Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hart celebrate early.

It has much the same as the English Patina jewelry Oxford or Cambridge: Trinity College in Dublin is one of Europe's Uni-pearls. But the tradition comes from the Irish so much more relaxed after the lecture go to the pub. But woe, it's not the morning out of bed.


Maximum of seven millimeters long can be the grass. And no, of course, the sacred grass will not enter. So much needs to be rigorous, as is the Trinity College in Dublin, the famous models in
Oxford and Cambridge not.

Who the patina of the walls is estimated there will also showcase the Irish university like. The wood-paneled dining room of the cafeteria, for example: The would do well in a Harry Potter film. Most of the buildings are more than 200 years old, in between the meticulously groomed green. Anyone who comes home after midnight, the campus needs through a small door, under the strict gaze of the night porter.

This all belongs to the standard repertoire of Anglo-Saxon tradition of universities. But Trinity has more to offer. The German professor Juergen Barkhoff, since 14 years in Ireland, calls it simply "fun". And to appreciate the students from abroad, for the Barkhoff is responsible.

Philosophizing with studies of the oldest organization in the world

Fun pub on the campus where the students after her lecture final drink Guinness and Dublin look. Enjoy the newly built sports center with swimming pool, sauna and climbing wall. Intellectual pleasure the regular discussion evenings of Philosophical and Historical Society, the oldest student organizations in the world.


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

And the pleasure of listening to the wall not on campus. Skip then ranks a pub to the next, in the cool months, burns in almost any fireplace fire. Anyone who comes alone, it is said here that not long remain alone.

It belongs to the particularities of Trinity College, that his students in the evening to celebrate violently - but the next morning up early. You must learn the requirements for the traditional university are high. The college, with its 15,000 students, according to one ranking of the British newspaper "Times" to the 50 best universities in the world. The professors know most of their names with Eleven, who in a lecture unexcused missing ever get an e-mail with a demand by the lecturers. For the historians, says Jürgen Barkhoff applies a seminar with about 20 students as overcrowded.

"The care at Trinity College is fantastic," says the German business student Sabrina Marks, 22 They usually studied in Regensburg, after Dublin, it is for one year as an Erasmus student came. Your professors, she says, they speak with first names, and most of them replied to emails within minutes. Also, the equipment of the library and computer rooms, rhapsodizes Marks was very good.

Tuition fees of 6,000 euros, Erasmus for free

So much luxury is expensive. The Irish government plans, therefore, now also available for bachelor's students tuition fees of up to 6000 euros a year to introduce. Master's candidates already paid, depending on the subject, from 5000 to 10,000 euros. This excludes - and remain - Erasmus students. You only pay the fees of their German university, ie in the first degree a maximum of 500 euros per semester.

UNIblogs 3 / 2009

Fairly off
Uni-Kuehne Architecture makes learning beautiful


This is life in the Irish capital, no bargain. A WG-room costs around 400 to 600 euros per month, a dinner in an ordinary restaurant about 30 euros.

One reason for high prices is the enormous economic growth over the past years, the country the nickname "Celtic Tiger" missed. Like no other nation, Ireland has benefited from the growing together of Europe and from the services and financial boom.

It was the Green Island was once the poor man of Western Europe. Hundreds of thousands emigrated, until in the seventies went das Overall, the population within two years from eight million to four million well shrunk. But the time the bloodletting is over, many young immigrants it attracted in the last decade in Ireland, now has 33 years here with the lowest average age in Europe. Outside the gates of Trinity College is visible, how much the country has changed. On Grafton Street, there are expensive boutiques, hip bars all around, and many big cars barely fit on the narrow streets.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Parents must pay tuition fees.

Students who have support from their parents will be allowed to impose extra tuition. This was decided by the Oberlandesgericht Koblenz. However, the parents before the beginning of semester to be informed - subsequently introduced will not do.


Who more than 18 years old and in training, has continued to support claims of his parents. Tuition covers the maintenance but not with that decided the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Koblenz in a ruling known on Friday. Rather, it is the opinion of the judges called a legal dependents increases to the maintenance of the parent must pay an additional (reference: 11 UF 519/08).

The court granted the application so that a student against her biological father instead. He had refused, for the tuition fee amounting to 602 euros per semester needs. He was of the opinion that the applicant should address it from the usual maintenance fund.

The court saw the matter differently. However, the judge hearing the applicant was only partly right. Because they had until after the beginning of the study fees at the father demanded. Retroactive to be absorbed after the decision not to pay. The increased maintenance requirements should be much longer before the semester begins proceedings.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Failed lawsuit against tuition fees.

They demanded the complete abolition of the tolls campus - but students, the Greens and the SPD with its action on the Bavarian Constitutional Court failed. The right of individuals to higher education will not be violated, the charges were allowed, so the judges.


University students in Bavaria have a report that continues up to 500 euros per semester to pay tuition fees. The action of students, Greens and the SPD, the abolition of fees wanted to achieve, failed, as the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", relying on a ruling of the Bavarian Constitutional reported.

Demonstration in mid-May in Munich: charging opponent with plea failed

From the perspective of constitutional judges is that the tuition fees is not a "disguised tax" or an "undue special levy," it is said, according to the newspaper in a written verdict. The right of individuals to higher education will not hurt, therefore, stressed the judges.

The equality is guaranteed, since the collection of contributions due to soft loans and exemptions was socially. 24 percent of students were exempted from contributions. The court and the Bavarian Ministry of Science on Thursday evening was not reachable for an opinion.

At the end of April were already students of the University of Paderborn with its action against general tuition failed. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has ruled that the fees did not infringe the constitutionally guaranteed principle of free work and study election violated.

The tuition expectations in the opinion of the judges is not contrary to the Constitution nor international law against the major UN social pact. That was the accusation of Paderborn students. The fees were not only socially unjust, they argued, but not with the Constitution and the UN Social Pact.

In mid-February was a further complaint against the campus toll in Baden-Wuerttemberg failed: The Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (VGH) determining that the local universities may continue to raise tuition fees. The fees were constitutionally and socially, judged the top administrative judges in the country.

In particular, the charges with the Basic Law guarantees professional and educational programming freedom because every state loans study Willigen higher education initiatives. The right to higher education for everyone is not entitled to a free study. Had sued a student of the Pedagogical University in Freiburg, as well as three students from the University of Karlsruhe

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prosecutor determined against Goettingen University employees.

The Academe state research funds will be used improperly and partially which it has. Because of these allegations now determined the prosecutor. The authority looks after a first report of the DFG fraud suspicion.


In the affair of serious irregularities in million grant applications at the University of Göttingen now determined the prosecutor. Because of the suspicion of the attempted fraud and embezzlement is employee of the university against a formal procedure has been initiated, informed a spokesman of the Göttinger investigative authority.

Academe: Prosecutor determined against employees

Cause of the investigation was an initial investigation report by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which had been. It follows an initial suspicion against the scientists, said home gardeners. The prosecutor expects more reports of the DFG. Details of the allegations and the relevant researchers wanted the speaker does not mention.

The DFG has reviewed a quarter, as it happened, that scientists at the University of the resources of the research community is not properly used. In early May, the University of Göttingen to a report from the blogs
massively in the criticisms. The news magazine has learned that funding from the DFG in the Sonderforschungsbereich 552 "border zone of stability of tropical rain forests in Indonesia" have been deliberately misrepresented: In September 2007, the university Kassensturz before and noted that 150,000 euros were left to the DFG had returned must. According to information blogs were simply several employees from other fields on the payroll of the tropics Researchers set.

In addition, 16 scientists from the same area in a grant application to the DFG false information about publications, and partly invented Publications.

In addition to DFG and the prosecutor's office is also the University itself, the allegations enlighten. University President Kurt von Figura had before the Science Committee of the Lower Saxony parliament announced that he wanted to examine the misconduct of researchers in relation to publications made in the first half concluded. Then, should the use of research funds to be reviewed.

It is unclear so far whether and, if so, how deeply the university administration in the DFG is entangled affair. At a meeting of the head of the finance department with a staff member of the Collaborative Research Center was established in November 2007, according to a memo argued that the future president of Figura "no irregularities let them" be. At the same time but was "willing to finance department, the CRC word and deed to stand, even what 'creative resources' concerns, because the tax is interested, no money to the DFG need to give back."

This confronts said Uni-President of Figura: "The false impression is characterized by a reckless wording emerged that an employee of the CRC in a note about a call made."
He rejected opposite ONLINE blogs also, however, that he or the university "any irregularities could go through." It had at no time "tricks at the expense of DFG" where.

The President of the University of Göttingen announced meanwhile, also working legally proceed against employees who want to where during the test, evidence of misconduct arise.

Monday, May 25, 2009

President-elect shall not in office.

It should be the end of a turbulent year - but the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is again without a president since the beginning of May chosen Reinhard Hütter is not taken up his post. The Catholic Church in Bavaria would not meet its conditions.


The only three weeks before the newly elected president of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Reinhard Hütter, enters his office not entirely surprising.

The Freisinger, the Bishops' Conference as a carrier of the university. We have "talks ahead despite no agreement on conditions for the coming Hütter achieved." The press release of the Bishops' Conference has also been posted on the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt published.

Scott Faber
The elected president Reinhard Hütter should have demanded too much

"That was a surprise for the university," said a Unisprecher blogs ONLINE. Hütter was on 6 May 2009 from the KU-University with 13 out of 16 votes were elected. The spokesman said that the University Council on 4 June with the deal will proceed. The Catholic University succeeds since roughly a year, a new president to find.

Hütter The cancellation was a "disaster," said Bishop Gregory Eichstätter Maria Hanke of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "The reasons revealed no coherent picture," said the bishop, and pointed to "excellent" references for the candidate.

The Bishops' Conference Freisingerstrasse had "requested by Hütter not accept personal terms" - and although "for the protection of KU," said in the statement. Among the conditions were "far-pension assets and the establishment of an endowed professorship is one of the 50-year-old Hütter" after the expiry of the presidency until his retirement should be guaranteed ". This would, according to Episcopal Conference "massive impact on the financial resources of the entire university bear fruit."

Eichstätt bishop appealed to veto candidates

According to the Bishops' Conference is now a new election of the President is required. Until this election should be the interim position will be filled again, it was said.

The theologian Hütter was on Monday afternoon for blogs ONLINE can not be reached. He currently teaches at Duke University in Durham (USA) and is vice president of the Academy of Catholic Theology. "

Almost exactly a year ago, the Bishop Hanke Eichstätter the appointment of Ulrich Hemel as the new President with his veto prevented. The theologian and former top executive was previously the University with a clear majority was elected.

Before No. of Hanke was known that the Vatican refuses Hemel. Hemel life - the clergyman is married for the third time - and his critical attitude toward Pope Benedict XVI as a background were suspected of resistance. Hemel criticized
In an interview with online blogs, we did not provide him with reasons and any "no chance left, a relationship of trust."

Bishop Hanke widened after his veto Hemel his participation at the KU officially: For any future presidential election he secured an indirect pre-law - he must, the list of candidates to view and delete names. The University agreed.

Catholic Church wants durchregieren

Shortly after the failed candidacy of the former Hemel was chancellor of the University, Gottfried Freiherr von der Heydt, on leave with immediate effect. The Senate chairman Maximilianstraße fox came out of his office back.

In November, the Bavarian bishops for renewed controversy at the University: Although they announced that every year 1.3 million euros in addition to the regular budget of the fund goes to university. At the same time, Bishop Hanke, however, the influence of the Catholic Church on the university to expand - suggesting harsh criticism from students and teachers met. The bishops want a higher profile of the university as a Catholic educational institution: "This profile does not only mean the Confessional," said the Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Munich. Rather, this means profiling, "from the horizon of the Christian faith" science activities.

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is unique in the German language area. The university has eight faculties at present, about 50 subjects taught. The approximately 4,600 students from 120 professors and more than 200 scientific staff supervised. The University is approximately three-fourths of the state of Bavaria, a district of the Bavarian bishops funded.

By phone Joker by Eastern Europe.

You are at the borders of Europe have gone - and to their own. You have gestaunt and argued, haggled and celebrated. 16 Leipziger students hitchhiked through the new EU member states. On blogs they tell ONLINE right politicians, and the benefits Krisengewinnlern Polish milk bars.


From campaigning for the European Parliament, the reporter mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, not much noticed, with their tramp trip through Eastern Europe. In the big cities were a few posters and the info centers in the EU were poorly attended, and candidates sometimes desperately tried to voters closer to the European Union. Like the Germans seems to be the majority of new EU citizens not for the Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels to be interested.

Nevertheless, the Leipzig students gained deep insights into the life in the Baltics, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia. They found: Since the EU enlargement in 2004, the new member countries, a lot. At that time, ever Leipzig Radio Reporter losgetrampt to the prejudices and fears towards the new EU states to meet. Five years later met the Leipzigers to a new understanding between East and West and between tradition and future.

Team Poland had been ill for a brief week in Germany. The remaining teams were allowed two weeks only hitch to move, had a place to sleep every night and had to organize with language difficulties. On blogs ONLINE Tramper now looking back on their trips to the East and tell a typical story from each country.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Walking between the worlds.

They are young, motivated and push into Europe: Rose breeders and young politicians, and students Kneipiers in the new EU member states are oriented to the West - without the East to blame. 16 students from Leipzig Europe's borders and explore the lifestyle of a generation.


Located in the Euro-election campaign by traveling reporters mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, criss-crossed by the new EU member states: two weeks through the Baltic States, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia. Hereby it is not simple: The students may only hitchhike, train and bus are prohibited. Hotels and hostels are also taboo, the Leipzig need every day looking for a new berth and private accommodation.

Thus the students get a different look at the countries and meet people who do not normally occur in the media. With the project to make it to a tramp-trip from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward expansion was already Leipzig Radio Reporter losgezogen to tackle fears and prejudices against the new EU states to do so.

Now once again report on Leipziger Tramper blogs ONLINE from the life of the new EU citizens. They take it to a Latvian student with Russian roots and a strong sense of Europe, cross the Hungarian-Serbian border, and experience the arduous campaign of a 24-year-old Romanian Parliament for Europe first hand.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flying visit in the Roma ghetto.

Between bottomless frustration and glorious plans: The Roma are a scattered million people which is never quite it. Leipziger students meet with their tramp trip to Eastern Europe by members of the largest minority in the EU - and learn why people with Hindi among Roma land.


Located in the Euro-election campaign by traveling reporters mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, criss-crossed by the new EU member states: two weeks through the Baltic States, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia. There are strict rules: Students may only hitchhike, train and bus are taboo. Hotels and hostels are also prohibited, the Leipzig need every day anew in a place the residents are looking for.

So take it to people who are not normally in the media, and get another view of the country. With the tramp trip they make to a project from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward expansion was already Leipzig Radio Reporter losgetrampt to the fears and prejudices against the new EU states to meet.

Now once again report on Leipziger Tramper blogs ONLINE. Teams make three totally different encounters with the largest minority in the European Union: the Roma. Eight to ten million live according to estimates in the European Union, most of them in Eastern Europe. Team Slovakia allegedly visited Roma only professional theater in the world, the Czech Republic team is talking with a family in a house Pilsener Roma on prejudices and Hungary team meets in the Roma ghetto of Szeged to Attila, who alone in a cottage signal resides.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

With the plush crocodile on the gay parade.

Also in Riga are homosexuals on the street. At the time of their parade "Baltic Pride" under the supervision they need to celebrate. The Hitchhiker's Guide 16 Leipziger students explore the new EU member states - and make a special experience in border no-man's-land between Slovenia and Croatia.


Located in the Euro-election campaign by traveling reporters mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, criss-crossed by the new EU member states: two weeks through the Baltic States, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia. The strict rules: Students may not train or bus, hitchhike only is permitted. Hotels and hostels are also taboo, the Leipzigers looking every day anew in a place the inhabitants.

To get the students another view of the country and meet people who are not normally in the media spotlight. With the tramp trip they make to a project from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward expansion was already Leipzig Radio Reporter losgetrampt to the fears and prejudices against new EU member states to meet.

Now once again report on Leipziger Tramper blogs ONLINE from the life of the new EU citizens. You and discuss poker in a Hungarian village youth club, discover an alleged piece of Slovenia on the Croatian territory to attend a gay parade in Riga and ask for the leftovers of the Romanian revolution of 1989.

When a patient is really sick?.

The University of Kiel distrusts their students and want's to know exactly: it just tweaks in the knee, or the student is bedridden? A standard certificate is not enough - who missed a test, seeks to revoke his doctor confidentiality. Student representatives are outraged.


Who is sick, can not write test - where are the student representatives and the Bureau of the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel, just agree. But: When you are sick enough to cancel an examination and she later completed? And: How much should the university know about the sick to get to form their verdict? At this point there is discord instead of harmony between university management and students at the Kiel Fjord.

True or tiefenentspannt sick? The University may ask - with (almost) all the means

Moreover, if an illness is bad enough to make an assessment to be absent, is not just a doctor to decide - this is the university's Bureau. The Examination must determine who is healthy enough for a test. This, however, need more detailed information from the Office a doctor.

The form, which the university for this purpose to the students, still requires much more than an ordinary sick leave. The university is obviously assume that their doctors always studying patients from complacency inability attest audit. Therefore, the physician should submit a statement. The particulars are ...

the name of the disease "(with the addition of" optional ")
"Symptoms / type of power reduction"
whether the disorder temporarily (including "expected duration") or permanently (and since when it exists)
whether from a medical perspective a significant effect on performance exists "- with the words:" fluctuations in the daily form of stress testing and the like are no significant adverse effects "

The Kiel Asta finds this appalling practice and criticized the university forced the students to a "soul striptease before the examination." The student representatives are calling the "disrespectful management practice" and more on trust must be set.

We just wanted to "test all students equal opportunities allow" and "injustice and abuse possible to exclude," says the University and on the other hand, is certainly so in the spirit of the students to act. The procedure is also not new. Already "several years" to use this form and are in accordance with law and order.

Data protector "not thrilled"

This is confirmed by the Schleswig-Holstein Thilo Weichert DPO. 1996, the Federal Administrative Court in the matter of medical examination determined that precise demands of offices in student illness was legitimate. Nevertheless, Weichert form of "not enthusiastic" and considers it "politically problematic data. The Examination is a field in a university, the medical information and could not do this data then keep for years.

Now is certainly not for every disease for a simple cold, a gastro-intestinal flu or a broken hand. There are many possible cases in which students have a legitimate interest in ensuring that no one at the university familiar details - neither the precise diagnosis or the symptoms from which you look at the disease may include retroactive.

Should an audit around them know that a psychology student occasionally suffers from depression? The fact that the would-be doctor is a sexually transmitted disease, or captured, the future jurist was addicted to drugs? That the sport student anorexia have to deal with, the economists HIV-infected, or that the engineer has multiple sclerosis?

"The student is pregnant" - Oops!

Such findings are strongly in the intimate and embarrassing. You could also affect the career prospects - for example if a student is a student assistant job or applying for an examination candidate seeking an academic career, possibly at the same university, which it examines. Of course, each university would always swear that info from the Examination never, never, never passed on or are getratscht. Indians honor the sacred word. But: Will you be as a student genuinely leave German universities since the data often
quite nonchalant handle?

Where juggling with private information can lead, shows a breakdown on the "taz" reported: At the Berlin Humboldt University (HU) have an audit committee chairman of a round-mail to the Institute written distributors - and in a subordinate clause ausposaunt that a student was pregnant. Big Oops. A happy event, but one that nobody at the university have a stake. HU student representatives now gather signatures calling for an end to the medical data.

Students are protected as intellectual curiosity bad workers. Whether a student or an examination schwänzt really sick, if an employee makes or blue with complaints battling evil - such questions should always be clarified by courts, says Weichert. He sees a certain imbalance between labor and student life. For employed persons regulate dozens of meticulously rules what is allowed and what is not - it hardly matters remain open.

Tender notice: do you say No, you fall through

Generally employees are obliged to inform the employer to report for work and by demonstrating a medical certificate. And of course they can not feign illness. The employer has no right to the exact reason of the incapacity to experience - neither the employees nor the doctor, because the diagnosis is covered by the confidentiality obligation. Deviations from this general rule is only in special cases, under strict conditions.

When the test is different, a Uni can blithely questions. Interesting on-up "Medical clearance" of the University of Kiel is especially the fine print: There is not enough that the doctor examining inability attest, there is. Because the student must participate in the clarification, it was necessary, "if necessary, the treating physician of the duty to relieve."

PDF Download: clearance form the University of Kiel

The candidate could refuse consent although, it says further. But then could a test for "not sufficient" to be explained. The note shows the candidates for the case of non-cooperation the same time the instruments of torture: no one can ever say - and then fail. "Quite voluntarily, that is not," says Weichert data protectors.

Not just a nuisance Weichert unease, even the university schlingert now a little. In a hasty press release on Tuesday is in bold: "The doctor will not be relieved of its confidentiality." The passage, however, is further evidence on the official form, including the possible lifting of secrecy. And this applies to form, said the university ONLINE blogs on demand.

"Release of Confidentiality should be maintained"

Weichert says he criticize the past two years, the clearance procedures of the university - where it says you are so occupied for several weeks. Due to an internal discussion, the Board on 29 April, together with student representatives decided that in June a new form to use. There is currently working jointly with the students, said a university spokeswoman blogs ONLINE.

To do it is by no means agreed to insure student representatives. In the Central Study Committee had requested that the end of April, to introduce certificate forms, "to refrain from medical data," said the student committee member Benjamin Raschke blogs ONLINE. Although the professors have pledged to use the forms to work, "the exemption from the duty and the indication of sensitive data such as symptoms of disease but should be maintained."

With students and Asta parliament had no discussions since then, so Asta-Officer Anne Spall. So far, only individual faculties, the controversial form in case of illness required. In the summer but could now form in order to review and for the entire university will be introduced, they feared. How exactly the new form should look like, was the university press office does not answer. For questions or an opinion on Tuesday was not a Board Member to speak.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Killer Questions for wannabe Schlau Meier.

Who is Germany's most expensive painter in Europe and most powerful men - and where is again Kenya? ONLINE blogs shows questions where the student-participants Pisa desperate. Did you know?


The test was student of Pisa, but that could not scare Ilse Rasmussen. 79 years old she is old, since 17 years in retirement, their students is a long time back. But why not just join?

Ilse Rasmussen reader: "Greetings from the prairie"

The pensioner had her joy: "The PISA test was fun and I thank you for the opportunity to be able to see that I am after all the rest totally rusted'm not," she writes the Mirror editorial staff - and includes her e - mail "Yours sincerely, from the prairie."

Rasmussen is in Germany and has lived for more than half a century in Wichita in the U.S. state of Kansas. The PISA questions shocks do not. "History was not particularly difficult, because I (unfortunately!) Have witnessed a lot of them," Rasmussen wrote. Geography and science were her always easy. The questions about film and television have their problems because they avoid both. "At worst, I found it, the photos of certain people to identify them. I always think that politicians are somehow equal. Psssst! :-)"

What knowledge counts when everything just a click away?

So it is therefore their old head, Rasmussen writes. The secret of their success they also reveal: "In the morning reading blogs online, then I always know what is happening in the world is going on, here's before we see on TV." Rasmussen has long worked as a teacher and like a non-conceal: their disappointment over the performance of younger participants.


The new blogs 21/2009:
The accomplices
Hitler's helpers at the European Jews Murder

Walter Frentz Collection Berlin, BPK, USHMM

Preliminary reports
English text

It should not be necessary, eight decades of history on your own life experience to have to adapt some of the facts, "says the 79-year-olds. "If Google and Wikipedia as a role play? If it is unnecessary to have anything in mind to have when the knowledge 'just a click away?"

This is one of the exciting questions which the students PISA test of blogs and studiVZ raised. It is probably the biggest test of general knowledge that it ever has in Germany. More than 1.5 million times, he was on the pages of blogs ONLINE invited to more than 600,000 people tried in 45 questions from the five areas of knowledge
Science and

The results reported in the blogs in detail in its latest edition. "It's amazing how such appalling", the magazine is located. The article also discussed the issue, the Ilse Rasmussen arises: What is knowledge worth today? The educational researcher Ulrich Trautwein, a professor in Tübingen, said in the report, blogs, why you have a little clue should have: "Without knowledge only criticism is annoying and stupid."

For younger school knowledge score of participants

But what were the hardest and the easiest tasks? ONLINE blogs presents a hit list: five very easy questions for more than three-quarters of all participants were able to answer, and five special difficult issues to more than three-quarters of the participants failed.

From Barroso on beer bottles to the Minister of Education - in the photo gallery you can see the list of popular errors and the known truths.

Once the overall results in numerous rankings were compared, an analysis of individual responses is now also the strengths and weaknesses of certain groups of participants. Younger people generally cut some worse than older, in a typical school knowledge but they are superior. About: What is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle? 89 percent of the participants under 20 years, typed in the correct answer (180 degrees) - such a good value reached no other age group.

editor blogs is the discussion

On average, participants had 24.5 of the 45 questions to answer, or roughly half. Women students in cutting-Pisa worse than men, on average, they sparked 21.5 questions correctly, however, men 26.5. Older participants scored higher than younger, reached peak values in addition to the retired and the doctoral students. They came in the middle of 30 correct answers, to 26 students.

In which subjects are particularly many Schlau Meier assemble the tables below. The complete circuit to cope with error-free, which was only 26 of over 600,000 participants - that is just 0.0043 percent.

The results of the students discussed Pisa blogs editor Mark Verbeet this week on the
Pages of the partner studiVZ. He presents several questions of studiVZ users: on Tuesday (11-14 clock, clock 20-22) and Thursday (15-17 clock, 20-22 clock).

Here you will find all the questions and answers from the five areas of knowledge. Get a coffee, leave your brain vorglühen, you grant your knowledge Discontinued:

Politics --
From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"

Why young Americans to leave Prague.

Lange led Americans into a life of Prague, Bohemia, now the EU is in the escape. 16 Leipziger students hitchhike through Eastern Europe. You encounter alien worlds and bizarre tales - some of Nadija, the night officially no longer existed.


Located in the Euro-election campaign by traveling reporters mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, criss-crossed by the new member states: two weeks in the Baltics, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia. There are strict rules: Students may only hitchhike, train and bus for the trip are prohibited. In hotels and hostels, they may also not have to stay and every day anew in a place the residents are looking for.

The Leipzig meeting so people who are normally not in the public eye, and get another view of the country. With the tramp trip they make to a project from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward expansion was already Leipzig Radio Reporter losgetrampt to the fears and prejudices against new EU member states to meet.

Now once again report on Leipziger Tramper blogs ONLINE from the everyday life of the new EU citizens and of old problems. You can stay at a Slovene, because a law does not officially exist anymore, explore both sides of the Slovak EU external border with Ukraine, report by the exodus of many Americans exile from Prague and discover the idyllic mountain village, a Muslim in Bulgaria.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fight the stereotypes.

Why do the Slovaks suddenly the euro? Where to start in the Balkans? And tastes like rum from potatoes? 16 students from Leipzig hitch explore Eastern Europe. They argue and haggle, they celebrate and have fun. And they have to struggle with prejudice - especially with their own.


Five years after the EU's eastward enlargement and the middle of the campaign for the European Parliament travel reporter mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, across Eastern Europe. Under difficult conditions they explore the Baltic States, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia.

Because the trip is subject to strict rules: train and bus for the students are forbidden, they may only hitchhike. Hotels and hostels are also taboo, the Leipzig need every day anew in a place the residents are looking for.


[M] DPA; blogs ONLINE

As you make your bed, so one lives: a bad accommodation can be the whole holiday letting. Sometimes, however, is the hotel alone worth the journey. Do you know the most famous and finest hostels in the world? Test your knowledge in the hotel Bilderquiz.

So do the students during their journey through the new EU member states very close to the people approached. In the meetings and talks, they learn to know sides of the country, about which they previously knew nothing. With the tramp trip they make to a project from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward enlargement,
were ever Leipzig radio reporter in the new member countries getrampt. In their reports, they wanted to the fears and prejudices against the ten new EU member states meet.

Even the tramp duo from 2009, with stereotypes and prejudices to fight - especially with their own. ONLINE reported on blogs, as they fought on the other hand, and they overcame.

Women Patzer, 26 Neunmalkluge triumph.

More than 600,000 people did, but only 26 hit the big test of the knowledge blogs: The results of the students are surprisingly Pisa. Know more men than women, political triumph on lawyers and mathematicians - and the brightest students in Berlin.


At least in the beer bottle then knew almost every decision. Why they just burst in the freezer? Exactly 81 percent of the participants typed in the right of the four answers: because the liquid expands during freezing.


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

The question comes from the biggest test of general knowledge, which is available in Germany has ever existed. Hundreds of thousands of people have in recent weeks, the knowledge test and dared the "students of Pisa" of blogs and studiVZ join. More than 1.5 million times the test was on the pages of blogs ONLINE called, over 600,000 people answered the questionnaire completely. Or at least tried it.

It was necessary to solve tasks in five areas of knowledge. Now, the results are available. And they show how hard the students had to crack Pisa. Only 26 people broke all tasks correctly, that is just 0.0043 percent of all participants.

One of them is Hendrik Hornbostel, 23: "I'm about to test studiVZ attention. Some questions I found relatively easy, others I was not so sure. The identification of birds and trees, I still most likely problems," Osnabrücker said the business student.

Reinhard Zander, 61, graduated from the course with flying colors. "I stand against seven in the morning, read newspapers and then often look like the Internet," says the retired Essen. "The test has given me much, mainly because he not only multiple-choice questions were like the quiz shows in TV. The I look at only rarely. I always have a lot of value placed on factual knowledge. Maybe helped me. "

Why are the only women's poor results?

On average, participants answered 24.5 of 45 questions correctly, ie slightly more than half. In its current issue reports to the blogs in detail about the results and presents a ranking of universities and disciplines. The magazine also analyzes the findings, the editors of the most surprising: women cut in the "Student Pisa" worse than men. On average, they sparked 21.5 questions correctly, however, men 26.5.


The new blogs 21/2009:
The accomplices
Hitler's helpers at the European Jews Murder

Walter Frentz Collection Berlin, BPK, USHMM

Preliminary reports
English text

Therefore the question arises as to whether the sample was not representative of the questionnaire or not balanced. Or is factual knowledge as important for the test was easy for men to play a greater role? The article examines blogs to an answer.

Irrespective of gender is in any case: The older the participants were, the better cut it. Peak reached in addition to the retired and the doctoral students, they answered an average of about 30 questions correctly. The students, however, landed in less than 20 questions correct. And the students? More than 200,000 made with about one in ten students in Germany. They came in the middle to 26 correct answers.

As an upper Schlau Meier's policy turned out to students. They achieved the best result from the historians, the economics students and physicists. Very brave to be the educators and social workers: They landed at the last ranking of the study subjects. ONLINE blogs shows exclusive compartment for compartment in which academia, the brightest minds to study. For each of the 25 subjects, the students most likely to be chosen, there is a separate ranking (see below in the tables).

Gap between universities and disciplines

Thus in a university in the evaluation was, at least 50 students with the major of this university have participated. Colored marker to show whether the students of this university to the top group may include more or less than the total average landed. Dark green means absolute peak. Dark blue means very bad.

Serves as a benchmark the result that all university students from universities with over 1000 participants have achieved. The classification of groups was based on a recognized statistical procedure, a so-called t-test (0.5-percent significance level).

What of the results to be discussed blogs editor Mark Verbeet from Tuesday, 19 May 11 at the clock studiVZ partners. There is, inter alia, to the questions: Are such rankings are not totally dishonest? Why have education,
if it is Wikipedia? And how can the different performance of men and women? Of course, this is also an issue in blogs, online forum.

Those who participate in the test questions will try again, may be submitted to the quiz from blogs ONLINE mitmachen. There are every 180 tasks in the five areas of knowledge to see:
And culture - see the bottle of beer --
Naturwissenschaften. In the original test was conducted after each participant an equal random selection of 45 difficult tasks presented. Among other politicians are able to identify the main cities to designate historical events and classify plants and animals to see.

Dice is tricky

The tasks had an editorial team of the blogs elaborated, the specialists from the editorial staff, the documentation department and the market belonged. For several hundred proposals, they chose the most exciting questions. These were from the Hamburg psychology professor Sabine Trepte in a pre-checked.

The beer bottles question proved to be relatively easy, far above many of the participants were able to answer. As an almost difficult question in the test turned out to be a different task from the field of science and mathematics. It reads: You roll two dice - how great is the probability that both dice show the same number?

The hit rates with a simple chance was not so small because there were four responses to choose from set (1 / 3, 1 / 6, 1 / 12, 1 / 36). But only 16 percent of all participants came to the right solution for 1 / 6. Also, the students performed on this issue by no means better.

After they serve in their personal evaluation of the outcome have been elucidated, some complained that even in the editorial blogs, because the supposedly too stupid to be arithmetic. They were in a small tutoring hour by e-mail elucidated. Who doubts unchanged and all mathematical statements of the result may not be interesting, which is probably only one thing - Kniffeln sufficiently extensive. So: At the dice, get set, go!

Here you will find all the questions and answers from the five areas of knowledge. Get a coffee, leave your brain vorglühen, you grant your knowledge Discontinued:

Politics --
From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The time has yet ....|| One day, a week verplempert without a single line of the seminar or exam work? With a few tricks can students the inner pig dog trick. Bring but not much, says a Berlin writer praises and joyful fatalism.   The document on the laptop will simply not fill themselves. That is unfortunate, because there really should be, where the void yawns in a few weeks to almost 50 pages bachelor work. TMN Homework: Timing is everything But to start? Must be the same now? There are so many other important things to do. For example, the dishes, television, trash - and the shell holes still want to be stared air. This horror caught almost every student once. Or ever again. And it has a name: Aufschieberitis, the technical term Prokrastination. On the other hand, fighting is usually futile. This means at least Kathrin Passig, the author of a book with the promising title "get things regulated - without a spark of self-discipline." ! Has written the Berlin journalist and writer, the book together with Sascha Lobo. Both work in the network of the Central Intelligence Agency (ZIA) and understand themselves as part of the "digital Boheme." The phenomenon of Prokrastination encounter with a kind of cheery fatalism and acknowledge that they themselves the "black belt in the Move" bear. How about a need-to-do list? The book is Passig Lobo and eventually managed - from defense, "as they are in their Prokrastination blog write: "We want to give many people a voice to be made between the hardened fronts überfleiÃigen work of animals and the idler allesablehnenden live." Not, however, they want the "lying around, the laziness or the deceleration 'prices. And also warn Prokrastination and depression to be confused. As a "feel-trick" recommended by the authors find, for example, "Not-to-do lists," the quasi karthatische effect may simply write down things, "the man is doing anyway, or an extr! emely hard fall." But if now tiresome seminar or thesis no ! longer a

Friday, May 15, 2009

Uni staff to prison.

In this chaos no one had the insight: An employee of the Foreign Office at the University of Trier had many millions of black running accounts and embezzled some 120,000 euros. In an unusual process, the district court imposed a prison sentence without parole.


From the mid-nineties until 2004, the staff of the International Office an extensive account system and hindurchgeschleust million, of which 120,000 Euros embezzled. The money, the university staff's investigation, according to the Associated Part for events such as group tours for students, but also for private purchases.

The court saw the Trierer evidence and sentenced the accused to a prison sentence of two years and four months without parole. Eight months of which are due over a long duration than enforced. The defense will appeal.

Wolfgang Lenders
Court records: meters of paper on the University of Trier Chaos

Rainer M. (name changed) is a creative person. One who is not working on the looks of the evening sometimes even longer stays or Sunday work, if need be. None of it through regulations constrict.

M. was successful, sunbathing, the University of Trier in his success. 2004, the Foreign Office Trierer project for the "excellent care of foreign students at German universities" from. M. had a care center for foreign students. Front, there was coffee, cocoa and tea, held back M. and student tutors from Sprechstunden.

The university knew little - or wanted to know little

M. The award was in Berlin in conjunction with the university vice-presidents opposite. But not considered how its employees use the money for the care center had. It had long been M. in a network of illegal transactions involved. That same year, he flew on, the university announced it summarily, for years identified the Prosecutor.

With a red head sat M. on Friday in the courtroom. He was visibly embarrassed, what comes to light. "I've accepted that I have taken private money, and I am ashamed of this," he had at an earlier court hearing said. When the prosecutor is now two years and nine months imprisonment demanded M. held hands before the court and looked down. He did the work of great joy, he said in a break. But he was simply not of the Chaos Lord has become longer.

He pushed money between accounts and forth, even the money for the care center came in part from accounts intended for other purposes in mind. There were, inter alia, rents and security deposits for dormitory rooms. About 220 rooms were rented and M. they are switched to foreign students. They paid for more than fellow students, their rooms directly from the student had hired. According to a statement, the M. in 2004, the Association of the counseling center, presented, he made the dorm rooms with an annual turnover of almost 470,000 euros and a profit of 19,500 euros - if the room even during the holidays to Course participants were rented.

Over the years ran millions of euros on the accounts of M., in the form of rents, security deposits, grants from the German Academic Exchange Service and student contributions to seminars - past the budget of the University of Trier, past the country's higher education fund. Some of the accounts had established M., others mid-nineties by his boss when Auslandsamt over. The first was in the eighties opened. A letter from the year 1988 indicate that the M. 's attorney presented the court said an employee of the university's budget department this procedure well. It was customary at that time as been said M. 's former boss as a witness in the process. "It has therefore led black cash?" Asked the lawyer. "If you like, yes," replied the witness.

Money diverted for Willy Brandt Biography and Porn

An accounting for the accounts had not M.. But until 2004 he discovered, examined the university administration does not even touch the account from which they knew. Then needed a university employee for one year to the accounts overview chaos sources.

Commercial infidelity in 138 cases and misappropriation of around 120,000 euros, was lastly, the indictment the prosecutor Trier. Payments of about 14,000 euros M. admitted first. Uncontroversial privately, for example, was the purchase of food, a Willy-Brandt-porn biography and folders. The had it in divesting from M. 's office found, said a university employee in court.

For the most part but it went to university for expenses related purposes. M. Sun organized group of foreign students, such as Prague and Vienna, for which there was no official promotion, travel for seniors and students at the University of Trier, such as Scotland or in the Lombardy - and thus losses.

The process revealed a shambles Chaos: M. reported from Prague money for a trip. Several thousand euros have been in a desk drawer to be placed, but were gone. Whether he is in the police complaint had asked the judge. "No," said M. sheepishly. The students still went to Prague, M. took the missing money from his accounts. They were mostly negative.

Prosecutor: "For the money I have three years to work"

M. was looking for a way out of the dismal situation. "I was clear from 2000 that everything is sitting on me. Hence the efforts of the care center," he said in the process. The Association should be appointed by him to convey the dorm rooms take on. But first, M. needed money to build the care center, among other things, he vouched for a private credit institution of the Association over 25,000 euros. But the bill did not go to the Association in the late 2004 bankruptcy. The center had to close the 25,000 euros M. must pay off.

Today, the University of Trier care center know nothing - a private affair of M., as a university employee in the process. Just as some groups of foreign students and senior students. Lack of control of the university acknowledged that sees but especially M. and his direct supervisor's responsibility and is against both claims raised. The amount was "substantial," said University Chancellor Klaus Hembach and quantified the damage at about 160,000 euros.

Rainer M. was sentenced to prison, finally without parole, slightly below the demand of the prosecutor of two years and nine months in prison "in order to earn 120,000 euros, I have three years work," says the plea. "Since seh" I do not understand why the accused not to be sitting in three years. " M. 's lawyer had a maximum penalty of two years on probation is required.

In the ruling the court followed largely the arguments of the prosecutor. Despite the chaos, it could not be anything to push the university: "It is not the atrocities committed in the fund - you can not push on overload," said the judge. Stark weight had fallen, that M. does not have attempted to repair the damage: "You have a character set times, so it just does not work."

The prison sentence will not accept M.. He will appeal against the sentence, his lawyer said immediately after the process.

Daumen raus - and from Eastern Europe.

They go to the borders of Europe, even to their own. 16 Leipziger student travel hitchhike across the Far East. On blogs ONLINE report tramp Exchange, giving in the new EU states widerfährt - under difficult conditions.


For the students clear rules: train and bus are prohibited only hitchhiking is allowed. Hotels and hostels are also taboo, the Leipzig need every day anew in a place the residents are looking for. The 16 reporters of mephisto 97.6, the local radio station of the University of Leipzig, in two teams on the road. They travel to the Baltic states, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia.

With the tramp trip they make to a project from the year 2004. At that time, shortly after the EU's eastward expansion was already Leipzig radio reporter in the
new member countries getrampt. In their reports, they wanted to the fears and prejudices against the ten new EU member states meet.

Meanwhile, much has changed: In Slovenia and Slovakia, for example, you pay with the euro, Bulgaria and Romania to the EU are newly added. For Leipzig, it is time to take stock: How has the EU's membership to the countries expected? How has it the life of the people changed?

Located in the election campaign for the European Parliament, the Leipzig students hitchhike up to Eastern Europe. Because of the special conditions of their journey they come into close contact with people in their countries and meet people, do not normally reported in the media would. Their stories they want to tell in the coming week also blogs ONLINE.

And these are the eight two-person team ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lisbon, sunny and süffig.

Portuguese order ever pig ear salad or beef tongue. But otherwise, Lisbon is an enchanting city, the view on the Tagus azure highlights the same mood. Tilo Wagner knows where it is for students particularly relaxed or exciting way.


The sheltered estuary of the River Tagus, Lisbon is located at, it was already 2500 years ago by Phoenician traders as an ideal anchorage discovered. The pleasant climate and rich fishing grounds may have contributed to that in Lisboa successively the Romans, Visigoths and Moors settled before 1147, the Christians in control of the city won and the founding of Portugal driving.

The country successfully defended himself against claims of power of Castile. But Spain has become a difficult to overcome the barrier to Europe, why Portugal's relations with the world more linked than with the continent. Only after the Carnation Revolution in 1974, the nearly 50 years ruling clerical-fascist dictatorship of Salazar to an end, began the European integration. And a time of enormous social upheaval, as today is evident.

Greater Lisbon is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. Today, over 3.5 million people between the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus estuary. The population in the historical city limits shrinking, however, many vacant, decaying buildings in the Old Town show unsparingly the mismatch between the center and suburban settlements. Local politicians seek meanwhile, the historic building before the expiration to maintain the shape because the charm of the city is crucial.

Pleasure: Well, on foot and by train to the beach

In the baggage Lisbon Erasmus students may not be missing: comfortable, sturdy shoes. Over the hill moves it is best on two legs, and who on the abgewetzten nationwide typical white cobblestones not slip at every turn wants to respect preferred and non-slip rubber sole profile.

The yellow tram emblazoned as a symbol of the city on every tour brochure, but the little box is only suitable to comfortably through the city to manage. The most efficient public transportation is the subway. The network is not very big, but we achieved many important strategic locations.

Then it says: Running. Who in the subway near resident can accept the simple monthly ticket for 18,50 Euro and buy the expansion to bus and tram (28.10 euros per month) refrain, in the tough city traffic is not really fast forward and no exact departure times know.

Taxi rides are still pleasingly cheap, for small groups may be comfortable to ride directly in front of the door even cheaper than the bus. On the weekend attract the surrounding beaches: The easiest are the beaches of Cascais and Estoril to reach outward and return with the S-Bahn for € 3.40.

The heart of the Old Town is the Rossio, one of four old buildings and the National Theater enclosed space. Who the obelisks between the two wells is large and looks south towards the Tagus, is on the left side of the castle with its huge pine trees on the city enthroned. It goes right through countless steps up to one of the seven hills, where the chic boutiques of Chiados to the bar and pub district Bairro Alto limitless. The University is about five kilometers from the city center and is located on the yellow metro line.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Academe pressure rises.

"Creative Implementation" and "internal transfer lists": A memo brings Göttingen Uni-President in Erklärungsnot. Did Kurt von Figura longer of tricks with research funds? The University has the accusations back - their opinion raises new questions.


The scandal of publications and Finanztricksereien invented by scientists of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 552, University of Göttingen device now President Kurt von Figura pressure: Internal documents, the blogs are available, lay the suspicion that the university administration for a long time about the illegal dealing of their tropical scientists with research grants, was informed.

Academe: Academic leadership under pressure

At a meeting of the head of the finance department with a CRC staff member was in November 2007, according to a memo discussed that the Uni-President will "no longer let irregularities" will. At the same time but was "willing to finance department, the CRC word and deed to stand, even what 'creative resources' concerns, because the tax is interested, no money to the DFG need to give back."

As a result of the meeting were not corrected false postings, but "internal (!) Rebooking lists" were introduced. With them were personnel and acquisition of other university institutes inconspicuously by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) SFB untergeschoben be funded.

Academe dismisses Allegations

From meeting minutes show that such tricks at the expense of the DFG by the General Board of the CRC have been approved. In this body is from the Göttingen university leadership, the Head of Department for Strategic Research.


The new blogs 20/2009:
The principle of greed
Why capitalism will not learn from its mistakes can

Illustration Jean-Pierre Kunkel to blogs

Preliminary reports
English text

On Monday the DFG responded blogs on the report and announced to verify that the Bureau of Academe in the year 2007 from the "illegal dealings of its tropical scientists with research grants," has known.

The Bureau of the University, the allegations in an opinion back from Saturday. The university had "in September 2007 having regard to possible problems with financial management in one part of the project SFBs at a participating university received" - ie not in his own house. The university has led to this investigation by a reputable auditing firm had minor objections, which the DFG had been.

Which university is concerned, the Bureau gave the Göttinger unknown. A great mystery, it is not: The University of Kassel Department was using its "Organic Agricultural Sciences and Center for Environmental Systems Research at Göttingen until 2008 research program involved.

President obviously cared for the Excellence Initiative

A spokeswoman for the University of Kassel, blogs ONLINE confirmed that the Figura Kasseler university says in its opinion. It is, however, "problems in low volume": to "a billing problem," which is a sum of "under 1000 euro" was gone. On the other hand, these were "not complete its proper receipts for travel and foreign services on the spot in Indonesia with a combined volume of just under 10,000 euros."

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Uni-President Figura: About Financial Tricks informed?

For this outcome was a "major public accounting firm" has. She was from the Universities of Göttingen and Kassel instructed, after "internal to the possible problems were discussed," the university spokeswoman Kasseler to blogs ONLINE. The procedure for the missing documents had not yet completed, the audit report of the DFG and the Academe been sent. According to the Kasseler University Chancellor Robert Kuhn are "typical management issues which are relatively common in DFG projects occur."

The Bureau of the University of Göttingen is also expressed on the blogs of note cited, Figura would "no longer let irregularities". The accusations were based on quotes that are "out of context and thus sinnentstellt" are. In response to a blog-ONLINE inquiry Figura keeps itself against the impression "that I or the University any irregularities could go through. The false impression is characterized by a reckless wording emerged that an employee of the CRC in a note about a conversation has made it to the finance department staff led. "

The opinion of the Bureau, however, raises new questions: The finance department, said the university on Monday, then have indicated that "on the DFG, the BMBF will examine more closely how money accounts, especially in regard to spending funds in connection with the conveyor line 3, "said the note from November 2007.

Surplus at Kassensturz

The conveyor line 3 says the state university of excellence - and the president seems Figura is ensured to have. The Excellence Initiative is a funding program of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), which is 75 percent federally funded. The review will, inter alia, by the DFG implemented. Since October 2007, under the Excellence Initiative is a graduate program, an Excellence Cluster and the future concept of the University of Göttingen encouraged.

Figura emphasized in its opinion, the central government had at no time "tricks at the expense of the DFG" approved. Why, however, in November 2007, shortly after the university to "elite university" was crowned, it was clear words why so explicitly before stricter controls DFG warned, remains unclear. The University said this vague: After an employee was changing the "new employee of the Finance Department on issues relating to the DFG-compliant financial management can enlighten" and this in a note held so Figuras concise answer to a blogs ONLINE request.

A week ago, the University of Göttingen
massively in the criticisms. The blog reported that DFG deliberately misused funds were: In September 2007, the university Kassensturz before and noted that 150,000 euros were left to the DFG would have returned them. According to information blogs were simply several employees from other fields in the salary list of the special research range.

In addition, 16 scientists of the Sonderforschungsbereich "stability of tropical rain forest fringes in Indonesia" in an application for funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) false statements made about publications Publications and partly invented.

Promote research in the tropics is running out soon

To avoid scandal, the university withdrew the request for 8.6 million euro research funding and also waived the usual outlet financing. The promotion will be on 30 June 2009 question.

Whether the affair criminal consequences, is open. The prosecutor Göttingen examine whether an initial suspicion of infidelity exists. Whether an investigation is initiated, had not yet been decided, said a spokesman on Monday. The University will request written documentation were not yet available.

Göttinger cheering "elite" students (in October 2007): first place in the Excellence Initiative

The University itself has initiated an investigation, the DFG also has affected by the 16 scientists called opinions. "Duration and outcome of the DFG process are at this moment not yet in sight," said DFG Secretary Dorothee Dwzonnek last week. If the suspicion confirmed, would be recovered due. The amount Dwzonnek wanted no details.

Figura had also acknowledged that in another graduate program on biodiversity a similar suspicion "existed. On an application for renewal of this college should be enstschieden on Friday. After blogs information but the decision was postponed to November.

Forschungsgemeinschaft examine practice in grant applications

In response to the allegations against the University of Kassel, renowned scientists had compared ONLINE blogs criticized the fact that universities now to cover the basic third-party financing are dependent on - and so the
Release pressure on the scientists climb. Moreover, in the applications demand specific keywords and the result should ideally be already determined. Also this year the winner of the Leibniz Prize had
significant criticism of the practice review of the DFG said.

"The DFG is examining whether and how their policies on literature data in grant applications must be reviewed," said DFG Secretary Dorothee Dzwonnek blogs ONLINE on Monday. The question should be pursued in the relevant bodies will be discussed. On Wednesday will be the scientific committee of the Lower Saxony parliament on Wednesday in a special session dealing with the affair. Uni-President Kurt von Figura has been invited to this meeting to give information.

Child pornography Professor cost the job.

A professor at the University of Göttingen had child pornography on his computer service. Therefore, he was suspended - and rightly so, as the Administrative Tribunal. Students should not be expected, by a professor to be informed of possess child pornography.


The possession of numerous child pornography costs a university professor Göttinger his office. The distance of the lifetime of the service officers was lawful, the Administrative Court ruled Göttingen.

The scientist had admitted child pornography images and videos from the Internet service on its computer to have. But he had an arrest warrant in the amount of 9000 euros. After receipt of the allegations more than two years ago, the university suspended the researcher.

The professor had by its conduct, the relationship of trust with his employer finally broken down, said President Thomas Smollich Court in the ruling. The married father had more than one year of relevant Internet service providers charge files with child pornography images and videos based on his university computer.

This was a serious misconduct, the removal from the civil servants must lead, partly because of the reputation professor at the University of severe damage had Smollich said. A professor had a socially prominent position. To him had similar challenges such as doctors, teachers, judges or police officers.

After his exposure, he continued child pornography

Students could not expect any rate, from an academic teacher to be informed of possess child pornography and consider. Aggravated come, adding that the scientists even after the freezing of his computer by the investigating authorities find child pornography and other material terms and on his home computer had saved.

The court followed its decision in the application by the university. Their legal representative, the removal from service as the harshest possible disciplinary action also from general preventive grounds "is required. The lawyer on the other hand, the professor had only demanded a salary reduction.

The scientist was in his concluding speech said he was stunned, given his behavior, which he deeply regret. The court was shown them, however, just as impressed by the fact that the researcher following the receipt of the allegations in psychological treatment who has gone to his propensity for child pornography reappraisal. This, said the President, but was rather a matter of course.

(File number: 5 A 4 / 07)

Monday, May 11, 2009

No diploma for students renitente.

For months it rumort French universities, students and professors of higher education to covet. It now wants the Minister of Education militant boycott your accounts refuse: Let there be no "Doctor in blocking", so Xavier Darcos.


The spirit of rebellion in France's universities had not yet been to get small. For months already put students repeatedly University Events lame, professors and assistants went to the streets against the reforms of Education Minister Xavier Darcos and higher Minister Valérie Pécresse. For 15 weeks daily gather reform opponents at the Paris City Hall plaza and walk silently in a circle.

Still, the teaching at many universities disrupted, many institutions remain blocked at some universities, the students complete at home. Now, the French government to bandages harder: Given the continuing protests militant student wants to deny the accounts.

"We are those who are responsible, that universities do not work, no diplomas," said Education Minister Xavier Darcos on RTL radio Monday. The ongoing blockades damaging especially the most vulnerable students, such as those who are self-financed their studies.

Touch with professors threaten boycott

"Take careful," warned the militant demonstrators Darcos. The change in public opinion, the students supported the blockades no more. There would be neither a "doctor in blockade" nor a "Master in petition" give.

Now threaten professors: They announced a Note boycott and a boycott of participation in school committees and wish all students the same note issue, reported the online magazine Telepolis. Thus, they want to force the controversial government decree on working hours of university teachers - adopted at the end of April - is withdrawn.

The French government has failed so far with the experiment, the protests simply auszusitzen. But the opponents of reform are also far away from their targets. In addition, students now with the consequences of the ongoing protests to fight: Tens of thousands must be due to the failure to make teaching and training hours with a shift of tests expected. Partner universities in the U.S. already cancel their exchange programs and recognize the semester abroad in France because of the lack of evidence is not in power, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The protest movement came from faculty, but then widened to the students. It was directed against the "Law on the autonomy of universities", which shortly after President Sarkozy's election was decided in 2007. According to All 85 universities by 2012 its funding, premises and staff to manage themselves. "The University is not an undertaking, education is not a commodity," is the credo of the demonstrators. In addition, the new law requires the work of professors by the University president to evaluate. Reform opponents fear the elimination of positions.

New influent receiving the protests, since Education Minister Darcos announced the trainee year for prospective teachers want to emphasize instead more student teachers to the universities to send. They would then be referred to an entrance without educational preparation in the classroom to be dismissed.

"From front to rear botch".

Marius Reiser no longer wants to be university lecturers. In protest against bachelor and master, he abandoned his professorship. In the interview, says the theologian, Mainz, why he is the "abolition of the university" looks close - and what Mahatma Gandhi has to do with it.


Uniblogs: Professor Reiser, lacks the German university teachers in Courage?

Reiser: Yes, without doubt. They can be things like that they do not have to put up. You're just unresisting, as with a diploma without a degree not abolished, by which we are envied around the world. This lack of any understanding to me.

Uniblogs: You sound as if it were the downfall of the West, not the
Reform programs.

Reiser: It's about the abolition of the university.

Uniblogs: Is it not something?

Reiser: Not in the slightest. If we abolish all this, what makes a university, then it creates the university itself. The University has been autonomous, and their goal was education. Now it will depend on the requirements of the economy. It's no longer about education, but only for training. The student can not even choose which priorities he wants to study, but he gets, like in school, all the contents of hair and are small in a
pressed tight timetable. This is the end of academic freedom. That I will not participate.

UNIblogs 2 / 2009

Know yourself
Students can examine their brains


Uniblogs: The transition to Bachelor and Master degrees will be comparable across Europe and the Uni-change in the study easier. These are lofty goals.

Reiser, the stand but only on paper. If we really wanted to have comparable qualifications, we should all universities the same shape. All disciplines should be the same and the same staffing levels have, over the need to exactly the same, boring content taught. A terrible idea! And University of change through the bachelor's degree even more difficult, because the lesson plans so rigid and narrow. Many students will be given to the great duty program is no longer trusted, while studying abroad to change.

Uniblogs: It is the graduate courses that you want to save, but they are often already heavily verschult.

Reiser: You are particularly at colleges. There is indeed in order. But please not at the universities, where an elite education in science should be exciting. Science is, think independently, argue and judges to learn, not given to studying for exams timpani.

Uniblogs: Do not believe it wise student will create left and right of the prescribed lectures interesting content broke?

Reiser: It is much, much harder. Because it is also constantly tests in which the substance is again queried. Thus also for university teachers is a huge administrative burden and correction. Personally, I would remain in such a system, little time for thorough research.

Uniblogs: What do you want to, after 18 years at the university, will live?

Reiser: I am a Undemanding man, I have no car and no TV. I will use the time to select a book to review, and hope that I have one or the other can speak.

Uniblogs: Are you disappointed that none of your colleagues followed your path?



Uni Bolognese: Freshman are helpless, professors scratching his head. In the days of chaos Bachelor Master revolution seeping strange new terms in the academic jargon. ONLINE clarifies on blogs - with the young bachelor's alphabet. more ...

Reiser: No, I would ask of anyone. Many of those who positively responded to my announcement, must support a family or have other commitments. But incomprehensible to me that some colleagues do not even resist, without which they could afford any risk. Previously, when the call came on a short-term courses or examinations must have the dean back, we needed this time and would give notice when we are finished. This would have the absurd new regulations for a long time on ice can be. Instead, today, but all requests will be immediately followed obediently.

Uniblogs: You have the students called upon to defend and to Mahatma Gandhi recalls. Was it not also a small number?

Reiser: Gandhi, I have only mentioned because of the methods with which a democratic opposition was possible. The students gradually recognize themselves, what to expect and that they are forced to a degree, with a little bit later they can start. With a Bachelor's degree, they may not even be primary school teachers!


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

Uniblogs: With your departure from the university but also give you the opportunity to consider the weaknesses of the system for the benefit of your students must be in balance.

Reiser: To improve, there is nothing. The system is from the front to rear botch. If at least until a pilot done and the system at selected universities for a few years would have tried, then we would have noticed that it does not work. But not even this is happening. Now an entire generation of students pay for the foreseeable future must be chaos. I decided to not participate.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The award certificate - you've got mail!.

How difficult is it to test students Pisa to crack? The blogs were the Germans puzzling over half a million people with made. Now until the end of the week you send personal evaluations. And provide some eye-opening effect.


It was a ride-Parforce criss-crossed by five areas of knowledge - 45 questions
Policy and
Culture, Science and
Economy. And it should be all too easy for the participants Pisa students do not have. The action of the blogs in cooperation with studiVZ let people puzzle, made with hundreds of thousands.

The Blog

Most called for a personal evaluation. And now know more: Since Wednesday and until the end of the week, students are sent Pisa certificates. By e-mail each participant gets the questions again to see that he was asked and the answers he gave. Moreover, he in black and white to read the solution, which would have been correct.

The certificates are expected for some eye-care effect. Because only a minority of participants have succeeded in all tasks. About two thirds - ie 30 out of 45 questions - to answer has to know, is already above the average.

A detailed analysis will be published shortly in blogs to read, the magazine is expected to be reported in detail in May. Then, any remaining mystery resolved: Knowledge women more than men? What can the average student? Which universities studying the brightest minds?

The general knowledge test can be found on blogs continue ONLINE - Pisa student quiz with all 180 questions, divided into the different fields of knowledge. Among the responses, often there is additional information and links on the topic.

Here you will find all the first questions and answers from four areas of knowledge (science will be added). Get a coffee, leave your brain vorglühen, you grant your knowledge Discontinued:

Politics --
From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Habemus president.

White smoke on Eichstaett: Reinhard Hütter now heads the Catholic University - by Bishop Grace. A year ago, had already been a top manager as the new head of Uni-gewähnt. But then sparked a Bavarian Upper Shepherd and the Vatican from fierce infighting.


Reinhard Hütter, 50, becomes the new President of Personalquerelen beleaguered Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU). The University chose the theologians on Wednesday in the second ballot - with 13 of 16 votes.

Hütter was previously a professor at Duke University in Durham (USA). His office is in Eichstätt on 1 August applies. Hütter follows Rudolf fish, which had led KU acting. This was the university for all three candidates before the election
safety of the church statement "Nihil obstat" obtained.

Uni Eichstätt: After much infighting, a new President

This should be an udder scandal be avoided. Almost exactly a year ago, the Eichstätter Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke the appointment of Ulrich Hemel for new president
with his veto prevented. The theologian and former top executive was previously the University with a clear majority was elected.

Before No. of Hanke was known that the Vatican refuses Hemel. Hemel life - the clergyman is married for the third time - and his critical attitude toward Pope Benedict XVI as a background were suspected of resistance. Hemel criticized in an interview with online blogs, we did not provide him with reasons and any
"no chance left, a relationship of trust.

Bishop Hanke widened after his veto Hemel his participation at the KU officially: For any future presidential election he secured an indirect pre-law - he must, the list of candidates to view and delete names. The University agreed.

Catholic Church wants durchregieren

Shortly after the failed candidacy of the former Hemel was chancellor of the University, Gottfried Freiherr von der Heydt, on leave with immediate effect. The Senate chairman Maximilianstraße fox came out of his office back.

In November, the Bavarian bishops for renewed controversy at the University: Although they announced that every year 1.3 million euros in addition to the regular budget of the fund goes to university. At the same time, Bishop Hanke, however, the influence of the Catholic Church on the university to expand - suggesting harsh criticism from students and teachers met.

The bishops want a higher profile of the university as a Catholic educational institution: "This profile does not only mean the Confessional," said the Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Munich. Rather, this means profiling, "from the horizon of the Christian faith" science activities.

The Eichstätter Uni should be for example in the field of educational research to make a name. The decision of the seven bishops in their dioceses Bavarian Autumn Assembly in Freising.

Eichstaett Bishop Hanke wanted Hütter, the Office on 1 August applies to God's blessing. With the election was a viable foundation for the
Future has been laid. Hanke assured the new president's "full
Cooperation "to.

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is unique in the German language area. The university has eight faculties at present, about 50 subjects taught. The approximately 4,600 students from 120 professors and more than 200 scientific staff supervised. The University is approximately three-fourths of the state of Bavaria, a district of the Bavarian bishops funded.

"This is not an isolated case".

When erwischt fib: 16 Göttinger researchers are suspected of having falsified lists of publications to cover funding abzuräumen. In scores of science with as many publications. Strengthens the practice of evaluating the trend towards mass class?


In June, in Göttingen, the "Adventure Science" is celebrated. Thus, a festival with which the city the title "city of the young science 2009" will rejoice. But Kurt von Figura, Rector of the University of Göttingen, is now so do not celebrate feast. The reputation of the university was "significantly damaged", he informed on Monday in an opinion thereof.

Library of Academe "reputation significantly damaged"

Research in Göttingen was too recent to be adventurous. On the fiasco of the "elite university" came in Sonderforschungsbereich 552, which deals with the change in the rainforest in Indonesia covers: Scientists should be in an application for research funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) false statements made about publications Publications and partly invented.

In the open was the dizziness in February when evaluating the application for further promotion of the Collaborative Research Center, publicly he was a
Report in the current blogs. Meanwhile, also on the prosecutor Göttingen and examine whether an initial suspicion of infidelity exists.

The notice came from the science

To avoid scandal, the university withdrew the request for 8.6 million euro research funding and also waived the usual outlet financing. The promotion will be on 30 June 2009 question. The University has initiated an investigation, the DFG also has affected by the 16 scientists called opinions. "Duration and outcome of the DFG process are at this moment not yet in sight," said Dorothee Dwzonnek, Secretary General of the DFG. If the suspicion confirmed, would be recovered due. The amount Dwzonnek wanted no details.


The new blogs 19/2009:
The World Virus
How dangerous are the new flu pathogen?

Photo Wolfgang Maria Weber for blogs

Preliminary reports
English text

The DFG, with a budget of 2.3 billion euros in Europe's largest research funders, wished to not comment further questions. Ulrike Beisiegel, as the DFG ombudsman since 2005, with questions of scientific misconduct employed, but already the case in Göttingen was "not an isolated case," she blogs ONLINE. Again and again they get fake trials on the table. "We get but of course only the tip of the iceberg can be seen," says Beisiegel.

In Göttinger case cited researchers in their application of 3 December 2008 manuscripts that have not yet published, but only when journals were submitted, a practice by no means rare in the DFG process. The fact that the manuscripts, however, not yet or only existed in the initial stage, the evaluators learned only by a hint of a scientist. Perhaps it would be inappropriate otherwise hardly been noticed. "The naming is not yet published manuscripts is customary, it should not be," says Beisiegel.

In most cases, the DFG and valuers in the requests referred to submit manuscripts. For a detailed assessment, however, often lack the time: "The scientific system is running a little about, there are too many applications and too few experts," says Beisiegel ombudswoman. Was necessary to rethink the whole system: "Three publications should be good enough - instead of a long list."

Evaluators under time pressure

Even Hildegard Westphal, geologist at the University of Bremen, and even expert, notes that there is "here and there, the mentality that goes mass before class." The basic problem was that "the basic facilities of the universities has become increasingly worse and the universities are dependent on third-party." While thus the pressure on scientists and the growing importance of applications for the universities are growing, according to the experts working in the shadow Westphal, the appreciation of the consulting activities is too low. "It costs a lot of time when you want it right, but it appears not in the biography and play in the proper performance grades do not matter. Would that otherwise would certainly change a lot."

The literary scholar Albrecht Koschorke with the procedure of the familiar advice - and gives to the entries in the applications to trust. "It would not me in the sense that my assistants loszuschicken to the publications to verify," says Professor of Constance, in 2003, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the DFG won.

However, there are differences between the humanities and the sciences. There it was "very difficult, in the major journals to publish", manuscripts were very long in newsrooms before they were adopted, so Koschorke. Time, the deadlines specified in the requests often do not stick.

"More on the manuscripts eight"

For problems with the application considers Koschorke anyway less than the publication lists the need for innovation. "At the request must prove that a completely new product works." A little freedom, he also looks at the themes of finding research projects. "In the report, certain keywords occur, for example, globalization, religion and violence, and the project should be interdisciplinary," said Koschorke. "That leads to a single topic in the applications submitted." Moreover, always referred to, which at the end of the research will come out. "If you blufft, then by more promises than you can eventually find out."

Also, the literary scholar, the applicant, given the financial plight of the universities to the success damned: "The universities are so emaciated that it was to safeguard the fundamental need to raise external financing." About the bureaucratisation of research proposals recently led the German Leibniz Prize plea. In a
blogs ONLINE survey wanted the Göttingen philologist Heinrich Detering less about "the application and advice prose."

Göttingen Rector drew in his opinion the first consequences of the counterfeiting allegations in requests from his university would in future only be published or accepted for publication publications "are indicated, Figura. Moreover, initial steps towards the improvement of quality management have been initiated.

Beisiegel ombudswoman praises these steps, the University was exemplary, "because they act consistently - that I wanted from all universities." She is sure that the scandal will also have something good: "The referees will be more on the manuscripts are ensured."

Academe stops scandal researchers.

Sudden end of a flagship project: Following allegations of forgery includes the University of Göttingen Sonderforschungsbereich rain forests - the tropical scientist, said the accusation that wanted to grant money wrongfully. The case also presents weaknesses of research funding in Germany.


Hamburg - For a department of the University is approaching the end: Because of the justified suspicion of academic misconduct will be the Sonderforschungsbereich 552 in the coming weeks, gave the university on Wednesday. The executive committee of the area had its items are available, the economist Stephan Klasen, the acting director, said it further.

Aula of the University of Göttingen: 'reputation significantly damaged "

The Collaborative Research Center bears the name of "stability of tropical rain forest fringes in Indonesia". For almost nine years under a hundred members of changes in the Indonesian jungle. The flagship project of the elite university now ends in a fiasco: 16 scientists from the special area will be in a request for assistance by the German Research Foundation (DFG) false statements made about publications Publications and partly invented.

For already published articles have referred to the investigation of the University of any irregularities, said a university spokeswoman, on Wednesday. The allegations took only information about the publication of manuscripts submitted to journals by scientists. When the university internal investigations are completed, could not yet say.

"Regardless of the outcome of the test procedure is the reputation of the University of Göttingen significantly damaged," said Kurt von Figura rector on Monday. A similar suspicion was also in a graduate program on the "importance of biodiversity for material cycles and biotic interactions in temperate deciduous forests" result.

To avoid scandal, the university withdrew the request for 8.6 million euro research funding and also waived the usual outlet financing. The promotion will be on 30 June 2009 question.

The notice came from the science

In the open was the dizziness in February when evaluating the application for further promotion of the Collaborative Research Center, publicly he was a
Report in the current blogs. Meanwhile, also on the prosecutor Göttingen and examine whether an initial suspicion of infidelity exists.


The new blogs 19/2009:
The World Virus
How dangerous are the new flu pathogen?

Photo Wolfgang Maria Weber for blogs

Preliminary reports
English text

The University itself has initiated an investigation, the DFG also has affected by the 16 scientists called opinions. "Duration and outcome of the DFG process are at this moment not yet in sight," said Dorothee Dwzonnek, Secretary General of the DFG. If the suspicion confirmed, would be recovered due. The amount Dwzonnek wanted no details.

The DFG, with a budget of 2.3 billion euros in Europe's largest research funders, wished to not comment further questions. Ulrike Beisiegel, as the DFG ombudsman since 2005, with questions of scientific misconduct has, however already: Göttingen was "not an isolated case," she blogs ONLINE. Again and again they get fake trials on the table. "We get but of course only the tip of the iceberg can be seen," says Beisiegel.

In Göttinger case cited researchers in their application of 3 December 2008 manuscripts that have not yet published, but only when journals were submitted - a practice by no means rare in the DFG process. The fact that the manuscripts, however, not yet or only existed in the initial stage, the evaluators learned only by a hint of a scientist. Perhaps it would be inappropriate otherwise hardly been noticed. "The naming is not yet published manuscripts is customary, it should not be," says Beisiegel.

Evaluators under time pressure

In most cases, the DFG and valuers in the requests referred to submit manuscripts. For a detailed assessment, however, often lack the time: "The scientific system is running a little about, there are too many applications and too few experts," says Beisiegel ombudswoman. Was necessary to rethink the whole system: "Three publications should be good enough - instead of a long list."

Even Hildegard Westphal, geologist at the University of Bremen, and even expert, notes that there is "here and there, the mentality that goes mass before class." The basic problem was that "the basic facilities of the universities has become increasingly worse and the universities are dependent on third-party." While thus the pressure on scientists and the growing importance of applications for the universities are growing, according to the experts working in the shadow Westphal, the appreciation of the consulting activities is too low. "It costs a lot of time when you want it right, but it appears not in the biography and play in the proper performance grades do not matter. Would that otherwise would certainly change a lot."

The literary scholar Albrecht Koschorke with the procedure of the familiar advice - and gives to the entries in the applications to trust. "It would not me in the sense that my assistants loszuschicken to the publications to verify," says Professor of Constance, in 2003, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the DFG won.

However, there are differences between the humanities and the sciences. There it was "very difficult, in the major journals to publish", manuscripts were very long in newsrooms before they were adopted, so Koschorke. Time, the deadlines specified in the requests often do not stick.

"More on the manuscripts eight"

For problems with the application considers Koschorke anyway less than the publication lists the need for innovation. "At the request must prove that a completely new product works." A little freedom, he also looks at the themes of finding research projects. "In the report, certain keywords occur, for example, globalization, religion and violence, and the project should be interdisciplinary," said Koschorke. "That leads to a single topic in the applications submitted." Moreover, always referred to, which at the end of the research will come out. "If you blufft, then by more promises than you can eventually find out."

Also, the literary scholar, the applicant, given the financial plight of the universities to the success damned: "The universities are so emaciated that it was to safeguard the fundamental need to raise external financing." About the bureaucratisation of research proposals recently led the German Leibniz Prize plea. In a
blogs ONLINE survey wanted the Göttingen philologist Heinrich Detering less about "the application and advice prose."

Göttingen rector had, in its opinion on Monday the first consequences of the counterfeiting allegations considered in requests from his university would in future only be published or accepted for publication publications "are indicated, Figura. Moreover, initial steps towards the improvement of quality management have been initiated. Now, the university management obviously Tabula rasa, and therefore, the department closed.

Beisiegel ombudswoman praises these steps, the University was exemplary, "because they act consistently - that I wanted from all universities." She is sure that the scandal will also have something good: "The referees will be more on the manuscripts are ensured."