

Pinkwart scholarship plan failed

Sharp criticism of the new employer representatives expressed adjournment. The Confederation of German Employers' Associations and the BDI accused federal and state as follows: "Instead of the expansion of student places for school age twice rapidly and on demand oriented forward, igniting a dispute that, and on the backs of young people out."

Also, the Left and the Greens in the Bundestag criticized the outcome of the ministerial meeting. Union and SPD put the "future viability of the country in jeopardy," said the Green Bundestag deputies Kai Gehring. For the Left said the education policy spokeswoman Nele Hirsch: "It is a tragedy that the updating of the Higher Education Pact 2020 in the air depends, while the number of Studierwilligen always reached new record highs."

Failed plans for a nationwide system of grants in addition to the student loans. North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Science Pinkwart (FDP), inventor and avid supporter of a private sector funded education scholarships, made tactical calculus party responsible for the SPD. Social Democrats are fighting for an expansion of student loans and keep a large number of scholarships for talented students will be unnecessary.

"The lesson is sighted eye neglected".

For decades, was for German universities: more mass than class. In the interview, Straw urges Peter Schneider, head of the Science Council, a sound financing. Monday Federation and the Länder to decide how many billions of them in future research and students are worth.


On lip, there is not: "Education Republic" Germany wants to be, so it has the Chancellor announced, and all the other politicians like to emphasize the importance of science and research. On Monday, they have the opportunity to prove that they pay lip service seriously.

Peter Stroh Schneider: "The system suffers from structural faults"

The Joint Scientific Conference of the Federation and the countries will decide how much money the universities and research institutes in the coming years will be available. On the agenda is the future of the
Excellence initiative,
Higher Education Pact and the Pact for Research and Innovation - we are talking about billions.

Straw Peter Schneider, chairman of the Science Council, warns that the sins of the past to repeat: The universities should finally not only bigger but also better.

blogs ONLINE: Professor Strohschneider, annoy you sometimes on the scrapping?

Peter Schneider straw: About the word I'm annoyed because there is no confidence radiates?

blogs ONLINE: ... and not even on the billion, as premiums are paid? The universities, they could just as well used as the car industry.

Straw Schneider: Yes, that's true. Equally important is how such sums me but that the universities are no longer systematically disadvantage. This is also a sound financial structure, which is not, as for decades, the capacity increases, but not the quality of teaching and studies increases.

blogs ONLINE: There was also: Class instead of mass?

Strohschneider: The universities are suffering from weights, which were influential for decades: You have, in addition to many other problems, often worse labs and relatively fewer people than the non-university research institutions. In this respect is remarkable how powerful the universities in these conditions in the research.

blogs ONLINE: The institutes were always better, the only universities grow?

Strohschneider: In any event, administrative and financial structures of parts of the science system for far too long in this way drift apart. Moreover, the increase of funds in any way with the expansion of student numbers kept pace - especially not in particularly high demand subjects. So it's over the decades to significant structural distortions come in which the system is suffering today.

blogs ONLINE: Do you have no hope of improvement?

Straw Schneider: Yes, certainly! In recent years there has been a clear evolution to a more rational system of functioning. The excellence initiative promotes advanced research in universities, the Pact for Research and Innovation promotes the non-university institutions and the Higher Education Pact funded additional student places.

blogs ONLINE: About the future of all three instruments should be decided on Monday. We are talking about many billions, but in the crisis the money is scarce. What is the most important of the three areas?

Straw Schneider: That is precisely the wrong question. There should be no question of the areas against each other. There is currently a rare opportunity for a sound and structure sachangemessene to install. Not only is the funding is important, but also the financial system, facilitate a balanced development of all major tasks of the science system.

blogs ONLINE: In this system, the teaching at the universities so far, except eight.

Straw cutter: It is indeed very unfortunate that the quality of teaching as an appropriate financial instrument is missing. It is often sighted eye
neglected. There are initiatives, but no radical solutions. That must change - not in spite of the economic crisis, but because of her. Increased investment in the quality of academic education are also those young people who will now be accumulated debt burdens, and must be removed.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Abi-Patzer angry parents and students.

The math breaks down at the Central Hessian has baccalaureate students and parents when a wave of indignation and protest triggered. Now it is argued whether the failed test should be replaced.


Frankfurt - There is confusion among the 15,000 affected students and their families: During the National Parents' students prefer not to re-Math expect to work, demanded the country's student the opportunity to voluntary investigations.

High School Graduates in Germany: Examine margins are coming back for excitement

It was not enough, the faulty tasks formulated a second possible solution to accept, said school spokeswoman Catherine country horn in Kassel. Thus, some students at the ambiguous tasks bitten. A nation-wide comparability was no longer present. It is also legal steps against the scoring of the exam review. Horn also called for an end to the central Baccalaureate.

On Friday, in the centrally allocated Math work for some 15,000 Hessian Abiturienten several errors were discovered. The tasks have been prepared by a specialist panel. According to the Ministry reviewed another group the tasks again. The error was only discovered on Friday morning was when the teacher in the schools the first tasks were to face.

Students were informed too late

Errors were found in both the tests for the majors as well as those for the basic courses. The Ministry had tried during the exams, the schools alert. This statement has not folded horn. Partial had no or only very slightly before the end of exams on the wrong mission has been informed.

The opposition parties responded with sharp criticism of the school. Culture Minister Dorothea Henzler (FDP) renewed on Saturday in the northern Hessian Hofgeismar its promise that no student will arise a disadvantage. The Sunday newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, "said the politician, that an immediate repetition of the tests come into question. Other possibilities were the acceptance of alternative solutions or to remove the task from the scoring.

Already last year, test margins in several states to provide excitement. For example, in North Rhine-Westphalia High School Graduates at the "octahedron of horrors" broke down, a second chance. In Berlin, 28,000 tenth graders had a math test once again write, because some of the tasks already knew. And in Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture said a key test for comparison 34,000 eight graders from - because the task of a teacher's students had betrayed.

Teachers always came back with new info

The chairman of the National Parents' Association, Kerstin Geis, pointed to the psychological consequences for the students to the vortex around the faulty tasks upon the school a high degree of uncertainty with which they are added to the pressure and the tension needed to be done. Against this background, they do not disadvantage.

For the Patzer representing the parents showed little sympathy: "We must separate from the test were expected to do their homework, how to get the students also expected: clean, careful, correct." After that, the performance of students assessed and graded.

On the Internet discussing the students themselves heavily on the process. In Network "School" graduates wrote that by the errors in the task would have lost much time. Again and again were their teachers with new information on the corrections have come to them. Another wrote that he had after 20 minutes with a new task had to begin, because he only noticed a mistake. Also, the demand for a repetition of the tests was to read.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prosecutor calls for tougher punishment for a professor.

Can the Augsburg professor, a student of good grades for sex promised officials to stay? No, say the prosecutors and appealed against a ruling from the previous appeal. If the new judge's decision tougher to shake the chair of the professor.


The verdict against the Augsburg professor, a student of sex for a better grade required, will be re-negotiated. The economist was last week by the Amtsgericht Augsburg
ten-month prison sentence on probation and fined 8,000 euros convicted. By contrast, the prosecutor of Augsburg on Wednesday appealed. The prosecution was for the offense of the university for one year and ten months is required.

Professor accused (left, with his lawyer): New hearing after appeal

"The incident was so massive that a prison sentence of more than one year is needed - also because of the legal consequences of officials," Augsburger said the senior prosecutor Matthias Nickolai blogs ONLINE. Only after a sentence of one year, the professor lost his civil service status and thus his chair at the university. The current penalty is from the perspective of the prosecution "is not really appropriate," said Nickolai. Officially, the public prosecutor's reasons for the appeal only if the ruling of the court in writing.

"Yes, I wanted sex," had married a professor at the process beginning in the last week. He had the young woman "neat and nice," found, and an affair with her wish. That was a "serious mistake" was. Multiple, the professor of the student's immoral job in his office submitted. The second time the student signed the immoral offer with a hidden camera and microphone, and then threatened the professor, with the help of a private detective to publish the material, if he does not improve their grade.

Students must also be in court

According to public prosecutor had the 58-year-old professor at the trial only confessed to the student for a better censorship offered to have sex. In his written self-advertisement to the university, which eventually led to the indictment, the professor had merely attempted bribery reported and acknowledged, the grade of student upwards to have. The sex-offer was not part of the letter to the university.

At the
relatively mild verdict came because the district court in the proceedings against the professors on corruptibility recognized the offense of coercion in the most severe case, however, was not met. The Ukrainian student in the absence of their master's exam probably would have threatened the deportation, will also are brought to justice. Your sets the prosecutor alleged, through the video the confidentiality of the word and violated the "of attempted bribery and coercion" to have been guilty. The case landed in court because the student an order of punishment over 1000 euro had rejected.

The University of Augsburg only wants the "necessary legal steps" if the verdict is a final verdict and the reasons in writing. Until then, may the professor of the Faculty continue to work. He, however, talks with students under four eyes, and the decline of tests prohibited.

The case recalls that of a corrupt law professor in Hanover: The wind had by "promotion advisers" is not only about 150,000 euros for the acceptance of promotional candidates collects, but also a
sexual relationship with a student and maintained systematically for these grades and credits preferred. The corrupt professor had three years in detention, the student
1800 Euro fine for paying bribes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"They are the first foreigner who tried the".

A French group transforms water in Bangladesh filthy river water into affordable drinking water - all for a good cause, the company promises. PhD student Kerstin Humberg the plant in Goalmari attended. And had a glass of equal cost.


The farther we are from the capital Dhaka to remove, the narrower the streets. Since a quarter of an hour we have seen from our white Bulli out how two drivers Bengali middle of the road block. Like nearly all buses in Bangladesh are both ruthlessly crowded, even on the roofs sitting passengers. In the deep, wet rice fields left and right can not avoid both. One must back away, otherwise we will not be accepted.

"That can take," my companion sighs Ansa of Grameen Bank and closes his eyes. It is shortly before noon, our Bulli makes any sauna after an infusion of fresh competition. The rainy season is imminent, the humidity is enormous. If the two do not dispute taps some soon, I collapse.

Still, we are a good 20 miles from Goalmari, a village about 100 kilometers east of Dhaka, away. It transforms the French water company Veolia for several days filthy river water into clean drinking water. For only one taka (about a penny), you get five liters of water. From Veolia Water is a "Social Business" product, by a cooperative group of the water with the micro-credit Grameen Bank of
Peace Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the poor rural dwellers to be placed.

No profit at the expense of the poor

The aim is to supply the approximately 25,000 residents with Goalmaris affordable drinking water. If the business model works, should any profits later in the construction of additional water treatment plants in Bangladesh to flow. Grameen Veolia Neither nor should financially benefit from this commitment. "No profit at the expense of the poor" is Yunus' top 'Social Business' maxim.



A counselor sets of: Kerstin Humberg flew from Hamburg two years as a consultant to the World. Now doctorate degree Geographer, 31, and will for two months in Bangladesh entrepreneurial ideas to explore poverty reduction. They reported in Uniblogs from the country of Bengal.

Access to clean drinking water in Bangladesh is a privilege. Geological condition that large parts of the groundwater reserves of the country contaminated with arsenic. The poison is often so highly concentrated that the daily water consumption can be fatal. In Goalmari are about 80 percent of the affected wells, nationwide more than 35 million Bangladeschis acutely threatened by arsenic. Still pumping the villagers continue to diligently water from the soil, because the danger is invisible, and there are no alternatives.

The surface water in rivers and lakes are polluted, at the supermarket is water with 10 to 15 cents per liter for many Bangladeschis priceless. For the care of a family of five would have the head of the family 150 Taka up - impossible if you only 200 taka a day deserves.

After one of the drivers but relented and the bus reset, it is finally on. In Goalmari we go to the last mile on foot and wriggle ourselves amidst palm trees, goats and dunghill round.

Brown is back to drinking water

"We are ready," proclaims the technical director of a small waterworks proud and leads us on a hill on the riverbank. Still, the walls of the factory building whitewashed - the logo of the company Veolia should not wait long. Even for the yoghurt manufacturer Danone has become a "Social Business" along with Nobel laureate Yunus a huge PR success. And Veolia will probably try to long-term capital from the social commitment to beat. Charity is in the West highly valued, cost-effective access is hardly a company as a market segment.

The first tap of the 14 is already completed, the sale can begin. We climb into the attic of the plant. On the river bank has given us the bottom of the water engineer says, he now presents the carbon filter. "Up to 10,000 liters of drinking water we can produce per hour."

Appetizingly sees the brown broth between the filters are not straight. I feel queasy when the engineer sent me a glass of freshly filtered river water before the nose holds. "They are the first foreigner that the probiert," he explains. Na wunderbar! In the last two months I have already several kilos in several diarrhea attacks lost. "Only courage," he encouraged me - and I obediently swallow.

The head of the plant can look at the clock, the business partners from India, must arrive at any moment. In fact, we run the group straight into the arms. Among them is Marie, 19 The study employs the Frenchwoman with humanitarian aid programs and is in training with the "Grameen-Veolia Ltd". develop a marketing concept. Difficult task: What convinced you of them poor peasants, now spend money on something that does not directly benefit, and to date have been free?

Prosthesis-production as a Social Business?

The former brackish until now I have very well tolerated - the time in Bangladesh has shown me yet: After more than two months in Dhaka, I am not only emaciated, my breathing has become difficult. The daily rickshaw rides minimize the sidewalks, and after-business workout with Western labor migrants was just not my thing.

My lungs rasselt whether the many hours in the hot baking sun in the open when the Mototaxi traffic. But one gets used to it, as well as beggars, for each taxi ride their arm or leg stumps show. With the production of affordable prostheses and wheelchairs in Dhaka would be a wonderful "Social Business" unravel.

My time in Bangladesh soon to end. Whether the residents Goalmaris really the fingers of the arsenvergifteten wells or the unfiltered river water can be? As the multi Veolia Water with the "Social Business" and how it was made over the life of the villagers effect, I will only come back in November under the microscope can take. Then begins the second phase of my fieldwork, I'll be here again - in the poor but beautiful country of Bengal.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oxbridge is looking for the A-Team.

Noble British universities to tighten their selection criteria - and still be elitist. Not rich ones, ones with an asterisk must be. Parents and teachers now fear that students of public schools a chance to be top universities like Cambridge are.


The term "elite" comes from the Latin word "Elige" for "Select". To live up to their reputation as elite universities' needs to use English top universities, therefore, special care in selecting their students. The noble Cambridge University has now announced that the access hurdles even higher - should be what is in Britain a fierce debate about equal opportunities in education triggered.

University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: "So far not a meaningful hurdle"

The best grade diploma in the UK has traditionally been an "A" and corresponds to a German one. Instead of three A-grades must be candidates for study in Cambridge in addition to at least an "A plus" to bring - one only this year introduced censorship, so to speak, a one with an asterisk. The government had repeatedly stressed that the new high-grade no benchmark for the university should be - as long as no more experience so that was collected.

The daily newspaper "Daily Telegraph" reported that several universities have announced the example of Cambridge and also to follow the eligibility criteria for a grade worse. These include the University of Bristol and University College London. The University of Oxford omitted in the selection of their students still on the new note.

Cambridge: Three A-grades are not

It is only a few months ago that the
always rival universities Cambridge and Oxford a kind of public charm offensive launched - also under pressure: The government urged that more graduates of state schools to the finest universities should, nevertheless Cambridge is about three-fifths of the state. Both universities
buhlten promptly to Unterschichtler target and the target, for example in TV soap operas like "East Enders" to be present.

But now some universities want stricter selection criteria. They justified the move by arguing that it was increasingly difficult, from the large number of school leavers with three A-grades to select suitable candidates. Geoff Parks, Director of Admissions at Cambridge, said the newspaper "The Times": "Previously we were able in the upper end of the power spectrum does not differentiate enough. The standard, which we currently have is not a meaningful hurdle." Long term, could the University of Cambridge also imagine an easy A and two "A Plus" grades as a minimum requirement for candidates to make.

Critics from the Labor Party, teacher unions and education experts now fear that graduates of private schools in the allocation of university places are favored - because the interest is quite disparate conditions apply. Barry Sheerman, a Labor MP and Chairperson of the Commission for Children, Schools and Families, said the "Times": "I'm worried that our best universities for children of normal parents house to the exclusion zone could be." Few parents could afford their children to a private school to send.

The school system in Britain is divided into a small group of elite public and private schools, the one, the other in about 3000 other schools, the connection to the leading group barely able to hold. At the University of Oxford, for instance, according to the Sutton Trust education initiative only 200 schools for more than half of all students.

"Is greed good or bad?"

While the new private schools are welcome to see the public schools, therefore the thrust with skepticism. In a statement, showed the headmaster of the 250 private schools are "delighted that Cambridge a leadership role in recognizing the 'A Plus' note taking." John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of State Colleges and Schools, believes the additional hurdle to the university for access on the other hand, not a good idea. "There are numerous other ways to select good candidates," he said of the 'Times'.

In fact, the entrance exams at the two universities of Oxford and Cambridge - the "Oxbridge" - an already legendary reputation. The Internet numerous examples of matters within the
infamous selection interviews asked. The test must be on philosophical or ethical position, it is also logical thinking and demonstrate originality.

Often the questions are bizarre, such as ...

"Would you rather be a novel or a poem?"
"Is greed good or bad?"
"How do we know that California exists, if one is not there?"
"How much percent of the global water
stuck in a cow? "
"When three beautiful, naked women before they were, what would you choose? And has any influence on the economy?"

The access barriers are not the sole cause for the high selectivity of the British education system, as critics complain. Also, the tuition help. So far, they are capped, students currently pay in Britain more than 3145 pounds (around 3350 euros) per year. Many universities but dreaming of the force to increase fees.

One study published on Tuesday that could in future to study up to 33,000 pounds of tuition. The British university rectors commissioned study predicted that students who in 2016 completed their studies to include, from 21,000 to 33,000 pounds in tuition fees alone have to pay.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Learning does not hurt.

Lectures and computer games, which are separate worlds. But when professors germinates the idea that "Serious Games" boring studying longer-term - and fun. So far, specially developed for the educational games and even more rarely simple knitted.


"Counter Strike" in the lecture hall - unthinkable! Yet games are slowly but surely moving into the classrooms - as a so-called Serious Games, which taught a young audience to loose to be closer to nature, by establishing an entertaining action game knowledge.

"Global Conflicts - Palestine" as an educational computer game

Serious Games could usefully complement the lectures, says Linda Broad leek, Europe's first professor of game design at the private German media design university in Dusseldorf. Because young people can have such wonderful games for the sometimes boring learning enthusiasm.

On the Education Fair in early February Learntec Karlsruhe was Serious Games as a "tool" for the first time, a separate educational program dedicated point. At German universities, they have a rather short history. They were interested only in 2001, as a result of the UMTS-free purchases the e-learning programs for schools have been expanded.

No Money for Serious Games

Such games have had it so good as not present, says Broad leeks. "There was still the opinion that: learning must hurt." First tentative steps in the direction of Serious Games took the universities with special programs such as applets. Most were small Quizsituationen postpositive or simulations designed.



The independent university magazine
Issue 03/2009

Heft bestellen

In the shop you could buy these games do not, it was self-developments of the professors or the students. Even today, the majority of serious games in higher education rather simple crocheted admits Broad leeks On. Games with complex scenarios, in the course include a story, however, are rare. Often lacking for both the money and the necessary expertise.

Well-known companies like IBM, the Serious Games market, which will also in large companies to use, offer nothing comparable for universities. The development of games is not cheap. Federal funds would be around for such projects only in exceptional cases provided, says the professor. Programs and grants for serious games in higher education institutions do not exist. Most encouraging was only funded projects with long application phases. Serious Games were just "not quite at the top of the stack."

Studying longer-term stays

In addition, various skills needed to develop a game. With the educational scenario in order to develop expertise is as important as the knowledge about how games work. And for the implementation must be able to program games. "A law professor can not do anything alone afford," says Broad leeks.



The expression? Serious Games? was first introduced in 2001 at a conference in the U.S.. In many companies, the computer in the employee training to use.


Serious games can, for example, political connections to help mediate. In the game? Global Conflicts: Palestine? slip the player into the role of a journalist in the Middle East about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians to report.

Use in universities

Science, architecture or economics are well suited for the deployment. It is a virtual chemistry laboratory or bridge construction on the PC. A large gap in the market is doing for the historians to. Here come the games have not yet used.


The task should be challenging, but not too difficult. So-called social skills such as customer friendliness, according to experts, however, does not make sense to train on the computer. Accompanying tutorials are important because they lead the player until he is independently in the virtual world can move.

A good example of successful integration of Serious Games in the study, the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart. There, in the Bachelor of Science in business computer science from the IBM distributed 3D computer game "innov8" used to help students to understand the business world. The players have in a virtual company business processes, analyze, improve and manage themselves.

The games have a big advantage: The subject remains in the memory longer than rote learned from books. The players would not simply read something that they had experienced it, explaining Broad leeks. For the learning, this is much better, the show is already in children. Serious Games bring something only if they also made fun.

She stressed however: "If you so that would replace good teaching, I would be opposed." But as a supplement material is a Serious Game quite a reflection. Finally, the game situation itself seriously, and will also be taken seriously.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Professor to ten months on probation.

He wanted an affair and got a suspended sentence: As a professor of Augsburg student scores better against offering sex, judge sentenced him to a suspended sentence. But he retains the status of civil servants. Also on the student maintains a system of corruption.


He offered a student the grade correction for sexual favors - for the Augsburg district court sentenced the 58-year-old professor at the ten-month prison sentence on probation and fined 8,000 euros. He was found guilty of corruption, the court said. The accusation with the prosecution, the professor had also coercion in a particularly severe case of guilty, the judge did not fulfill.

The professor (left, with his defenders): Mild punishment for immoral Offer

The defense had an acquittal of a professor of economics called the prosecutor a far higher Augsburg suspended sentence of one year and ten months is required. The professor had his position of power over a 34-year-old language student "shamelessly exploited".

Had the judge here followed the indictment, had the professor of the University of Augsburg lost its official status. The prosecutor still examining whether they accepted the verdict. If not, should be the case on appeal will be re-opened.

"Yes, I wanted sex," the famous professor married to the process begins. "She was not unattractive woman, I found it nice and beautiful, and wanted an affair with her." The lecturer said he had a "serious mistake" made. In the process, although he admitted that he was a student of a sexual relationship proposed but denied it for a better grade in their Master's promised to have. He regretted his deeds.

Very self-consciously portrayed a student in court, as her professor Offers made clear: After her presentation, she wanted to in a first interview after the written exam, the subjects of examination agree with him. He told her, without the written work seen to have the test it would probably not exist. The results of Ukraine-born 34-year-old fell into a panic. Because it would leave Germany, to acquire a job here. "Then he suggested me a replacement before", she described the situation. What do you think she asked after, and he showed her six fingers. Money? No, sex - have indignantly rejected it.

"Then I assume the role of God"

Then they learned that they had failed the exam. At a second interview with the professor, the student bug with camera and microphone. She wanted to have sex later claims can prove they have reasonable action, which has a procedure not yet finished because of attempted coercion in revenue. Re offered her sex to the university teachers. This time he even demanded a longer relationship, which she indignantly replied: "Then buy yourself but a whore." But the professor did not let off. As he explains it ironic, when affection would be the next test to succeed with God's help, she replied: "I do not believe in God." Thereupon he said: "Then can I get the role of God take over."

At a third interview, the student sent a detective with the recorded images. Ultimately required for the oral exam the grade 3.3 and was also contributing to the examination questions. Prior to this, the lecturer has the retreat of 4.7 - failed - to 4.3 - pass - hochgestuft. This was for purely objective reasons, the defendant is insured.

As him with the publication of secretly recorded material was threatened, the Professor pulled the emergency brake: He informed the dean, dean of the university management. Then the prosecutor got the self-advertisement. It is expected the professor's title and the status of civil servants have been saved. In any case, the court said it from the "attempted coercion in a particularly severe case of" free.

On the judge's decision the accused reacted visibly relieved. The prosecutor had previously accused him that he had with his behavior the "confidence in the fairness of public service tremendously shaken", his powerful position as a professor and shamelessly exploited against the duties violated.

Proceedings against the student

The student has their oral exam with another professor with the Note 1,3 stored and her MA exam. Also they will have are brought to justice. They said the senior prosecutor Matthias Augsburger Nickolai blogs ONLINE, there is "more criminal cases." Secret audio and video recordings are prohibited because they violate confidentiality of the word. Moreover, the prosecutor put it because of the 5000 Euro and the subsequent threat to the video material "attempted bribery and coercion" to load.

Because the student a punishment than 1000 euro contradicted, it is now a separate case before the court. The detective is suspected complicity despite not prosecuted because he was already in another, much more serious procedure has been condemned and prohibited by the Code of Criminal Procedure that less serious offenses should not be prosecuted.

The University of Augsburg only wants the "necessary legal steps" if the verdict is a final verdict and the reasons in writing. Until then, may the professor of the Faculty continue to work. He, however, talks with students under four eyes, and the decline of tests prohibited.

The case recalls that of a corrupt law professor in Hanover: The wind had by "promotion advisers" is not only about 150,000 euros for the acceptance of promotional candidates collects, but also a
sexual relationship with a student and maintained systematically for these grades and credits preferred. The corrupt professor had three years in detention, the student
1800 Euro fine for paying bribes.

Better grades for sex.

Augsburger judges negotiate an extremely piquant case: According to a professor accused wanted the notes to supplement an exam candidate - in return for sex. The offer has been immoral with a hidden camera filmed, professor and student to land in court.


Before the district court must Augsburg on Thursday, a professor at the University of Augsburg responsibility - because "attempted bribery in Tateinheit with attempted coercion in a very serious case". He is a student, have suggested that their final score to improve when they are with him for a longer sexual relationship.

The indictment, from which the court quoted as telling a story from a dime novel. Thus, a student at the University of Augsburg repeatedly called for a master's final examination is written. When she accused the professor now aufsuchte to the topics of the examination to discuss, it stresses the importance for them the test was. In the event of a failure, it had the 5000 euro professors offered - it could also "cook, clean or with him" to go to the movies, "the district court cited the indictment of the public prosecutor of Augsburg.

Domestic money and favors to married Endfünfziger but are not interested, just "sexual services". In a later interview, the student learned that the note of the written examination "not enough" is. According to the prosecution renewed its offensive Professor proposal, the grade for sex income - but this time before an ongoing hidden camera.

Detective with the threat of television

The student had prior to the meeting by a private detective with surveillance technology can equip parts of the conversation had with image and sound have been recorded. On the next appointment would be by the student engaged private detective and had published the professor warned that the records a private TV channel zuzuspielen should not modify the written note and the note in the examination is 3.3.

The prosecution responded that the professor - though not quite as desired: although he had written the note to the master's exam actually from 4.7 to 4.3 changed, but before the oral examination the dean of the University of Augsburg informed. The dean had written themselves to the leadership of the university, which they then Augsburger Prosecutor fax.

The bribery affair in Augsburg had at the Economics Faculty of the University have been given, reports the "Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung. The student should have already noticed, because they are "crowded" and a work content simply copied from the Internet did, writes the newspaper continued.

Proceedings against the student

The case recalls that of a corrupt law professor in Hanover: The wind had by "promotion advisers" is not only about 150,000 euros for the acceptance of promotional candidates collects, but also a
sexual relationship with a student and maintained systematically for these grades and credits preferred. The corrupt professor had three years in detention, the student
1800 Euro fine for paying bribes.

The Augsburg justice focuses not only on the corruption and coercion charge against the professor - the student must be responsible. They said the senior prosecutor Matthias Augsburger Nickolai blogs ONLINE, there is "more criminal cases." Secret audio and video recordings are prohibited because they violate confidentiality of the word. Moreover, the prosecutor put it because of the 5000 Euro and the subsequent threat to the video material "attempted bribery and coercion" to load, so the prosecutor.

Because the student a punishment than 1000 euro contradicted, it is now a separate case before the court. The detective is suspected complicity despite not prosecuted because he was already in another, much more serious procedure has been condemned and prohibited by the Code of Criminal Procedure that less serious offenses should not be prosecuted.

The professor is the faculty continues to operate. A university spokesman, however pointed out that the university dienstaufsichtlich action against him and the accused had conversations with students under four eyes, and the decline of tests was prohibited. Disciplinary action will be after the conclusion of the proceedings.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How smart are you.

How parliert you Bescheidwissern, even if one has no clue? Anne Weiss and Stefan Bonner betrayed in the guide "Doof it yourself, as you elegantly simulate knowledge, without any other notice - and seemingly sudden opera, philosophy, and understand world events.


Imagine a loose conversation with your teacher, your boss or father of your new flame front. You want to impress, but suddenly she is in space: a nasty question of knowledge, like a flu virus on the immune system of your non-existing general knowledge starts.


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"My wife and I have tickets for a concert by Claude Debussy get a gift. Have you ever busy with his work?" Your first thought is: "Bussi? What for heaven's sake I want to say?" The second: "How do I get the point out, without me as Kulturprolet forever in his memory einzubrennen?"

The first step of the crisis is self-knowledge - accept your non-knowledge as a natural physical state. Say simply: "I've never been with Claude Bussi Ding employed, it has simply not shown. But I would like to know why you are so fascinated by him."

If your weakness zugibst and the other ask for clarification, can you perhaps suddenly all the assets in their hands - namely, if the supposed know-even as a fake, turns and begins to wrestle with words. In many situations, this process is not a good idea but in job interviews, to standing before television cameras in exams - just where you want to flay like impression.

Here you will learn, therefore, to cope with situations in which knowledge is required, which you do not have any clue. Because there are a few tricks, which you cleverly conceal failure of memory and knowledge artfully pretends it - a guide by Anne Weiss and Stefan Bonner. The authors of the bestseller
"Generation Doof" have just as "Doof it yourself" nachgelegt.

End of the crisis is within reach.

The students and professors at Witten / Herdecke to breathe. Donors have a rescue package for the Privatuni laced, Software AG Foundation, 40 percent of shareholders' shares. Number of students and tuition fees will be in the next few years.


The future of Germany's oldest private university of Witten / Herdecke (UWH) appears for the coming years. On Monday, signed with the Darmstadt Software AG Foundation, the new main sponsor of the University of a shareholder agreement, together with other donors, including the Student Society and an alumni association.

Witten / Herdecke: Germany's oldest Privatuni

The university receives from the Software AG Foundation is a guarantee of ten million euros and four years as a four million euro investment. For the same period all shareholders together 15 million euros, of which "3.5 million from donors who are not yet wish to be named and with whom we agree the coming weeks," said Uni-CEO Michael Anders blogs ONLINE. Also in the news release says the new business was open for the participation of other strategic partners. A new President for the UWH be in the next three to four months can be found, said Anders.

The Software AG Foundation receives for their commitment and the risk that they are in accordance with the guarantee is received, 40 percent of shareholders' shares of the UWH. Other shareholders of the UWH Privatuni Foundation, the Association for the development of community hospitals Herdecke, the student society, and a consortium of university-related investors that are critical of the Witten alumni initiative is taken. "The alumni control at three million euros, one million euro donation from the former directors," said CEO Anders.

Thus, the Keeper of the Witten
Uni-culture prevailed. While the university in recent months by investors and struggled to survive, students and alumni had feared it could lead to a sell-off of
Ideals of Privatuni come. These fears should now be dispelled the moment. Areas of study in Witten had "continued personal development, interdisciplinarity and internationalization," said Martin Butzlaff, Scientific Director and Executive Committee member.

Permanently from the game are obvious, the management consultancy Droege International health and education SRH Group Holding. Also announced by the first commitment of dioceses of the Catholic Church is no longer mentioned.

Nor does the state money does not

Shortly before Christmas Break 2008 was only marginally Privatuni
Bankruptcy can be avoided. In a
Night session at the end of January in Dusseldorf Science Ministry agreed University and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a 16 million euro comprehensive concept for the future with new members and a guarantee of 10 million euros.

The state grants totaling 13.5 million euros for this and next year, the Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) had been promised, despite the now agreed shareholding structure has not yet been released. A spokesman of the Ministry said, however, the Privatuni was a giant step forward successful. If Witten / Herdecke now audited economic plans for 2009 and subsequent years, will also stand the payment in December, stopped subsidies nothing in the way.

CEO Anders said, now with the new structure and decided on the financing concept, the university "for the coming years well." In four years, the university constructed a balanced budget, with consolidation and increasing returns to be reached.

The number of students is currently 1200 to 1700 increase, also a renewed increase in tuition fees is at. Students currently pay for a degree in dentistry zehnsemestriges Euro 48,000. Witten / Herdecke, the students currently in medicine, dentistry, business and nursing sciences. With the additional university places will be the university's core themes of health, economy and culture strengthened, said Bureau member Butzlaff.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Uni Hanover collects nine Ph.D. again.

A law professor in Hanover got a lot of money that he judges and lawyers led to doctoral studies. Nine customers of a windy promotion counseling was fatal: the University of Hanover has given them their titles withdrawn. Further processes to pave.


The choice of supervisor will be carefully considered, and that with the title at the end of work, is never guaranteed. For external doctoral promotion is often particularly difficult. For that reason, "doctoral adviser" in the sphere of their services to universities and are controversial for many years. Such an institute zwischenzuschalten and pay may, however, may be bitter revenge.

University of Hanover: Nine lawyers lose their Ph.D.

Nine lawyers, including a judge, several government officials and lawyers, were on their way to a doctoral program at the University of Hanover money to a consultant paid - and are therefore their doctorate again. The University of Hanover had the title from 1998 to 2005 awarded. Now they recognize the academic degrees, such as the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" (HAZ) have been reported.

Reason for recall: The lawyers did their work in due
"Corruptibility in particularly severe case," law professor sentenced Thomas A. stored. He was the candidate in turn, by an agency, the Institute for Science Advice in Bergisch Gladbach, have been taught. The Law Faculty of the Leibniz University considers the matter of promotions to be illegal.

In these nine cases, and 59 more had lawyers on the A. coveted title and help to let this princely pay. About 150,000 euros in total, he collects for his doctoral work to care for adopted - what about the ordinary duties of a university professor heard.

"The lawyers know what they are doing"

The Landgericht Hildesheim condemned the professor due to bribery in 68 cases to three years imprisonment, however the promotion was only the nine candidates, which now will lose their title successfully, and the review formally correct to the end run.



Manuel René Theisen is professor of business administration in Munich and published in 1986 Advisor "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten". When trade title he furious and said in blogs ONLINE interview Plaintext: "Promotional Consultants are Tröpfe vain for something." more ...

Volker Epping, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Hanover, said the "HAZ" We assume that the candidates, all lawyers knew what they are doing. "All nine had the illegality of their promotion must recognize - after all they had to to 25,000 euros paid to participate in the Ph.D. to go for any other fees must be paid. "The lawyers must have been aware that it is not right, for the promotion and care money to pay," said a University spokeswoman.

Thomas A. was the first time in 2004
in trouble, as the students of the University Examination Office asked him not to be tested. They feared they would otherwise be under center, they had their notes which it is. The university was aback and informed the public prosecutor, after lengthy investigations A. submitted in September 2007 from a confession. The process revealed: He had not only money for promotion procedures, but also for sexual favors in several cases, better grades.

The windy doctoral advisors are now broke

The case against A. finally brought a shady company in Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne to stumble. The Institute for Promotion Advice had over two decades solvent doctoral candidate at the Hannoverian lawyers and to other professors taught. The Landgericht Hildesheim Thomas A. According received for the care of a doctoral about 2000 euros, for a successful promotion further 2000 euros.

The promotion intermediaries Martin is due to D.
commercial bribery since mid-last year in detention in The Landgericht Hildesheim sentenced him in July to three and a half years in prison. Deprived of the business model, the Institute since the beginning of the year and broke his

Dean Epping assumes that the nine lawyers against the abolition of their promotions and hence the loss of their Ph.D. will complain. Continued his university in these proceedings and the lawyers lose their final title, Epping expects them with "existenzbeeinträchtigenden consequences," he said of the HAZ. Stakeholders have a month to oppose the withdrawal of title to sue. The first action is the Administrative Hanover received.

In addition, currently a university's internal disciplinary proceedings against Epping predecessors in the dean's office. The university had, after information disclosure, "in front of about ten years in fringe" with the consultant to do to have had. The prosecution has the criminal investigation against the former dean, however, is now set.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bomb Safe memory.

The Barbara tunnel in the Black Forest is one of the best protected places in Germany: Safely storing nuclear bomb there in 400 meters depth a vast quantity of historical documents - the long-term memory of the German culture.


The way to the cultural memory of Germany leads past Kuhweiden. Shortly after Oberried, an idyllic town near Freiburg, he winds up the hillside, passing small farms, a barking dog jumps from a yard, as if he were not accustomed to strangers. At the end of a turn open a turnaround, atrial tunnel of Barbara, the place of collective memory.

Once the tunnel to search for silver nearly 700 meters into the mountain has been driven, today there hüfthohe stored in stainless steel vats. Its contents should be the life of our culture: They contain unique copied on microfilm from German history - contracts, manuscripts, maps, texts.

Behind a heavy steel door, about 400 meters deep in the mountain, the two-barrels in front of shelves of white walls. A cement mantle was placed on the granite, cold light from neon tubes illuminates the elongated space, constant 10 degrees, humidity 75 percent. From the outside, the cultural memory in Germany and inconspicuous dull.

Stations of German history, banned on microfilm

But the hidden dimensions are enormous: about 825 million images stored in barrels, 1380 - Each year there are more. "Every year, 1.5 million recordings," says Martin Luchterhandt, Oberarchivrat in Berlin. Up to four times a year there are new barrels stored in the tunnel On.

Photo: Menke
Video: Menke

The oldest document dates from the sixth century, the youngest is the repertoire of the Bayreuth Festival from 1989. The contract for the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, the coronation charter of Otto the Great from 936, the plans of the Cologne Cathedral and the appointment of Adolf Hitler to the German Reich Chancellor - German stations past, banned on microfilm.

The storage is a consequence of the story: It was 1954 when the German Government, the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict signed. Sat in deep shock over the destruction of libraries, archives and cultural heritage during the Second World War. Never again, as were the contracting States agree should be the cultural war, as the mean "an injury to the cultural heritage of all humanity," according to the preamble. A rear admittedly remained open: the duty to protect applies not if "military necessity requires it mandatory."

Flight ban and exclusion zone for military

As the nuclear threat during the Cold War actually was decided in Germany for screening: the cultural legacy should be saved - surely bomb. The choice fell on the tunnel Barbara: In the region there is little potential military targets, is also the Schauinsland in the tunnel was beaten by his hard rock seismically safe.


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Since 1972 the gallery expanded, three years later the first barrels were stored. Since then, Barbara is a tunnel of the best protected places in Germany: He is on all military maps, it is an absolute flight ban, the Army may not be in the neighborhood residents.

Three to bottom out spitze shields in ultramarine blue and white at the entrance point to the importance of the place out. Only the Vatican and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, these highest level of protection of the United Nations. In the galleries, and motion cameras are appropriate to the code to open the steel door, two men known only by the security service.

Even without the atomic bomb attack, or meteorite impact, the tunnel is already proved useful. As recently in Cologne the Historical Archives collapsed, although irreplaceable uniques were lost - but completely wiped out the memory Kölsche not. Approximately 1.1 million images from the archive store in Barbara cleats. So as the showpiece of the repository, the composite letter from the year 1396, on microfilm as well as the comment of the medieval scholar Albertus Magnus at St. Matthew's Gospel.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

23 and still a virgin? But sure!.

His friends worried when Nico Pointner went to South Africa - because of the crime and the AIDS risk. During the academic year in Stellenbosch experienced student politics Hamburger hard contrasts between his campus and the luxury ghetto arms next door.


At the Cape of Good Hope is not only the football World Cup 2010 Headlines. HIV is a common disease, one in five carries in the virus itself. The crime statistics would record values. Just a few months ago were foreigners through the streets of the townships hunted and burnt alive.

With these thoughts and advice from concerned friends ( "Use condoms and do not let you shoot") I climb the plane to Cape Town. Two semesters of South Africa also.

All the more surprised me Stellenbosch after landing. The city is surrounded by majestic vineyards and is located just 50 kilometers east of Cape Town. Grell exude the white buildings of the Dutch settlers in the sun.

The historic old town is young and alive: Around 20,000 South Africans here studying at one of the best universities in the country. In the "Oxford of the Boers was the racist system of apartheid designed - and later the thought of democracy. Today, students study here from all over the world the racial separation, to the evening with locals over a glass of wine to philosophize.

After the wine tasting? We need the Great White Shark diving

The courses at the university are less demanding than in Germany. So more time for exotic hobbies. Higher education, there are clubs for almost everything from wine tasting to improvisational theater. Although South Africa is not boring. Get ready with the dolphins gesurft ridden or an ostrich? Who needs yet more kicks, dives with White Sharks or herself from the highest bungee bridge in the world.

The Blog

Social barbecues (braai) are cult section at South Africans are generally very open and friendly, albeit conservative than German students. There are still maintained traditional gender roles. The men pumping weights at the gym, the women wear short Röckchen and do not talk about politics. All races in the church. 23 and still a virgin? But of course!

But it is not all sunny and fine in Stellenbosch. Who only five minutes on the outskirts of the city goes suddenly feels like a commercial for "Bread for the World": In the Township Kayamandi semi children play in the dirt, while an old woman a chicken's head abschlägt. The people here are dreaming even 14 years after the end of apartheid of hot water in their corrugated iron huts. Ten families share 50 square meters. Few have work, most of them have HIV. Everyone is black.

On Wednesdays I'm here to volunteer with the local schools. Almost exclusively for international students discover the ugly sides of the country, hardly making a white South Africans in the township's hands dirty.

Black and white checkerboard of injustice

The teaching at the school where I teach as an assistant teacher, is miserable. The students find it difficult even with English, the most important of the eleven official languages. The least-create it later two kilometers further to one of the best universities in the country. On the other hand, the prosperity of whites in Stellenbosch is significantly greater than in the German upper class.

These social inequalities are preceded by a society in which black and white not only on skin color clearly be distinguished. White set up a treadmill brands, Black pack them into the bag. White Geländejeeps drive huge, black crowd in minibus taxis. White chuck their tilt at the roadside, black smoke filter stub.

South Africa is still a long way from his ex-President Nelson Mandela praised the rainbow nation - the country is still a black and white checkerboard of injustice.

"If you go inside there, they stick you up"

The only apartheid was abolished on paper. There are still "black" and "white" bars and clubs. Sad is that the white elite to the problems in the country is relatively indifferent. Who dares to the political discussion is often bombarded with stereotypes: blacks are criminals, lazy and subject to the state on the bag. "They are but the whole self to blame apartheid," says the white student next to me at the counter.

The stark juxtaposition of rich stone bettelarm and toll calls. South Africa is one of the countries of the criminal world. Every few seconds, a robbery every 30 minutes a murder. "If you go inside there, they stick you up," warns me a white and shows the receipt of a "black" disco.

Crimes are the number one topic of conversation on the streets. Hardly a South African who has not yet been attacked, or in the barrel of a gun had to look. Before my eyes a thief is trying, to break into a car. I scream at him for so long until it takes flight.

The student dorm is like a prison

Sums of money are always in different places on the body hidden. In Johannesburg, I literally ran to my credit card around. South Africans are trapped in paradise. They buy barbed wire, high walls move, hire security personnel. They go back home before sunset. Our student residence is like a prison guard. The South Africans want to host next year in the world, but dare not even on their own streets.

Nevertheless, the country has in the past years a great leap forward. The economy is booming, democracy is considered stable. Although many locals skeptical about the future, South Africa still enjoys a good reputation among beleaguered states of Africa. And maybe bring the South Africans for the 2010 World Cup even a little closer together and bring a little color in their black and white grid.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to the knowledge test!.

Test Your Knowledge: How well do you know in politics and business, what do you know about culture, history and natural sciences? Join us - and check for your general knowledge!

The blogs invites studiVZ together with a large knowledge test. The test is aimed at students, but also all other interested parties may participate.

The Blog

The questions stem from five areas of knowledge: history, politics, economy, science and culture. How it works:

Under time pressure, we confront you with 45 knowledge questions.
Following we will ask you for statistical purposes, to provide some information about yourself.
After completion of the action, we will send you on request a free personal evaluation (expected in May 2009).

The test is an action of blogs editors in cooperation with studiVZ. It takes about a quarter of an hour, the knowledge to answer questions. An interruption is not possible, a new part either.

Start free: Click here for the knowledge test!

For questions, e-mail hotline:
studentenpisa@blogs.de. Answers to frequently asked questions can also be found
in the FAQs.

On blogs can be found online in the next few weeks numerous articles, which are the subject of general knowledge from different perspectives approach. Among other things, betrays Guenther Jauch, how important a good education for him personally and for his quiz show. And "Mr. Pisa" Andreas Schleicher of the OECD reported on the plan of his organization, now the students after the students worldwide to test.


The questions


The tasks, experts from the editorial department and the documentation of blogs developed. For several hundred proposals, they chose the most exciting questions, and presented with scientific advice, the questionnaires together. From a large number of tasks each participant will be exactly 45 questions.

The analysis

Unlike the official school of Pisa, a participant may learn how he has cut off. The blogs offer a free individual feedback to. Each participant may, after completion of the action will receive a detailed evaluation to assess its own performance. The feedback will be emailed after completion of the action sent out, probably in May 2009.

The counselor

Hamburg Media School

Serves as a scientific adviser Prof. Dr. Sabine Trepte. She is at the Hamburg Media School and the University of Hamburg. The psychologist employed in their research, inter alia, with "opinion leaders and information elites." Trepte, the blogs editorial in the conception of the knowledge tests advise. In a pre-with more than 6000 participants, it has the questionnaires, particularly the quality and comparability of the questions reviewed.

Start free: Click here for the knowledge test!

Frequently Asked Questions.

In the blogs, students can test and all other interested parties to prove their general knowledge. How does the knowledge test, when does the personal evaluation? In the FAQ, there are the answers to the most important issues.



Students may only participate?

No, everyone must participate.

Can I stop the test?

No, this is not foreseen.

Can I participate on several occasions?

No, this is not foreseen.

Is involved in the OECD, the PISA test is responsible for pupils?

No, it is an action by the blog editors in cooperation with studiVZ Limited (www.studivz.net, www.schuelervz.net, www.meinvz.net).

Scientists are involved?

Yes, serves as scientific advisor Prof. Dr. Sabine Trepte (University of Hamburg, Hamburg Media School).

What's in it for me if I participate?

Who wants to receive a free individual evaluation. You will be sent by e-mail after the conclusion of the action sent out, probably in May 2009.

When will I receive my personal evaluation?

Upon completion of the operation, expected in May 2009.

What happens if I am not a task within 30 seconds do?

This is like a wrong answer evaluated, on the screen will automatically appear the next task.

What happens if I am in a reply vertippe?

A computer program checks the solution. When typing or spelling errors will be evaluated as correct answer, if the solution is not significantly different from the correct spelling is different.

How long does the test?

Most participants will need 15 to 20 minutes.

Is my data secure?

Yes, that guarantees the blogs-Verlag.

Where do I contact with questions or problems?

On the Mail Hotline: studentenpisa@blogs.de

Click here for the knowledge test!

Friday, March 6, 2009

With the master at the university.

Studying without a baccalaureate, which is long. But so far hampered the special arrangements of the 16 countries for access to universities and colleges. Now, the Culture Ministers agreed on common standards - proficiency tests and rehearsals will soon no longer exist.


The Minister of Culture have a promise of
Education summit held last autumn redeemed: You open the universities for masters and other professionals, even without classical Abitur. At just under two pages are now the minimum requirements and national standards, professionally qualified for continuing education at a university or for a full-time must meet.

The qualification is for candidates with training easier

Up to now had to study interesting without Baccalaureate with 16 completely different special regulations of the provinces to address.

After a long tug of war now seems almost like a little sensationalism to: masters, technicians and specialist qualification is a general law. That means they can, without further trial of any proficiency tests or specialist of their choice at a university or college in the study. Professionals with at least two years of training plus three years of professional practice will get a professionally bound access law. Your study must be in some of their previous work Fachrichtung correspond.

So far, students without a baccalaureate rarely

Some countries want to access even further liberalize, which according to the agreements in a number of points possible. Rhineland-Palatinate, the professional practice for the prescribed time in two years. Baden-Württemberg seek to dismantle it altogether. The Rhineland-Palatinate Education Minister Doris Ahnen (SPD): "Next goal must be a true equivalence of vocational and general education. The process of the universities for people with vocational skills to open, may Stralsunder with the decision has not yet been completed. "

Studying without graduation - because that is all about? It also works in the Federal Republic has been more than three decades. But unlike abroad in Germany creates only a vanishingly small percentage of professionally qualified after the jump into the study. If anything, 0.6 percent of Neueinschreibungen at universities and 1.9 percent of colleges do not have a regular university.

The study benefits differ little

At Swedish universities, however, now has more than one in three students not a classical school and vocational training on the study managed to jump into. Especially good are the opportunities for working people to university entrance in Spain and Scotland, where every third to fourth without baccalaureate students the way to the study finds. According to the "European Student Report" in Germany is higher opening for non-graduates compared with 22 other states so far behind on one of the rear seats.

All previous studies on the study of non-graduates show: The differences between the prior knowledge will not be misunderstood. But neither the parties nor their "Gymnasium" fellow students appreciate this in the course of study as lasting for the serious Studierfähigkeit On. If the entry and managed to overcome the first semester will be midterm and final exams later passed as often as traditional graduates.

High identification with the discipline

In some subjects, such as the Magisterium, are often even better results. Not infrequently, these students in their learning and performance-oriented stable. Generally, they have a particularly strong identification with the discipline certified.

Following the decision of the Minister of Culture are now some countries have higher laws must change. The ministers will notably in universities is still a lot of persuasion must. The German Rectors' Conference (HRK) is not fundamentally opposed to the inclusion of qualified professionals, but only in January significantly different admission criteria are recommended.

To wants to master only professionally bound for the study enroll. The University of Frankfurt / Main convened recently at their university autonomy and decided, contrary to the usual country already rules will only allow graduates to study.

Sun also warned of the philologists, given the association Stralsunder opening earlier decision, "not as corrections Hochschulzugang discounted merchandise to scrapping."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

God Hirtinnen young.

Dusty, bulky, strange world? Von wegen. After years of decline, the specialist theology has been booming. In particular, women are interested in the Pfarrerjob: You want the church of tomorrow dominate - and the career prospects are not so bad.


Thaw in Leipzig. A roof avalanche crashes onto sidewalk, hair sharp they missed a group of students who are in a shop is pressing. What once was a sports business, now serves as a lecture hall at the Theological Faculty of the University of Leipzig. On the pavement it is now a centners wet snow, and a young woman laughs: "Even for us theology students do not come automatically from the top all the best."

Julia Baier
Theology is coming back: Students at St. Nicholas Church in Göttingen

Behind the large shop windows accumulate bunch and separate again, laughter is heard. Approximately 30 representatives of theological faculties in Germany are involved in this past January weekend arrived, the first annual meeting of the "Studierendenrats Evangelical Theology." Three days is about courses, re-shaping websites or the Information Booth at Kirchentag Bremer in May.

Four floors above cuts the 21-year-old Eva Finkenstein meanwhile carrots and leeks into strips, they and a few others have Leipziger supply with mattress and sleeping bag over visiting fellow - Youth Camp atmosphere. Eva studied in the 5th Semester theology. "So many," she says, "have never been in our store auditorium."

So many theology students, there was a long time: In the last winter semester were around 9,300 students enrolled for Protestant theology, two percent more than last year. 7400 were among Catholics.

For theologians, a "special" Numerus clausus "

"The theology has just been no numerus clausus," Gunkel says Sebastian, 20, he is doing with the cooking for the fellow. Does not quite, replied the 23-year-old Hanna Schramm. "Our special numerus clausus, the ancient languages, Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Since you have the basic first through!"

UNIblogs 1 / 2009

Play me the song of death
A music scholar doctorate on Death Metal


Eva, Hanna, Sebastian - it could be Germany's pastors of tomorrow. While many want the young theologians teaching religion or theology have chosen as a minor. Strikingly, however, is: More and more it attracts students directly into the churches. Even four years ago there were only 364 first, which is a candidate for a Pfarrstelle in the lists of country churches eintrugen. In this winter semester are expected to be around 500.

The case of the Catholic church, in 2007 there were only 270 newly recorded priesthood candidates. The compulsion to celibacy is rather unattractive, it helps, even if the Pope anti-Semitic beliefs brothers, Holocaust deniers do, rehabilitated, and thus before the World foolish.

Why students want to be pastors?

What makes the Protestant Pfarrerjob attractive again in the eyes of many students? On the altar are preaching to take care of the sick and lonely, accompany the dying? "My mother," says Eva, "is a pastor in Mecklenburg and my father Bundeswehr pastor - but both have warned me, the parish should be."

Her mother had eleven villages with five churches to attend. "Beautiful, but too uncertain prospects," they warned. Perhaps it had not yet to the new situation on the labor market Protestant chen around.

In recent decades, startled the church from the young with new reports of savings and layoffs. The number of students halved from 1984 to 2004.

Meanwhile, the personnel manager of Protestants with flyers and talks to the young recruit. Training Officer Joachim Ochel by the EKD headquarters in Hanover, speaks of an "identifiable needs of the country's churches." In the next decade should be a year about 350 new parish offices to be filled. "It is a great retirement wave to us."

"We women are the picture of the church to determine"

The junior is the fact that the generational change, the church also lost its stale image. "In the future we will be more women than ever before, the image of the Protestant Church to determine," says Hanna, while the soup for 30 people umrührt. Among the theology students are women, with around 60 percent already in the majority. "Every time", is Eva funny, "if I am a hairdresser and ask, 'What thou studierst', comes to my answer, theology, a horrified 'So siehste but not out!"'.

"How someone looks, which believes in God?" asked Sebastian. People of all this world and in any event not disinclined. Eva finds just cool in this study that it is socially significant. " Hanna praised the tray as diverse and cosmopolitan. Indeed, the discipline in times of ongoing specialization of one of the few remaining strongholds for generalists: psychology, law, education, science, linguistics, all of these subjects play a role. Curriculum and conclusion are consistent across Germany, the bachelor has not for some time now. Thus the change between the 22 evangelical colleges and faculties problem.

The widespread nature of work are: Military or hospital chaplain, dying, Internet ministry, adult education, supervision and social work, and sometimes project management, personnel management, journalism.

Best Cheap code with notes from Bangladesh.

Computer science students have their homework by Billiglöhnern write. Ghost programmers tinker codes in Bangladesh, who collect tippfaulen Europeans top grades: A perfect example of applied globalization - were it not for the cheaters-hunters.


Ahsan Karim, 26, is a Ãœberflieger: With only 23 years, he had his computer science degree in his pocket, then he worked for several software companies salaried. Meanwhile he werkelt to freelance characters and numbers, and hopes for a breakthrough as a self-made millionaire. "I do a killer application for the attention of users and investors will make," protzt Karim.

Shehab Uddin / Agentur Focus
Ahsan contract worker: "It is a great pleasure for me to help"

But before the new Bill Gates is, denies the scientist from Dhaka in Bangladesh, meanwhile its income from another source, it will do homework for computer science students from Britain, France or Germany. His clients find him through the website
GetACoder.com, a kind of collection advertisements for programming jobs.

The business pays off for both sides, but is illegal

For a few dollars supplying contract workers from low wage countries, people like Ahsan, the required program code, the students enter the data at their institutions under their own name - that is illegal, but virtually undetectable. A rewarding business for both sides. The students make it easy, and Ahsan says: "It gives me great pleasure to help."

The Robert Clark wants him letting. The computer science lecturer at the English Birmingham City University is looking at portals like or GetACoder.com
RentACoder.com after students who have their homework to outsource low-cost programmers. Clarke and his colleague Thomas Lancaster are the first researchers that tricks the computer science students systematically matrixes.

UNIblogs 1 / 2009

Play me the song of death
A music scholar doctorate on Death Metal


Using an automated query to collect the relevant ads. More than 5000 study tasks, they have been discovered, including scans of complete worksheets. If he means leveling with the original functions on the websites of the institutes has been found, Clarke informed the concerned colleague. According to his instructions were already three students exmatrikuliert.

In his search was Robert Clark to Want It Now by German users. A "RentACoder" member from Dusseldorf around made the following ad a "Send a simple school program in Java, C + +" or "Light housework: Create a sorting algorithm. A total of eight was the North Rhine-Westphalia by programmers from around the world help. To which university he forwarded this Fund, says Clarke is not - he wants to colleagues not cause embarrassment. But in comparison to English-speaking cheaters were the Germans in the minority - they have the tasks only translate into English before they awarded to South Asia.

The cheaters evade protective

At the German computer science departments keep the job relocations because even for a marginal phenomenon: "We are calling for larger tasks, not only functional programs", explains Guido Wirtz, professor of practical computer science at the University of Bamberg, "but also a documented software development process. This reduces the actual programming is usually a 20 - to 50-percent share of the burden. "

It is very likely that external work would be noticed, says Bonner, the computer science professor Rolf Klein, "because the maintainers of the programs the students can be explained."

But even on such protective measures are the smart vendor set. Some coders provide a complete package for stressed young scientists: "Let me once again of the work call for me on the questions of your lecturers can prepare," offers a programmer from India, after the Uniblogs a programming Essay on the portal "GetACoder" had. Seven programmer offered with the lowest calculated only $ 50. That was the price for a rather tricky task: "Most domestic cost under $ 50," says Robert Clark.

Faulenbach scientists, hardworking helpers

Willing helpers are found not only in the distance. Work Faulenbach computer science students looking for support on German websites. Members of discussion groups on the student network StudiVZ will receive messages like these: "I am a student at the HS Karlsruhe and has an info-course. There programmed smaller programs. But I have no plan." The sender offers 35 euros.

On safe for the client is still the oral request from the fellow. "I was recently asked by a student, if I pay his household against it, since it itself creates no more time," says Andreas Herz. The computer science student from Augsburg should be used for any other computer science students a software project in the Java programming language to implement, were offered 150 euros. "I would estimate that the project is the size of a small seminar work would have been," says the 26-year-olds. "For someone who is in the field competently enough, it is all in a few hours," estimates heart.

He refused the job: "It is unfair to other students, though some are buying their services." However, he warns, too, too damn cheaters sweeping, "Sometimes I can understand students who simply no longer can do all the work. Often they casual aside in order to finance their studies, and so there are certain times to simply work with bottlenecks in Study, "says Herz.

Indeed, the Ahsan Karim also in Bangladesh. So, the industrious young scientists continue contract codes for lazy students to write - without any qualms. But soon, soon, he is sure he will be anyway the lowlands of Billigprogrammiererei have left behind: "I want to congratulate the proud owner of my successful start-ups to be."