Saturday, May 2, 2009

Researchers should have invented Publications.

Actually, they examine the rainforest in Indonesia, are now more than a dozen researchers from Göttingen even before a commission of inquiry. After blogs information when they apply for funding geschwindelt - and some publications simply invented.


Hamburg - 16 researchers from the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen must before a commission of inquiry of the university because of the suspicion of scientific misconduct responsibility. The Uni-President confirmed Kurt von Figura the blogs. The allegations are serious: The researchers will be in an application for research funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) false statements made about publications Publications and partly invented.

Teaching at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: "The reputation is significantly damaged."

In the open is the dizziness in February when evaluating the application for further promotion of
Sonderforschungsbereich 552, which deals with the change in the rainforest in Indonesia addresses. For the project work in the universities of Göttingen and Kassel together. In principle,
Special research areas for up to 12 years from the DFG promoted. But they have to work their regular external check.

The disgruntled expert in Göttingen threatened their suitcases to pack immediately. To avoid scandal, the university withdrew the request for 8.6 million euro research funding and also waived the usual outlet financing.

A similar suspicion "against scientists, there is, according to university management, including in connection with a graduate program on biodiversity.

Because of the incidents fears Figura university president to the reputation of the elite university: "The reputation is significantly damaged." Auditor of the DFG and the University are also looking at the question of whether the already approved research funds were used properly. The blogs present e-mails and minutes of meetings lay the suspicion that at least 200,000 euros for other tasks may have been diverted. Figura wanted to make any comment and referred to the ongoing examination.

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