Thursday, April 30, 2009

Steinbrück slows billion package.

Well, times that we have about it: After long and tough negotiations to the Minister of Science billion in research and education pump. But Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck, however, is - he wants the decision to delay the parliamentary elections.


Everything again from scratch - when Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) prevails, the universities have a long wait for the billion dollar federal-state research and special programs for universities. Steinbrueck said on Thursday, on his own initiative, would be the three programs under budget reservations. Federal research minister Annette Schavan (CDU) confirmed the budget proviso.

This is a decision before the national election in September, very unlikely. Steinbrück said that his action was coordinated with the Chancellor.

Finance Minister Steinbrück: braking maneuvers in the formation

Steinbrück locates incalculable financial risks, particularly given the economic crisis. He now manages on a collision course with the Education Ministers. On 4 June to Chancellor Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the countries over the billions programs decide.

If they do not, as Steinbrück it now calls the decision could be a very long plod along: first, the Bundestag, then possibly lengthy coalition negotiations, a new cabinet with new ministers and departmental interests that need to be re-balanced - and all this only on the side of the federal government.

Still tough and lengthy is usually the opinion of the countries: in education issues, the federalism increasingly zirzensische trains. The countries have all the options, the painstakingly laced package unravel again, on the extent and distribution once tedious to argue - or completely special to bring. The need to "with all the necessary resources," said Schavan on Thursday, "this must be no uncertainty for the affected students and scholars emerge."

Steinbrück programs will not "go against the edge"

Such uncertainties make Steinbrück and his counterparts from the country finance ministries. Just over a week had the science minister after
months of struggle finally agreed as the most important higher education programs for research and teaching will be financed. The Joint Science Conference, the ministers from federal and state sit rang in Berlin as a compromise, which is a finely balanced equilibrium between countries producing and investment of 18 billion euros for the next ten years.

The Joint Science Conference make three special programs perpetuate the excellence initiative to develop academic excellence, the Pact for Research and Innovation, and the Higher Education Pact. A large part will go into research, the Higher Education Pact until 2015 but about 275,000 additional places for the baby boomers born graduates create.


Higher IIExzellenzinitiativePakt pact for research

By 2015 to more than 275,000 students
2005 created. The cost of around 6.4 billion euros
want the federal and state share. Compared with the 2007 closed
Higher Education Pact I that had been 91,000 extra places by beginners
2010 provided, the expenditure per student of 22,000 euros to
26,000 euro to be increased. In addition, a research -
Lump sum of around 1.5 billion euros. It aims at projects
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for a better
Equipment at the universities provide. The costs
The federal government alone. Source: Reuters

For the commitments still to 2011
Excellence initiative are ongoing 2.7 billion euros.
The federal government is again three-quarters of the costs, the countries of the rest The funds are again in competition. The first
Excellence initiative, which even from the previous red-green government
started, had a volume of 1.9 billion euros. The goal is
the establishment of an internationally recognized cutting-edge research to
German universities. Planned are three program pillars again with
different axes. In the third program line
concepts for the development of elite universities were awarded prizes. Source: Reuters

The before Bundestagswahl 2005 pact should be continued - also by 2015.
The federal government has proposed that the budgets of the major
Research organizations by at least five percent
increased - even to tariff increases and higher energy costs
offset. The basic funding of the five major
Research organizations - including the Max Planck Society and
DFG - 2008 amounted to around 5.7 billion euros. Source: Reuters


Finance Minister Steinbrueck said that in addition to the budget reserved for the three programs, there is also in some Länder have appropriate Cabinet decisions. "It is but natural that for Research and Development, for the Excellence Initiative as the Pact for Higher Education in the next few years, cash flow needs," said Steinbrück. He had no interest in the programs "against the edge to go." Next said the Minister, the Chancellor's action was not contradicted. However, should the new government and parliament after the election to have any chance in the context of an overall balance priorities and risks involved.

Even the finance ministers of the countries want the universities to the Bundestag vertrösten. On Thursday, they referred to a strategy group, which until October proposals for better funding of education and research to make. "There is therefore no need at the moment, the results of this strategy by a group of early adoption of the individual measures to prejudge what the public budgets and in addition a considerable burden", says the decision of the Minister of Finance.

"Scrapping per stroke of the pen, education experienced"

The SPD deputy chairman Steinbrück used the announcement of the budget proviso to an attack on Chancellor Angela Merkel. The 28 billion euro, the Union and FDP now campaigning as a tax relief versprächen, had been in the past year in education will naturally have wanted the prime minister actually seven per cent of gross domestic product by 2015, invest in education. This goal had Merkel and the Prime Minister in October on the so-called
Education Summit in Dresden announced.

Michael Kretschmer, university and research-policy spokesman of the Union Group, turned against Steinbrück. The politicians of the Union Research Group, expected at the meeting of Chancellor and Prime Minister on 4 June in Berlin "a binding decision on the future of vital projects." Both in the countries as well as the federal government should now "concrete commitments" made.

Also North Rhine-Westphalia Science Minister Andreas Pinkwart criticized Steinbrück. "The billion-dollar scrapping with the stroke of a pen approved, innovation and education are experienced," said the FDP politician.

"Disappointed and concerned" showed Matthias Kleiner, President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). "The decision on the continuation of the pacts only after the Bundestag election, I believe that for fatal," said Little, "I hope now to make a word to the chancellor and the prime minister." The future of its investment is essential and should be decided now, they expanded far more sustainable effects than many other initiatives to combat the economic crisis. "

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Action against tuition abgebügelt.

The tuition fees in North Rhine-Westphalia are no insurmountable barrier for prospective students and violated it is not against the UN Social Pact. That is the Federal Administrative Court and a plea of Paderborn students dismissed.


Really, it was not surprising: students from the University of Paderborn, with their lawsuit against general tuition failed. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled that the fees did not infringe the constitutionally guaranteed principle of free work and study election violated.

Pierre Schade of Paderborn Asta: The application failed

The campus toll of $ 500 per semester is therefore legally - at least in form, how the fee system in North Rhine-Westphalia is designed, namely, the ability to record loans.

The tuition fees violated the judge's view, neither the Constitution nor international law against the major UN social pact. That was the accusation of Paderborn students. The fees were not only socially unjust, they argued, but not with the Constitution and the UN Social Pact.

Interest burden is acceptable, according to court

Asta had sued on behalf of a student of economics, represented by attorney William Achelpöhler who has several students in similar cases considered. The social pact was regulated that a university solely on the candidate's qualifications of a study should be made subject, the lawyer said: "There's just no qualifications and finances, there is only qualifications." In addition to expectations fees against the Article 12 of the Basic Law, to free choice of employment.


Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to know ...

The court saw the different - and so decided like other judges before,
last in Baden-Württemberg. Franz Bardenhewer, Presiding Judge of the 6th Senate in Leipzig, did the question in the space, whether the tuition is not a "social barrier" would be built. The problem would be if the school fees of a study would be discouraged.

But the court ultimately decided, because poorer students in North Rhine-Westphalia may obtain a loan, which it only after the completion of their studies to pay back the barriers are low enough.

Due to the interest created by such loans are, could have a "considerable burden for the affected students showed," says the verdict. The right to equality does not call that "complications" which taxes would be through study, through social support measures fully compensate "them. It must only ensure that the tuition is not "too insurmountable social barriers" are. These requirements would be tuition fees loan and the interest rate regime in North Rhine-Westphalia justice, states the decision, the interest burden is "even more" acceptable.

Perhaps the case still landed in Karlsruhe

"That is regrettable. We would have obviously preferred a different result," said the Paderborner Asta chairman Pierre-pity after the verdict was delivered. Achelpöhler lawyer had announced that if necessary, before the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe to want to draw. There was the topic
2005 Topic Studiengebühren ready. However, the supreme judge ruled in Karlsruhe only that a ban on tuition fees was not the Constitution. The presiding judge then dismissed but explicitly pointed out, not always on the admissibility of tuition decided to have.

Now the current ruling should only be reviewed Achelpöhler lawyer said, "basically we want to exhaust all possibilities." However: Even in the earlier students had the plaintiff not successful.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Science Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) said after the verdict in his state would be no one for financial reasons prevented from further studies. "For one, because everyone can choose whether his tuition fee immediately or after admission paid profession. On the other hand, because the vast majority of recipients of student loans, tuition fees in fact, completely free," said Pinkwart. According to his ministry are now collecting 29 of 33 public universities in North Rhine-Westphalia tuition fees of up to 500 euros per semester. 2008 came in this way, 270 million euros.

Tuition fees of up to 500 euros per semester since 2006/2007 in six Länder collected. Hesse has vigorously disputed the charges removed.

Whether the fees deter potential students, is hotly debated: According to a study by the Higher Education Information System (HIS), the Federal Ministry of Education by mid-October
was kept under wraps, this sets the context but close. This means that 18,000 graduates of the 2006 through fees from student can hold. Another result of the study: children who do not come from academic families, leave their education more because of the impending charges unused as children whose parents have already attended a university.

Elite-Uni stingy with spirit.

In the Excellence Initiative, the University of Heidelberg crowned with laurel. Now it ferments starved in the humanities, especially in the Romance languages. Students see first-class teaching of no trace, just a mass operation on emergency power.


Heidelberg University, Tuesday Noon: The sky above the Old Town is repellent gray. In the ground floor and staircase of the Roman seminary urges the young academic. University Rector Bernhard Eitel is to negotiate and has dealt with some faculty and students in a room withdrawn. Now we wait.

Library of the University of Heidelberg: Unhappy Geisteswissenschaftler

Many students from other disciplines to show solidarity with the "romanistas" - "because there are institutions in which the situation was similar bad or worse," says Nils Best, a student of political science. "The professors build primarily on their research, because you are so profiled, and the doctrine it handles the dirt."

Best defines precisely the Magister exams. "I had in the last few months, no way, with my faculty contact," his e-mails are simply not yet been answered. The prospective German Ziad Emanuel Farag reports from his department over the past seminars and an online registration system that is consistently short time before the end of collapse.

A touch of'68

For the image of an elite university will not fit - Heidelberg harvested
Laurel in the Excellence Initiative, but has big problems in the humanities. With colorful banners, info booths, plenary sessions and excluded Romance professors had students last week a touch of'68 through the Institute can blow. In protest against poor conditions study occupied it for three days the seminary building.

"The reason is the systematic under-funding of the Roman seminary," says her spokeswoman Veronika Zill, a petite young woman with a quiet voice. Zill deplores especially the lack of instructors and courses. In some courses are pressing for more than 50 instead of the planned 20 participants. In the new bachelor's degree offers a cultural studies compulsory course not, and cash flows from tuition fees not included in the improvement of education, but serves only to maintain the "core doctrine". Because we deal with the Romance languages professors but now agree, says Zill, the occupation was being adjourned.

Also from other liberal arts institutions are always discontented tones - although Heidelberger Ruperto-Carola herself as "classical full" describes. The Excellence million, almost exclusively for the research to the advantage of simple students go empty-handed. That there are many unjust. Student says John Michael Wagner for the Student Conference: Excellence times now need resources, "which comes from the doctrine." "There are shifts instead of" raises the Wagner administration.

Rector wants to smooth the waves

The voices of professors are divided. "The students have no reason to complain," says German Wilhelm Kühlmann. The Anglist Beat Glauser sees the situation somewhat differently: "One has the impression that the visibility is more important than a sound doctrine." "The resources must be fairly and appropriately distributed," said Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, Director of the Institute of Classical Archeology. His house but by the excellence initiative, with ten additional PhD positions. Romance Gerhard Poppe Berg points out that teachers of the university "in the next 30 years the fate of our children say." Germany could be a lack of teaching simply can not afford.


REUTERS / Humboldt University / Free University Berlin / Julia Scheel

Germany's university buildings bear fiese often abbreviations like SBS95E or HS201 - ie students miss their homes higher nickname. Times beautiful, sometimes bizarre: Try the blogs ONLINE Quiz, whether Germany's campus master gibberish. More ...

Tuesday afternoon: The crowd of students gathered long waits, after an hour and a half to open the door of the meeting room again. The Rector is progressing down the stairs and down a piece of the Word is directed to young people: "The problems here are not new." Applause and laughter. Now we must seek solutions together, then Bernhard Eitel continued, and announces new budget negotiations for 19 May. "Everything comes on the table, all will be heard in the same way, everyone can openly say his word."

The Rector will appear to flatten the waves. "For you, it is important that you continue your studies completely regulated can bring to an end. Then you are entitled." But concrete Eitel makes no promises and asked to look at the financial situation of the University for the inconvenience. "I must constantly with a lifelong lack of management." Finally, a curious admission: "We have problems, but do not know, so they are causing."

White of the head of a "university of excellence" such as not, what difficulties some institutions of his college fight? In an interview with blogs Eitel ONLINE draws on many unexpected changer tray of Italian in Spanish the way, also produced the new bachelor's degree apparently "friction losses". There were "uncertainties", and perhaps were "problems with the self-control of the Institute" to blame for the misery. "Financial constraints are everywhere at the university," says Eitel continued - "normal operations", due to the "political climate".

What now - maybe the times rectorate occupy?

So sit the players in the state capital Stuttgart? Carefully Eitel speaks only of a certain "conflict" between the tasks and financial resources other. In matters Romanistk he was confident: "We get the boat afloat again."

Among the students is rife after Eitel visit a perplexity. When was talk of a potential "streamlining" of the courses, as a participant. So could a deletion of teaching made, for new posts, however, there was "no sign of readiness."

"We need to show that we can not muck around," a student calls and calls for new actions. "Eitel money can not take from the air," says another. The seminar will continue to fill the teaching would further harm, says a third party and reaps applause. A student suggests: Could we do not occupy the rectorate? "What we can with the Rector verscherzen? He has offered us nothing!" At the end, but decided the only dissatisfied with a brief demonstration on the University Square. And it's raining again.

Half nine, twilight moves to the corridors of the Roman Seminary are to leave. In Room 018 light still burns. Veronika Zill is written into the face of fatigue. Right now, it has a handful of fellow with a new press statement: "The students of the Roman seminary, require that we comply with their demands. Otherwise, the consequences are not coming."

Nevertheless, the occupation is lifted, "at least until the budgeting briefing on 11 May," says Zill. So you want to wait, do not give up. "The community between faculty and students is undiminished," has Romanistics Professor Gerhard Poppe Berg stressed. Anyway.

Green young politicians complained about racist incitement.

Aftermath of the "Pro religion" argument: The Green Daniel Mack, 22, has apologized to Twitter disparagingly about the Catholic Church said. Political opponents hung at the great bell, now faces the Hessian young politician has - and says it was his skin color.


Daniel Mack does not know the woman, but she knows it. The Mittfünfzigerin has his photo in the local newspaper. At a bus stop in Bad Orb speaks to the 22-year-olds to: "Dude, how can you as a foreigner to insult our indigenous religion?" Mack replied politely and disappears. He does not want a confrontation.

Daniel Mack
Daniel Mack: Does the Catholic Church insane

For the Greens are encounters like these are now everyday. Since his youth associations by accusing the CDU and SPD, the Christian faith to discredit, he experienced in his home town running the gauntlet.

The online service Twitter Mack had the initiative "Pro ethics" is supported - by the words "no advertising hours more for a totally crazy Catholic Church." He participated in the discussion so that the of the churches with great verve and church-run money Berliner popular "Pro religion", which deals with religious instruction as Wahlpflichtfach went - so far to visit students in the capital of the ethics and religion can also voluntarily choose.

"In the supermarket people look at me hateful to"

So will it remain so. Because the referendum last Sunday reached the initiative does not have the necessary quorum, the majority of the votes cast - and was
failed twice. For their very aggressive campaign in which they are sometimes on the fringes of probity argued, had two major Christian churches insert a lot of criticism.

Photo: TV blogs
Video: TV blogs

"Berlin is gaga," was about a journalist Henryk M. Broder - the dispute but does not understand, and the city was probably good, otherwise no one would worry about such Petit lunch. "I call God and asked him what he wants rather, religion or ethics classes. And he has said he would prefer a warm dinner," says Broder blogs in TV Video.

Mack experienced since he opposed the Catholic Church has twittered, violent Anwürfe. "With such a reaction, I did not expect," said the Darmstädter student blogs ONLINE, "look me in the supermarket, people hateful to me as they wanted to spit in the face." In dozens of e-mails he abused his cellphone, he had meanwhile issued because he no longer anonymous calls had to endure.

What annoys him most: "People see my skin color and think: Okay, that's a foreigner and a Muslim, what is the one our church to criticize?" Mack is in the Hessian Bad Soden Salmünster-born, grew up in Bad Orb and went to school. He is a member of the Catholic Church and was even Messdiener - recently, he has but a request for withdrawal made. His father comes from Sri Lanka, have met him but he never says Mack.

"Indigenous population" discredited?

Young Socialists and Young Union (JU) before he throws the mood with their press release to have fueled. In fact, it states that it was appalled by the church's criticism of district deputies, "Mack, who see themselves as guardians of tolerance and multiculturalism sees so ruthlessly discredited a large part of the local population."

The two political youth organizations are calling on Mack to Twitter contribution to remove and to publicly apologize. If this does not happen, should the Greens him "a certain aging period" decreed "to the basic rules of the political and especially of the human to learn how to deal with each other."

The National Chief of the Hessian Greens Tarek Al-Wazir, the as "absurd" back: "Daniel Mack has pointed a position that you can get." However, it was a personal position and not the Greens. National CEO Kai Klose cites the reference to the "native population" frightening, "This is the lowest drawer - JU Young Socialists, and should be superior to what was a thought behind stands."

Strife among young politicians

While Mack is not his political rival, right-wing ideology to it. "But they have served to hurt me," says the 22-year-olds.

Julia Heil, district chairman of the JU in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, is back this accusation: "This was by no means our intention. When Daniel is attacked so now, I'm really sorry." It joined the Juso District Chairman Dorian winter. His colleague, JU-Heil says further, they doubt that the attacks are connected with the pro-religion controversy are: "Daniel Mack told a long time that he worried about his skin color in Bad Orb pursued feels."

Mack calls it absurd and asked the JU-rival, why people in Germany feel would be prosecuted for. "I have my opinion about the Christian faith expressed" says Green. It brings him so before, when he should just be denied - because of his skin color.

Students parodying Rector as "Sun King".

Discord instead of harmony: at the University of Hohenheim is determined by the Rector, the fees of the student-euro hole in the budget to dumping. The Asta veräppelte him about as absolutist rulers and left millions of rain. This is the reality at German universities.


It should have stunk mightily at the court of self-Sun King Louis XIV - because the Highness of the 17th Century, with the personal care were not as accurate and instead of expensive scented water sprinkled, so that the stale air in the noble halls and walls remained somewhat bearable.

But money does not smell. And in the Rectorate of the University of Hohenheim may be due to the physical health of the managerial staff anyway no doubt. But it is believed the Asta develops University Rector Hans-Peter Liebig currently more and more towards an absolutist ruler of the French king's Digest, which is why their student representatives Rector summarily umtauften - in Hans-Peter, the Fourteenth.

Absolutism la Uni Hohenheim

Louis XIV had just over 350 years many, many francs from court for his money, which he previously had pressed the Huguenots. Thus, he held royal court, especially renovated and heated it around Paris several magnificent castles - during the Plebs in drafty huts darbte. In the role of the disenfranchised, the Asta now the students of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart than paying infantry without a hint of codetermination rights.

Fully referenced pride and university students in the past in unison on their good cooperation when it came, the revenue from tuition fees to be distributed. Never against the will of the student body, he wanted to determine what happens with their money, had promised Liebigstrasse Rector. Precise: About 10 percent of student representatives should be fully decide about 10 percent of the Rector - and over 80 percent both in the consensus.

Universität Hohenheim
Schloss Hohenheim University: perfect backdrop for a mask match

It was a voluntary commitment, a "gentleman's agreement", as it calls itself Liebigstrasse. But as the land of the university at the end of 2008 highlighted the Heizkostenzuschuss and other budget holes gapes, knew that the rector is no longer to help. The deficit amounted to 3.2 million. Half of them, the students up, ie 1.6 million euros. And if the tuition fees are already there - so why not heat the castle, the university has in parts?

This plan came into the eyes of a charging opponent taboo equal, because only for the teaching, so the mantra of the policy, the fees should be used. That does not happen, says the critic. Your constant warning: Is the money of the students only once in the coffers, it is only the beginning of the lesson. Sooner or later, but it disappeared in the budget of the universities. And everything remains as bad as it was - just a lot more expensive than before.

Participation? Only if you are my plans mittragt

To emphasize started Jan-Georg Plavec, Asta Vice-Chairman, on Tuesday a satirical protest action. He climbed in the Louis XIV-outfit including wig, baggy outfit and a Hans-Peter Liebig mask at an open window at the University of Hohenheim. Then he did what kings can only: With both hands, threw Plavec 1.2 million euros to the amazed audience down. Play money, but the message was crucial. "Hohenheim Liebigstrasse sees as his kingdom, which he with absolute power to govern believes", seconded Asta boss Stefan Haffke his colleagues in the royal robe.


Click on the countries to learn more about the decision situation there to know ...

The simmering dispute over tuition fees touches on fundamental issues - in this as in other universities: What can the money be spent of the students, what are not? Some of
new university buildings, for
Heating, for professors, even for refurbished
Toilets? Hohenheim students sheets for two years $ 500 per semester, plus 112 euros once semester and administrative charges. Have it as a legal cashier say, what with its five million per semester is happening?

Most university students have lines all if a little voice. But may decide the academic infantry at the end little or nothing. Hohenheim Rector contributed initially to cuddle course - until the dispute over the use of the fees came Euros. Decisions? Only if you my plan to rescue financial mittragt, it was then in January, when the students on their Heizpläne Rector echauffierten.

Last week Liebigstrasse then sent a letter to the student representatives and announced the deal on the consensual way have shown themselves to be "unsustainable" and will therefore be proved "by me not pursued." University spokesman Florian Klebs pushed after the problem was the "basic block" of the Asta. There were two camps of "pragmatic and principle-oriented students" - the latter would thwart the consensus.

Only "Thy will be done"
, Then embarrassing own goal

The Asta provides its position by a primary in late January strengthened. When the vote made by Asta, 92 percent of the information about 1100 students against the present plan of the rector Liebig, tuition fees in the budget of the university dumping. "Our money should not be a household plug holes," said Asta chairman Haffke then as now.

1.5 million euros, following a decision by the University Council in the three faculties of the university, a dwarf among the universities of Baden-Wuerttemberg, can be saved. After the word power of the rector, the rest is now probably come from fees.

University and students at the 6000-Uni-souls are otherwise very clever is nice to imagine actions. In the summer of 2008 took advantage of university students and even worked together on a small dispute over the
Renovation of the Edel-restaurants "Speisemeisterei" that the building housed the university is putting pressure on the government to exercise.

In December, the university presented itself as a charitable Christmas command and sent to the
Action "Thy will be done" girls in angel costumes on campus to promote the use of tuition proposals for the students to collect - even if only for a fraction of the total amount received. In January, the university student protests admit the bulk of the charges for heating verfeuern want to.

Fun is always - but especially, it shows an example where the journey to the campus in the toll fees countries, the universities financially if the shoe pinches. If the state does not strike at or in the crisis this and that, draw rectors and presidents but also in the alleged pot for Teaching - lip service on purpose or student involvement or not.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Uni-TV with great charisma.

In England Salford students make good television so that they einheimsen prices and local stations to national prestige breakthrough. On the license, the university became more random. But in the meantime, the success of accomplished amateur television professionals envious.


Ironically Salford. This city, which at first glance do not, but only a patchwork of endless, dreary row settlements, dilapidated working-class neighborhoods and industrial sites feral. A city of about 250,000 inhabitants, which is not even a city can afford - its center is located in nearby Manchester.

Edgar Klüsener
Constanze Köster: Exercise your film ran on British television

What not stop German students as Constanze Kösters merely contemplative Munster from here? At a university, the volatile look at little more than a half-life unaddressed in the shadow of neighboring universities swanky Manchester leads?

First glances can be deceiving due form. First, Salford currently powerful in coming: The Salford Quays, just opposite Manchester United Stadium and once an industrial port, have turned into a spectacular version of the London Docklands has changed, with shopping centers, theaters, galleries and museums.

On the other hand there is the International Media Institute at the University of Salford. For the past decade may have its own television production and also their own local channels present. Meanwhile, the small British university to the top address in the "TV and Radio Studies" developed. Constanze Kösters was one of the coveted places wet.

A TV frequency was broke - and to beat Salford

It is in the last year of her three-year bachelor's degree and has already produces radio reports, its TV report about a famous landscape painter was broadcast nationwide and in internship at the New York ARD-Studio, it has contributions mitproduziert, then on the German screen is flickering. And now she has the combination of studying with a professional environment lured Salford.


Photo: University of Salford
Video: University of Salford

"I only play music that I like"
Interview with radio presenter Clint Boon in the TV magazine "zeitgeist" of the students of the University of Salford

Zeitgeist: Illiminaughty Party

The dual training model is unique. Makes it possible to the transmitter channel M, the "M" stands for Greater Manchester. Channel M has long been no local stations, but cable and satellite throughout the islands to receive. From November 2009, the station also in the digital Freeview service represented, and thus finally to the national TV station.

For Salford Students Channel M is the unique opportunity to study under in the Ernst case conditions to work - and thus a tremendous challenge. Which they are grown, however, show, since several have increased in recent years of student-produced programs, regional and national television awards commenced.

Her television was the University of Salford in front of a good decade came more by chance. Since the British had technicians telecommunications authority discovered that in six unused frequencies up area was suitable for terrestrial television. The Salford University applied for the license for Manchester, won the award - and initially had a problem once in the neck.

Student successes make the professionals jealous

"Because although we had the license, but only limited production potential," recalls Paul Barron, former student, now responsible for the television studies at the university, the university needed partners. " The most important is the Guardian Media Group. For the Mother House of the liberal daily newspaper "The Guardian" is about the strategic importance. Because in addition to the core newspaper business, the publishing house that Portofolio determined by radio stations and digital offerings expanded.

Channel M is an editorial division emerged. While the commercial business in the hands of the Guardian Media Group is producing the students in Salford responsible broadcasting - a pillar of the program.

Above all, the culture magazine "Zeitgeist", the university established in the British television landscape established. For years heimsen students for awards. Much to the chagrin of the channel M-professional colleagues, moreover, which so far are expected to be empty. "Gradually it's been a bit strange," said Paul Barron. "While at Channel M would never openly admit someone that is a little bit of jealousy is in play, but I would still prefer it if the time gradually to acquire a price."

The big private broadcaster ITV wildert among students

The short film program "Reel North" had several times already as Praised and imitators in other TV stations such as ITV found. However, "our approach is not fully understood. Where are we with the selection of short films a great deal of trouble, and after strict quality criteria to proceed, ITV has just put everything into the program, which was brief and film," says Barron Earnings: catastrophic reviewers, declining ratings. Meanwhile, "Reel North 'again unrivaled.

The fact that the interaction between students and television professionals working as well, may also be because so many channel M-times Salford editors themselves were students. "Our graduates have excellent employment on the cards," said Paul Barron, and satisfaction in his voice is loud and clear. "They can be found at the BBC, ITV, in well-known international production companies and studios. In interviews, they often in preference to other equally qualified."

Another reason why the decision to move to Salford and gray for a BA in Television and Radio for Constanze Kösters was probably wise.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

⬠18 billion for education.

The Education Minister tie a billion package - but decided it is not. Only if the Prime Minister and Chancellor on 4 June to agree, the money is for new students and research freely. The finance ministers are trying to slow down.


In these difficult times, it is an effort to spend more money for universities and research institutes to obtain. But the Education Minister of the Federation and the Länder have agreed to additional investment in billion-study, research staff and laboratory results, despite record debt and falling tax revenues is no option - when Germany even after the crisis, his position on the world market wants.

Full auditorium (in Trier): More seats are sorely needed

But the finance ministers in federal and state are already reminding hands. The Higher Education Pact II to create more university places, as well as additional funding for research, despite widespread agreement among science minister is still not dry cloths.

For weeks phoning Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry of Education hectically together. A Letter from Werner Gatzer Financial Secretary to his counterpart in the education department, Cornelia Quennet-Thielen, electrified on Wednesday in Berlin is answerable to the Minister of Science. Given yet another short-term risks unabwägbarer warns Gatzer education urged politicians to promise the moderation of new billion dollar expenditure. The federal housekeepers may also link back to cover his colleagues relied countries.

More need to be a great throw

According to the Education Minister to be universities and research by 2015, with additional billions of aid fit for the future are: 6.4 billion euros to 275,000 additional student places allow 1.5 billion euros of additional federal research program in a package insert, 2, 7 billion euros to serve a new edition of the Excellence Initiative for Excellence and Eliteunis.

Another five billion Euros are for the Pact for research and innovation to the research organizations an equal financial resources to guarantee. The announced Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) and the Berlin senator education Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) on Wednesday after a special meeting of the Joint Science Conference (GWK) in Berlin. Overall, therefore, 18 billion euros until 2019, also in education and research flow.


Higher IIExzellenzinitiativePakt pact for research

By 2015 to more than 275,000 students
2005 created. The cost of around 6.4 billion euros
want the federal and state share. Compared with the 2007 closed
Higher Education Pact I that had been 91,000 extra places by beginners
2010 provided, the expenditure per student of 22,000 euros to
26,000 euro to be increased. In addition, a research -
Lump sum of around 1.5 billion euros. It aims at projects
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for a better
Equipment at the universities provide. The costs
The federal government alone. Source: Reuters

For the commitments still to 2011
Excellence initiative are ongoing 2.7 billion euros.
The federal government is again three-quarters of the costs, the countries of the rest The funds are again in competition. The first
Excellence initiative, which even from the previous red-green government
started, had a volume of 1.9 billion euros. The goal is
the establishment of an internationally recognized cutting-edge research to
German universities. Planned are three program pillars again with
different axes. In the third program line
concepts for the development of elite universities were awarded prizes. Source: Reuters

The before Bundestagswahl 2005 pact should be continued - also by 2015.
The federal government has proposed that the budgets of the major
Research organizations by at least five percent
increased - even to tariff increases and higher energy costs
offset. The basic funding of the five major
Research organizations - including the Max Planck Society and
DFG - 2008 amounted to around 5.7 billion euros. Source: Reuters


The education minister at the GWK in
tough negotiations every detail discussed. Compromises must ensure that the special situation of the new countries and also the city-states is taken into account. The Eastern countries take the view there already noticeable decline in birth a part of the training loads of the Western countries. A bonus is to compensate for this city states that they offer far more places than it is given the number of their country's children is deemed necessary.

Nothing is yet signed

The papers are signed. But the conflict between educational and financial side for the next few weeks programmed. It will be mainly on German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) arrive. You must be on 4 June in Berlin, the Prime Minister for the plan to win - and the redemption of the promises require that federal and state half a year ago on the
Education Summit in Dresden gave each other.

The German Rectors' Conference (HRK) has the seriousness of the situation recognized. Remarkable was that HRK President Margret Wintermantel on Wednesday in Berlin to the usual massive additional debt waiver - in the past, even to show good science minister often than not of this world "had. Strongly urged Wintermantel, now not at the expense of teaching and training even at the expense of research to save money.

Almost had closed the day before the principals at their annual meeting in Aachen promised future in the new federal authorization to participate. Future, none of the expensive places in the local numerus clausus subjects more remain unfilled simply because there is no functioning nationwide After consultation procedure.

In doing so, the universities with their own organized chaos approval in the NC subjects since 2004 contributed to the students again and again projected from the mountain baby boom cohorts graduates so far largely a mirage on the horizon remained. While leaving in the last year 19.4 per cent more young people with their school graduation or the certificate of upper secondary education than it did five years ago. Over the same period, however, the number of first by only 2.4 percent.

A fight camel named Tsunami.

Sushi-seller scene and people besiege Beyoglu district of Istanbul. Only two weeks away was Maximilian Popp, his street, he hardly recognizes again. So he flees to the Camel campaign in Ephesus and is experiencing an ancient sport - with a winner, of his name.


Monday, 5 January: Home Where are my boys?

Is that still my street? It looks similar to the old buildings, the potholes, the grocer at the intersection. But since when my neighbors sell sushi? And suits from Italy? I was in Germany, just two weeks, now I am back in Istanbul - and see the street where I live, hardly again.

In the house next door, which had stood empty, a Japanese restaurant has opened, and the locksmith to have a fashion shop ousted. So does that now for a year: Neighbors come and go. The first floor has an architecture firm replaces a Turkish couple, now in the second live a Paris designer instead of a Turkish family. Soon I am the longest serving tenant in the house.

There are, of course for the change is a buzz word:
Gentrification - the Yuppisierung a neighborhood. The Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg am complaining about the hamburgers in the hill districts, the New Yorker in the Meatpacking District. But the change that through Istanbul, gentrification is in motion.

Even three years ago, says Ubeyd, my roommate, it was possible, in the city for 50 euros a month for an apartment for rent. Today is lucky, who in Beyoglu for 300 euros a room there. Ubeyd together and I pay 700 euros for a three-room apartment - and only because our landlady, an elderly Turkish lady, no longer the rent has increased.

Beyoglu was until a few years, a slum. The houses stood empty, adolescents sold drugs, the mafia weapons. Only maniacs or dared criminals in the district on the Golden Horn. But when the Turkish economy began in 2002 to recover, were students and young families in the old flats. This was followed by artists, designers, musicians.

In Beyoglu headscarf girls kissing boys with rings in the nose and tattoos on his arm. In the women to dance clubs fast drum'n'bass rhythms - Lucky Strike in the mouth, gin and tonic in hand, for life in the eyes.

Kerim, who one month before a delicatessen shop in my street has opened up, says Istanbul currently experiencing a re-resurrection. "People look forward. It also has the financial crisis did not change." Alper was a manager for the Formula 1 race in Istanbul is responsible, now he sells Italian salami and French wine. "Never were the conditions for a cheaper shop," he says.

Sunday 18 January: "This duel do not forget!"

I'm with a friend drove to the south - to Ephesus. Greeks and Romans in Ephesus Theater and palaces built buildings the Austrians have two thousand years later excavated, and so today every year hundreds of thousands of tourists to the Aegean Sea.

Claudius I, however, are another reason here: Once a year occur in Ephesos camels to fight on - for the entertainment of the spectators, but the glory of their owners.

The history of the Camel campaign is older than the history of Turkey. It begins with duels between nomad caravans in the Ottoman Empire more than 300 years ago. The camel fight has survived the revolution, Ataturk, the modern age. There are still thousands of spectators to travel to tournaments in Izmir, Bursa and Ephesus. Several hundred camels fight in the Turkish Camel Wrestling League ", November to March they each Sunday in another city in the battle.

We meet Mehmet Uyar, 63, from camel keepers Pelitköy in Anatolia. For many years, he and his camel to the tsunami tournaments.

The festival noise increases to a roar as we are on the road to the arena building. Children are screaming, moaning camels, booms from the speakers of Turkish pop. Soldiers assist in unloading the camels. The women at the stands selling camel sausage, kebab, kebabs, tea.

"This duel, you will not forget!" Shouts the stadium speakers. Camels are not born fighters, they must fight to be misled. Therefore, the Advisor to the Bulls before a female. Tsunami runs saliva from the mouth. His opponent puts the head, then the camels successive release. It loses the camel, the first fall or flee.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All questions, answers all.

Hundreds of thousands of people have joined, now is the great blogs-knowledge test over - but as a student quiz Pisa lives on. ONLINE blogs shows what so many participants, the nut to crack: the questions and answers in politics, history and economy.


There are hard nuts here. Is "Al Qaeda" in German holy war, the base or the invincibility? Who wrote the guidelines - it is the Chancellor, the Bundestag, the Federal Constitutional Court? Were the United States became the first state is a democracy or rather France? What does "from controlled cultivation"? And what it might be well with the redshift at themselves?

The Blog

Together 45 issues
Policy and
Economy, culture and science: Several hundred thousand people wanted to know and have students join in Pisa, the knowledge test of the blogs from editors in cooperation with studVZ. They presented their general knowledge in five subject areas on the sample. Now scientists have blogs and editors to work, the results to sift through and evaluate.

In its original form is open to students of Pisa since Monday night by the network to a thorough analysis possible. But you can still continue to try - at Pisa student quiz with all the questions and answers. There are some differences:

When knowledge test, each participant received only 45 issues, from a pool of 180 questions were constantly reshuffled and also appeared in alternating order. For the quiz has blogs ONLINE all issues on the divided areas of knowledge - 36 questions for each area.
So far, the participants were under time pressure, for each question, there were 30 seconds of reflection, a break was not possible. Now it is even longer pondering.
At the conclusion of the campaign blogs in the coming weeks, the personal evaluations sent, when they accounted quiz. blogs and blogs online, but a detailed analysis published in the areas where many participants brilliant - and where it is weak on general knowledge.
At the quiz is now available to all four answers questions alternatives, often with additional information and links on the topic.

What is clear already: The clear top group, the participants demonstrated more than 80 percent of questions answered correctly. And all the tasks to be solved - this is only a handful of genuine knowledge test titans succeeded.

Here you will find all the first questions and answers in three areas of knowledge (culture and science will be added). Get a coffee, let the brain warm up, get involved:

Politics --
From the "German Autumn" to the "axis of evil"

Monday, April 20, 2009

All of the testers.

How is the dreaded aptitude tests? Günter Trost knows all the nasty traps. No wonder: In about 30 years ago, the psychologist many great tests for students and young professionals conceived. In this interview he talks about the merits and pitfalls.


Günter Trost was already a "test-Pope" because he in so many entrance exams in Germany contributed. With a doctorate in psychology deals since the seventies with aptitude testing. At that time he conducted research on behalf of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes for opportunities, the selection of fellows to improve. Later, he founded the ITB Consulting GmbH to customers whose numerous universities and corporations are in Germany. Lately, he is also back for the Academic Foundation worked: he developed the test, the students will each need to be applying for a scholarship.

blogs ONLINE: Mr. Trost, the
Students PISA test, the blogs, in cooperation with StudiVZ offers to have in a few weeks, several hundred thousand people participated. Surprised you the great interest?

Baccalaureate candidates: "Training improves the result is not significant"

Consolation: No, not at all. Interest in Self-Assessment - ie the fact itself to be measured - is especially for young people tremendous. They show a great willingness, their ability to examine and to show ...

blogs ONLINE: ... from which you have been more than a quarter century living. War readiness because even in the seventies as big as you started with your work and about the co-medical test, the qualifying examination for medical studies?

Consolation: Those were different times. There in the population far more reservations about testing in general - partly as a result of the'68 movement. Also in the testing policy was controversial. Many feared that a nationwide selection test was alone under secrecy aspects impracticable, so the test booklets were in secure vans, sometimes with a police, were sent.


The Blog

How fit are you in politics and economy, how well do you know in culture, history and science from? Join us - and test it on your blogs ONLINE General Knowledge! more ...

blogs ONLINE: Today we no longer hear much criticism, although some places or scholarships can only get, who is an aptitude test. Are the tests become better people or uncritical?

Consolation: The people have become more realistic and have realized that the tests on the fairness of the massive selection processes. They are the only instrument that is completely objective, and therefore a good corrective to some of school in which subjective factors are not preventable. As a school in the eighties were asked which tool they selected for the best hold, many have referred to the interview. Four years ago, colleagues have once again asked graduates. Now apply specialized Studierfähigkeitstests as the best choice, even before high school grade or a selection interview.

blogs ONLINE: Even if the current testing capabilities of a school can pinpoint what makes you so sure, success in studies to be able to predict?

ITB Consulting
Test Pope consolation: "Tests should never be the sole basis"

Solace: Even with the best practices, there is not one hundred percent accuracy. We do not aspire to the development of a people to 100 per cent forecast. But it has simply shown that certain tests for the study of important skills very precisely and therefore the prognosis of the academic success improve considerably.

blogs ONLINE: Can I have my test result improved by preparing me?

Trost: We should deal with the structure and the types of test familiar to no surprises to experience and thus no time to lose that one has to first make it clear what is in the individual test parts actually to be done. Beyond this "bombshell" evidence of no help. Unlike commercial test coaches believe can result due to his training did not significantly improve.

blogs ONLINE: How can it be that a short test provides better results than about one-Abi testimony, in which the observations of many teachers over several years reflected?

Consolation: school measure in the first place, as someone with the requirements of the previous section, education has to cope. That does not necessarily say something about how well the person with the specific requirements of a specific course in the future for them. Even the staff in a particular school subject is a relatively poor indicator of the success of study in the same compartment. In addition, school grades from different disciplines, schools and states only conditionally comparable. Despite these restrictions has, if the available indicators in isolation, the average grade in the school leaving certificate to have the highest predictive power with regard to the study success, but this is by the addition of proficiency tests increase considerably.

blogs ONLINE: If it tests good predictions, then they should not also be used in primary schools? Whether a child should go to the school or not, hitherto always provides for disputes between parents and teachers - and both are often wrong with their predictions.

Consolation: A test would certainly be helpful. One could examine cognitive abilities that are not so very different from the parental home are shaped. So far, the grammar school recommendations also probably heavily on communication behavior of a child determines the turn of parental influence depends. Even at this point tests can contribute to greater fairness.

blogs ONLINE: With your tests measure only certain mental abilities - but not what some social or emotional skills call. If there is not much more to it?

Consolation: Not much more, as well. Therefore, the tests will never be the sole basis, if an employer wants to recruit someone. The importance of this interdisciplinary, non-cognitive skills is now widely seen, and although more than there was 20 or 30 years.

blogs ONLINE: Such skills are considered strengths of women. Conversely, women have it harder in your tests?

Consolation: Indeed there are - even if not strong - differences in test performance between men and women. To cut women, for example, concentration and memory tasks somewhat better, however, men in quantitative tasks and the spatial imagination. If the gender-specific differences in the test for medical courses of the differences in the later grades of the two groups compared, we can see actually a slight disadvantage by the test finds - but of men.

The interview was conducted by Markus Verbeet

Start free: Click here for the knowledge test!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Facebook users have poorer grades.

Facebook makes stupid? Or shun Streber the portal? Who much time spent in social networks, brings worse performance in the study. This shows the study of a university in Ohio. Networkers seem more inclined to avoid work than abstainers.


Networking is considered Schlüsseldiziplin for professional success. Good grades also. Both together is evidently not. Whoever much time spent in social networks, has on average the poorer grades. To this result the researchers from Ohio State University in a new study.

Getty Images
Facebook in the eye and the mind: Prokrastination 2.0

For the study the researchers surveyed 219 college students, of whom 148 were registered with Facebook, one of the most popular networks on the Internet. In their study achievements were members of the online community, on average, half a step worse than grade students of the comparison group.

To reach the Facebook friends of 3.0 to 3.5 grade points, while their fellow students from 3.5 to 4.0 grade points achieved. The value 4.0 corresponds to the U.S. staff of a German "one." The lower the value, the worse the score.

The students see no connection

"There is a significant relationship between the use of Facebook and weak notes," says Aryn Karpinski, author of the study. Especially Undergraduates, so younger students, were among the members in Facebook. But even among students in higher semesters makes the noticeable effect: The networker among them also have the worst scores were Karpinski and her colleague Adam Duberstein from Ohio Dominican University issued.

The students themselves, however, saw no direct link between their leisure time and grades: Nearly four-fifths of the respondents deny that their grade point average slightly worse with the use of Facebook to do.

Karpinski told the magazine "Time", from the study can not be directly deduced that the only bad note which would be caused by Facebook. "Maybe Facebook users tend to simply
Prokrastination and can be easily distracted. "It is quite possible that other factors such as personality characteristics of both the academic achievements as well as the use of Facebook influence." If Facebook did not exist, these students would probably find other ways to avoid studying "said Karpinksi.

Facebook users: "How small children"

The Facebook members get on average only one to five hours per week, the researchers found out. Non-users, however, take every week from 11 to 15 hours to study for her to learn. Instead of a lecture to follow, would students with Facebook accounts the network via laptop use to send messages to friends and to keep contact.

MY DIGITAL suicide

Malte Florian Klein

Gruscheln, blaspheme, networks - for the lives of students are Facebook, Xing and StudiVZ. If you have no more friends when you leaving? Frauke Lüpke-Narberhaus wanted to know: She completed her digital life. More ...

The researchers were surprised by the results of their study, however, does not. Already in the past, research findings social communities like Facebook a bad certificate is issued.

For example, the Oxford neuroscientist Susan Green Field in February found that persons who have a lot of time in online networks spend, have problems over a longer period of time to concentrate. Facebook and Co were designed to offer its users constantly short of success experiences to offer. Users would be "like little children" a quick reward of their efforts expected.

Even in Germany, students often spend several hours daily on the Internet, as an examination of the university information system (HIS) and the Multimedia Kontor Hamburg.
Internet abstainers, there are few, most of the surf every day at three hours - and every hundredth is even ten hours per day online.

You control most students regularly Wikipedia, but when their time is by no means primarily the study. A large part goes to the maintenance of contacts in networks such as StudiVZ, Facebook, MySpace or Facebook drauf.

The Doctor Antin Aryn Karpinski has itself no Facebook account, and their university exams, it has with the U.S., there were 3.8 staff - so very good. My co-author Adam Duberstein is a member of the Facebook community, and has 25 Friends.

Friday, April 17, 2009

blogs conversation - live in the university.

blogs editors ask: What does Daniel Libeskind, the impact of financial crisis on the architecture? And what says Olli Dietrich about the pitfalls of the comedy-craft? In the summer semester began the series of blogs with debates at German universities continues.


For five semesters editors discussing blogs at numerous German universities with prominent guests. It began in the summer semester 2007: Harald Schmidt, for example, spoke about TV satire, bestselling author Daniel Kehlmann on movies, books, beautiful women. "

X-cell Records
Olli Dittrich Dittsche aka: How hard is the Light?

In the summer of 2008 were
Charlotte Roche, Frank-Walter Stein Meier,
Gregor Gysi and Maybrit Illner here. And in the last Winter were among the interlocutors, among others
Joschka Fischer and
Gesine Schwan.

Now we continue with the debate series. The first is soccer coach Christoph Daum with a home game in the Sports University in Cologne. The following dates of the summer semester is already established (even more are added):

Markus Feldkirchen with Christoph Daum

"I do not heule with the dogs."

On 23 May occur Gesine Schwan, 65, as the SPD candidate for election to the Federal President. In the interview, the professor speaks on tuition, the fear of losing - and about the "excellence Gedo", from which they can not leave lull.


Uniblogs: Ms. Swan, what could you as a student of President expect?

Norbert ENKER
Social swan (in blogs, discussion): "We do not need Best Selection"

Swan: I would make for much better education. I think education for the key resource in our society. If the state now in the financial crisis has so much money, then he should do things for the long term anyway needed and from which future generations will benefit. And what would be more than in education to invest?

Uniblogs: The students would have been happy if you opt for the abolition of tuition fees were initiated.

Swan: I am against
Tuition fees. The open access to universities is required. For the Viadrina, the European University in Frankfurt an der Oder, which I until last fall had led, fees would have been a death sentence. Our students from Central and Eastern Europe did not have the prices they can afford.

Uniblogs you have Romance, Philosophy and Politics student. Subjects, not just for a Jobgarantie stand. What should young people study, based on the global labor market have?

Swan: It is entirely unclear how the labor markets evolve, the skills are in demand tomorrow. Therefore, students today learn primarily to take responsibility, even politically. Education, we need above all to strengthen the personality, to train the ability. And of course, to learn how to learn. Moreover, I believe that the diversity of talent is our treasure, not leveling. The Scandinavians are so successful because they are individuals with their different abilities to take seriously and encourage.

UNIblogs 1 / 2009

Play me the song of death
A music scholar doctorate on Death Metal


Uniblogs: But the system evolves in a completely different direction. Studying is value-oriented and as quickly as possible.

Swan: I was never a fan of
Bachelor and Master. The shorter periods of study Thoughtful prevent everything. Thinking takes time and a certain calm. The students will not even more time for a semester abroad. This demon is unbearable.

Uniblogs: When you do Viadrina President were missing your students as well as time to think?

Swan: We are all stuck in this Hamsterrad. But I have at the Viadrina in addition to research and teaching many other activities promoted to the personality formation. With more than 5500 students, there are now some 40 university groups, in which chess players, musicians and athletes have found. These students have learned how to take initiative, how to organize how you together. That is something coming in the German education system today, quite short.

Uniblogs: The German education system is continually reformed. What are we doing wrong?


REUTERS / Humboldt University / Free University Berlin / Julia Scheel

Germany's university buildings bear fiese often abbreviations like SBS95E or HS201 - ie students miss their homes higher nickname. Times beautiful, sometimes bizarre: Try the blogs ONLINE Quiz, whether Germany's campus master gibberish. More ...

Swan: It is not enough, a few
ramshackle buildings to renovate, what we need, above all, good staff. Only then can we assure the quality of education and ensure that they reach more people. And we should stop just in the categories of competition and competitive thinking. We do not need best selection, the 90 percent of graduates abstempelt losers. This makes fear. And who has fear, learns nothing. I know some private schools, a very different understanding of education. The students learn only in projects. The young people are as liberal crucial subjects of their own education seriously.

Uniblogs: Maybe you should prefer to apply as Education Minister.

Swan: I do not think that I, as Minister of Education so awful lot could change. Since you can trigger programs are good ideas and support with money, but to me it would be important to the political culture in the country to change. I want a new awareness of policy.

Uniblogs: That sounds like speech Sunday.

Swan: As President, I could give a very good stimulus, even for a better education policy. I am getting from this
Excellence is not Gedo lull. I am not among those with the dogs howl. I know that I do so often unpopular, but in the current crisis we have, because we had many intellectual followers. This must not continue.

Last chance for know-.

Flying blind through Africa, enigmatic captains of industry, to this complicated paintings - with the knowledge test, the blogs the Germans to the test. Initial analysis shows what most fail. You know's better? Until Monday is everyone.


Lack of courage the participants in any case not. Since the blogs together with studiVZ his "student Pisa" good five weeks before published, the interest is enormous. Several hundred thousand people already dared the knowledge test and introduced themselves to the 45 questions.

Start free: Click here for the knowledge test!

The Blog
By clicking the picture it goes to more information and to test ...

The official results will only be available in a few weeks, but early analysis reveal: Not even one zehntausendste participants over all tasks. And if four fifths of the questions answered correctly, clearly belongs to the top group.

Where there is general knowledge, particularly on the problem, the detailed reports show. Already, to some tasks that are particularly tricky: What has Angela Merkel as chancellor to say? How hot again like the heads of Germany's biggest companies? Where exactly is the state in Africa, and it is this painting by Rubens, Rembrandt, or maybe by Michelangelo?

Until Monday at midnight runs to the knowledge test, as long as anyone can participate, the 45 tricky questions are not afraid. They come from five areas of knowledge: history, politics, economy, science and culture.

On most issues, the participants - such as
Günther Jauch Wer wird Millionär? " - One of four given answers to choose. When the hit rate is so much opportunity 25 percent, but in some particularly difficult issues, the rate of correct answers significantly lower.

You know it better? So you can still join until Monday:

Under time pressure, we confront you with 45 knowledge questions.
Following we will ask you for statistical purposes, to provide some information about yourself.
After completion of the action, we will send you on request a free personal evaluation (expected in May 2009).

It takes about a quarter of an hour, the knowledge to answer questions. An interruption is not possible. For questions, e-mail hotline: Answers to frequently asked questions are also found in the

Start free: Click here for the knowledge test!



It is an action of the blogs editors in cooperation with studiVZ Limited (,,

The questions


The tasks, experts from the editorial department and the documentation of blogs developed. For several hundred proposals, they chose the most exciting questions, and presented with scientific advice, the questionnaires together. From a large number of tasks each participant will be exactly 45 questions.

The analysis

Unlike the official school of Pisa, a participant may learn how he has cut off. The blogs offer a free individual feedback to. Each participant may, after completion of the action will receive a detailed evaluation to assess its performance. The feedback will be emailed after completion of the Action shipped, probably in May 2009.

The counselor

Hamburg Media School

Serves as a scientific adviser Prof. Dr. Sabine Trepte. She is at the Hamburg Media School and the University of Hamburg. The psychologist employed in their research, inter alia, with "opinion leaders and information elites." Trepte has blogs editorial in the conception of the knowledge tests advise. In a pre-with more than 6000 participants, it has the questionnaires, particularly the quality and comparability of the questions reviewed.

As students help save piece of history.

When in March the Cologne Stadtarchiv collapsed, sank tons of valuable documents in the rubble. Since then, many try volunteers, documents to salvage, dry and sort. Some of the students and doctoral students also struggle to fulfill their requirement.


Every morning and afternoon shift on the shuttle bus which brings volunteers to a primary care center on the southeastern outskirts of Cologne. They shovel it through the moist, sandy remnants of the Historical Archives of the City of Cologne and search for files and valuable documents in the accident in early March in a large crater disappeared.

The underground railway in Cologne had a disaster, the building of the archive, and two adjacent houses were completely destroyed. The volunteers include Bonner PhD student Geiecke Carola, 28

How many of them are volunteers in the hall ready or aspiring art historian. Besides the fact, it is good but for Carola Geiecke personally about much: your thesis is titled "Two groups of late medieval sculpture in Cologne Cathedral. With all the old bricks are in the Cologne disaster, documents disappeared in the depths, they work for their thesis needs. "This is an additional motivation, if one's own body is, how it is when important materials simply are not there anymore."

Working with protective clothing and breathing mask

Already for weeks, the volunteers early in the morning and drive by bus to the hall in Cologne-Porz addition to hand a piece of European history to save. Geiecke advertises also their fellow students for the unusual use of the study, so the number of helping hands continue to grow. From the University of Bonn were already around 150 volunteers in action.

"Of course, time goes on it," says Geiecke, but the sense was used. "We provide for future research is an important contribution and wish that the archive again as quickly as possible for researchers and students is available."

Geieckes girlfriend Julia Klemeit lies completely in a white protective suit and packed in special document prepared from acid-free cartons of paperboard. The PhD student wearing a breathing mask because the air in the hall is stifling heat and dust. More and more documents, the volunteers from the muck fish are mold infested.

Before packing, the papers in four hot-air drying chambers. Accordingly, it is warm in the hall, in their protective suits, the helper sweat. "This is really stressful, because we always return to the wagon with the archival herumschieben and boxes stacked," said Julia Klemeit.

After all, the two remain at the packing station, the psychological burden of the viewfinder saves, which is one floor down from the freshly delivered rubble work. "Here, at the end of the processing chain, we will no longer be confronted with personal belongings," says Klemeit. Two young men who were in an adjacent house the archive had lived, died in the disaster. Some volunteers moved here in Cologne-Porz have their private things, such as photo albums, from the damp sand.

Helpers from the University are urgently needed

2000 volunteers have been reported - but the archivists could Cologne
still use more help. The salvage work will be screening and even months. From the art historical discipline, as the two female students, the intervener should not be, says Max Plassmann archivist. "You have a certain enthusiasm to bring certain knowledge they need not."

What the volunteers have to know you can spot them quickly teach. First, the material as quickly as possible, roughly cleaned, dried and packaged. Only in half a year Plassmann and his colleagues can begin, the records and archival documents to re-arrange and restore.



The beginnings of the Archives of the early 12th Century. The town had important documents still room 1322 in a crate in the house of a patrician, but grew at the same time as development of Cologne free imperial city rapidly. When the Council 1406 to build the Town Hall tower decided that belonged to the building include an archive vault. It was the first, still preserved archive inventory created. The Second World War had outsourced archives survived without any losses. On the other hand, were still in the municipal offices store records from the time of the Weimar Republic since 1927 and about the Nazi era during the war had been largely destroyed. The house contains many treasures of the cultural, religious and administrative history. The inventory includes instruments rulers and numerous valuable manuscripts. Cologne is, according to historians, one of the most important archives of the German Hanseatic League, since 1593-94 with a decision by the Hanseatic day the doc!
uments and files of the largest office, in Antwerp, was in the safe walls of Cologne have been brought. dpa


The archive includes documents from over a thousand years of Cologne, Rhenish Prussia, and history. With the appointment of Leonard Ennens first city archivist in Cologne 1857 was the expansion of the archive much on track. More than 65,000 documents from the region of Cologne from the year 922, 104,000 maps, 50,000 posters and approximately half a million photos. In addition, there are 780 estates and collections, including Nobel Prize winner Heinrich Böll stored worden.dpa

Earning money is not the helper, but who arrive from far away, which pays the city of Cologne accommodation and meals. Among the approximately 40 workers are on this day students from Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. Most come from the Unistädten but Cologne and Bonn.

Katharina Corsepius ensures that this power does not abreißt. The lecturer in art history at the University of Bonn estimated that only ten percent of the spilled and soaked some files could be saved. "It's really nice that the recruitment of new volunteers so far so good after the snowball system works," says Corsepius. They will also continue to intervene from the University of drumming.

Right next Corsepius a lorry is being loaded. He brings the rescued historical documents this week in the shelves of free storage rooms at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. In about a week to control the truck with the artefacts then the Staatsarchiv Munster. Done are the saviors of the historical archive is not.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Education from the temple picture.

They are ancient, often overgrown by ivy and Trutzburgen of Education: The eight elite universities in the Ivy League have a reputation as Donnerhall. And incidentally, they also send out - a tour of the Nobel universities in the Northeast of America.


They are the best of the best: To see the universities in the U.S. east coast, in America as the Ivy League together, like himself in rankings despite cut
current financial problems as always outstanding. But not only students and professors, the "Ivies" much to offer - even tourists come for a visit at their expense.

Brown at Rhode Iceland, Cornell in Ithaca, New York, Princeton, New Jersey, Dartmouth at Hanover in New Hampshire and Yale in New Haven, Connecticut - they all lie in an idyllic location on the water. Very urban, however, is to be at Columbia University in New York, Boston and at Harvard in the "Penn" in Philadelphia: You lie in the middle of the hustle and bustle of millions of cities.

The name Ivy League, however, is based on a widespread mistake. Because he actually means is not the universities themselves, but their football team. Inventor of the collective concept of tradition is under Stanley Woodward, a sports reporter for the New York Herald Tribune. "

He wrote in 1933 of the "ivy colleges", the "Ivy schools." This name is simply the fact that numerous buildings of the eight universities, mostly before the U.S. Civil War (1861 to 1865) were founded, thick with trees are ivy.

Learning in the cathedral of knowledge

One of the most well-known Ivy League universities, Yale is - and one of the most striking buildings on the campus there is a cathedral, in which students constantly going in and out. But so pious, as it seems, are the "Yali" not. Because the neo-Gothic building with the tower is not a house of God, but the library.

Elitist: Eight U.S. Spitzenunis are located in the northeast

Originally with the building architect Bertram Goodhue instructed to erect a huge building, which Staatskapitol of Nebraska in Lincoln resembled. But Goodhue was dismissed - and the new architect James Gamble Rogers floated something quite otherwise.

Rogers had the dream, even a church building. So he planned frescoes, high ceilings and seven floors of which 16 were half. Moreover, he gave some 3300 hand-made windows in order - of the characters from literature and history to small insects show everything, what the students in their work address.

Officially called the building "Sterling Memorial Library. Indeed, the Yale graduate John William Sterling, a lawyer in New York law firm, donated approximately 29 million U.S. dollars to the library to build. But like almost all the major buildings on campus has the library received a nickname: "The cathedral of knowledge" to tell the students, told the "Yali" Richard Tao, 21

The Americans with Chinese roots, has a scholarship for his studies - and there would have been due to his achievements even for a university to decide. "But I wanted to this university, because it such a good reputation. And to the East Coast," he says.

Yale goes back to around 500 Puritans, originally further north in present-day Massachusetts and settled in April 1638 to South aufmachten. Under the leadership of Reverend John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton businessman presented with their sailboat at the harbor of a small Nests, which was then Quinnipiac - as the Indian tribe, the land of his own called.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Schummelnde parents must go to prison.

About ten million students try on the central tests of Chinese universities - and parents often do them with great effort durchschleusen technology. This can be bad end for fraud attempts threatens prison: in China, the examination papers as a "state secret".


Always in June anxious than ten million students in China and their families with them for two days, which is probably the future brings: Then is "Gaokao" time, a moment of decision for the 18-year-olds across the country. With the nationwide university entrance exam, a kind of Chinese Central Baccalaureate seen whether the young people there to create a university or fail - and so are their families and make a lot of grief.

Because eight Chinese parents to their children last year at Cheating help wanted, they must now for six to 36 months in prison, reports Legal Daily, a newspaper controlled by the Chinese Ministry of Justice. The plan to their children the correct answers during the test from outside vorzusagen, the parents had taken as early as 2007, writes the newspaper in the state-owned. When it was signed, that "the achievements of their children were not ideal," the parents had decided that the scores of children with unfair means on the jumps to help.

China's central Abi: In safes stored, guarded with weapons

Fraud attempts in the nationwide university entrance examination has happened so often that the Chinese authorities try to prevent the strictest laws. To store the exam questions until the exam in early June in sealed heavy safes, the armed guards be protected. The contents of the sealed envelopes in China is officially a state secret, and for this test in the summer season was the status of "secret" even "top secret" increases, reports the British newspaper "The Guardian".

The result was the ruling in the proceedings against the schummelnden parents, they had the "illegal procurement of state secrets" guilty.

"Legal Daily" describes fraud attempts of parents in the affluent Zhejiang province in eastern China as meticulously prepared: One group had bribed a teacher, the parents of the exam questions faxed and students paid for the exam questions to be resolved. Their children had the Schummel parents with small, wireless earphones equipped with mobile technology and the answers in the examination room gefunkt. They were in the open because the police "unusual radio signals near the school have registered, reported the newspaper.

Another father had a student with a complex mini-scanner read the questions and using wireless technology to send out, reports the Guardian. " It will also provide nine teachers have paid, the test quickly for him to solve. The correct answer, therefore, he sent back to the students, who had scanned the Blatter, and his own son.

Not for the whole mobile network off

To the high-tech fraud in the future to prevent, thinks the Beijing authorities for radio authorizations already drastic counter-measures for: The devices, which the fraudsters used were very small, the wireless earphones would have approximately the size of soybeans, said Zhu Li, a director the authority of the news agency Xinhua. If such fraud attempts on hand, you think about it, including "the entire network of the city to interfere." That would be in the test time, unfortunately, on the regular user wireless services impact, said Zhu.

Very unlikely to be such a radical measure is not: It is often in the days of nation-wide examination of the road around the schools where the examinations will be held completely stopped or diverted in order to avoid sleep disturbance and to ensure that the candidates appear.

The test consists of a short essay, science and English gap tasks texts. The result of the "Gaokao" determines whether and if so on what university to create the children. One result, which in China is to decide who ascends the social and who is not, because only a few of the total of some 1600 state universities achieve international standard.

At the prestigious universities in Beijing or at the Fudan University in Shanghai to create it just the students with the best score among the ten million users - that is every year about 0.3 percent.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lost in the crowd.

Pointless forms, absent teachers, complicated Prüfungsordnungen: Felix Ehring has participated in a North German Massenuni studied - and for years suffered from the chaotic administration. The only people who really helped him, were the secretaries. A billing.


It is the end of my studies, but solemn, the mood is not. I am in an office-interior of the seventies. One sees such furniture back more often on television, such as reports on the Schleyer kidnapping. Just as it looks at this university. The instrument for my graduation I get in duplicate over. A mistake, I know: "Your instrument is only printed incorrectly. The correct version has now been sent twice." Clearly, a mistake. Had I thought.

Campus (in Hamburg): The Massenuni defy the odds

Around five years, my studies at a North German "mass university" to complete. Mass instead of class. At that time, when the Millennium was young, I had me with a legal dodge a study ergaunert. Here I wanted to study, but the university took me around the 0.2 to Abinotenwert bad. So I worried when Asta a contradiction form and entered a second time to the gate formation.


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My motivation was not the excellent reputation of this university. Words like "excellence" were not even up in the vocabulary of the German educational policy vorgedrungen, Bologna was any city in Italy. My reason was another: Like so many I did not want to in the province and with the opposition won a first victory in the bureaucratic Mehrkampf. Coming adversity Massenuni should I just brave. The price I was willing to pay. And I paid him in installments.

Waiting is the maxim

The biggest hurdle of a university is its bureaucratic apparatus. Eventually it falls on the nose, this much is certain. Of the seven fellow students, I mentioned in the orientation unit met, I will soon no longer seen on the campus. There are hardly any studies have canceled because they were too difficult tray. Certainly, some just enough of the eternal chaos, which is as fast as normally found. In the mass we lost from sight. Where are you, early companions?


Felix Ehring, 27, has history, politics and folklore studies. The university Tristesse, he survived and is currently volunteer at the development journal "world views".

I also made myself scarce. Borrow books, essays to write - a gift that was almost incidentally, between two barbecues in the park and two long-haul. But who counts the hours, which I on the floor of the Student spent, when I wanted to change my minor? Equally memorable are the office hours for teachers. Far too often I stood for hours before a closed office.

At the office, the faculty can be distinguished: The matter is simply not there. Care divide by a slip of paper with that Sprechstunde unfortunately must fail, because of illness, because of a mission, board meeting, minor test. Who needs reasons when he is a professor?

If the teacher's obligation to comply but, I waited in the hope of a brief audience. I sat in the dark for so long corridors on dirty floors around that I got scared, the asbestos could be slow in my back part diffuse. In those hours, I reminded me of the greeting words of the dean, the university must provide more than the bare knowledge of their disciplines. That did it: You taught me to be patient, frugal, equanimity.

In the course of cancer through the institutions

After all, there are secretaries who really touching care. Without them, I know as an ex-student of a Massenuni, nothing would work. Lecturers would verwohnten offices folders and literature buried and forgotten. Students would lose because they do not understand the content of the examination.


REUTERS / Humboldt University / Free University Berlin / Julia Scheel

Germany's university buildings bear fiese often abbreviations like SBS95E or HS201 - ie students miss their homes higher nickname. Times beautiful, sometimes bizarre: Try the blogs ONLINE Quiz, whether Germany's campus master gibberish. More ...

But if even a clueless secretary, then it will be uncomfortable. I got the feeling when I registered for my final exam. But I did a marathon - with signatures of six investigators and two written commitments for evaluating my thesis. All this had added to the individual departments will be stamped. Why? So. To a document includes also a stamp.

They gave me all the notes that the language of proof, even my graduation certificate. Of course I would have to study without Abizeugnis can not start, would be proven without foreign language skills for graduate has been admitted. Presentation, signing, stamping - that will take. And my march through the institutions I made in July and August. Worse mistake: No holds then lecturer at the university. In September, but maybe not. Only in October found slowly again.

Honestly say, it was not all bad. Of course, there are lecturers who are also caring for their students and not just the next release. There are professional administrators and librarians. And since I had the privilege of free education had I practiced many times in humility.

Professor to travel, exam perdu

Has someone calculated that economic harm would be caused that senseless forms, stamps, signatures, the study time in the length of pull? With all the legitimate criticism of
Bachelor and master: the new degrees, the structure of the course and thus the study period only improve. Fixed deadlines for correcting exams and homework are a blessing!


Etiquette Quiz: Are you a campus flail? (26.10.2006)

Marode universities: At the heart rots (14.07.2008)

University of Bologna: "Bachelor students are ticking differently" (01.04.2009)

Study: rough road from the award-Chaos (25.02.2009)

Uni-bills: Caught in the Diploma (16.01.2009)

Mold Alert: As a department slowly rots (12.03.2008)

Studies in Absurdistan: The animal in us (07.02.2007)

Uni Bolognese: The Bachelor-ABC against Campus Chaos (29.04.2008)

Studies in Absurdistan: STINE - a telenovela (10.01.2007)

E-mail from Absurdistan: Scenes of a failed exam registration (20.07.2005)

Campus Dictionary: This small Uni-ABC

Gifted children: small volume Einstein (06.04.2009)

blogs Action: How are you? (08.04.2009)

Pisa at universities: "What matters is what arrives when students" (07.04.2009)

Student Pisa: Get the know-Test (02.04.2009)

Yet the universities accommodate more inmates, which the security of their position are all too aware. Their behavior is paying students under increased pressure to perform is not reasonably. And, of course, to show good will apparently lone clerk. Lecturers hardly communicate with the management, they see as a necessary evil. The consequences of swim students.

After the final exam had written to me as quickly as possible the testimony will be issued. It took two months - the exam as its advice had vanished. Mysterious. It was the fault of the House post office, several controlled all the shelves and mailboxes, secretaries had cabinets and desks away. Then came the professor responsible for a longer trip back. One day later the documents suddenly appeared again.

In the weeks before the secretary comforted me moving: It was not so bad if the exam has disappeared. Because they copy all the exams before they fix it for the teachers to continue forward. It had proved itself.

Tel Aviv, white and wild.

Once the city was only a request from desert sand, today it is excessive for its nightlife. Between joy and terror fear, freedom of movement and Orthodoxy celebrate young Tel Aviv, as if there were no tomorrow. Sarah Schelp reports how students there cope.


Tel Aviv, which means "Spring Hill" - a rather romantic name for this couple of sand dunes on the Mediterranean Sea. Because there was not more, in 1909, Zionist immigrants as a piece of uncultivated land bought by the Turks, a few kilometers north of the Arabian port city of Jaffa. Not more than a dream: the first new, purely Jewish city in Palestine to establish. Full of idealism beat the Pioneers to their tents and set to work.

Nearly a century later, the desert to the world city. Instead of poles futuristic skyscrapers jut into the sky. Only the beautiful beach town still remembers the early days in the desert sand. Nearly 350,000 people now live in Tel Aviv, scurry about the places and markets in the cafes and on the beach promenade. Young women in Hotpants to stöckeln with Orthodox temple curls past, gay couples holding hands, Ethiopian Jews mingle with Yemeni, Iraqi and European to a colorful Balagan (Hebrew for chaos).

Tel Aviv - the melting pot, the cornucopia, the Sin City of the Promised Land.

Even if you do not learn Hebrew, you can understand this, almost everyone speaks English - ideal for a semester abroad also. Were it not for the love of money: According to a study by consulting firm Mercer Human Resource Consulting from 2008 Tel Aviv is the costliest city in the Middle East. Worldwide it ranks at the 14th Place of the most expensive cities, far ahead of Munich and Hamburg, Dubai and New York.

Huts & Palaces: cheap, there's hardly

This is particularly evident in the housing market. Tiny fraction Buden spots with mold infestation and cockroaches are known as "romantic studio, ideal for students' presents - to" knock-down prices "from 500 to 900 euros. With some persistence, you can still find a home. Rent-A modest room in the city cost from 400 euros per month upwards, a small Studio to get the best of luck with starting from 500 euros per month. Offers for the interim rent can be more favorable.

Are affordable at around 350 euros a month, with the room in a student dormitory at the University of Tel Aviv, in the north outside the city. By bus or train takes you from there, but about half an hour to the city center. For apartment seekers with knowledge of Hebrew is the
"Homeless" Web site to recommend.

Another hurdle: Sometimes you need for the rental of housing an Israeli guarantors. Or must the rent for six months to one year in advance to check on the table entry, the landlord replaces it monthly. In addition, about 30 euros "city taxes" per month, as well as electricity, telephone and Internet bill. Who has a laptop: Most cafes in Tel Aviv offer free Wi-Fi to.

Haggling in the market

Relatively cheap, the Hebrew Language: The "ulpan" will take place for students at the university, for all other currently in the single state-funded school Tel Aviv (ulpan Gordon, Lasalle Street 7). It cost intensive (six hours, five days per week, five months) to 700 euros, 250 euros for there for the same period twice a week three hours teaching.

Nine hours a day, the sun shines, on average, Tel Aviv, most of the year can get to the university quickly jump into the sea. It compensates a little for the cost of living, on average are higher than in Germany. Real bargains can do, who with a few chunks of market-Hebrew (see Phrasebooks) to the Caramel market knallhart haggles.

In the supermarket of the liter of milk costs around 1.50 euros, with a bag of pita bread, two to three euro, 500 grams Hummus to 3.50 Euro. Cheese, meat and sausage are expensive fish on the market is most effective - and freshly caught by fishermen from Jaffa. The small port city is today one of Tel Aviv.

Seafood such as shrimp are not kosher. Nevertheless, there is at the Caramel market, relatively cheap to buy - and even frowned upon by religious pork. Because Tel Aviv is the stronghold of the secular Jewish state in Israel. Here everything is not so closely seen life and let live.