A little bit differently than they otherwise sound, the greetings of Witten among students in this first week after the near-bankruptcy. "Happy new year", they say, and are knocking on the shoulders, while behind the revolving door of the big snow of the shoes trample. "And not only for the new year, also for the university," is not uncommon as a complement behind. It looks like everything is always: Aspiring doctors in green surgical coats get coffee or go with their instructors for a short cigarette break outside, others sprawl with their laptops on the large, red-upholstered bench in the entrance foyer around.
And yet, something is different. This is reflected not only wooden slats on the edge of the entrance hall, part of a work of art, for the Assembly a few days before Christmas, was summarily removed. Christian Eichert, 24, has this morning one of the first trains from Stuttgart taken in order to come after Witten. Officially due to a unit, the student of the economy must keep in the afternoon, but unofficially because of the formidable financial situation. "The mood among students is vigilant - and highly concentrated," said Eichert.
It is a special relationship, a very different climate than inland at state universities usual: The students were always proud of their university. And the university also proud of their students. Among the university teachers as among students, many idiosyncratic, eloquent, forceful characters with fairly precise idea of how a good college and get to work. For over a quarter century of debate about teaching and interdisciplinary learning through participation and academic freedoms. Also on the tuition fees, which since 1995, which climbed as much and will continue to rise.
Abandoning no question
They argue that game, but then again implores the community - more so in times of crisis. And that has Germany's first and most important private university so few experienced. 2006 they stumbled violently, as the closure of the Science Faculty of Medicine recommended. Money worries accompany them since the start of the study holding the 1982nd But just as close now as just before Christmas, when the government froze millions of subsidies, they have never stood on the financial precipice. And once the students are together.
EX-PRESIDENT IN INTERVIEW University of Witten / HerdeckeIm wake of the crisis came as President Priddat Birger Privatuni of Witten / Herdecke back. Against the Uni-line expressed the NRW Ministry of Science harsh accusations. On blogs ONLINE Priddat talks about the money, the new beginning and countered: "The country has significant contribution to the crisis." more ... "We have partially Christmas with our families can fly to us for use of the university," says Christian Eichert. What are the chances of rescue are there? Does the university may move away from NRW? Or should you prefer to try a different university? Reaching up, insure three aspiring doctors, not thinking: "The learning here is so great - I want this university, I want this study, I want to stay here," said student Susanne, 23
"We can not as a student to say what the allegations are not the proper business is off," said Christian Eichert, "but we can espouse the ideals upon which this university is founded: freedom, truth, social responsibility." The result was the idea of the Internet for emotional support campaign to use: On the home page set up hurriedly Deutschlandbrauchtwitten.de now have quite a few celebrities their declaration of support for the struggling private university published. In addition, solidarity groups in StudiVZ and Facebook.
Second start of the SRH
Since mid-December, went on strike hit: First appeared in the university in a list of fine receivers to the public prosecutor for Bochumer infighting caused significant human and finally to replace the spectacular economic prosecutor Margrit Lichtinghagen led. A day later, North Rhine-Westphalia announced Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP), the country will already pledged 4.5 million euros for 2008 does not pay off. In addition, he called for another three million from the year 2007. Uni-President Birger Priddat resigned, his young deputy Maxim Nohroudi.
Shortly before the looming insolvency of the - provisional - Rescue: Together, the Foundation announced rehabilitation Heidelberg (SRH), the Darmstadt Software AG Charitable Foundation and the Association for the development of community hospitals Herdecke, the solvency of the institution first to ensure mid-January. It was precisely the Heidelberg SRH holding in 2007, already tried in Witten foothold - which failed because the university as they are to profit appeared.
For some students it was apparently too much of nervous strain, cohesion disappeared, because the daughter of the prosecutor in geschassten Witten studied and speculation about Mauschelei for their inclusion was kursierte soon a petition against the Kommilitonin. And even a drop in the WG of the student was in Internet forums in connection with the latest developments - and "disgusting from Witten" titled the "Financial Times Germany" a report about it.
"Our ideals could suffer greatly"
Meanwhile, the waves smoothed over, a new CEO, the university has also: Michael Anders from the Software AG Foundation, an economist and graduate Wittener graduate of the Year 1993. The negotiating partners are, however, not all students geheuer. Skepticism is rife especially compared to the SRH holding. Their spokesman had said the fees of students developed model of "reverse generation contract" could safely forgo.
"This is extremely worrying," said Caspar Lorenz of the student society. And also Christian Eichert the SRH not convinced: "Investors have indeed their own goals and interests, and are not necessarily aligned altruistic," he says, "if I change the way see how the SRH Group operates its colleges, as education and training to make a product, because then I personally quite concerned that the ideals of a free, private university could suffer greatly. "
But Eichert know: picky its university can hardly be in the moment. "We have until now only a stage victory," he says, "Now begins the real fight here is a long-term financing on the footing. And with partners who are actually at the university as a university are interested." And not at an educational factory, where just as quickly and efficiently as many young people are brought to the examination.
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