Who is Michael Alschibaja Theimuras, probably know the least. But his Munich dissertation of 1978, which is legendary: The urologist wrote about "penis injuries caused by masturbation with vacuum cleaners." Since the professional world speaks in such accidents as "Morbus Kobold", for a device manufacturer.
At a Nobel prize brought with it Theimuras his thesis does not make a Wikipedia entry and some notoriety in Germany: 2004 attracted Charlotte Roche and Christoph Maria Herbst with her "penis reading 'through the country and the chapters friemelten with matching illustrations in front of an audience apart. Science is very different times, a true comedy product.
Indeed, it is possible his thesis very seriously under the people to bring. Lars Banhold, student of history and literature in Bochum, would still have a few months ago in a dream not think his bachelor work today in the hands tied to keep - and not only in the 08/15-Copyshop-Version. "Batman. Construction of a hero" is the Christian A. Bachmann Verlag, with a trendy cover and the first reviewers on the back at a price of € 14.90.
Most, especially students of the humanities, are content with the minimal readership, the auditors. And then place it bound copy in the living room? after months of drudgery in the library. Recognition is different.
Hit a good topic at the right time
But not everyone has the opportunity to make his thesis in a company to write the research effort at least with a small salary rewards. Sometimes, the scientific diligence work practically usable. What, however, can lead to companies or universities, the findings
under the nail and pull the author ausbooten.
Author Banhold Batman is now the official expert, he gave interviews to the last Batman movie "The Dark Knight" and is a copywriter for a magazine inquired. And because his work to a dedicated medientauglichen superhero and has landed a hit? coincidental. "The seminar was for the construction of heroes in literature. Because the issue has simply offered."
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Late start, last night through all the rules and ignore scientific work: The Würzburger BWLer Stefan Zimmermann, 33, knows how to use every faculty to the brink of nervous collapse drives. Just follow his instructions. more ...
How convenient that his fellow Christian Bachmann at the same time after a fresh driving force for its publisher, founded to explore a publishing house, based on the comic writings specialized research. Banhold was brought into the boat, but his work initially grundrestauriert times. Say: completely new set, linguistically and stylistically changed to an extra chapter on the new movie added. "I am one month before the film start to the press screening went," says Banhold. "So, we were able to strip in the second round with a clean take. That was super."
For literary superheroes Banhold is not become, but has a little fame and glory with his passion for comics Research harvested. After the second edition is already sold to third. In numbers this means just 30 or 40 copies. With the first sales, the combined analysis Batman so far to 230 pieces.
Sure, it is not a sales hit - but a success, says the publisher. "In science, the conditions rarely exceeds 500, and a real non-fiction bestseller is barely higher than sales of 10,000," said Bachmann. "This is not like
Charlotte Roche, which continued its "wetlands" over a million time.
The target of the Batman book is as clear cut as manageable - the circle of comic researchers. Everybody knows it. It also knows Lars Banhold, just 26 years old.
No wealth, but a little recognition
The big money beckons with science literature as good as ever. "When I consider what I was financially rausgeholt have ... That I can not even pay for the coffee, which I had drunk at work," says Banhold. Most of the money goes into production, it was only a euro profit per copy. Other hand: not so bad when you consider that many scientists publish their proportionally even have to pay themselves.
Cheaper is because ISPs such as "Grin" too. The publisher also operates the Archives
Hausarbeiten.de with blogs ONLINE cooperates. Grin When everyone can work free of charge hochladen, whether first-or doctoral student. Some scripts are more than hundred dollars sold, depending on the degree and grades. However, the revised text and a cover unit which.
So some good topics overtook the YouTube syndrome - they go in the huge offer. "We represent the long-tail approach," says founder Patrick Hammer Verlag. "Currently, there are 100,000 articles available, its title, however, in the search engines well gerankt and thus easy to find when they deliberately enters."
Easy to hold a subject that interested many people, remains the sticking point for successful sales. Typical titles like "The Water Women of ETA Hoffmann" are much too specific. "People buy books on particular topics that they know and simply, but completely open," said Hammer.
That is exactly problem. Those who claim that over 40 pages of a bachelor's or master's 100-page work is respected, which is hardly anything other than a small issue to look at it at all to be able to cope. The scientific Bestsellers however requires a niche topic that is still the mainstream uses.
Lars Banhold has not draufgezahlt with Batman, and the publisher wants to return with him. His forthcoming doctoral thesis dealt with African-American literature of the twenties. Interview requests should be absent on this issue.